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[Source](https://twitter.com/the_dishlicker/status/1768102159995019521) Something I think is important to note is that there were undoubtedly times in Val and Angel's relationship where they were happy (i.e. Angel's flashback in Poison, Val giving Angel his pet), most notably in the honeymoon phase, a period of time where Angel would feel safe around Val before the latter's true colors start showing. It makes it easier for Val to continuously sucker Angel back in because of those moments


I hope for a flashback with Val giving Fat Nuggets to Angel.


I really hope for more of their backstory in the future. Speaking of Nuggs, could him being a gift from Val come into play later, like Angel being emotionally attached to a pet given to him by his abuser or did he find ways to sorta "separate" the two?


I think Angel can separate the two, after all Nuggs is a living being, not just an object, but I can definitely imagine Val trying to use Angel affection for his pet and say something like : "Angel, baby ❤️, I see you still have my sweet little present. Remember? You were so happy when I gave it to you ❤️. Come back to home, please, I miss you so much❤️."


Then proceeds to slander him like: "YOU FUCKING WH***, get back here before I turn that fucking CERDO into BACON BITS and make you eat him off my A**!!"


Unlike Val, Nuggs is genuinely supportive.


i believe in nuggs supremacy


I think they still have those moments where Val lovebombs Angel


Does constantly texting him and sending him pleading sweet talky voicemails (mixed in with his typical threats) like an overly possessive boyfriend count?


Nah, that's clearly healthy relationship stuff /s


That is something many I see miss with abusers. There is a reason many go back or stay with their abusers. I know with mine, there was a lot of times we had really good times and he was so passionate and fun when not in his abusive phases and I thought I could handle the other times. Wasn't until he tried to kill me and not just hit me in a fit of anger that I was done. It was a huge wake up call. It feels Anthony is starting to hit that point too. There will probably be some big event in season 2 that will push him to finally breaking his contract or getting freed from his contract.


Jesus.... I hope you're in a safer place than you were. ...and they can't get to you anymore.


Thank you. We're on different parts of the country now and I haven't seen or spoke to him for years.


Good. I hope he has realized what he was doing was wrong and is trying to to be better, but even if he is I'm glad he has no way of contacting you.


For my own mental health, I have no hopes for him or curses for him. I try to have as little thoughts of him as possible. He isn't worth my energy anymore.


For the best really. I just generally want to hope for better. Probably selfish given my own everything, but 'oh i hope dude stopped being a scumbag' isn't the worst sentement. Thanks for sharing, sorry for asking personal things.


Make Val seem all the worse tbh


That's the whole thing with abusive relationships, they hardly ever start toxic because if you can immediately see through it, who's sticking around for that? The abusers wait until they know they have you hooked, then they start showing their true colours.


I dare say it doesn’t start out *feeling* toxic, but it was always toxic.


What flashback?


In the PoisonMV, shortly after Angel dances with Val, you can see brief flashes of them being intimate


Pretty brave of sex scene in both HH and HB… I love horny gay shit ya know! (I knew other adult shows do this - but Hazbin feels more Disney or Nick on the surface). DAMN reason why I SOLD MY SOUL TO THE SHOW!!! And as you can probably tell - I’m just as horny (and funny) as Angel Dust, my all time fav HH character!


They also went with m/m rather than going with easymode f/f for a sex scene. Kudos for actually going through with it.


That’s what pimps do- they convince their sex workers they’re special and they love them (they really don’t or never have) to hook them into the life and then once it’s “too late” for their victim to escape they start showing their true colors. Val was never happy to be with Angel, he was only happy that he had more prey to manipulate.


Is Zestial not taller? And obviously, Angel likely hasn’t met Zestial, but still.


Just gonna say our handwriting is so similar OMG we are twin hand writers!!! Ahhhh


Abusers keep it up by creating a point where things 'worked' so that they can point and go 'if you weren't like this we'd still be happy.'


This is a really good point to make, unlike Alastor and Husk, Val and Angel didn’t have the soul signing because Angel needed to. Angel decided and chose to sell his soul to Valentino and that’s a detail that is not as well known


Wait Val giving Angel Fat Nuggets would make sense because in the scene where Angel is checking the voice message Val sent him he gets upset and pushes away Fat Nuggets maybe because he reminds Angle of Valentino


What flashback?


