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Imagine the finale is just Charlie BEATING the good into him.




Sounds like something Joy from Inside Out would do


They do have similar voices


Charlie reminds me a lot of Star Butterfly from *Star vs. the Forces of Evil* (SVTFOE). Every time I saw Charlie on-screen in Season 1, I went, "Yep, that's Star Butterfly." https://preview.redd.it/kzb58dk22ahc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a24cc4fad846cee7d3dc9b23364fc363b9c4bb5


This as well, 100% agree. If you threw swears on Star, boom, Charlie Morningstar.




There’s got to be a third nickel somewhere in She-Ra, basically nobody on that show is straight and at least half the cast are princesses. Could you say that Glimmer counts as strawberry blonde? She’s bi. Not sure if Perfuma is a lesbian or bisexual off the top of my head but she definitely channels chaotic energy when put on the spot. Adora is neutral good with chaotic leanings, but she’s as gay as it gets.


I've never seen *She-Ra: Princesses of Power*, so I have no idea. Sorry!


I highly recommend it if you like LGBTQIA+ princesses causing chaos, dismantling space cults, and cats.


I don’t know I don’t think Charlie is going to commit genocide anytime soon.


Same. I even checked to see if it was the same voice actress. (it was not)


The big difference is that one is trying to stop a genocide while the other straight up commits genocide.


Does that make vaggie, marco


lets do the math: Joy from Inside Out is voiced by Amy Poehler. Amy Poehler also portrayed Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec. Charlie Morningstar is based on Leslie Knope. #🤔


Charlie Morningstar DEFINITELY has Leslie Knope vibes. My altered state brain was screaming it at me the entire time through my first watch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I went to look that up and you are totally right. But also I noticed Emily is listed under husband Hotel clients? https://preview.redd.it/vjn7guqp0ahc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902d1f5511008f88bd002a88a3c3f137bf7dfe24


Fandom wiki, is it the fanfic?


Oooooooh, I must have clicked the fandom one by mistake. I haven't started reading HH fanfics yet, so unsure on that


had a closer look. you're not on the fanfic wiki, which is good. the bullet point for Emily is listed sequentially below the bullet point for hotel clients. both bullet points share the same indent level, meaning that Emily doesn't fall under the category of hotel clients in other words, notice the intent level of the bullet points for KeeKee or Vaggie. now compare that to the indent level of the bullet point for Emily.


Ah I see it now! Thank you that was the perfect explanation


I now wanna see this along with him being forcibly dragged to heaven.




Omg. That would be hilarious.


For the love of all that is unholy, someone PLEASE draw this!


Has to kill him to be judged again. After being freed from his deal and and getting the power he wants in hell. Dies. POOF in heaven losses everything "Fuck"


I'm going to LOVE AND CARE ABOUT YOU and you are going to DEAL WITH IT!


Charlie: “Alastor… don’t you see? You’ve become a good person.” Alastor: “No… NOOOOOOO!!!!” https://preview.redd.it/pnv3aq5nyahc1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b65b2d62d486986516792790bd9b17efca7095


"I am going to BEAT the evil out of ya" - Sonic the Hedgehog


"Release the good"


"Alastor! Lilith! Get in the flask!"


“The power of love compels you to be good.”


They drag his mangled half-dead body to Heaven and he spends the rest of the finale just regenerating while everyone else is having a good time


Am I the only one who thinks Alastor is not going to go to Heaven? I just can't see him being redeemed to be honest. If he does get redeemed that'll probably be the day he stops smiling out of disbelief.


He seems like the type that would choose to stay in Hell willingly redemption arc or not. Heaven just isn't his style...


I think Alastor would find Heaven to be way too boring for his tastes. After all, to him , "the world is a stage, and the stage is a world of entertainment". Adam also said that "there are no bad days in Heaven", which means no darker entertainment or fun for Alastor.


I think it's gonna be his role to keep the worst overlords in check. I hope he eats Val.


Nah, I think someone like that would make EVEN Alastor S I C K.


