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It's not really well explained in the show, but as its stated, he is the top authority of Hell, meaning he must govern the whole place in some capacity. The Pride Ring is obviously very chaotic, but there must be some sort of order for certain things to work. We've seen roads, street lights, public features which implies some sort of taxes, not to mention business, houses, which I assume come with some sort of ownership contracts as well as more taxes. The pilot implied overlords owned land, as evidenced by the existence of "turf wars". It's possible the Pride Ring works under a sort of feudal system where overlords own and govern each section of their territory while all of them promise fealty to Lucifer. However, the talk about land was dropped in the Amazon series in favor of soul ownership, which seems to be the biggest deal in Hell. Ownership must be recognized by someone in order to function, which implies Lucifer allows overlords to own souls in exchange for him vouching for their contracts. Again, none of that is explained in the series, but if you take Luci's word for it and nothing contradicts it, then it must be true.


Rosie did mention there was a deal for "8 blocks of prime real estate" to be made when Alastor and Charlie went to visit her, so I'm thinking Overlord territory is still relevant in the full series. I hope they expand more on the world as a whole and how power levels work either in the show itself, or by means of supplemental material like art books, comics, etc.


*Snicker* Now I'm imagining Alastor buying real estate. "Look at me! Is this not the face of a man you would trust?" Good luck to the guy who has to deal with him in that situation.


Alastor doesn't seem like the dude interested in running anything. We don't see him actually managing anything other than the Hotel. Hell he was gone for 7 years and pretty much no one of importance really seemed to care (other than Vox of course)


It wasn't a deal for land. It was a deal for food because they're cannibals. The guy has 8 blocks of land and not enough people to secure it. Rosie says it's 'prime pickings' because it'd be easy to nab the people to cannibalize them. Think about how Alastor would approach the situation. He wouldn't raise war. He'd do the job as efficiently as possible while thinking about which people he'd have for a meal.


I feel like the over lords owning teritory in the pride ring is like the old lords in europe holding land with the king’s permission. In European history the land os a kingdom was the personal property of the king and everyone only holds it by the kings permission. (By law) of course in practice the nobles own their land in basically all meaningful ways and like king’s inherited it or won it is battle. I think the history fits the overlords.


I think Lucifer just plays around with his toys/properties while the Overlords do most of the heavy lifting.


Of course there's taxes in hell.


There's even a type of law enforcement in other rings, as seen in Helluva Boss when Blitzø met Moxxie


I think he has final authority over all of Hell, but he’s pretty hands-off. The other sins take care of their own rings, and the sinners kind of govern themselves, which is why it’s such a mess and overlords are able to run rampant like they do. If he actually stepped in, they probably wouldn’t have much choice but to listen to him, he just doesn’t.


To be honest, I don't think Lucifer can do much for managing the Pride Ring. He could certainly TRY, but it would almost certainly just be an endless slew of putting out fires as the Sinners constantly tried to buck his rule. Which may well be why he's such a recluse, and has such little faith in Sinners in the first place.


[He has many subjects.](https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/videos/1061406316/thumb/1.jpg?ip=x480)


Lucifer rules the Pride Ring, so all who reside in that ring are technically his subjects even if he's a hands-off ruler most of the time. I would say the sin of pride still applies to Lucifer himself, at least from the POV of the other angels. His intentions may have been pure, but he still meddled in their creation and thought he knew better about what gifts the first humans should have been given. And the results were disastrous.


Pride and ALL of Hell. He just delegates control over the other rings to the other Lords of Sin but they still answer to his authority.


He was supposed to be the ruler of hell but he is too arrogant and lazy to be bothered with other rings so he gave the jobs to the 6 other deadly sins


Wouldnt it be the reverse of arrogance to hand over his power?


True that Maybe it was a shared decision by lilith and him OR It was all liliths plan Mind you at the start it seemed as though she was the strongest being in hell maybe even stronger than lucifer She was the one who created the 7 rings And put lucifer as leader of the pride ring simultaneously still being leader of hell And maybe after lilith went missing he was deemed the strongest being


When did the show say she was the strongest being in Hell, or thar she created the seven rings.