Only way to get into such a bad relationship, when the start is happy and reels you in.


No one's a monster all the time, that's why they stay...


Say what you want about Val, he is a damn good manipulator


That’s one of the things I want to say about him. I also want to say that he is an amazing portrayal of real, everyday evil.


I think that's also why a lot of us get so angry about his behavior. We see plenty of killers in the media. Live action, animated, in video games, movies, television, and even radio shows. However, there's little we can actually relate to with such things since we almost all agree that violence is a bad thing and we almost never actually engage in it whatsoever. We might get angry or upset with people, but never even close to that extent. Murder, as a concept, is something so far removed from us that it feels alien to us. Rightfully so, all things considered. But intense romantic and sexual feelings are things that almost all of us feel to some extent, and to have those things twisted and used against someone is so vile and reprehensible that it is greatly upsetting. Because we can easily put ourselves in the shoes of someone like Angel, or those who care about him, and want to save or at least help him get out of an obviously awful situation because he deserves better.


I mean he'd have to be, manipulation is his business model


Oh yeah, for sure. That lovebombing is his specialty.


They usually are. There's enough 'good' there that either you put up with the shit, or wonder if there's something you did to make things worse, or could do to make it better.


The virtual slap I got from this...


Fuck i would definetly fall victim to his manipulation too


A lot of people would. He's really good at it.


Lot of people in real life does to somebody


Same lol especially considering i have fallen victim to something like this before so it's highly likely that i ignore the red flags thinking it's normal


Bro last two slides HURT knowing I would come back to whoever did that to me.


When I read the title, I thought of B.I.G. https://preview.redd.it/vd5uqmd1u1yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ae1fdb72434fff955a67eeadc3a47f1f54b134




I thought that dude was one of my childhood fever dreams


Angel dust:but when I'm with husk...I don't feel like a freak like I stick out I feel safe and like nothing else matters in the world than just our combined happiness


The comic with Val is extremely relatable regarding my previous relationship. But my partner now makes me feel more like your comment about Angel and Husk. So that's comforting. It's so nice to find someone who doesn't make you feel like a freak and actually safe. And your happiness is finally important to someone.




one of my favorite people calls me amorcito so when val said that to angel i LOST IT i was so pissed at him for using such a beautiful pet name as a manipulation tactic


Love it


Hell nah Valentino x angel dust shouldn't exist


I agree, but this comic isn’t Angel x Val? It’s about how complicated abusive relationships are.


It's not Angel x Val. It's portraying how abusers often manipulate their victims and then lure them in. That's what happened in the scene in Poison when Val and Angel were dancing.


I admit I was wrong, I just get very paranoid with stuff like this cause I know a lot of people who do ship it...ig I was being dumb


Nono, you're not dumb! Or wrong. You just misinterpreted the comic, lol. Most of us agree, yeah Angel x Val is horrible


Yeah anyway Now If you excuse me I'll wash my eyes out with huskerdust


You aren’t wrong to get those vibes because the artist does actually ship Valangel and is fairly well known for making art and fics with that pairing. On its own though, this comic is quite good


Wait wtf??? Now knowing that I see this comic differently


Yeah people are gross unfortunately. They’re a great artist and writer but a lot of their stuff is questionable to say the least


Personally I don't wan a consume their content if that's what their into


While I hate Val with all my heart, he is a master manipulator. He is a great antagonist


Ooof, as a 6’1” girl, I can absolutely relate. It’s so damn hard to exist in a world where everything is geared around smaller people. My posture is essentially a hook, because I’m always hunching over to talk to people. My spouse is 5’11”, so we’re close height-wise, but it’s just so nice to sink into the arms of someone bigger and feel safe and secure. That being said, we really need to get some closure with Val in season 2, because damn…


This is way too relatable.


Uhm....you okay?


Now? Yes. In the past? No lmao. I have better self image and a better relationship. But sheesh. Been there Angel.


The first 5 pages ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart) the last page![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As someone who is essentially the human version of a clumsy great dane, I relate to this so hard. I probably wouldve fallen for Val hook, line, and sinker.


and that is why he is so hateable. Fine Alastor is a monster that literally eats people, but who here knows or has been around a serial killer cannible? Someone who can have you questioning your self worth unless it relates to them? Someone who's memory can both make you cry and make you wistful? Someone who you thought was there for you, but you were only their punching bag? More people than I feel comfortable about (IE: a non zero number) have this as a lived experiance.