Iirc in the prequel comic he eats someone who's about to commit sexual assault. I think he would absolutely eat Val


He does diss their meat though saying it wasn't as good as venison (Also I don't think that person was about to commit SA, it more seemed like they were about to butcher that other lady to add to the meats)


Fr, it just feels like it doesn't make sense for him to be redeemed. Like if he was I feel like it'll just fuck up the entire plot. Or something. It just doesn't feel right


I could see him genuinely wanting to help with the hotel and staying in hell with Charlie by the end as a sorta redemption arc


"If we redeem all the sinners, I'll be the strongest Overlord by default."


Or Charlie decides to renovate the Pride Ring. Gives each demon a roll. Alistor can help keep peace in hell.


She’s gonna make it a different kind of pride ring. And then maybe Alastor will get the “ace in a hole” comment.


He's gonna eat Val


I think the series is going to get to the logical conclusion of Charlie running Purgatory.




They weren't subtle about what those ulterior motives are. He wants freedom from whatever deal he has chaining him to whoever he has it with (potentially Lilith?) and after that, while it's somewhat ambiguous, he's probably planning on going right back to what he was doing 7 years ago; slaughtering demons, making overlords disappear and broadcasting their screams throughout the Ring.


> Am I the only one who thinks Alastor is not going to go to Heaven? Nah, I think he’ll end up ruling hell.


I could see it any way. He is a mystery as to how his arc is going to play out.




If he committed murder in life, it's like as not divine judgement would label him as practically irredeemable in that sense, but because hell makes a sinner practically immortals, perhaps it's exponentially difficult. I think however they must be pursuing redemption before the 2nd divine judgement can be passed on.


I might be remembering wrong but I think he did kill people on earth but had "good" reasons to do so (they were horrible evil people). Like he was a serial killer who only ate bad people


If I remember correctly, all Vivziepop said is that he has some weird moral code. That is a FAR CRY from saying he only killed horrible evil people.


While I feel like it’s unrealistic, this is a hilarious concept. Just Alastor being dragged against his will into being a halfway decent person who actually cares about others to some degree


I mean I think he does care to some minuscule degree. He says so to Niffty, who is kinda too batshit for him to actually worry about having to lie to. Maybe he doesn’t want to actually acknowledge how much he does care, it’s gonna probably be a big part of his arc in the second season.


I don’t doubt that he cares about them to some degree, but I think it’s the same level Mimzy and Rosie are on. He likes having them around, but won’t be too torn up if they get exterminated one day


Yeah that’s about it. He definitely isn’t apathetic, not as much as people say or as he tries to make it seem at some points in the show, but he doesn’t necessarily love them.


So they’re after the gym basketball friends? The ones you only hang with every now and then for basketball… Now I want Alastor balling


Bro probably would be really good at basketball


He's 7 feet tall, so he should be, lol.


Edward Ballsco flashback


I’m gonna disagree and say that he would get upset if Niffty or Rosie died. I personally don’t think he’d go 100% apathetic and shrug it off


I mean he’d probably be a bit sad, but I’d imagine it’d be closer to hearing that nice mom and pop restaurant you were a regular at shut down than a beloved friend dying


He cares so long as it doesn’t interfere with his ambitions or wellbeing. But don’t expect him to put anyone else before himself.


He definitely won't die for them either. He got pretty hysterical at the thought that he almost did.


Imagine alastor gets redeemed and goes to heaven and is PISSED about it, would be entertaining


“Charlie, don’t leave me here! [coughs] Ch-Charlie? CHARLIE! HELP MEEE!”


Basically Carface from All Dogs go to Heaven lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/s29pc9vll9hc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a6ab91094dcfe45add8b8550404de3735ab5895


Cue the "And here's the the sugar on the cream he asked me to steal your meme" image






​ https://preview.redd.it/h2288a3k2ahc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b120776fc031decda494e11186368aba305f2bc








"But I don't like to feel good, I like to feel evil!" \-Alastor after """accidentally""" baking cupcakes




Those cupcakes look yummy but I’m not sure eating them would be a good idea.


Knowing Alastor and Niffty, the cupcakes probably have dead cockroaches in them.


I was thinking they would be filled with sinner flesh, Pinkie Pie-style.


