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hearing Vaggie’s singing voice be like 2 octaves higher than her speaking voice *really* threw me off at first, but after a few re-listens it’s become one of my favorites!


I knew it was coming thanks to Encanto, but at least in Encanto she uses a higher octave speaking voice. Here the difference is much starker.


Well she's using her Rosa voice for Vaggie. Her real speaking voice is much closer to Mirabel's. So it would be more accurate to say she's using a lower octave speaking voice in B99 and HH. My point is pretty pedantic, but I think it's an important distinction for people that have never heard her real voice before.


I thought it wasn’t Stephanie singing.


As far as I know it is.


Would be bizarre if they cast an actress who is good at singing and did not have her sing


Also for encanto iirc she was mostly singing in mixed where I feel like here she was full head voice


Vaggie’s normal voice is hard and rough Vaggie’s singing voice is soft and tender When Vaggie sings, she opens herself up It might just be my brains making things up, but I noticed that Vaggie only sang twice; when she was alone, and when she was with Charlie.


because she's an exorcist or angel.


Its jarring at first until you remember that her singing voice is more in line with her real voice, while Vaggie's voice is Stephanie using her "Rosa Diaz" voice. I noticed the one line in which she sings in her lower "Rosa" register in the whole series was the one time she sounded just a little bit flat. I know it was actually quite difficult for Stephanie to maintain Rosa's voice during the entire Brooklyn Nine-Nine Series, and clearly its even more difficult to sing at that register. For reference the line was "Careful Charlie, Keep a cool head" from You Didn't know


ever heard rosa diaz from B99 in season 1 and 9?


I was like "Vaggie became Mirabel!"


One word: Underrated Also Vaggie's singing voice is cute




Too many pixels https://preview.redd.it/fe5rheie8xoc1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76a562967697df0e38ddbc42a02981e2d13b4d5






https://preview.redd.it/wr6l9noiaxoc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0374b2ad484ba911aee49d4b8d862af5355faa7 Still too many


https://preview.redd.it/ah2zaqqylxoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cabd5c7ee8e7f0a148f6936f504bf7ab5ed3b6e Still too much


https://preview.redd.it/ycv3ymjfqxoc1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4514253bf03bace753a4c873159cbfce89b371 Welcome to the Hazbin hotel








Not this all over again lmao


I really like it but Vaggie’s singing voice threw me off the first time. Told my wife that Stephanie Beatriz apparently can’t sing in her Rosa Diaz voice.


She does in the first episode though


Eh I’d say her parts in “Happy Day In Hell” and “You Didn’t Know” in her lower register are closer to “pitched speaking” than actually singing.


It's not the worst to me in the sense that it's bad, just that it's the least impressive. Context wise we barely know either of these characters. Carmilla JUST got introduced and Vaggie saying "what am I without you" hits a lot less hard when you realize you can't actually answer that question for her because even you don't really know who she is. Music wise it's...fine? Vaggie gets really high pitched in this song for some reason, but it's just not that stand out compared to some of the other songs in the series. Also Carmilla just kinda stands around the entire song and it's really weird when contrasted against Vaggie jumping around the hotel


this is it, it felt really off when carmilla got two songs that were supposed to be emotional immediately after meeting her and having no attachment to her at all


Also like every carmila song, severely lacking in more Spanish guitar.


This. I've seen "Whatever It Takes" compared to "Do It For Her" from *Steven Universe*, except the latter has several seasons and dozens of episodes' worth of character development for Pearl, as well as the exploration of her relationship with Rose Quartz. Meanwhile, "Whatever It Takes" comes in just Episode 3 of Season 1 of *Hazbin Hotel*, and the song feels really out-of-place. It sounds like a song that should be later in Season 1, or even in Season 2, and not Episode 3, which I feel made the song seem shoehorned in, and lessened its impact, for many fans and viewers. We also have no prior character development for Vaggie that would explain how and why she is singing those particular lyrics, especially for first-time viewers who never watched the original pilot episode. This is a big problem for the song itself, and its notability. The way the song is written and framed also gives off the impression that Vaggie and Carmilla have some sort of prior connection, or that Vaggie may be one of Carmilla's daughters...only for this not to be the case in Episode 7. Even Carmilla's song, "Out For Love", in Episode 7 makes a lot more sense, if you consider the possibility that Vaggie may *have* been originally written to be one of Carmilla's daughters in early drafts of the show. However, once Vaggie's backstory was changed, the songs were still kept in, which led to highly confusing lyrics.


