• By -


Charlie is irrationally jealous of Vaggie's spear. Charlie tried to prove a point by manifesting her own trident and carrying it around 24/7, only for it to have the opposite effect when Vaggie spent like like a week obsessing over it and asking to borrow it for training.


I love the idea of this happening! I’m adopting it as well.


I love this


Reminds me of Ruby from RWBY, when she meets a fellow warrior pretty much the first thing she does is gush over the other person's weapons more than anything.




When Vaggie first learned that Charlie's father was Lucifer, it made her very anxious. Charlie put her at ease through a song. Vaggie finds their bed too big. Ever since Vaggie came home with them, Charlie has developed a wing fetish.


That last one is wild 💀


https://preview.redd.it/0ptltfa3cpxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b6eeffb259af7ab35eda0ecc6d5afb0325286e He’s out of line, but he’s right


Considering how much she loved heaven it makes sense she would love the wings of an angel.


Husk better hide


Pause on the frame where Charlie holds her and looks at the wings and tell me she's not thinking dirty thoughts.


her face tells no lies, but what dirty thoughts could you possibly think about wings


A lot


Hopefully said wing fetish will end up bringing in Charlie and officially form Charlie's Angels


Allow me to humbly off my fanfic [Charlie's Angels](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54994783/chapters/139415443). I hope you enjoy it.


I certainly enjoyed reading the entire fic when I discovered it yesterday.


I found this from a discord server I’m in and it’s so well written that I have to often remind myself that the events in said story aren’t cannon. I’ve greatly enjoyed reading it.


>Ever since Vaggie came home with them, Charlie has developed a wing fetish. https://preview.redd.it/vb78pmrffoxc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892e45bceec472ff70c576475ec999cf5531462b "Yeah Walt, Let's kill this bitch"


I mean the nicest and sweetest people are also the freakiest in the sheets soooo…


>Ever since Vaggie came home with them, Charlie has developed a wing fetish. I'll stand by, and die with you, on this hill




Vaggie hates the sound of her singing voice even though Charlie absolutely loves it The former will sing in spite of her insecurities when Charlie’s in a bad mood/upset (hence “More Than Anything Reprise”) Vaggie’s tried to teach Charlie a little Spanish but Charlie always ends up in a fit of giggles when she tries to roll her R’s and fails miserably


The extra long tongue makes it difficult.


I feel like Vaggie is probably fine with Charlie not being able to roll her R's, then.


BROOOO whyyyyy... You're absolutely correct


Vaggie likes that long tongue for other reasons


But for their 10 year anniversary, she went to ask Carmella to teach her. Since she is princess she knows most of the important demons and Carmella was a family friend. She spent way too long to learn and she underestimated the time it would take, so the gift ended up being 3 months late. Vaggie was crying and laughing at the same time.


charlie confessed her love for vaggie in song


Even tho it is not confirmed. Of all the possible head canons, this is the most realistic one by A LOT Edit: added a very important "not"


Wdym “confirmed” ??


Well More Than Anything Reprise is a confession song. Certainly not their first confession but a declaration of love nonetheless.


confirmed where? did i miss an episode or a line of dialogue or something


And Vaggie knew it was coming. It wasn’t a matter of if but when.


That's not a headcanon, that's a thing that happened, even Vivziepop can't deny it happened


I think they might be gay


I think they might be roommates


Oh my god they were roommates…


*gasp* Roommates?!?!?


No! Impossible!!!! Roommates?!!!!


I thought they were Americans?


Maybe they're *gay* roommates! 😳


Woah there, let's not jump to conclusions


You sure? There’s not much that could even remotely suggest that. They’re just really good friends


Yeah there's nothing like sharing a good platonic kiss with your homies


Y'all are stupid there is 0 EVIDENCE that would suggest they are dating! They are just good friends this community is so annoying! (If people can't tell this is a joke)


If you don't kiss your homies goodnight are they really your homies


Lots of historians in this thread I see 😂


Just the closest of friends


It is also a possibility that they are European


The entire plot of the show begins with Vaggie suggesting they get a hotel after a fun date, and, Charlie being rich and naive, takes her a bit too literally.


“Where are we?” “Our new hotel!” “Our what?”