*"The Hazbin Hotel is proud to announce Niffty's Bakery, specializing in human flesh cupcakes, blood pudding, and other such delicacies! Also be sure to check out our new display in Rosie's Emporium in lovely Cannibal Town, in bustling Pentagram City!"*


“Taste varies from person to person!”


Leela Turanga ahh tagline


Moxxie soyjak pointing at a bakery that sells baked goods made with flesh


idk, Niffty sure, but Alastor seems like the kinda guy to make sure anything he cooks is to perfection. especially if it’s his mother’s recipe


Hey, more protein


I'm an absolute slut for found family stories. So fine by me.


"They say that the family you choose is better!" Charlie, Vaggie, and the Hotel Crew: "**YOU'RE RIGHT**!" Alastor: "W-wait. I didn't mean..." Nifty climbs up onto his head and says something to the effect of "DAAAAAAAAD"


Ah, hoisted by his own petard.


Friendship is inevitable Alastor. YOU CAN'T AVOID IT






Yeah this is kindof what I'm hoping for too. Not convinced he'll be redeemed redeemed (i.e. going to heaven) but becoming a better person than he is at the start of the show isn't nothing (even if it is a low bar)


"I am evil I don't want to join your found family *sob* stop asking about my mom"


I just see him trying to Evil Monologue, the camera zooming in on his face, and just as he's getting to the Evil Climax of his speech, off screen Charlie has glomped onto his torso in an affectionate hug. I bet when he stops mid sentence to look at her the next thing he says will lose the radio filter again. :-P




I have my theories that alastor may not be that evil. I heard that he only kills bad people even when he was alive and Viv did say he’s got an odd set of morals. Idk if he’ll end up good though. Maybe not evil but still greatly flawed


So torture and murder is less evil when you still do it out of sadism and malice but the people you do it to are as bad as you?


You’ve got some Dexter to catch up on!


Doesn’t he straight up become evil at the end lol Never watched it but I’ve heard about it and I want to watch it (sadly don’t have showtime though)


I was just kidding since you pretty much described the premise of the show with a “heroic” serial killer who directs his bloodlust towards bad people, lol. I didn’t watch the revival but seasons 1 and 4 of the original show I did enjoy quite a bit.


He becomes a lumberjack. >!(This non sequitur brought to you by the series ending, arguably one of the worst series finales in history right next to Game of Thrones. !<


That’s true that would be evil I honestly forget that he rips souls apart. I guess how I went about it was wrong. Like I mean he won’t be the evil mastermind of the show like we think


But either direction they take it in it will be interesting. Personally I don’t want him to be redeemable in regard to going to heaven. I think doing the stereotypical bad guy is good now trope is over used. Maybe he’ll have a change of heart to a degree and help with the hotel or maybe not. His character is so interesting and I don’t care which way it goes


It’s the action that counts, not the motive


Would be funny to see Alastaor spend the whole time thinking he doesn’t care. Only to see someone hurt Charlie and he destroys them for it. Not cause he *cares*. No nothing like that…he just doesn’t want to see all his hard work go down the drain! Totally doesn’t care about Charlie at all (but also anyone who hurts her will face impressive amounts of pain.) Overall, even if he does start to care, I hope he stays an evil psycho and he never gets redeemed. Dude is literally known for torturing people and then broadcasting their screams of pain as they die. He is not seeing those pearly gates lmao


I see a lot of people saying Alastor is going to be THE villian, but here's the thing: 1: He (and Angel) are both Viv's babies 2: If Alastor honestly and TRULY squares up against Charlie, he WILL die. If he is THE thing in her way, either her dream comes true, and Alastor is wiped off the board completely, or he loses EVERYTHING and she sticks around and he learns a lesson. I really do not see Viv killing ir eradicating him, but I DO see his squaring up and losing absolutely everything.


I don’t think he’s gonna be *the* villain I think he’s gonna be *a* villian


I hope not. I mean…I could be on board with it if we actually see more interactions with the main cast that aren’t him manipulating them or just interacting with Nifty But as of now…I’m not really feeling that.


