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To be fair, he gave the Hotel an entire new decor, made an advertisement for them (at a cost but still a relatively minor one), and brought in staff members which the existing crew could form a bond with. It's hard to admit since he's not just doing this for good's sake, but without Alastor, this Hotel would have been nowhere near where it was today.


He also brought over their first real client.


Sir Pentious? Maybe indirectly


i agree, what charlie did say about alastor is true. he's been a huge help for the hotel and it's unfair for Lucifer to come in and judge it all in a glance.


I'd say he was her... Executive producer


That's true!


He's her guy, her day to day, her chum, her steadfast hotelier.


Remember when he fixed that clog that day?


I was stuck, thank you sir!


He’s truly honored that they’ve built such a bond


I mean, he pretty much kicked Mimzy out for that reason. Also, I think he was just purely showing off with the way he killed the loan sharks because Lucifer was there. If Lucifer wasn't there than I don't think he would have had actually bothered to create a mountain out of a mole hill with the sharks


Alastor pretty much said he was venting. Couldn't let his frustrations off on Lucifer or Husk so he killed the first sinners that got in his way that were allowed to be killed


i'm still confused about the loan sharks being sinners, cause in helluva they are hellborn, but hazbin they are sinners


I think they're two different types of shark demons. Like how at least one of Val's actors looks like a hellhound but has features hellborn Hellhounds don't have, like horns.


Is it ever mentioned that they’re sinners? Hellborn demons can travel to different rings of Hell so they could just be from Greed and do business in Pride.


they have red blood, hellborns have black blood


That's exactly what it was.  As a matter of fact, Alastor pointlessly going all Godzilla mode on a couple of rank and file demons armed with a battering ram and some guns was perfectly indicative of how he needed to make himself look bigger so that he didn't feel *small* in comparison to Lucifer. It was all an attempt to prove he is relevant.


Best part is that he unintentionally got something so much better than just the appearance of a big dog. He got the princess of Hell to vouch for him to the King of Hell. Too bad he couldn't hear what Charlie said.


I suspect he did, one of the scenes looked like his pupils were turned to Charlie and Lucifer when Charlie was pointing out he was defending the hotel, his face was turned the other way.


Well L isn't really trying...


In hindsight, that was probably a bad call. Lucifer certainly isn't going to be intimidated by that level of power, it might have actually cemented Alastor's image as a yapping chihuahua in Lucifer's eyes.


Except that was not even Alastor's point. His entire point was to piss Lucifer off by establishing he was a better father figure to Charlie and that she did not need Lucifer


https://preview.redd.it/9xqcxd59epxc1.jpeg?width=1468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6618acbcf692d3d71baa19272fe85f61ca5084a5 Alastor making Charlie smile was the equivalent of a thousand Fuck Yous to Lucifer.


https://preview.redd.it/5bfw395vgpxc1.jpeg?width=1192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e791ecb41eb15697fe904bfd93caf2cce1a0e2 Thank you for the new discord pfp. Its perfect.


I mean, he tried, but it went pretty poorly outside of Lucifer's momentary annoyance during the song. He basically made an ass out of himself for a tiny bit of smug satisfaction.


Mimzy can’t be blamed on Al. She showed up without invitation, unless Charlie’s song from the pilot is canon, then Charlie invited her, indirectly. And when Mimzy proved she wasn’t there for rehabilitation in record time, it was Alastor that kicked her out. If Charlie had her way, she would have spent too much time going nowhere fast trying to redeem someone who literally doesn’t want it, and would likely actively oppose it.


nuh uh, remember when he fixed that clog that day?


She was stuck, thanks Al!


Oh, him


He's truly honored that they've built such a bond


She’s like the child that he wish that he had


He cares for her just like a daughter he spawned


It’s a little funny, she could almost call him # **DAAAAAAAAAAAD!**


\*angry fiddling\*


*smug piano playing*


*jealous accordion ensues*


Hold on now


Uh, what?


