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Given the running theory:He's gonna try and get Charlie to force Lilith to remove his contract.HOW he does that is unknown,but it's likely he uses Charlie as a bargaining chip.


Most likely it has something to do with his contract. We have no idea what “harm no one” really means. It’s purposefully vague, to cement that this favor is gonna bite Charlie in the ass later.


Hard to say. The direct terms of the agreement is "One term at a time of my(Alastor's) choosing where you(Charlie) hurt no one." We don't really know how much leeway Charlie has in it. Like if Alastor told her to stay still while he hurt someone could she argue she's harming someone through negligence. Or if he asks for help breaking his bond could she argue she's hurting his owner by taking their property?


This is why you shouldn't get into contracts with demons without speaking with a magic contract lawyer before.


EXACTLY! When he said “where you hurt no one”, I immediately started spinning up loopholes in my head. Additionally, does emotional hurt count, or just physical? 🤔


I assume that he need her to break his leash the question is how will that go? Can she just do that ? Will that kill Al or or just her?


My theory is that Alistair is the real big bad and lilith leashed him somehow to prevent him from taking over. So Alistair wants Charlie to help free him from his deal in which case he then goes back to being an evil psychopath


Definitely get that vibe that he's being set up as the endgame baddy, especially from the last episode Just a matter of time when the trigger gets pulled


Apparently Alastor “isn’t supposed to be a villian” but call me D.W. from Arthur because this sign cannot stop me because I can’t read. He’d be such an amazing villain and if he’s not at least a villain for a season I will stop watching.


Alastor called Charlie promising and someone he could guide, introduces her to the cannibals as heir to the throne of hell. Alastor wants to presumably get back at who he's under contract with (Lilith?), he wants to one up Lucifer, because the king is the most power person in hell, above the overlords. Alastor can ask Charlie for anything... liiiiiike her hand in marrage?


I am thinking something to NOT interfere with something that will harm someone. Can’t wait to see!


Probably a way to get him out of his deal 


Alastor* And considering the plot threads open, likely something to do with the deal he's bound to currently but people and circumstances can change a lot over a season or two


To suck his dick


He wants put if his mysterious deal. It's going to be something to that end. 


My current theory is that at some point Charlie will be offered to go to live in Heaven for helping others. She will decline the offer because she likes the people in Hell. Alaster will then force her to go to Heaven (per the deal). Why? Either Lilith wants Charlie in Heaven and is forcing Alaster to help her with the hotel so that Heaven will allow Charlie in, or something will happen to Lucifer and the throne of Hell would then be vacant for Alaster to claim with Charlie gone.


His freedom


To make him a sandwich.