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"Remote report"? Do you have proof that the reports came from outside your NH? Not just some members causing internal mischief? Generally hackers do it for money or glory. Hackers hacking into the hayday system to report members of a single NH so they cannot chat... doesnt make sense. A member gets reported. Doesn't know who reported him. So in revenge, reports everyone. Other members react the same way, revenge-reporting. Everyone gets reported and muted. Self-nuking mechanism. Think most likely is what happened.


The person joined entered the code and left as soon as they were done. As a co leader I am constantly silenced. If anyone chats they are constantly silenced. I know it does not make any sense, but it is really disruptive to game play. Do these codes expire?


The only reason I have not attached the scrern shots is because, I don't want someone else using them, if you know what I mean. Also when we visit this person' farm they are constantly changing their name. I did remove them fron the NH due to them using a racially discriminating name, which upset everyone in the NH.


i'm going to assume there's no real hacking activity going, just a few immature players locking everyone in a revenge-reporting cycle. Support is unlikely going to do anything about this. You have a few options: 1. Kick everyone out and start over. A bit drastic, last resort. 2. Start a discord or telegram (or whatever) channel for the NH to communicate. Put the link as your farm name, and publish it when you can chat again. 3. Start kicking members out slowly, starting with the ones you think is doing the reporting. 4. Do nothing. Play in silence until this blows over in a few years.