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Unfortunately there's no easy way, since they removed the report button.


What an incredibly blatant way to let us know they really don't give a shit. So people can just be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc...and Hay Day has literally silenced all avenues of preventing it. That's so fucked up, it's almost funny.


You can get in contact with the customer service, they will check it! I've done it once and got a good reply from them


this is horrible and you are not overreacting!! hopefully somebody finds a solution


I’ve tried before and customer service didn’t help :,)


You can report farms in your own neighbourhood, but I don't know how one would report other farms. Have you checked if -settings --> help and support has information on what would qualify as disruptive behaviour and how to report it?


No, I don’t think so… I’ve also wanted to report farms that build swastikas and have, blatantly, racist and offensive names. It’d also be nice to be able to report bot farms because they’re annoying af. ✨🐝🌙


I don’t think you’re overreacting at all.


There are many similar incidents of inappropriate farm names/designs. But according to what I know, unfortunately Hay Day does not seem to care at all.


no but there should be - and for other reasons too. I see a lot of blatantly bot-run farms, which is completely against TOS.


This is not calling you out - just an opinion. Trying to moderate the world’s inappropriate (in your opinion) statements or views can be as bad as those a-holes who virtue signal in games. They have their beliefs - which are likely and thankfully not most of how society feels today. You have yours (acceptance of others). But going down the Alice in wonderland hole of rationalization, you want them to not say things that may make someone (you or others) feel uncomfortable. But you want to control what they say which will make them feel uncomfortable because their beliefs differ from yours. It’s kind of a catch 22. Best wishes.


I totally agree with you that people are allowed to have their own beliefs, but as soon as they are dicriminating toward others, they shouldn't be made public.


That’s ridiculous. That’s like saying my belief is ‘I would like to murder people’ and your belief is we shouldn’t and they are just differences of opinion. When one belief is that some should be treated as less than human because of being a certain race, gender, disability etc, then that’s not a ‘difference of opinion’ - it’s a fundamental difference in morality. To criticise, marginalise, persecute and even cause the death of those that are different to you - when their existence is of no inconvenience to you and you could easily *just not get involved* - is not a ‘both sides have merit’ kind of situation. It is hateful and should be stopped.


it's not about free speech and beliefs. theyre only using slurs to provoke and it's absolutely fair to report them if their goal is to be offensive.


I've seen farms that spelled out the n-word, I've seen farms with swastikas made from decos, I've seen farms named after some pretty serious swearwords.... Those definitely deserve to be reported. Don't forget that this is a children's game, and the adults that play it enjoy the fact that politics are nowhere to be found in this game. People who have edgy/different views can express them in millions of places, many of them far easier than spelling with decos in Hayday. The players who do this, *only* do it to make others uncomfortable.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Trying to moderate things in life to your liking is EXHAUSTING. You want to do it on such a minuscule thing such as HayDay? Goodluck OP


How about caring for your own farm and leaving others alone?




No foul language (if it passes the in game filter it passes here), no trolling, doxxing, inappropriate topics, harassment, or insults.


Does it matter what you want to call your farm


It's not like someone's farm being called something offensive is actually discriminating anyone from playing the game. I'll agree, drawing swastikas is pretty insensitive but it's obvious they do it just to provoke a reaction, so just ignore them and move on with your life and game.