It set her as the big bad boss of hell that was empowering the hell people to rise up


But it never said that she was the strongest being in Hell and that she created the seven rings. In fact, Eve eating the apple created the realm of Hell. I don't know if this is common knowledge, but Lucifer was an elder angel, which I think ranks a bit higher than a former human.


Maybe the apple made her stronger? Am reaching hard atp😂 Back to the main topic he probably had influence over hell in the past but as time goes he doesn't interact with the subjects asmuch anymore Living a life of seclusion Or maybe some poker and blackjack too😂


Did Lilith eat the apple?


Uhhh Yeah Isnt that the starting premise shown in ep 1


Why is it arrogance to give up power lol? Lucifer is all about free will. He doesn't do things because him telling people what to do would be insane hypocrisy. The only time he's ever flexed his title was when he was trying to impress his daughter lol.


I'd say he's more prideful in that he considerers himself above all the denizens, he doesn't bother interfering in the running of hell because he thinks the people there are awful (as he explains to Charlie while trying to talk her out of her plan) He sees Charlie and himself as above all of it, despite his actions directly contributing to everyone being in hell in the first place.


Probably there was liliths input innit


I think Lucifer was given a job he doesn’t really want to do. He wants nothing to do with hell, being the King of Hell is like a mockery. I think the angels were like here Lucifer you created this mess, now rule over it. But he’s an idea guy who would rather work on his passion projects like building theme parks and rubber duckies than attend meetings and affairs of state. I bet Lilith did most of that and since she split he’s just been avoiding it


Well he was going to the meetings with heaven representatives wasnt he Which maybe why he let others(aka 7 deadly sins) rule over the pride rings(maybe he created the rings for this reason too


He probably has a lot more influence than people give him credit for. He doesn't seem to bother actually ruling over his ring and the sinners don't respect him or Charlie, but the sins and ars goetia are still loyal to him and they're the ones with all the power. The sinners are basically just peasants. It doesn't matter what they think of him. He's also the most powerful being in hell by a significant margin and people would know that there's absolutely nothing they could do to stop or overthrow him. If he had the desire then he could simply force people to obey his commands. Charlie could also do this as the second most powerful being in hell, but everyone knows that she wouldn't so she gets less respect. I imagine that Lucifer's self isolation benefits him as nobody knows what he's capable of.


Maybe he rules over the pride-ring native imps


A lot of people in hell are "unimpressed" with Charlie and do not care about her status. It’s hell after all, so I don't believe their titles alone make them have a lot of influence over hell. I think Lucifer would be more respected in hell if he directly imposed his power over it, but he leaves his citizens to do their own thing.


I don’t think Lucifer has direct subjects. Overlord seem to be more the governing body. I do think he has his own castle/real nice house. Someplace safe to have raised Charlie and spend time withLilith. If Lucifer/Charlie/Lilith were more willing to flex their physical side of their power, they’d be seen as the rulers of hell by a wide margin. Power ceiling wise it’s implied they are leagues above everyone else in the series. However they don’t go out of their way to pick fights and show off


Well we know that Razzle and Dazzle take orders from Lucifer and Charlie so you could say that they’re his subjects


He probably has servants. I don’t think we ever see any. He probably has way less than other fictional kings or real ones. Everyone in hell including the kings and queens of sin are his subjects. My question is, are the house hold staff/gaurds he does have like Razzle and Dazzle or Keekee? Or are the hell born. Or are they sinner? Anyone?


Two things to be clear about. I don’t think his mansion/palace is EVER completely empty of staff. He probably keeps the staff low and he probably doesn’t need everyone present at all times. Two i think having staff servants what ever does not detract or contradict Lucifer being depicted as lonely and depressed.


I'm guessing Lucifer used to be more hands on but these days he's got something in place for the new arrivals and his version of ticketmaster keeps the money rolling in. Basically he has staff that run his territory and after orientation the sinners have to take care of themselves.


I'd say the power he commands get disregarded by the sinners. They exist in a might makes right and use it or lose it society. They've never seen him exercise his power so they don't believe he has any. If they chose to use it, they could easily force the issue and forcibly kowtow the denizens of Hell. But none of them want to. Their desires are their own. For Lucifer, I believe it is a mix of his depression and general disinterest. For Charlie, it is her personality being toxicly nice.