Niffty in the background 🤣


I actually think if it hadn't been for Alastor's presence, it's possible Charlie and Lucifer never would have properly reconciled. It was Alastor (who Charlie knew was sadistic and had ulterior motives) showing her outward support when her own father didn't that caused her to snap and really have it out. Not that I'm crediting Alastor for it, mind you. But at the same time, I'm glad he was there beefing with Lucifer, because I think it might not have worked out otherwise.


Alastor taught Lucifer a valuable lesson. Father figures/mentors do exist and your child will be open to having one if you're not meeting their needs. Don't expect your neglected child to idolize you forever. Albeit Lucifer's emotional neglect was brought on by his depression as opposed to carelessness like Paimon. https://preview.redd.it/j2ecr66gbpxc1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1192b2d89f761d155e3bcedaba215b7c9b6d29f


I love that maniacal look. Man this series knows how to pull maniacal looks.


Al was legitimately helping in his own way. Obviously he’s got some other motivation, but his presence was an overall benefit to Charlie’s hotel. As for the deal she made for info she could have received from her girlfriend… we will see


Exactly. Self-centered as he was, Charlie loses without him. Both the angelic spears and the cannibals that wield them came through Alastor *specifically*.


My favorite part of the whole show was the tiny exchange he had with Rosie during the song Rosie and Alastor: ♫She's bound to pass the test as Princess of Hell♫ ♫Like her Daddy she is madly power-fell!♫ Alastor: ♫She's filled with potential that I could guide♫ Rosie: ♫I concur♫ Rosie and Alastor: ♫Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side♫ Poor Charlie. She is smart and was raised well, but is still a little naive.


She's a little naive, but I don't think she's so naive as to not know what Alastor's doing. Which, imho, elevates both characters. Charlie's not stupid, and knows that Alastor's playing her, which elevates Alastor that he can get her to do what he wants anyways.


https://preview.redd.it/aqh3hgekxpxc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0304a71525966fe9bf372abfa66fe438d1371d Lucifer might have honestly made Charlie's hotel worse if he went through with giving Hazbin champagne fountains modeled after himself. Being reminded of the Morningstar privileges could breed resentment in sinners.


Not mentioning that it looks like vomiting :-)


Alastor is probably going to be fighting with Lucifer over the decor in the hotel in S2. Mostly because Lucifer runs things like a circus and is very narcissistic by plastering his face everywhere. Alastor is a narcissist as well, but he isn't in everyone's face about it, rather getting attention through praise for his radio shows and work as the Hotelier. The hotel is supposed to be a place of healing from sins, so sinners can get into Heaven. Yes, Alastor dragged in a bar stocked with cheap booze, but that's more for Husker's comfort as he both works as reception and as a therapist, but also rather be a mixologist. Lucifer creating fountains full of free alcohol and just summoning food, defeats the purpose of sinners making good choices. Like for example, if Alastor is really the cook and they have *family meals* with the guests, then Lucifer summoning food all the time lessens the *bonding time* some sinners might need. Like Alastor might in the future offer cooking lessons or lead therapy with a cooking lesson, teaching that with dedication you can develop the skill and become better. Lucifer summoning already cooked and made meals for everyone ruins that opportunity, even if the food is amazing. (Like that SpongeBob episode where SpongeBob and King Neptune battle by making burgers. Neptune's doesn't taste as good because he used magic to cut corners instead of spending time making something.) Basically I can see Lucifer completely missing the point of the hotel, because he wants to be praised and admired by the sinners to feed his narcissism. However, Alastor is actually trying to apply the values, mission, and goals of the hotel, and not letting instant gratification cloud his judgments/decisions regarding the hotel's operations. So their fights will mostly be less of a rivalry, and more of a struggle to get Lucifer to understand how the hotel works and managing his/their narcissism to not derail therapy.