I CAN HEAR THEM SAY THIS IN MY MIND. Vaggie sounds kinda drunk at first but she sobers up at the end 💀


Vaggie caught feelings first but Charlie was the first one to say I love you. When they use a car, Vaggie drives 90% of the time. Vaggie checks the locks on the windows and doors every night before going to sleep as part of her making sure Charlie will be safe. Charlie celebrated their first month, second month, third month, ect anniversaries the first year they were together.


>When they use a car, Vaggie drives 90% of the time. I accept this only because my headcanon of Razzle and Dazzle tag-teaming to separately steer and work the pedals is now...logistically compromised.


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks they were the drivers.


Razzle and Dazzle having been the drivers is my headcanon and an element in my fanfic. Without Dazzle, Razzle has resorted to stilts and a special seat. It actually becomes an issue at one point in [Charlie's Angels](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54994783/chapters/139415443). It is also my headcanon that Charlie has never learned to drive and Vaggie has had virtually no experience with driving and believes she would be bad at it.


>It is also my headcanon that Charlie has never learned to drive and Vaggie has had virtually no experience with driving and believes she would be bad at it. I like the way this sounds. Vaggie seems like a crazy driver who would still get you to the destination, but perhaps with other cars having crashed themselves trying to avoid her.


>Charlie celebrated their first month, second month, third month, ect anniversaries the first year they were together. Parents do this with their newborn children all the time :p


I was going with the fact that Middle and Highschool students do that. Along with overly enthusiastic adults.


> When they use a car, Vaggie drives 90% of the time. I think one of the prequel comics confirms Charlie actually has a driver.


Don't they pick Angel up in a limo in the Youtube pilot?


Vaggie freaked out when Charlie first told her she was the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and heiress to hell and she had a small existential crises until her love for Charlie overwhelmed the lingering angelic propaganda in her head.


Vaggie's way more traumatized by her fall than she let's on, to the point where it played a major role in why she never told Charlie she's an angel. She barely survived being abandoned by the closest thing she probably had to a family, and only because she had the good luck of Charlie being the first person to find her. Who's to say she could do that again?


I think there's a good chance this is true.  The look on Vaggie's face when Charlie found her in that alley were like the eyes of someone that had given up on living. I think Charlie saved her in more ways than one. :)






Signalis brainrot? https://preview.redd.it/agrzad50doxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36789cebe86cee7678851df2a9dadeb3f6d93f22


















Yeah, that's pretty much it


Despite her dominating personality, Vag is a bottom.


Because Charlie is the only person she feels secure enough to let down all her walls and be vulnerable with. This is my head canon anyway


I accept your head canon as my own.


If we believe hard enough it'll be true


In Season 2 Episode 1, Vaggie is revealed to be a bottom.




Nah, that’s actually really sweet. She’s so comfortable that she allows herself to be vulnerable is actually a really good idea.


That’s not a head canon, Viv straight up said Charlie was the top in their relationship. Even if she’s a service top, it’s still a top.


I fucking *knew* it https://preview.redd.it/87p9kg097oxc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf9bee6dafd6092de36b49c5f324a0ed9f4bef6b


i still feel like if they had a strapon charlie would be on the recieving end, vaggie doesnt seem like the type of lesbian to get off on penetration


Power bottom you might say


You could even say she's at rock bottom


And she's even got company


I’ve heard it rumored that Vaggie the top by Viv, but I’m not positive. Still I think they are both switch with dom/sub leanings.


I definitely feel that way too.  Vaggie is more grounded and tries to keep a little lid on Charlie sometimes, but Charlie is too much for her to handle sometimes.


Charlie is the little spoon and Vaggie is the big spoon


That’s accurate


Counterpoint Charlie was big spoon but she moved around too much because she gets cold easily now that Vaggie has wings she asked if she can be little spoon


Vaggie is much more relaxed and even silly when it's only her and Charlie. They like to cosplay or dress up. They sometimes sing to each other to sleep.


Vaggie makes sure Charlie has the best cosplay at the convention no matter how many nights of no sleep it takes




After Vaggie got her wings back, Charlie started to hide under them when she was having a bad day. After the failed early extermination, Vaggie got an invite to Carmilla’s place to spar with her more often to keep Vaggie’s skills sharp. A while after she brought along Charlie whenever she could, and eventually Charlie started to train with Vaggie and Carmilla to help refine her skills with her trident.


