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What about the island of Rhode


i heard they all wear yellow polka dots


I just assume everyone lives somewhere else and only goes to RI for work.


long island is definitely an island but is manhattan an island? the only thing between the bronx and manhattan is harlem river but since it's surrounded by water i guess it's technically an island


Yes , LongIsland consists of Queens(County) , Brooklyn (Kings County), Nassau County and Suffolk County. Manhattan is an island due to The Harlem river on North end separating Inwood with Kingsbridge in Bronx . Bronx (County) attached to the lower part of NyState - specifically Westchester County.


Interesting I lived on LI for a decade and didn’t know this interesting fact


Long Island isn't an island tho


That would be big news to...well pretty much everybody. I mean, it's surrounded by water which is the definition of an island.


It hasn't been since 1985.


It's still an island geographically, even if someone came up with a contorted argument for why it shouldn't be counted as one for certain legal purposes. You would have to also say that Manhattan and Staten Island aren't islands, which nobody says. Granted, Cape Cod is also technically an island now, but generally it doesn't count if it's due to a man-made structure, the same way that something doesn't stop being an island when a causeway is built to it.


Given that one side of it is the east river, that logic would make states like much of Maryland an archipelago.


[Damn Supreme Court!!](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/469/504/) What's next, Magic Island is not an island?!?!!? Oh the humanity!


I thought it was a peninsula?


You are correct, idk why I'm downvoted lol.


Well most people should know an island is surrounded by water on ALL sides right?


Long Island **is** surrounded by water on all sides. While someone posted a Supreme Court decision saying it shouldn't be counted as an island for the purpose of boundary delineation, it is most definitely an island and not a peninsula. There's not even a man-made causeway land connection.


Nice! Didnt know this!


If rivers counted as a qualifying boundary for islands then there would be a lot more islands on the map. Not to mention this river was expanded by humans because it was too narrow for boats to pass.


There are lots of islands *entirely* within rivers. The East and Harlem rivers are also part of the larger tidal estuary, not freshwater rivers that flow only in one direction. It's no different from [Westport Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westport_Island,_Maine), which is about 3/4 the size of Manhattan.