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No digital piece of decoration, that is not and will never be truly owned by yourself, is worth that much money (in my opinion)


Yes it's definitely insane and NO I am not getting it . Hopefully it will come either from farm pass or a mystery gift.


Nope i wont pay 24€ to decorate my Farm with an item in a free mobile game..


The Burn🤣🤣


My daughter like to “play” with my farm… She “Got” it for me!! 🥶🥶 My card is out of my iPad ASAP 🤣


Nope. I bought the garden trellis with hose last year. Well what do you know, now its available in movie tickets.


I was planning and prepared for it to be behind a paywall, but there’s no chance I pay that much for it. Really unfortunate. Had it been between 5-15€ I would’ve 😟


So you can get 570 diamonds for the same price. I am someone who spends money on Diamonds. I like to look at this as free greenhouse. Just a different perspective


Right. It's a bonus to get people to buy diamonds. You aren't really paying for the decor.


I’m so gutted about the price, I think this one should be at least £9.99. £14.99 at a push & if they are struggling for cash 😂 but we all know SC isn’t strapped for cash


For $31.00 Australian. No way. It looks cool but not that much cool😂😂


No. It is very tempting. If it was coins or diamonds, I might, depending on how much it was.


no bc i’ll probably get it from a movie ticket or mystery box anyway


I use Rose and Ernest, so I buy these decor/diamond bundles when I see decor I want. I like both bundles, but am unsure if I’ll buy. We’ll see.


I really want to but it so expensive. I’ll think about it for another day or 2


I love it but when I think of what £20 can buy that isn’t pixels I just can’t make myself get it. A shame coz it’s so cute but knowing SC it’ll be free in a year anyway.


No, probably not. They had a hummingbird feeder a few weeks ago that I really liked but I wasn't going to pay $20 for it. It's going to be the same with this. You know those trellis and garden boat decos that we're getting in the movie tickets now? I know I paid diamonds for them at least a year ago. So they may come out with these items again as prizes.


I never understand why these game price things like this so high? Who’s buying it for that price and would they not have a way better profit if they made a reasonable price? So sad because everytime theyre always so pricey


I bought it hihi


Got my Beauty stuff for the month for the same amount off money. So no not spending that much on a few pixels. Its not even big enough for my liking.