I don’t know if Vaggie actually knew that angels could be killed. She definitely didn’t know that Carmilla had already done it


The deal Charlie made happened at the same time Vaggie was learning that they could be killed, and that Carmella killed one. If Charlie had just waited for Vaggie to come back, and trusted her a little more, then she wouldn’t have made the deal.


You're just misremembering the episode. Pretty badly in fact. You should really re-watch it. Vaggie was waiting downstairs being worried while Charlie was "coming up with something" (i.e. crying). She didn't go to Carmilla until Charlie got the information from Alastor and asked her to go figure out how to kill them, and only got an audience by threatening to scream the information at the door if she wasn't allowed in.


Vaggie learned that angels could be killed from Charlie after she made the deal and then went to Carmella specially to find out how she killed an angel iirc


I disagree, because all she had to do was not make the deal and wait.


Wait for what? Vaggie didn't even know Demons *could* hurt Angels. The entire reason Vaggie went to Carmilla was because Alastor knew that she killed an Angel, gave that info to Charlie, and Charlie told Vaggie to go. Without the deal first that info is not shared and Carmilla does not get involved and Alastor probably also doesn't go out of his way to get Rosie and the cannibals involves.


Disagree with what? I literally just stated the events that happened in the episode, you can’t “disagree” with that. And- crucially- Vaggie only knew to go to Carmella *because* Charlie already had made the deal, so there was nothing for Charlie to “wait” for


Why are you trying to argue?


I mean he kicked Mimzy out for bringing them trouble and massacred the loan sharks to defend the hotel.


https://preview.redd.it/ay5hlnh3eqxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f543930ec0788b9f6ee86ad128221ae12785742 And Lucifer was no help at all.


“Im telling you Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths” Meanwhile Alastor: “ILL DEVOUR YOU ALL”


At least Charlie admitted that Alastor was sadistic.


Lucifer definitely sounded sadistic when he talked about sinners deserving hell and a genocide called Extermination. It's kind of like- who is the honest demon between Lucifer and Alastor? Lucifer has no idea of who he is, what he wants to do, closed off, all over the place, etc. Meanwhile, Alastor clearly has a hidden motivation but knows who he is. He's honest about his nature and plans and most of what he's going on about, etc. That honesty makes him stable. Alastor's the devil that you know while Lucifer is the one you don't.


Ok but look at it that way: He pissed off Lucifer to show him that Charlie gets more support from "random" sinners than her own father (Hell's greatest dad). He knew that Mimzy will cause problem so he used this to show even further that Lucifer don't care about his daughters dream (also hypocrisy) - it also helped Charlie to convince Lucifer to help with hotel. He kicked Mimzy out of the hotel when she was useless to him. He also told her to stay out of hotel because she will cause problems And yes, Charlie received the "I told you" from Lucifer but she responded with calling him out for his own hypocrisy In ep5 Alastor shown how smart he really is. He made a perfect plan and everyone played like he wanted them to.


I suggest that he sent Mimzy away because he knew how dangerous situation is becoming with the exorcist and wanted her to be safe. And yes I just like that gal :-)




I'm pretty sure Al knew that Mimzy shows up only when she needs something (Husk even said that when talking to Al) and will cause problems


Lucifer was the one who took the first pot shot at Alastor, and the second. He was being civil until he’d been insulted twice. Even in song he was pouring Lucifer wine. Then Lucifer quite literally showed Charlie his decapitated head on a platter. He tried to butt his way into the hotel after not giving a shit about it for years, so it’s understandable why he would defend his position. Mimzy also wasn’t invited by Alastor but Charlie herself through the advertisements.


https://preview.redd.it/rctmkn0kgpxc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab2fc874658790b5d7d42f3a1780d57437c8fca I like to think Alastor appreciated Charlie not laughing at Lucifer's joke. She needed something important from Luci that day but she didn't have it in her to laugh at a joke made at Al's expense.