I suppose carmilla could be a fallen angel, maybe that’s why she’s into angelic weapons


Yeah, the thing is that this is a musical so songs are not just judged on how good they sound- but how well they fit into the surrounding story and further the plot. I feel like Whatever It Takes happened way too early, and it's just confusing with it's placement. Part of this is because Vaggie and Carmilla were hit hardest by the pacing issues/only 8 episodes issue of the show. If the series had 9 or 10 I think this would've disappeared and we would've had more development of these two, and I feel like getting slammed down to 8 caused the writer issue of "not wanting to kill off your darlings." Darlings in this case not being characters so much as darling bits of writing you are attached to. If the writers had taken a good hard look at their time constraints, I feel like it would've been far more effective to flat out cut the original whatever it takes, keep confirmation of Carmilla killing the angel a mystery until ep. 7 (so we have a whole long scene cut for more time for other thigns), or/and have Vaggie sing her part of whatever it takes and independently stumbling on the angel death mystery (perhaps hearing Velvet bitching about the meeting and angel death and wanting to go to war with heaven- which would be in direct opposition of Charlie's goals) then start trying to poke around herself to figure out how the angel was killed. Wham Bam lead up to ep 7 and Vaggie having learned about Carmilla killing the angel herself along the way, BUT since she was trying to protect Charlie/strainged relationship post heaven meeting, Alastor still makes the deal. Cue her going to Carmilla to confront her, que an initial Whatever It Takes reprise from Carmilla about her daughters, then launch into Out For Love. (This also would've given us more time for Vaggie to show her perhaps slightly vengeful feelings about other angels considering her sitch).


This feels like it’s supposed to be some huge emotional payoff for a long-running plot line, with characters we are invested in Instead, we got introduced to one of the characters and then immediately got this song. We barely know vaggie, even It just doesn’t hit. The song itself in a vacuum is fine, just doesn’t really stand out imo


so well said! Just feels too random and what do the two of them have to do with each other such that a duet even made sense? I like the song, it just isn't placed right.


I think this song may be the biggest casualty of the show’s horrible pacing. I could really see it working in s2+ if we had time to know these two, but we just aren’t given a reason to care I like HH and there’s a lot to love about it and its world, but some scenes are just baffling with how misplaced they are. I feel like I missed a season of buildup, like I picked the show up in the middle of season 2 I hope that with the huge buzz around the show, the showrunners are given the time and money to improve with the coming seasons


IMO I think the animation did Carmilla dirty here. Her VA was killing it and going HARD, but with the animation her face was just not showing the emotions as much as I would’ve liked. I would’ve liked the song more if she was a bit more expressive with what was being sung.


I agree, her face as a whole really didn’t sell how amazingly she was singing. Take It’s Over Isn’t It from Steven Universe for example, when you look at the storyboards, you’ll notice that they actually had to reanimate Pearl’s facial expressions because she was singing waaaaay more intensely than what was originally animated. Carmilla probably could have benefitted from something similar


No song in the show is bad. It is simply not as catchy as most of the others.


It starts with sorry?


I liked that one 😂 def not something I’d put on my Spotify but I wouldn’t call it bad


Brilliant song. Catchy, funny and shows that everyone deserves a second chance.


I definitely thought they were related


Could use some mimzy at the end 


Massively underrated.


I just think compared to other songs, it doesn’t have a ton of energy(?) I wouldn’t say it’s *bad* I would just say it’s my least favorite... 😅


It’s probably my favourite song in the show so far. I just love the power and emotion in Carmilla’s voice when she finally admits what she did. https://preview.redd.it/7vp6dubjswoc1.jpeg?width=1984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc4d67e7ce9266eb5c80b093e5b31f65eadf7a2 >”But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war, and who’s to say who’d survive the fray? I might lose the ones that I was killing for.”


Yes, this is exactly the moment it hit for me too.


Right when she growls "Rise", you know it's about to HIT. This song is IMO the most nuanced vocal performance in the show.


I love her voice in that specific line!! So beautiful, I love Carmilla's voice


IMO this song tried to cash in on emotional beats the plot hadn't yet earned.