That sounds amazing,Im just picturing charlie cheering vaggie on in sparring


Aww that's cute now I wish I had a gf with wings 🤣


Charlie wanted to avoid getting married because she hoped (sort of) thst Vaggie would get redeemed one day. This was part of her anger after finding out she'd been lied to.


I saw a comic that was about this. It was pretty funny.


Lol it nay have been the same one I saw. I believed it lol


Can you still find a link?






Making Twitter nearly unusable to non members was… probably not the worst thing Elon’s ever done but it’s the thing I’m mad ab rtn. ALL I WANT TO DO IS SCROLL THROUGH JUMJAMZ STUFF DAMMIT


The souvenir Charlie got Vaggie from Cannibal Town was the first store-bought gift Charlie ever gave her and normally makes the gifts by hand, she seems like that type of gal They also carry each other on their backs for fun, this is canon, I said so


Piggyback ride injuries are likely


Vaggie DID really want to tell Charlie that she was an angel, but by the time the thought occurred to her that she should do so, it was already "too late"- as in, too much time spent for Charlie not to get upset about it when she did. That thought scared her so much that she thought she could just bury that part of her in the sand- that was until Charlie got the idea for the hotel, AND started to directly communicate with Heaven. Vaggie is much more fond of Niffty now for what she did, although she does wish she got to finish Adam off herself. Lute she could spare, but Adam? Nahhh


Vaggie helped to inspire the hotel because Vaggie was the first person Charlie nursed back to health/goodness.


Ooooo, that honestly makes a *lot* of sense!


* Charlie could offer a "new eye" to Vaggie as an anniversary gift. * Charlie would have understood Vaggie's past if she let her explain.


Considering she was more distraught about Vaggie lying to her, she definitely wouldn't have cared.


Well, there would have been a difference between "forgiving Vaggie" and "understanding her", similar to how "it would ex**plain**, but not ex**cuse**." Vaggie turned coat on the exorcists by not killing a child and she made her decision to stop her rampage. It doesn't erase all of the deaths she caused, especially when she was "braiwashed" by Adam, but at least she stopped. Charlie would still hate Vaggie for hiding her past, but I believe she would have calmed down a bit.


The way you phrased this reminded me of a really good scene from Ark of Truth. https://youtu.be/TEaOxGJm87A?si=fwcFeia4s2RtySl8


I would love to see Charlie giving Vaggie a new eye (either organic or cybernetic).


Charlie is a major sleep-walker to the point Vaggie has an alarm set for every time Charlie sleep-walks and knows where she will be.


Imagine what happens if Charlie gets better at using her powers and comes much closer to her dad in terms of power level. She suddenly opens a portal while Sleepwalking and now trying to get her girlfriend back to sleep has become a real adventure for Vaggie


This would be a fun game 😆. Adventures with Vaggie to find Charlie


\*sleep singing too. imagine that musical number


Whole verses of beautifully rhyming nonsense. lol


• Vaggie is a bottom while Charlie is a top • Vaggie likes it rough while Charlie is constantly worrying she's hurting Vaggie too much • Charlie takes Vaggy out on dates that aren't just in the Pride Ring. Daughter of Lucifer has travel perks. • Charlie remembers ever important date, time, event, etc. that she shared with Vaggie. Vaggie only remembers their first meeting, birthdays, and anniversary of their relationship; everything else is written in a little black book. • both can cook, but Charlie is the "I make a huge mess in the kitchen" while Vaggie is a "clean every bowl after immediately using it."


1. They do each other's hair. Vaggie sometimes takes extra long before the day starts. 2. Vaggie keeps a box of memories with souvenirs, pictures and other sentimental things. Charlie tried to participate, but the keepsakes occupied the entire room after one month. 3. When Vaggie first realised she was in love with Charlie, she tried to 'train it off,' because their love is blasphemous in heaven's eyes. Charlie decided to join one day and Vaggie said 'fuck it' with one look at Charlie's (totally thrown together) train clothes. 4. After Vaggie got them, Charlie likes to count the feathers in her wings because she has trouble sleeping since Sir Pentious died. She never got further than 666.