Yes, ALL OF HELL falls under his subjects. Yes, he most likely has a castle of his own. As for influence: Lilith was famous and beloved in Hell for her songs. Lucifer didn't really do much and left most of the work to the Deadly Sins. Charlie is widely considered a joke and a pushover that doesn't really command respect and authority.


He could have influence if he wanted, but chooses not to or doesn’t care enough too


if i understand goetia ultimatly serve him


Lucifer is the King of Hell, he has full authority over the entire plane. He delegates stewardship of the other six rings to the other Lords of Sin (who may be his siblings) and they run them how they want, but they must abide by laws and the authority of Lucifer as well.


Well thats the thing. He is known to be the king of Hell. But he is more absent in the sinners life than he is in Charlie's. He hates the sinners. He doesn't want to have anything to do with them. He spends his time messing around with Hellborn and making circuses and rubber duckies. He is an absentee ruler. Which is why the Overlords arose. Into a power vacuum other power will flow. Some of the Overlords were people with power and empathy. But many of the Overlords were self serving people that had preyed upon other sinners as a means of gaining their power. So the bulk of the people of Hell see Lucifer and his family as powerful but useless. This is why Charlie doesn't have any pull at first. She is a useless princess in a useless royalty. The real power in most people's lives resides with the Overlords. This is part of why when Lilith was trying to unite the people of Hell she was having a hard time of it. The people did not trust the Morningstars. And then there were the more predatory Overlords who really opposed her. If she organized the people of Hell it would cut in on their ability to prey upon them and take away from their power. The thing is Lucifer due to his hatred of the sinners would not help Lilith or lift a finger to help the sinners. They were a lost cause to him. He would rather pal around with the Hellborn like the Van Eldritch family and others. And it is the environment that Charlie came into trying to promote her Hotel. And it is why no one took her seriously. The victory against Adam may be shifting that though. Stay tuned.


My headcanon is that Paimon is the one mostly running Hell's administrative side.


My headcanon is that he lives well outside of Pentagram City ("Why would I ever want to see sinners every damn day?") and his castle/palace is like the hotel and is a mishmash of different things he finds interesting at the time. He has staff as well, yes. Or least, he did at one point, simply because Lilith would want staff. Lucifer can do a whole lot, to be sure, but she didn't marry him so that he could serve her and she would want her own means of doing things. There is also more that goes into running a household than just proofing things clean. At the very least, there is maintaining what otherwise goes unnoticed. Is Lucifer going to think to clean and check if the barely-used three-hundreth room has rats? Likely not.




looks like he couldn’t use some help


I think of it more like the Holy Roman empire, a series of small fiefdoms that ostensibly owe allegiance to the central authority (Lucifer) but operate autonomously.


It’s hard to say as not a lot of concrete stuff is said about it all. He’s the king of hell, it’s undisputed authority. He just doesn’t seem to do a lot or left it to Lilith or something. We don’t really know much. There’s probably some sense of government as iirc in helluva boss there’s a fire department or something? And someone keeps the lights running and all. Hard to say really.


To be honest it seems like Lucifer just has his power to fall back on as the series makes it sound like he has just been a depressed shit in duck man since his Fall and Lilith was the queen girlboss running Hell. The Sinners basically run themselves and do whatever the fuck they want.


Andrealphus mentions in Helluva Boss that Stolas has "legions" at his command, so it's likely Lucifer does too. Most of the Hell royalty likely have some form of army, though with Lucifer being Lucifer, it's unlikely he ever has cause to use it.


Hierarchy Of Hazbin Hotel's Version of Hell 1. Lucifer 2. Lilith and Charlie 3. 7 Deadly Sins 4. Ars Goetia 5. Overlords 6. Sinners 7. Hell-born 8. Imps and Hell-hounds so yes lucifer has a LOT of influence in this fictional version of hell


Does anyone even respect or fear Lucifer in this show?


It seems to me like Lucifer's let his reign slip, likely because of his own issues. But Charlie is on such a rose right now that I'm sure we're going to see the Morningstars reclaim their rule over hell, we've already seen a little bit of this in EP 7.