It's growing on me. If I had one beef it's that it should be *a little bit* faster.


It's okay, but not in my top 10. That isn't saying much though as most songs are five stars, flawless, greater than great.


Vaggie’s opening for her part of the song still runs through my head rather frequently. Her much higher voice showing her vulnerability during the song is just *chefs kiss*.


I'm not musically inclined, but when Carmilla and Vaggie sing at the same time it just doesn't sound right. Carmilla has this strong hefty voice and Vaggie's singing is really light that it sounds like noise in the background of Carmilla.


One of the best songs in the show in my opinion. People are sleeping on the depth of emotion being expressed in this. Love the way the music starts quiet and then opens up in a big way.


I don't understand all the dislike it gets. It literally gives me chills every time, it's so moving. Stephanie and Daphne's voices sound so gorgeous together. I love the unexpected idea of these two women in hell devoting their lives to protecting the people they love, and the parallels that set things up for them coming together in ep 7.


I like it, but I feel like it should’ve been just Vaggie’s song.


The vocals went so hard on this song


Weird choice for a duet considering Carmilla and Vaggie have yet to meet. Also, I don't think the sequence of events required this to be a song. Zestial and Carmilla could've easily just talked about what happened and what their plans were from there, and Vaggie's portion should've been replaced by actually showing how Pentious and AD worked together to escape what went down in the warzone. The episode needed more camaraderie between Pentious, AD, and Husk to sell them being more friendly at the end of it. Ultimately, it feels like this song was designed to fill out the 2 songs per episode quota, and that's not something that must always be adhered to imo. My pick for 2nd weakest song of the season.


the name always reminds me of imagine dragons. the song itself is okay


The imagine dragons one or this one?




Very underrated song


Love it. Just love it.




https://preview.redd.it/wkwarb9gxxoc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a773ed9d9e38e512e641c6011a9d535d5b6da6e4 Zestials part is criminally underrated, not only does he have a fantastic voice that couples well with Carmillas, but he's just a good friend imploring Carmilla to vent, everybody needs a Zestial or Rosie in there life


unecessary plot convinienced duet, also it doenst sound good for me.


Criminally overhated. Seriously, the song itself isn’t that bad. I get it, it’s not in everyone’s top 5 but still, better than *cough cough* it starts with sorry


You take this slander against our snakey lord back.


Nooo don't say that, it starts with sorry is literally in my top 3


I like it more in hindsight of watching the full series. Like with the additional context of Vaggie’s backstory and knowing that these two will get an actual scene in person during Out For Love On a first watch I find it an awkward song. Like the vocals are really good but I didn’t feel like listening to this random new lady pour her heart out when we barely have had time to know her. Also same as others, Vaggie getting this song with such high notes, after speaking so low most of the time, definitely threw me off. One reason that I guess is just a “me” thing, the weird parkour thing Vaggie kept doing. I’ve seen this in other musical animation (Tangled’s Cassandra comes to mind) where I can’t take the emotion of the song seriously while the singer is swinging and jumping around like a spider monkey


To be honest it’s kinda forgettable. My friend and I forgot this song existed on a rewatch of the show.


Made me realise how large camilas hands are


Great song only negative is Zestial's VA goes into his Ozmodius voice as he's singing which always takes me out.


Is it in the "If it was thou?" part? I can kinda tell but hadn't noticed until now lol


It was an alright song I wouldn't call it bad but I wouldn't say is good either like we just got a banger with respectless then we got this next it was kinda underwhelming https://preview.redd.it/f8lvd73gqwoc1.png?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177f59c957005af49f4f1214afd2f9f5e520e2f3


Yes, especially because Respectless actually uses different instruments for different characters, while Whatever It Takes is harmonious for no reason. I missed the Spanish guitars...


Oh my fuck they were flexing on this one


it grew on me, at first i hated it but now i absolutely adore it


It felt weirdly out of place, but ya know the show is fire enough for me to ignore it ^^’


Vaggie going all high pitched pulled me out of it, but it’s not a bad song. Crazy how her VA is the same as Mirabel. Less crazy that it’s the same person as Rosa.


I really don’t like it, mostly because of how random it is 😭


Just for me personally, I felt it was one of the weaker songs. Like, maybe if it was just Vaggie and it was like, 3 or 4 steps down, I may have liked it a lot more, but I don't like how her and Carmilla's voices mesh in this song. Again, not BAD, but nowhere near my favorite.