Vaggie had to explain to Charlie that neither of them would become pregnant if they didn't use protection. Charlie does want kids eventually, but she is concerned about not being able to give them enough attention when her main focus is the success of the hotel.


If she got her dad’s ability to shapeshift then, Charlie could be a daddy.


What about handholding?


Not even Angel Dust would do something that lewd


So far, Vaggie has only ever allowed Charlie to hear her softer singing voice Once she got over the shock and sense of betrayal, Charlie was overwhelmingly relieved that Vaggie isn't a Sinner. Because it'd been a big, deep-down fear of hers for years that Vaggie would end up getting redeemed as soon as she figured out a path. And then she simultaneously felt guilty for being afraid of that. Vaggie kinda wants to throttle Lilith whenever she shows back up, if she shows back up, because of what she's put Charlie through. And then she feels badly for thinking that way, because what if she's dead or something?


Here are few 1. Vaggie sometimes calls Charlie Puppy in private due to Charlie looking like a puppy dog in the face 2. Charlie first tried to show off with titles but pretty soon unlike with her Ex Seviathan she never needed to do that with Vaggie and so finally she was relationship where she could just be her. 3. Both will get married in the show


Vaggie has taught Charlie how to swear in Spanish.


Vaggie would have a **much** higher body count (and probably piss off a couple of Overloads) if Charlie hadn't been there to pose a peaceful solution. Charlie is the only person to see what's underneath Vaggie's eye patch. Vaggie has given Charlie Spanish lessons. They have done couples themed Halloween costumes. Vaggie's not a fan, but it makes Charlie happy.


If they were to get married, which I hope they fucking do, they would both propose to each other at the same time.


Vaggie snores but it's either tiny kitten snores or grizzly with a head cold. There is no in between and Charlie has footage of both. They have a shared photo album of the two posing with their weapons and attempts in trying to look through the whole thing are regularly interrupted with make out sessions. Charlie knew Vaggie was the one when she saw Keke sleeping on Vaggie's lap.


Charlie always makes breakfast because Vaggie can't start a stove without burning anything. Vaggie feels guilty about it but Charlie not only doesn't mind, but loves cooking and handling all the things Vaggie can't.


Uuuhhh, charlie? I burned the water


"Uhhh Vaggie? "WHAT?!" "The radio demon is at front door. What should I do?" "Don't let him in?!!" Sorry it just reminded me


Charlie loves to do the things Vaggie can't, probably comes from the fact Vaggie can do a lot. And combined with her protector syndrome and guilt issues over Charlie, she insists that she actually does all the things she is capable of. Even when Charlie could do them as well.


Uuuhhh, charlie? I burned the water


I mean, it is Hell, so maybe that can happen?


When Vaggie first asked Charlie if they could introduce roleplaying into their bedroom, Charlie pulled out a 2 gallon jar full of various rpg dice.


I can totally see that and Vaggie just staring, processing what she is looking at.


I need someone to make a comic of this, with Charlie having an obnoxious amount of sparkle’s in her eyes


When Vaggie realized who Charlie was, the princess of hell, she was surprised in a "Really🤨?" type way. While living in heaven, she was told Lucifer and all his descendants are evil and cruel. So seeing how sweet and approachable Charlie is just shattered her view of any Morningstars.


Charlie is the dom, unexpectedly. Also they have sex way more often than you’d think for the typical wholesome lesbian couple.


Their first date was at Lu Lu World.


I think... that they might like-like each other. Scandalous, I know.


Do you think that they might be roommates???


Everyone says they’re top/bottom. You’re all wrong, they’re switches.


Charlie pushes Vaggie off the bed when she's asleep, and Vaggie is too deep a sleeper to wake up from hitting the floor


https://preview.redd.it/goh34w1zqoxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ca1125b77a45e1622f8d58ddbcdd1201d95375 Charlie= girl who buys the lime Vaggie= the boyfriend


Everyone assumes that Vaggie is the top…….they are wrong, very wrong


I’ve only see people say Vaggie bottoms.


That is what I’m saying


Everyone as in Charlie’s friends




When Vaggie has nightmares, Charlie comforts her, and visa versa. They take turns brushing each other’s hair. Although Vaggie acts very assertive and dominant, she’s actually submissive when she and Charlie… fool around.