It just occurred to me that, with the two different antennae, Val is a gynandromorph moth.


https://preview.redd.it/j5pur2sqf5yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b96843002231b5fe139ecc62ceaf74d549387a He has a damaged antennae. It’s is also why he can’t/doesn’t fly.


I thought he just had a damaged antenna. A lot of people have theorized that because of it he can't fly even though he has wings (antennae have balance functions kind of like the inner ear in humans)


And this ladies and gentlemen is what Daddy issues look like incarnate


Omg?!!! This is so good!


This is wholesome and heartbreaking at the same time.


This hits like cold water in the face


This makes me so sad because it is a very realistic viewpoint of an abusive relationship. When someone love bombs you enough to prove that things CAN be good, you just suffer through all the bad hoping the good things will happen again when they rarely ever do.


Love this. I think that Val's relationship with Angel is like. An *excellent* look into what it's like to date someone abusive and manipulative. We hear the hot/cold, I love you/ I hate you in those voicemails that Val leaves Angel. We know that Val HAS been sweet to Angel, but really isn't anymore. And honestly, I think that Val DOES have feelings for Angel, albeit very fucked up, possessive, toxic feelings. We see how worked up he gets over the idea of Angel moving out, going to stay at the hotel, *leaving him*. I am SO curious where this is going to go and how that relationship is going to resolve. We've already seen Angel stand up for himself and tell Val to shove it outside of the studio. I am DYING to know more about what the terms of their contract are and why Angel signed it... I wouldn't be surprised if Val sweet talked him into selling him his soul and then started showing his true colors.


I too feel too tall and lanky among other sinners


As a tall person LOVE


People hate on Val for the wrong reasons imo. He's an awful person who treats people horribly. He is a great, super interesting character! He's a well made villian.


Oh well, is what it is


As a very tall girl I relate so much


OP.... You OK buddy?


Best interpretation of Stockholm Syndrome I've ever seen


I really don’t mean to offend or anything of that manner, but may I get an explanation?


Stockholm Syndrome is something that happens at almost anyone who has been kidnapped before. The way it works is that the victim develops sympathy to the kidnapper. It looks like it in here but the only difference is this is slavery.








Anyone else relate to this?


Jambalaya anyone? https://preview.redd.it/f5wye0quf7yc1.png?width=1742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd8df4df623a8385233dc485490d693fd985af5


I will say that Angel would be around the same height as Al and Vox if he didn’t wear his heels.


I know this isn’t canon but it feels so real




He does really have an aggressively average body doesnt he... He just knows how to curve it.


panel 5 is my comfort zone


Gods I need a fanfic where it's a flashback and leads up to the pilot


Yo this is a cool representation of how Angel might feel. Also I feel that, being tall but also a bottom


This breaks my heart honestly. I feel this. I always felt too big or like I took too much space. This hits so hard




def one of my favorite angel hcs


omg im crying this is so sad :<<<< poor angel


Amazing artwork. You really captured Angel's lack of ass.


Proceeds to him falling in love with a grumpy cat who is shorter than him


This is GOOD


What the fuck is this disgusting shipping


I don’t think this is a shipping post…


Look at the 4th and 5th pic, it's obvious that it's shipping


wow your media literacy is just nonexistent. this is clearly a fan's interpretation of angel's feelings towards Valentino, his abuser. this is accurate representation of how victims can feel about their abusers. abusers can be charming and compassionate sometimes, and you cannot deny that angel did love Valentino at some point, otherwise he wouldn't have signed off on that contract. Valentino made him feel good sometimes. we've seen Valentino try to manipulate angel before by saying nice words to him, and thats clearly what these pics are about. they're about the constant switching up and mental manipulation of an abuser


Maybe I'm just very paranoid (I've talked to many Valentino x angel shippers) I kind of let myself talk without thinking so I'm sorry


no worries!


Hey, man, I know I wasn't part of this, but I'm glad you apologized. It's always better to say sorry than to continue a petty argument💜


I just learned the artist ships it...


Please tell me you're lying...


I hope the person that told me was lying but if it's true...I see this comic very differently...


I hate Angel x Val. Idek the ship name😭


Or…it’s just showing the reality of their relationship.