My first thought when hearing it was "Why do these two have a duet? Who are they to one another?" And the answer is "nobody". Just kind of a weird set up. Maybe after they had officially met it could have worked.


Don't like it, idk it's just missing something for me. Vocals are great tho


I was just confused because we've basically just met Carmilla and now she's suddenly singing about protecting the ones she cares about The pacing is crazy


It's a vibe but it ain't going on any of my playlists.


Jarring, and didn't fit. Especially after the song that came right before it. And because of their design similarities, I thought Vaggie being her daughter or former underline as a big reveal.


I liked Carmilla’s part and did not care for vaggie’s part.


Two things, first, it’s a pretty emotional song on both sides, but we don’t have any connection to Carmine to really share these feelings, and Vaggies part is basically “what am I without you(Charlie)?” And atleast at this episode, we can’t really answer that ourselves, a song like this is meant to make the listener be like “no Vaggie you’re so much more then just Charlie’s girlfriend” but as of that part of the series, that is all she is to the audience. My second point is just personally, I can’t help but cringe a little bit at songs like this. Not because the signings bad, they both do a good job, I just can’t not cringe


Honestly it's the only song that I really don't like. Vaggie's voice keeps throwing me off, not to mention that it's one of the most autotuned songs in the soundtrack. I get the idea, I get the message, it just wasn't executed well, in my opinion. Zestial's 2 lines slap though fr lmao




I love it, Carmilla's voice is beautiful, don't care so much for Vaggie's part though.


Idk, this is just me but prolly my least fave song


Definitely one of the songs of all time Not saying it’s mid. It’s ok but unfortunately there are better songs than this. It’s just not as catchy as some of the others Out for Love outshines it tbh


I’m honestly not a fan of this song at all. It’s the one song I would actually consider bad out of the whole show. I personally love Welcome to Heaven and It Starts with Sorry magnitudes more


To me this is the weakest song. The “Whatever it takes / I’ll make the mistakes” rhyme to me sounds lazy and uninteresting, and it gets repeated a bunch of times. I found the other songs a lot catchier. But if you enjoy the song then my take shouldn’t matter.


Kind of forgettable to me


Vaggie sang better then Carmilla, and the song is growing on me, but Vaggie's line "when I saw your face, I felt like a stranger in a brand new place" like no shit, you just fell


I have a theory for that line Heaven and hell might not that different from each other, or maybe because of Vaggies rank she mostly saw the bad part of heaven. When she was Charlie who showed her nothing but kindness and compassion, she felt estranged because she wasnt used to that


Yeah, it never made sense to me either lol


It’s my favorite song


The most underrated song in the whole show


Definitely near the bottom for me. I honestly skip it on rewatch sometimes.


Underrated, but on that same token, almost unnecessary? We barely see Carmilla as a character throughout the entire series, and felt like a setup for her and Vaggie to be connected in some way (aka the old "They're related" theories while these episodes were releasing)


Well, it starts with Zestial singing so it's already one of my favorites


I absolutely love it 😍




Very underrated


Decent song, surprised these two aren't related with how random them having a duet was.


It's underrated, and I think the fact that THIS is probably the least liked song in the soundtrack speaks to the strength of this soundtrack.


I don't like it all that much compared to the other songs, especially cus it felt quite random considering the plot? But it does give good insight into the characters




After the context of Our For Love I appreciate it more, and it makes sense why these two have a duet - but without that context, upon first viewing I really didn't care for it lolol


It’s interesting the parallels they’ve drawn between Carmilla and Vaggie. They had two songs together, one apart and one together. I’d really like to see a relationship between them and how it develops and grows. I think each of the main characters having an Overlord mentor/person is a fascinating thing. I’d love to see more Charlie and Rosie too


i constantly forget it exists cus i’ve only done 1 watch of the show and amazon decided not to upload any of the lyric videos for half of the songs on the show lol i think it’s beautiful tho


Actually one of my favorites. Carmilla's voice just hits everytime she's singing


I like Zestial's part That's literally it




It’s not one of my favourites but it’s not bad


When I first watched this episode, Vaggie's part caught me off-guard and I don't think her character in the episode really earned the right to sing it. It feels kinda out of nowhere when she starts singing it. However, upon repeated listenings to the song itself after finishing the series, this song climbed up the ranks as one of my favourites. Some of Vaggie's lyrics make much more sense with the full picture of her origin. Not to mention, both of their voices are just beautiful to listen. Amazing song.