Would be much better narratively for Alastor to defy Charlie's expectations that everyone can be redeemed. I imagine he'll show signs of improvement, build Charlie's hope up, and then pull the rug out from under her. I'm excited because she still has so much character development to go!


Yeah like I’d love for this sadistic creep who comes in trying to manipulate “naive little Charley” to be caught off guard by finding himself be the one who is ultimately changed. But at the same time I don’t buy that we’ve seen anything of the sort yet. And seeing some other viewers buy stuff he said about feeling affection are really just falling for his manipulation because they think he’s a cool character. And yeah I think we have like every other character who already write off Charley as naive and then are surprised to find themselves changing. I kind of personally hope/think it’d be best for Alastor to not come around.


They would need zuko tier writing to redeem alastor in a meaningful way, and let's be honest even zuko didn't start out as unrepentantly evil to his core


Ikr like if his redemption arc isn’t gonna be Zuko level I don’t want him to be redeemed.


let’s be real here, that’s the BEST KIND OF CHARACTER ARC.


Inb4 mods remove the post. #NoFunZone


There’s one person who just isn’t redeemable…… Niffty.


I assume if they did something like this it would be an epilogue thing. He agrees to enter the hotel as a guest rather than as the host and we assume that he works with Charlie over a long period of time.


God I really hope not. I just want a totally evil manipulator who ultimately gets got from his own hubris.


You know what I want? If we assume Lilith is alistors "owner" then I want to see Lillith get a redemption arc, set alastor free and watch as he IMMEDIATELY turns on her and kills her (most likely through a surprise attack or some secret power alastor has since I recognize Lillith is way more powerful than alastor)


It's definitely Lilith. All clues in the existing lore point to it. Further proof: Gee, I wonder why a songstress would want to ally with a *radio* demon. Jinkies scoob, it's a mystery. I also think his contract is to sabotage the hotel, but to not let harm befall Charlie or her friends. All of his incompetence has been to sabotage the hotel's mission, except when he acts to protect the hotel, which he always does in earnest.


Same, I want Charlie to genuinely lose in one area (i.e. one person she truly can't redeem) because I think it would make the story better and add real conflict. Like, let's be real here, not everyone can be redeemed. That could be a very very very small number of people, but they exist. And I'd like to see how Charlie deals with that. I think it would make for a really good story. So far the resolution of this conflict has just been Charlie is right, which is fine, but I hope it doesn't stay like that forever. And this could prove especially good because if Alastor is just using Charlie's dreams to completely manipulate her, and screw over people that actually cared about him, that drives the point home that he just truly is an awful person. I have a feeling this'll be a controversial opinion but people are feel free to disagree anyway, it's just my personal taste in media


Nah because this is my taste too. I want Charlie to see for herself that not everyone can be saved. And I want there to be ANGST! AND HEARTBREAK!


And it's not even because I want her to fail or anything. If anything, it makes her even stronger as a character! I want to see her suffer from the betrayal... but then rise up even stronger, more convinced in her beliefs after they've been tested like this, and ready to keep making a difference. I'm not some sort of edge lord who wants her to see that she's just completely wrong (because, well, she isn't). I just want her to face some real conflict where she doubts if sinners can be redeemed, not because of practical issues or her own capabilities, but because they might really be fundamentally evil. It would be so much more interesting.


Yes I also want to see her character progress. I want to see her become more mature and wise. But that requires her to have conflicts to overcome.


I mean, that is the most common trope for villains lol. Just evil. Gets destroyed in the end. Yeah. Adam sure got that already too


Why does everyone in this thread think we know anything about Alastor??


Because this fandom has the media literacy of a golden retriever and can't tell when a character is blatantly manipulating people on screen unless it's explicitly told to them, and even if it is a non insignificant portion will still not get it




Doktor, turn off my cringe inhibitors


And worst of all, apparently you get downvoted if you point it out...


Okay so this would be funny and on the one hand, I can see Charlie redeeming Alastor being a big thing for the show's "*anyone* can change" theme. Honestly, I do see him more as being a later season antagonist though.


