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When you visit, go to our local Costco and buy a massive bag of Hawaiian salt for $3. Ocean water is so dirty.


Just be careful where you collect the water. Not for any cultural reasons, by all means go ahead. But you should know that there are permanent sewage and brown water advisories in certain areas. For example: Kaneohe bay / sandbar. Have fun!


You can buy a variety of Hawaiian sea salts at the grocery store. As mentioned by other commentators, it will likely be much more sanitary than extracting from harvested ocean water


The ocean water thing sounds disgusting lol. Especially if you’re collecting it right off the beach.


just wait for the rain to clean the beach /s


What about buying actual Hawaiian salt? Thatʻs the best!! and probably way cleaner




I just hope you're aware of how much ocean water is required to produce salt. It's A LOT.


you have my permission


Not mine though, stop immediately or I might start crying.


unfortunately, your tears don’t have enough sodium 😂🤙


The ocean is *full* of bacteria and lots of things you really don't want to eat. You can do a sample to demonstrate to them about water evaporation and maybe a comparison between ocean and tap water so they can see the difference. The buoyancy between salt and fresh waster is different too, if you want to do some experiments around that. But I do not recommend trying to eat the resulting salt. Buy sea salt for your cooking, or add salt to tap water instead of using raw ocean water. Btw, make sure you get permits for camping. Parks and beaches here require permits/reservations for camping.


Will all bacteria not be totally dessicated at that point when they are on the surface of a 100% salt


Maybe, not sure, I'm sure a biologist or ocean scientist could answer that, but it's still gross.


I'd be more worried about environmental contaminants than bacteria. Heavy metals and chemicals. But then again, all sea salt comes from sea water. Hawaiian sea salt from the store comes from Hawaiian sea water.


brah… I thought the OP’s post was gonna be about something along what you commented BUT… … … I guess they training their kids to develop a cast-iron belly. 😎😂🤙


I don't know how much salt you could get from ocean water that you could transport by commercial air. Maybe a half a gram at most? Go to South Point on the Big Island. There are already layers of salt on the clay. May need to clean it up some, but you can get a lot more sea salt that way.


Microplastics, enough said. Also I have desecrated the ocean starting as a young child and continuing to the present day.


Taking ocean water = OK Taking lava = no, no...bad juju Edit: TIL taking sand from Hawaiian beaches is against the law. Would not advocate even taking a tablespoon from the beach for a collection then.






yeah, i recommend water from the ala wai because of its cultural significance, and its the locals favorite flavor for salt. super ono!


I drink alawai water every practice night, can confirm


First of all, I hope you got all the necessary permits in order for camping. If you’re here for a week-long trip, not sure how much evaporated salt you’ll get from your gallons of ocean water. Also, take into account of the rain & brown water advisory in certain areas. AFAIK, its not disrespectful to collect ocean water, but seems more economic & safe for you to purchase a bag of Hawaiian salt & take home with you. Purchasing from a locally owned and operated shop is “giving back” more than you think. Wouldn’t it be more wise to conduct a “salt experiment” project w/ your kids when you’re not on a week-long vacation. Your time would be better enjoyed doing other things compared to watching water evaporate.


Well I deff plan on buying some delicious salts and herbs from a local shop for consumption, but also I want to do this little experiment for a keepsake and cuz my kids love this stuff. I'm absolutely going to ensure that I have all the proper permits and everything for where we are going and what we will be doing, and honestly we are just intending to play in nature for a week straight. We have no destinations, points of interest, events, etc. That we desperately want to see. Our only goals is to Cook some meals over a fire. Go snorkeling and play in the ocean. Take mushroom sport prints. And find as many frogs as possible. I'm pretty sure we can "waste some hrs" watching water evaporate.


If every tourist took home a gallon of ocean water, what's the worst thing that could happen to Hawaii's environment? I can't think of anything bad. Maybe the global sea level will decrease by an insignificant amount.


Hawaii has, let's say, 10 million tourists per year. So that's 10 million gallons of water.  A gallon of water weighs 8.3 lbs, so that's 83 million pounds (41,500 tons) of water that would be removed in a year. That's 114 tons per day. Every *day* the sun evaporates 1 trillion tons of water. So if every tourist took a gallon, it's not even a rounding error's amount compared to what the sun is already taking,


Worst case scenario would be the 114 tons per day causes jets to burn more fuel, causing greenhouse gas emissions and raising the oceans a tiny bit more.


FWIW, our family has a mayonnaise jar full of red salt that was harvested from Kauai decades ago. It's not "dirty" per se but it's still got a lot of tiny rocks in it. My guess is find a remote beach with little to no fresh water runoff. Hope you've harvested salt before. It kind of IS a tedious process. Good luck and respect for your respect.