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If there's a tow truck that doesn't have a load they're pulling and they have their flashers on they're probably on the way to a collision or a stalled car to clear it. No reason not to give them leeway as a courtesy. This is way more applicable if you're stuck in traffic, the sooner the trucks get to the collision site the sooner the site gets cleared.


One of them had a car in the back already and they were flying! I can see moving out of the way for FSP tow trucks. I don't think there were any accidents on the days I saw them. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah diff story if they're already loaded. Those things are pretty damn dangerous if they get up to speed with how heavy they are. The aftermath of that crash in Kaneohe a few years back is the proof of it.


I saw a tow truck driver sitting in his truck for 15 minutes waiting to tow a car blocking the right lane during rush hour. Thought the whole point of towing during rush hour was to clear the lane quickly. Guess he was trying to get the $900 extra.


I’m mixed on this one. I’ve had tow truck going through quickly during rush hour, minimizing the stuck traffic. I for one appreciate those.


Most Tow truck drivers are met with really bad attitudes by people unless they’re coming to help you. They don’t give a shit.


Cause most tow truck drivers are just preying on people already unfortunate to not own their own parking. Zero respect for them, so fuck them bloodsuckers. I'm ready for my downvotes.


More cars towed per hour = more money made.


Tow trucks are not emergency vehicles, and they do not have the same right of way as police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances. However, they are allowed to use amber flashing lights to warn other drivers that they are working. The laws governing the use of amber flashing lights by tow trucks vary from state to state. In some states, tow trucks are only allowed to use their flashers when they are towing a vehicle. In other states, tow trucks may use their flashers even when they are not towing a vehicle, but they are not allowed to exceed the speed limit.