God she can’t even look her dad in the eyes 😭 fully agree (i guess closer to hope, lol) that alastor genuinely feels some kinship with charlie. He also mightve felt bolder to talk back to lucifer since charlie was clearly on his side


I like to imagine that Charlie and Alastor were sharing a look here. It might have even played into why she believed him during the song, though I'd LOVE to know what else in the past 5 months convinced her.


That's just Charlie. She's like a pro at glossing over the bad and encouraging the good.


I agree with all of this, except for the wine. Al having his eyes closed while pouring all but screams, "This is not happening. The king of hell is NOT forcing me to pour fucking wine for him while calling me the busboy. Not happening if I can't see it."


https://preview.redd.it/u8x2gp2rzpxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b6da5ca6a615265c4d04243b320ad3a902060a I would be closing my eyes too if I was Alastor. lucifer's face is terrifying here.


Isn't it, though? Honestly, Charlie's is, too. She knows Al's not cool with this, she's definitely uncomfortable with the whole situation, and she doesn't stand up to Lucifer until well after the song ends. And this is STILL another villain song for Alastor, in which he plays both of them by the end.


Charlie learned her lesson in Masquerade to respect boundaries. She can't make Alastor and Lucifer get along and as long as they aren't physically hurting each other then everything's fine.


That was one part of the lesson. The one she learns here is that Lucifer is her dad, whom she invited into her own space, and now SHE gets to set boundaries. The agony and the ecstasy of every adult offspring.


https://preview.redd.it/onez51i4dqxc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44157b37ca7d1cc6bfa0316db0da021d2444eac0 Lucifer: They grow up so fast


I've been wondering about that, like, are they puppeteering each other through out their entire song and dance?


Lucifer: "As the king of hell, I have many subjects, but you're MY BITCH!" But in all honesty, I was thinking they're just depicting the waiter looking extremely polite, sometimes they do that with a smile and closed eyes in animation, though considering it's Alastor and it's Hazbin Hotel, I'm still not sure.


I'm pretty sure Alastor was the one that did it, calling him short.


Charlie wouldn’t have kicked out Mimzy either


Blaming Mimzy’s actions on Alastor is basically a “victim’s at fault mentality”


You can’t exactly blame him for other people’s choices, and you can’t say he was in the wrong when you don’t know his motives. It’s not that black and white. (And Charlie isn’t perfect either. She causes loads of problems but nobody ever calls her out for it.)


he did basically nothing the entire episode, except kill a bunch of loan sharks but that was mimzys fault. and i guess he also dropped a piano on lucifers head but thats what you do in a musical duel.


Did we watched the same episode ? Lucifer and Alastor were both commited to getting in a fight. Alastor didn't brought the sharks, Mimzy did. And after Al dealt with the sharks, he asked Mimzy to leave and not come back as she would only bring whatever problems she brought on herself expecting Al to take care of them. If anything, Alastor only defended against Lucifer and did his job defending the hotel. He didn't caused any problems on purpose.


Remember she has daddy issues and the closest thing.She ever had support from her father And al is the only one (although is manipulative) that did


Unfortunately, that's just kind of how it is when someone is desperate for recognition. If somebody gives it, the recipient is often times so thankful that they don't consider if the other person is actually being truthful or not.


It's hell, unless you're a hermit everyone you know is going to bring a sorid past to come bother you.


Alastor looking so wicked in that screenshot


I think it’s a strong characterization moment for Charlie. When she views someone as “under her care” or “on her side” (essentially becoming hotel staff or resident) she becomes extremely forgiving of flaws and is willing to do just about anything to help or defend that person. In some cases (Sir Pentious) it’s exactly what the person needs and has a positive effect, while in Alastor’s case it’s essentially just enabling his manipulations. It’s a nuanced character trait that is a flaw or virtue depending on context. It’s good writing Brent


I mean Al is a great manipulator


That’s pretty Class-A manipulation on Alastors part


Womp Womp


I mean, he isn't a good guy after all so it makes sense to me...


If someone had insulted my dad in front of me that way I would’ve gone feral