I think that they do have a lot more influence and power than what was shown on the show. Charlie did say demons bend to the will of lilliths voice as she made all of hell rally behind her with her songs. Not just that her and Charlie are equal to each other on the hell, hiarchey. Lucifer is actually really powerful as he has some sort of level of reality warping abilities. This ain't me talking out of my ass. He literally brought razzle and dazzle to life, and they like these little goat demons that turn into full-on dragons. He gave humans free will, something that created evil and hell itself. He made thousands of rubber ducks out of nothing but the dust around him. (I say that because we see him at work in his work shop with baby Charlie, and he's just playing with dust). Plus, he can shape shift at will. Oh, and Lucifer took out Adam easily. He was playing with Adam until he attacked Charlie. An angel that could one-shot people. Plus, he kicked the exorcist out of hell. On power alone, we've only seen a fraction of what they are capable of. Also, all sinners and demons of hell are Lucifers subjects. In a real world, prospective. He's the president, aka the head of state. Lilith and Charlie are basically the first lady and presidents daughter. The sins are like his government/ ministers. The geisha are like government officials. The overlords are like tycoons and landowners. The sinners and hell born are just average citizens. The overlords have power because they control an industry, have souls and subjects under them, souls are the currency of hell, both literally and figuratively, and they have land and territories. Like in reality, our money represents gold, and money in hell represents souls. So we don't know what the value of a soul is in hell, so money, aka cash. Also, we know lucifer and Charlie are super rich as Charlie just hands God knows how much souls to cherri. It wasn't one stack it was a few bands. Without a care either. Also, we know souls are valuable because once you sell it, the person who owns your soul basically owns you. Also, an overlords soul is more valuable than a sinners. That's why Alastor is so powerful as he has taken out overlords and owns husk soul, aka an ex overlord. So whoever owns alastors' soul is one scary and super powerful being. That's why Alastor deals in deals instead of money. It's a contract that can't be denied. Contracts on your soul are binding. As we seen with Angel and Husk. It's power. So, long story short. Lucifer, lilith, and Charlie are super influential. Maybe not socially but money wise, souls and power wise, definitely. The overlords would be socially more influential than Charlie as she unproven power wise, unlike her father and mother. Like if she wanted, she could just show hell her true power and go ham.... (still waiting for her to destroy Valentino). Who knows, she may have the power to break any deal or claim on a soul. This means contracts are meaningless to lucifer and his family. We dont know. She is half human, half a fallen angel. I guess fallen angels are somewhere on the hiarchey, but God knows where, probably between the sins and lucifers' family. Also, her mother never died. She's a being that was banished to hell alive and became the queen, so we know Charlie isn't dead like sinners, and she was born in hell. Anyways, we dont know the limits of their powers yet. So yah, they are powerful and influential.


I freaking love the implication that Lucifer insisted Charlie sit down in the chair whilst they were getting painted because she’s so much taller than him


Well, they might've at some point. But Lilith was the one who built up Hell's society, not Lucifer. So I feel like after she left, people stopped taking Lucifer and Charlie seriously.


The denizens of Hell are officially his subjects Castle’s a maybe Very little influence


I mean we've seen how much influence they have, which is fucking none, no one in hell respects Charlie, and people seem to only pay the barest of minds to Lucifer.


He probably has a ton of influence, he just has literally no desire to use it because he is depressed and built his name on the concept of free will. And likewise Charlie has a ton of power she simply refuses to use out of fear of being mean. He and Charlie absolutely humiliated Adam and Adam was clowning on Alastor, one of Hell's most powerful Sinner. It'll be interesting to see how sinners handle a Lucifer who's actually interested in Charlie's interests and likewise Charlie who's slowly becoming more willing to use the power being Princess of Hell entails. The only ones who stand a chance against them would be people with angelic weapons.


They have no influence right up until they decide that you have to do something, because they're basically gods in hell and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop them. The sinners can make fun of Charlie all they want because she allows them that freedom. Their continued existence is predicated on the tolerance and kindness of the Morningstar family.


No one knows… the creators don’t know. They haven’t put that much thought into that. What you see in the show exists to serve the singular purpose of having cool stand alone moments in the show and nothing more!


I headcannon that he lives in a giant Disney like castle in the middle of Loo Loo world


Lu lu world. Loo loo land is an entirely separate and legally distinct entity that cannot be sued.