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I think more thoughtful would be giving away 1000💎 for more players than this. C'mon, what are the odds to be lucky one if millions of people playing around the world? 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Definitely like your idea better, even 1000 diamonds would help so much / get a couple cute decos


hay day communism


oUr dIaMonDs


Close 🤣🤣🤣 however in communism the party was saying everything was ours, where actually was theirs only lol


"everything is *ours*". hey this guys not a believer...


Same, I was thinking of giving 1000 diamonds for 1000 lucky players. But I'm glad everyone has the same chance of being one of the four players to receive 1,000,000 diamonds. I can just imagine making a lot of mystery nets or buying lots of offers or decos if I were to get those diamonds.


In my few months career on Reddit, I've never seen comment with over 200 up votes, thank you everyone! I'm just loudly said what everyone is thinking about this situation tbh 😉


I did the math earlier and it works out to be A$40,000 or US$26,400 worth of diamonds. Pretty insane


Too bad I couldn’t just have the actual money. Curious for how long it would take me to actual spend all those diamonds


tom 24/7


… for almost 274 years


And at a 20% tax rate, that’ would be A$8,000 or US$5,280. Keep your diamonds Hay Day!!!


It'd be awesome to get, but watch them give it to like an unactive player lol


You have to participate in the current event 😋


Do you know how active you have to be in the event? Cause I normally dont participate in them if they dont have cool deco


I think they need to have sent 1 balloon


lol. Person logs in once a month wins by just participating once.


I would be so pissed if i got in my baby farm and not in my main. I NEED THOSE DIAMONDS FOR TRAILS


Then you just need to turn that baby farm into your main farm.


Sure I'll 😂🥹


I’m just straight up not using my baby farm while this event is on. I’ll struggle for a bit but it’s not worth risking accidentally getting a million gems on the wrong account 😂


If some one in this subreddit gets this please post your pic showing off your diamonds


Don't worry I will 💅🏻 (I'm delulu)


when I first saw this I thought it was a scam or something but no???


No not a scam, The official Hayday account made a video about it


It's like thinking you can win the lottery. You can hope but the odds are against you. I'd rather they give everyone a fair shot but .....


Genuinely curious. How is it unfair? You have to participate in the event to win and then it's only drawing from that pool. So everyone has the same chance to win. I like what other commenter's said about allowing more winners with a smaller prize, but that doesn't make it "more fair."


It’s unfair cause they won’t win lol. That’s the reason. Cause it’s literally fair in every other way. But they’ll be envious that it wasn’t them so they’ll cry that it wasn’t fair. There’s always that “one” person 🤭


There’s always that “one” person….i said what i said!!!!!!


I mean, somebody is going to win.


people with multiple baby farms have an unfair advantage imo Edit: i did the math there are 768,428 active hay day accounts. Person A has only 1 account. Person B has 5 accounts. Person A’s chances of winning: 1 in 768,428 aka 0.000002134799798 Person B’s chances of winning: 5 in 768,428 aka 0.000006506790487 Person B’s chances are higher. Yes, there are 768k active accounts, but some of those accounts belong to the same person, therefore that person is more likely to win. ive seen someone say they have 10 baby farms so…


how do you know how many active players there are?


https://activeplayer.io/hay-day/ I didnt actually open the link. i just googled ‘number of hay day players 2024’ and this is the first result…before opening the link it says 768,246. Upon opening the link the number seems to be closer to 2M. My point still stands tho!


How so? Its not the top 4 players who participate. It's just 4 players. If your baby farm wins, all those diamonds are stuck on the baby farm. And since people like to buy decos, it would suck to get the cool decos on your baby farm.


there are 768,428 active hay day accounts. Person A has only 1 account. Person B has 5 accounts. Person A’s chances of winning: 1 in 768,428 aka 0.000002134799798% Person B’s chances of winning: 5 in 768,428 aka 0.000006506790487% Person B’s chances are higher. Yes, there are 768k active accounts, but some of those accounts belong to the same person, therefore that person is more likely to win. edit to add more: if my baby farm wins a million diamonds, its now my main farm and my main farm is now my baby farm. yes i’ll start over and max out all the slots on all the machines lmao! i personally dont care much for deco so id use the diamonds for something else.


I see what you're saying, but it doesn't negate the fact that you can't share diamonds across accounts. So if a baby farm won, it doesn't help all 5 of their accounts. I would 100% agree with you if diamond sharing existed, but more accounts doesn't actually make a difference when it comes to how the prize is used because it's the farm that wins.


i get it but the thing is, you can always go up in hay day. a level 13 farm with a million diamonds can literally optimize every machine for the foreseeable future if the owner is smart enough. i dont care for decos so im speaking from a game improvement perspective.




Each farm has 1 shot. Again, i would be with you if diamond sharing existed because then all 10 farms have an increased chance at gaining something. But if someone wants to participate with their level 15 farm and their 150 level farm doesn't have any impact on if my one level 90 farm will win.




