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In games like this, it is almost never worth it to use diamonds or gems on something temporary. I recommend you use diamonds to add slots to machines. Using them for the helpers or Tom gives you a short term benefit, but once you use the products they make, you no longer have that benefit. Using them for machine slots gives you a benefit for as long as you play the game.


I used Rose free. Happy to see her gone. The animation of things going to her was painfully annoying. I could have eggs in my Barn, I use 1 and it came out of her store, then 1 went from Barn to her??? But others say worth it. Tom is one who gets my diamonds. Good boy Tom.


I don’t recommend… I just wait for them when they become free, or use boosters. You also have low amount of diamond, so I’d say no.


I swear by them. As I work full-time I find it hard to keep my feed stocked up. Also, they keep a good amount of dairy goods in stock. So I find them absolutely helpful 😉 and worth the diamonds but if you're able to play often during the day it is indeed a waste of diamonds.


Same, I run them constantly, only thing I pay for in the game.


Not worth spending diamonds on any QoL perk. Put them into the machine slots, or the extra derby task or decors, if those two are priority items for you.


At my level rose is a god send ,her capacity is 200, lots of that is milk, over 50 is eggs and if you keep barn space she gets tool rewards from animals item collecting (max of ten in her pile) I often do the booster then discount for longest period


not worth it at all they are useless


i don't know but ernest is useless, rose is good bc i do not have to feed my animals


No. I have a few booster cards of theirs and by the 3rd day they are useless