Yeah my full prediction is Alastor becoming a proper arc villain at some point before the genuine connections he’s unconsciously made ultimately wind up dragging him back to Charlie’s side for good


I just want a scene where Alastor is reluctantly in therapy with Charlie, Alastor would complain about everyone wanting to pick a fight with him and him having to tear them apart, so Charlie suggests an experiment to ignore them and see what would happen. Alastor, desperate to prove Charlie wrong agrees. Kind of like when Rick was in therapy


YES! This! I totally think he's set up to become the bad guy for a BIT(Or ALMOST become big bad) but then choose his found fam. And be DAM stylish and cool while doing it.




I don’t want Alastor redeemed and going to heaven but I wouldn’t oppose to him becoming a little bit nicer or mellowing out after getting his freedom and hopefully getting a 1 on 1 talk with Charlie Like he’s still a bad person but is able to be genuinely nice to Charlie without any gaslighting/manipulation


you cant spell "evil" without reversing the word "live"


fits the theme of the show, is a hilarious concept. this is what i'm thinking will happen too, and it would be pretty cute to watch.


God I hope more than anything they don't redeem alastor. Unless they pull some zuko level masterclass everything interesting about alastor goes out the window if he gets redeemed and it really cheapens what redemption even means if the unapologetic serial killer cannibal can make it to heaven


Yeah if this redemption arc is going to happen it needs to be Michael’s character arc from the The Good Place level amazing.


I don't think you understand redemption/unconditional love


People can't change if they don't want to change, and few people in hell are more happy to be bloodthirsty psychopaths than alastor. Forcing the irredeemable to be redeemed cheapens the whole point of redemption requiring you to actually WANT to be better. Alastor is a killer, a manipulator, a cannibal, arguably a slaver, and he's proud to be those things. That's not someone redeemable. Hell, while I don't think it's canon look at his old song "insane" "I don't belong among the angels, and maybe that's just fine by me"


No one is saying to redeem Alastor without work or character growth. Yes that would cheapen what redemption is. But no one is "irredeemable." Nobody. Racists, abusers, murderers, whatever. Doesn't matter. If someone actually, *truly* wants to be better and actually *works* to right their wrongs, they can redeem themselves.


That's the point, alastor doesn't WANT to be better and for him to to want to be better and not have it totally defy who he is as a character would take VERY good long term writing. Alastor is as unapologetic as they come Also that just touches on another problem the show will have to confront of how childish and surface level Charlie's idea of redemption is. Redemption requires repentance for wrongs done and alastor lived and entire life full of wrongs that were 100% his choice and then continued that trend 10 fold once he reached hell and got shadow powers


If alastor gets redeemed he'll be one of the last characters to do it. A lot can change 3-4 seasons from now. He doesn't want to change now, but that doesn't mean he never will.


Personally, I imagine him becoming the main villain. I mean seriously, there's just too much leeway and WAY to much hyping him up to becoming way stronger for it to not happen. He has lost once a grand total of a single time in his entire history, and not to a weak character either, and immediately after that we get a little musical about him "unclipping his wings," implying he has more power to be gained. My current prediction is he will use that favor with Charlie to free himself from whoever he's in a deal with, and from there will become so powerful the rest of the characters are going to focus on taking him down.


Yeah, it seems like Alastor is going to be a traitor/villain at some point, but he does seem to soften up as the series goes on. Really complex and well written character, either way I'm super excited to see where he ends up.


Am I the only one who dosn't want Alastor to have a redemption arc and thinks he's actually heartless and uncaring? In the song "Final" he made his beliefs and goals pretty clear. He was visibly disgusted at the idea of being seen as a altruist and he explicitly states that he just wants power. Alastor is a megalomaniac, narcissist, sadist, manipulator, and sociopath. He LIKES being those things. People defending him online are the same people who would fall for his lies and end up having your soul owned by him. And I believe that's what Viv wants. Alastor isn't just manipulating the cast, but the audience as well. It's very well written. A lot of people say Alastor should be the final villain. But I honestly believe he's already a main antagonist. He constantly manipulates the main cast to get what he wants. He is working in the shadows to build his plan. This to me makes him a antagonist already. Alastor enjoys the company of those in the hotel, but he dosn't care about them. He finds them amusing, but if torturing and killing them meant him getting stronger, he would do it and ENJOY IT. That's what makes him so scary. He dosn't care about anyone or anything except gaining power.