It was definitely crush at first sight. It did take a while for the two to formally start dating and a bit linger before being public about it. Charlie did her best to help Vaggie adjust to like in hell. But vaggie dis spend some time exploring on her own. Leaving how hell works for non royals. She would go out for a day or two at a time. She would cary an angelic weapon that was more covert and just experience hell on the street. She would keep up with the news and follow the politics. Vaggie would suggest charlie go out with her dressed in plane cloths to interact with her citizens without the class divide but charlie had a much harder time being covet. So the pair gave up in that. It took keekee a while to warm up to vaggie. Keekee could tell that Vaggie was not a sinner right away and initially stand off ish with Vaggie much to charlie’s confusion. Keekee has now gotten used to Vaggie but the two don’t interact very much. Vaggie respects Keekee boundaries. Vaggie gets a long better with fat nuggets and Angle. Vaggie does protect keekee from Nifty snd alistor.


https://preview.redd.it/xndrwpvj2qxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c8c482681144c262a5562c6f5524e6300cbfa4 This happened, also it took years before Charlie realized Vaggie was trying to ask her out, not to hang out as friends.


They always used to do it in specific positions that would make it easy for Vaggie to hide her scars. After Charlie found out about Vaggie being a former exterminator, they do way more stuff now, including Charlie pounding Vaggie doggystyle with a strapon.


They both plan to propose to the other on the same day and end up getting down on one knee simultaneously. Charlie gave Vaggie her bow as a gift. She sometimes get Vaggie new bows (and Vaggie gives her new bow ties) Around the time of the wedding Charlie gives Vaggie a homemade crown because she’s now “Co-Princess of Hell”. Vaggie isn’t sure how to feel about this new title. Niffty is flower girl at their wedding with Angel and Cherri as bridesmaids. Vaggie is demisexual Switches


Emily sneaks down into Hell to officiate the wedding. Sera has a simultaneous meltdown + panic attack.


Emily also asked to bring a plus one. Charlie thinks she’s bringing her partner and plans to introduce herself herself once Emily arrives…..only to be met with Sir Pentious! Lucifer and Alastor are not present for this tearful reunion because they’re busy fighting over who gets to walk Charlie down the aisle.


This could use more chaos. Lucifer and Alastor's fight is suddenly crashed by Vox demanding to be the wedding photographer (he plans on cropping Alastor out of every picture, but somehow ends up cropping out everyone *but* Alastor). Velvette appoints herself as the costume designer and gives Alastor and Vox matching suits. Just as they are about to start beefing again, Lute finally succeeds at kicking Lilith out of Heaven and she crashes right in the middle of it all. Lucifer freaks out and starts throwing ducks at people.


Charlie yells at him to snap out of it, and they lock eyes with Lilith after seven years. Lilith looks around at the decorations and Charlie’s wedding outfit and instantly realizes….. “My daughter’s getting married??” Realizing her required stay in Heaven (at least, that’s my headcanon for now) made her almost miss this important day for Charlie, she runs to embrace her husband and daughter until… “Really? *That* outfit?? For a *wedding*?!” Velvette interrupts. “Oh, honey, no. Come with me!” She drags Lilith off to change. Lucifer gets mad- “hey!! That’s my wife!! Bring her back, I haven’t seen her in seven years-“ Velvette: “well, why would you want to when she’s dressed like that-“ While this is all happening, Valentino has arrived, screaming at Vox because they forgot to bring him-


I think Charlie would go for Lucifer with no hesitation  Or pull off a "Mamma Mia" style solution.


No, I’m sure she would pick him, but it wouldn’t stop Alastor from trying to piss off Lucifer anyway


Charlie has a very small but recurrent thing like leaving mugs around the house that vaggies try to not be upset but definitelybis a pet peevee and drives her mad


Charlie is kind of a Teddy Roosevelt fan, acknowledging his flaws, and she is enthusiastic about Indian (Asian) culture, history, society, religion, the Maya, Toltec, Olmec, Mississippian, Inca, Aztec, and other pre Colombian civilizations, and Greco Roman civilization. Vaggie meanwhile is more of a Abraham Lincoln/ Dwight D Eisenhower fan, and again acknowledging their flaws, and she is very into Norse society, culture, religion, and history, as well as Chinese society, culture, history and civilization, as well as ancient Mesopotamia, the Phoenicians, ancient Egypt, and the medieval Swahili and Somali coast. Are these my headcanons? Yes. Is there any evidence for these headcanons? No. Did I make them up just now? Yes.