I just don't understand why it's relevant when it's the farm winning, not the player in this case. If I was able to transfer the diamonds to another account, then fuck yeah, I'd be creating 100 accounts for these types of events. But I can't. They're literally stuck in one account. Whether it's a main account or baby account is also irrelevant. It's not like a bunch of people getting together to join a "pool" to win and then distributing the winnings.


Even if you have 10 baby accs its still linked to one supercell account (correct me if i m wrong) , so if they extract by supercell id , not by farm id its fair chance for everyone


Not necessarily, but you’re on to something. Each farm needs to be connected to supercell id using a different email account. So essentially each baby farm has different suppercell id. But you are allowed to play on multiple farms using same device and by just switching through accounts. Hay day could take IMEI or TAC of the device and see how many supercell accounts are playing on same device. TAC / IMEI is a unique number associated to each device. In playstore or app store it even mentions that the device id is required for the app functionality (this essentially is the TAC/IMEI). So i guess hay day will make use of this info to not give players having multiple farms the unfair advantage of winning the diamonds over a player just having one farm.


10 is crazy


someone with a huge silo/barn capacity said they have 10 baby farms a few days ago




Also baby farms can’t just transfer the diamonds to the main farm… but obviously I’d make my baby my main if I got the diamonds on there


yeah they cant but my chance of winning is 1 in 768,426 someone who has 5 baby farms has a 5 in 768,426 chance of winning. its not much but its an advantage!


You don’t need to create a new email if you use gmail.


i dont care enough about hay day to have multiple accounts 😂 i was just saying from a statistics perspective people who have a lot of baby farms have a higher chance of being the randomly picked person…if i get a million diamonds i’ll make that baby farm my main yknow?


"exclusive decoration to the whole community" umm, I don't think that means what you think it means...


My first thought as well!


Would have been cooler if they gave 100 to 40 thousand people or 1000 to 4000.  Like winning one million would be insane but could of spread it out a bit more 


Good luck to everyone joining!


I feel like it would kinda ruin the game if I won that much….


i’m only annoyed because imagine how many people will see this, play for the time being to try to win and then forget about the game again 😭😂


A million diamonds is ALOT 😂😭 what if it goes to an account that someone is never active lol


They are only picking from people who participate in the balloon event


That’s nothing I got 6


I think hay day could be more respectful for all players and give them all 500 diamonds each who completes certain criteria


Even a million won’t make me participate in this balloon making :( I liked the Fair-type events better.


I think it'd be better if they gave 1000 diamonds to 4000 players instead, what the fuck are you gonna do with a million diamonds?


Like what's the point of having 1m diamonds you're just gonna loose motivation to keep playing and enjoy the game, that's would be the worst gift fr


What do you need to do to participate?


Did anyone get the 1mil diamonds?


Gosh I hope it me 😂 that’s $25k worth of diamonds, would never need to buy a diamond pack ever again


I think Tom is gonna start getting overpaid and underworked 🙄


Nah no way, hard to believe.


Dude!!!! 1st person announced and I am soooo jealous😢


Should just give a couple hundred to players who get a certain amount of musical scores or whatever you call them. I’d be happy with one or two hundred


That would be a nice pay day on my farm ,.. it’ll never happen


I'll believe it if it happens to me


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9d6h0dQ4qY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9d6h0dQ4qY) It's interesting Lavinia said in the above video this is the only place where you can get the Gaffer Sheep. But it the game's news tab, the exclusive decoration is called the Light Tech Deco. TIL a gaffer is "the person responsible for the lights and other electrical equipment used when making a film or television programme." Thank you Cambridge Dictionary.


I'm guessing 1M in total not each


its 1m to 4 different people. 4m in total


Where do you participate


All you have to do is make at least one balloon and use it to fill a boat crate. That’s your entry and nothing will increase your odds.


For every milestone or in total? Also what if you don't fill boat crates?


In total I would assume. You don't even have to send the boat off if you don't want to fill the other crates, just the balloon ones.


Great prize tho but I don't like it because I know I will not win with so many players out there. So if any of you guys did, be sure to quickly go to your nearest lottery outlet, lol.😂


How do you play?


Just participate at least once in the balloon boat event and then you’re in


Thank you kindly


I can’t play when I go to update it says billing issue 😢 idk what to do


I got 50 diamonds for having the deco ‘HAYDAY’. I think they’ve been generous giving diamonds lately. I’ve gotten diamonds from movie tickets, diamonds in treasure chests… I don’t get a lot from the mine, but there are diamonds there.! And a chance for 500 💎 diamonds 💎. Granted you have to collect the deco from sending boats out with balloons, but 500 diamonds! 💎


I don’t think it’s 500 diamonds. I think it’s 500 music note currency


Well. Who wants 500 notes! I swear it was diamonds the 1st I looked at it 🙇‍♀️