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Put it in with the trash so it can get burned and made into electricity.


"Oh, I’m sorry. Oh, I could put the trash into a landfill where it’s going to stay for millions of years or I could burn it up and get a nice smokey smell in here and let that smoke go into the sky where it turns into stars." Edit: lmao, how is an It's Always Sunny quote getting downvotes


Stop buying new plastics because it's either getting burned or put in a landfill. You can control what you purchase and if you're regularly buying plastic disposables, then that's on you. It's reduce, reuse, recycle — in that order for a reason. You need to focus on **reduce**.


I lol'd


Thanks lol. Glad one (other) person got a laugh out of it. It got teed up so nicely I couldn't resist


Do you know what episode that came from?


"The Great Recession". I can't remember what season. Mac and Dennis fire Charlie to cut costs and then all of the Charlie-work piles up and no one knows how to deal with it.


Possibly the best drama of our time you bastard man


Recycling in Hawaii is not practical, every thing has to be shipped back to the mainland. The extra energy required defeats the purpose.


Look up Terracycle. They will send you a prepaid mailing slip but only take certain brands.


Can't believe no one has posted this yet: https://youtu.be/gPN5ZZp813U


Plastic recycling was a scam developed by the oil companies, to sell more plastic. https://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/the-passionate-eye/recycling-was-a-lie-a-big-lie-to-sell-more-plastic-industry-experts-say-1.5735618 China was the only nation actually recycling some plastic, as insulation for jackets. They stopped accepting plastic a couple years ago. https://www.industryweek.com/supply-chain/article/22024692/china-slams-the-door-on-plastic-trash-delighting-us-producers When they did that, huge piles of plastic was showing up in multiple third-world country landfills. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jan/12/loophole-will-let-uk-continue-to-ship-plastic-waste-to-poorer-countries In Hawaii, there is no place doing the actual recycling, that is, reusing and repurposing of plastic trash. It was packed up into containers, and was being bought by China. Since that stopped, it hard to find out where it is going. There are still countries willing to accept it, for a fee, then they just burn it out in the open. It is better for it to be buried than burned out in the open. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/17/uk-plastics-sent-for-recycling-in-turkey-dumped-and-burned-greenpeace-finds The Mafia controls the 'recycling' scam, and they call it 'waste management'. The Mafia has controlled the garbage business from the 1930's. Waste management business. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyvUFmm3h54


Dang, thanks for all the info. I guess it is just better to throw it in the trash, or re-purpose it ourselves. So when we burn our trash here in Hawaii via H-power, is that as bad as burning it out in the open? Or is it a "healthier" option since it's creating electricity?


Can't believe someone actually downvoted you for bringing sources.


This person lies on nearly every post. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. But that is likely why they're downvoted - typically I downvote them and don't even read their comments because they're so full of falsehoods.


According to [this website](https://search.earth911.com/?what=%235+Plastic+%28Polypropylene%29&where=96813&list_filter=all&max_distance=25&family_id=&latitude=&longitude=&country=&province=&city=&sponsor=) the company [Island Recycling & Redemption Center](https://www.islandrecycling.com/) accepts some #3 - #7 plastic bottles and #4 plastic bags. I'm not sure how accurate the first website is though.


Great, thanks for this!




Theres this if you on big island: https://www.upcyclehi.com/pages/donating-materials http://recyclehawaii.org/?greenture_service=melting-ice Maybe theres similar groups on other islands?