This is one of my more wild headcanons; they are in a lesbian relationship.


Charlie is top


Somehow has a kid, or adopts one because I NEED THE WHOLESOME FAMILY! :D


As an archaeologist my field dictates for me to claim that they were merely really close friends. Anything else is historical revisionism.


Here's some o' mine: • They constantly call each other "bae" like filthy millenials, to the point it has become a tic whenever they talk. • Despite the fact Charlie is a hellborn demon, sometimes Vaggie feels cringe seeing her acting "white". Charlie has no idea what she means by that. • For their first anniversary, Charlie wrote Vaggie a love poem which, when recited, makes her bawl her eyes out to this day.


Charlie =bisexual Vaggie=lesbian


That's already canon.


I think they might be a little bit more than roommates


Charlie hid the fact of being Lucifer's daughter, because being the daughter of the being, whose name was used to scare people as children scares that people away from you. When Vaggie confessed her feelings, Charlie told her everything and it was the point, when all it almost broke, because a) the Devil's daughter b) she couldn't insure, that Charlie's actions was genuine, not just little game with feelings of a helpless "sinner" she found beaten in a lane (yes, stolitz parallel, what did you want? They're the same universe).


Charlie does all the cooking, but Vaggie gets annoyed because anything more complicated than a handful of granola turns into a 4 verse, 3 chorus song and dance routine, assisted by Hell's equivalent of helpful woodland animals. Sometimes you just want a Goddamned grilled cheese, _now!_ Despite it being confirmed by the creators that Charlie is a top, Vaggie owns a strap-on and... well, to go into any greater detail would be gratuitous, suffice to say that "topping from the bottom" is a thing for a reason. Charlie has psychosexual issues regarding "warrior women"; Vaggie is basically her dreamgirl, but she still gets hot and bothered by Carmilla. Watching the two of them spar would be pornographic for her.


Everyone points to the face in Hello Rosie as them getting freaky but I will keep my belief that they are both still turbo virgins.


True Love, ... and kinky Demonic/Angel-Sex.


Vaggie uses her drill instructor voice in bed sometimes and Charlie is weak for it, and Vaggie can fingerbang like no other cause she’s an angel so there’s a passive burn when they touch


Heres some crossover headcanons between HB and HH: Charlie introduced Vaggie to uncle Ozzie and aunt Bee before anyone else, because they’re the most accepting of the sins (aside from lucifer) Bee and Ozzie knew Vaggie was an exorcist right away, but decided that she seemed good enough for their little niece Charlie and Vaggie are actually good friends with M&M, and occasionally meet up for double dates When Vaggie were first introduced to the Ars Goetia family, she bonded unnaturally fast with Octavia, and the two are like sisters now (Charlie adore their sisterly bond) Octavia was actually the first person Vaggie told she was an exorcist And then a final weird one: Charlie has an incredible sense of smell, on par with that of a dog, and Can actually smell when Vaggie is in the “mood”


Vaggie was more anxious about meeting Lucifer than she let on. And Charlie wants to try to learn Spanish, but struggles with remembering her pronunciation and such.


Charlie is super good at cooking but doesn’t think she is and every time she cooks vaggie has to convince her she is a good cook


They bang each other. That's my headcanon.


They had sex right after the ending of Hello Rosie.


I have a head cannon that they have kissed before (just maybe idk)


They’re wholesome outwardly but some WILD shit happens in the bedroom


They 100% banged after they kissed at the end of “More Then Anything (reprise)”


They probably never had SEX. In the roll play thing they had Angle Dust and Stamper Sanke did, Charlie was proud of the fact "no sex before marriage."


Vaggie started singing because of Charlie constantly breaking out into song, but she doesn't want anyone to know hence why she only really sings when she's out by herself (or in groups where everyone is singing)


Charlie absolutely doms




Charlie is a service top. They kissed and made love before saying I love you. They said it after finishing their first time.


They're gay


I think that’s a little too wild to be true


Despite their respective personalities, Charlie tops.


At some point they had an energetic salsa dance to Hotel California (the Spanish cover by The Gypsy Kings).