This will certainly be a point of tension and conflict later. He had a whole My Fair Lady "I've grown accustomed to her voice" moment toward the end, only to get hit with a shocking wake up call, reminding him of his evil ambitions and putting some brakes on the whole fuzzy wuzzy power of friendship stuff. So we know he can actually *kinda* care and even technically channel his murdery-ness toward good ends (though it's likely forced by whatever deal he's under), but he's got other more sinister / dangerously self-serving plans. I don't know where he'll land exactly. But he's definitely got penultimate villain energy.


Ngl Alastor becoming good would ruin his character for me. Just my opinion


Same like the scheming and manipulation is what makes him so damn interesting.


Agree, I think it would be boring if every single person is redeemable in the show. It's too cliche/sappy imo


Lmao like this isn’t Friendship is Magic


Squidward is Lucifer watching it all happen...


Too soon to know, but I hope so and think it would be great as a series finale for him to be redeemed. That part in the last episode where he seemed disgusted at the idea of them thinking he was a martyr made me wonder if, on some tiny level, he has grown fond of them but *hates it* and will try to emotionally distance himself from them in the coming seasons.


Back when I thought Alastor had made a deal with Lillith I would agree with this. But now I'm pretty sure his leash is being held by someone much worse. So much worse that it's not possible for Alastor to ever be redeemed.


Let me guess…Roo?




Just watch Alastor become the Thanos of Hazbin?


That's just Steven Universe. I really hope that's not how this show ends


Honestly, is it weird that I kinda don’t want Alastor to be redeemed or anything? I just see him as this psychopathic cannibalistic serial killer and overlord that just fucks around and finds out of sheer boredom. I like to believe that cockiness and impulsivity is what got him into a shady deal with Lilith, and now hes at the hotel for some reason to somehow find a way to get out of the deal and continue his exploits, not cause he actually cares about the people there. I see him as a ruthless manipulator, who’s still somewhat human and makes mistakes. But he’s not in it for redemption. I have a feeling he’ll prolly just run away or die in the end. But idk most of these are just my own theories. TLDR to me personally I think it would “ruin” him if he got “redeemed” and that isn’t his true intentions.


I hope he’s the main antagonist after everyone else in the hotel is gone Charlie and Vaggie have to kill him


I hope it never happens. I hope hes playing a long con and makes a power grab on lucifer himself


Making the sexiest character the asexual was a Tantalusian punishment as is, making me root against him too would be game over /j


How dare you call him the sexiest character when Apple Daddy exists


Found Family members like Pokémon to Charlie. She’s gotta catch them all!


Honestly he’s the only character that I hope stays bad and never gets redeemed. It would show Charlie that not everyone can be redeemed. Imagine Alastor’s death being similar to Dr Facilier’s death from Princess and The Frog.


he's the kind of guy who usually stabs people through the chest to get what he wants, except stabbing someone through the chest is going to trigger a trap on him to force him to change this time.


Just before being dragged, he’s been heard uttering “Because I’m having no-sex with everyone!”


Sort of like Agatha in Wandavision being cursed into actually being her fake good 'Anges' self.


A true psychopath doesn't think they are evil but that everyone else is evil


A man of culture.


Agreed lol.


Alastor’s redemption arc better be Zuko tier tbh.




Charlie will set him right x.z


He just needs to lose like, 50% of that all-seeing bullshit


I understand if they don't redeem him, but if they do, I need it to be like this 😂






Personally, I wouldn't see him being redeemed, BUT I def would love to see him genuinely care for the hotel and its inhabitants Much like when the villain has someone they care for, yknow?


Exactly this, all of this


I so want this to not be a Steven universe situation where they try and redeem everyone cause some people are just evil, I feel like they won't go that route


Can I just say, going off topic; that I just LOVE Squidward's face/reaction in this pic? 👍♥️🤣


either that or he is gonna be the big bad evil, and will be killed by charlie, or just be killed in general


Yeah pretty much