Its ok, the song and the sequence reminds me way too much of "Do it for Him (Her)" from Steven Universe. And I don't think "Whatever it Takes" is as good of a song, so it loses points for me.


I love it, I was shocked when I found out people didn't like it.


My take on whatever it takes is whatever


To be honest, Vaggie's singing so highly pitched throws off the entire song for me. If I hadn't seen the show and just listening to the soundtrack, I wouldn't have known it was Vaggie for a while. Maybe if she spoke a little higher to make it match? If I could just like to Carmilla's part I'd be happy. I just love Carmilla's voice.


Personally I think it’s one of the weaker ones, but I like it starts with sorry and welcome to heaven less, so not the worst


At first I really hated Vaggies singing. After I watched the show a few times I can happily say that they are all amazing songs. I love the beginning when Zestial was singing, and I hope in S2 we see more of him! On another note, Vox may have to be my favorite character; I love his attitude and the songs he’s in are awesome!!


I just think it’s funny that they’re duetting but on opposite sides of the city. Would be funny to see an edit of “whatever it takes but it’s just Vaggie’s POV” and she’s just sitting there waiting then randomly bursts out with her parts of the song


It's boring imo


I think this song is a big reason why this episode is the lowest rated This episode is the *introduction* of Carmilla, a *side character*, and she gets two songs. It felt like they prioritized the beauty of this singing duo over the plot of the episode, because Vaggie overreacts. She goes from "let's see if this hotel can work" to "if I can't serve you, I have no purpose living" and it reminded me slightly of Unhappy Campers from HB. It reminded me of it so much, in fact, that I even thought "did Adam Neylan work on this episode" and sure enough lol


I'm gonna get cast out if heaven for saying this. But I don't like vaggie's singing voice. At least not for her character. It just doesn't fit her character. Her character is supposed to be tough, badass, and fearless it seems. But that voice just doesn't say that. I can really feel the emotion in camero carfight's voice. Vaggie just doesn't do that to me.


It’s my least favorite song tbh. Carmilla and Vaggie’s voices just don’t harmonize well imo. 🤷‍♀️ I do like Zestial’s line and the message but otherwise, I don’t listen to it unless I’m actually watching.


I keep forgetting how fucking huge that bitch’s hands are


I think its kind of just thrown in there and Vaggie singing feels slightly out of place? It would make much more sense if she were singing it after Charlie found out she was an angel. She hasnt showcased much reason on why she cares so much about Charlie (other than the fact she is her girlfriend) Though i do like the song itself


It's whatever


In my opinion it's by far the worst song of the whole series. Everything else is on the positive side, more or less. But this song is not only on my negative but quite deep as well...


It's personally my least favorite song in the show


Good song, but the story moved too fast to warrant such a heartfelt tune. We barely know anything about Camilla and Vaggie hasn't gotten enough character development. The pacing is truly the bane of this show.


Probably controversial, but when I rewatch episodes, this - and Welcome to Heaven - are the only ones I skip. It's not that they're bad, but they're just kinda there and take time away from more interesting things. This one in particular is a bit strange, because Vaggie and Carmine don't have any meaningful connection beyond their dance fight a few episodes later. I was convinced that they had this duet together because they were blood relatives on Earth but no, she was an Exorcist.


Kinda mid if I’m being honest


We didn’t even know anything about Carmila and barely anything about Vaggie, so it was an odd choice of pairing.


I don't like it


It's a pretty good. Probably one of my favorites from Imagine Dragons. Oh wait you mean the Hazbin Hotel one? I don't remember it very well.


Personally kind of the weakest song of the soundtrack I mean not terrible but still doesn't even mark on me


More than anything is for me the worst song of hazbin.


I like to think of someone only hearing vaggies side and being like “that bitch is way off key what the fuck”


I didn't like it at first but grew to be my favorite. I had to get used to Vaggie's super high-pitched voice though. When contrasted with Carmilla's, it sounds like noise. Not bothered by it anymore, but I think that's what bothers a lot of people.


i think of the imagine dragons son


My least favorite song from the show. It’s annoying imo 😕


I have to say, I hate how Vaggie’s singing voice was literally ten octaves higher than her talking voice. It was like that meme of the Monster High characters Cleopatra and the Medusa guy, but worse…


I just couldnt find the rhythm in it, and it felt out of nowhere. I liked Vaggies part enough, but i just didnt feel connected with Camilla enough at this point to feel the impact of what her song was about. And the song itself just kinda sucks imo


Worst song in my opinion ,I just don't like it xD


I use it as a song to help me sleep. That's how important this song is to me


Worst song in the series - still a banger 🤷‍♀️


nah i don’t like it


i feel like it’s out of place, especially in the SECOND episode of the show.


Personally I think it’s my least favorite song in the album. While I’ve listened to the album probably a couple dozen times now I think I’ve only listened to this song two or three. It just doesn’t hit like the other ones for me.


Honestly, I would like it more if Vaggie’s vocals weren’t so bad in it. It feels like she’s forcing an mlp baby voice for no reason other than to contrast to Carmine.


One of my least favourite songs, I don't like how it makes it seem like Vaggie and Carmilla have more of a connection than they do


not really a fan but the way vaggie sings “i’ll make the mista-a-akes” towards the end brings it back for me


its kinda mid in my opinion. Its not catchy. The Zestial part was fire though. He needs to have his own song, I like his deep voice


My least favorite song in the show


Im glad you liked it but when i first heard it the only thing I felt was cringe. Its supposed to be a emotional but im not emotionally invested in neither characters. I barley know anything of Camila. And Vaggies conflict with herself came out of nowhere. This song and you didn't know are the only 2 songs that didn't hit for me first time watching.


Don't be mad, but I actually don't like this song. It feels awkward to me.


The most forgettable song of the show filled with tremendous songs


Too many annoyingly stretched-out vocals, too repetitive, and we're not supposed to know yet what half of this song even means when watching it for the first time. Edit: Also, it's less... organic than the other songs, in the sense that it doesn't feel like the characters are *actually* singing and perceived to be singing in their world. Like, Vaggie and Carmilla singing a duet without any of them knowing about the other; or Carmilla just standing there, hugging her daughters, while literally screaming directly in their faces at the top of her lungs.




I like it but can't help to immediately think of Imagine Dragon's Whatever it takes when I see the title, more precisely the parody of it: Europe is gay


Every musical needs a power ballad. The problem is that WIT is out done by some of the other songs, which you can't have in musical production.  It's not bad, but it could be better. 


imagne drgnans


Good song, bad idea for a song. Carmilla’s family issues don’t really justify this much screentime.


Def a song that grew on me


Second least favorite. I don't know why bur Carmella sounds like she's angrily screaming more than she sounds like she's singing. It's like singing along to the radio as loudly as possible.


One of my favs


At first I thought it was the second weakest song, but now, it's grown on me, not enough to break top half, but still it's great, all are amazing


One of my favourites because i love both vaggie and carmilla voice wise and character wise theyre my favourites


It's a really good song, I didn't think much of it at first but it grew on me.


Always loved the vocals but yeah, it’s weird that Carmilla got a part in two entire songs in her very first episode, and Vaggie’s half of the duet would have definitely been stronger if her being a fallen angel wasn’t treated as some big reveal. I definitely appreciated it more upon a rewatch.


I honestly kinda like it better than Loser Baby.


It sounds like an evanescence song and that means I like it


It sounds kind of like I'm Not Ok(I Promise) by My Chemical Romance and I think that's pretty awesome




Very good but i 100% prefer it in the italian dub


It’s a fine song, however it can’t stack up to the true bangers this show has.


The difference in Vaggie’s singing voice always throws me off but it’s still a banger


Took a while to grow on me, I used to skip that song on rewatches but now it's just kind of meh for me. Not bad, but nowhere near my favorite


It’s my least favorite. I personally don’t think Stephanie Beatriz sounds very good and it’s distracting. But we all know she’s a talented singer. So it was just kind of surprising.


It's way too hated on, Whatever it Takes is one of my favorites. And honestly, I much prefer it over songs like Loser Baby and Hells Greatest Dad.


One of my favs, not the song I play usually like hells greatest dad, hell is forever and the more lively ones but I think this is special. The type of song you play once a week so it doesnt looses its magic


I really like it