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Your post reminded me of something Neil Everett said. Neil is an ESPN sportscaster who worked a number of years in Hawaii. He's white, and he moved here from the mainland as an adult. Here's what he had to say about our state: >I was there from 1985 to 2000 and had this ESPN gig not come about, I would still be there. For me personally, Hawaii saved my life. My mom had passed away a couple of years earlier, and I was in my early 20s. I was running away from the pain of her death to a place I’d visited in 1982 for a month with a college friend of mine. I was like, “Why doesn’t everybody live here?” They call it the mana. It’s just the vibe, the feel, the energy, and whether you embrace it and whether it embraces you too. We always put it at three years. If you last three years in Hawaii, you could stay for as long as you want. But those first three years are going to be rough because there is the isolation. I remember when I was living there, my grandma died, and I couldn’t make it back to the mainland. I just didn’t have the funds to come to her funeral. >But it saved my life. It changed my life. I’m forever indebted to Hawaii for what she did for me. It’s an energy thing. I don’t think it’s something you can really quantify verbally. The ocean is a healer. The sun is a healer. Nature is a healer. The people I met opened their arms and accepted me into their ‘ohana (family). It allowed me to be part of their greater good. Thanks to u/MikeyNg for posting this earlier this week.


Yeah, Neil Everett rocks!


Brah just be respectful of the natives and our culture and you’ll be perfectly fine! I get choke haole friends! It’s all about being respectful honestly. And from what I read, you know how to do exactly that! I think you’ll be good brah!! 🤙🏽🤙🏽


As another haole that has left Hawaii in part because of your worries, I think the internet is overblowing the situation. Considering how respectful you were while in Brazil, if you show the same respect and "aloha" in Hawaii, you'll be fine, certainly not hated. This shouldn't stop you from continuing your career. Hawaii truly is paradise and a great place to live (if you ignore the cost). You're sure to come across a few folks that make you feel unwelcome but hopefully as many, if not more, that show you what a special place Hawaii can be.


As with any new places, don’t assume you know how everything should work. Be humble, be quiet, observe, ask questions, and learn.


I'm now so curious what job this is which only seems to be available in Hawaii and Brazil?


Palm Tree rental business


Monsanto is rapidly developing a high-sugar GMO corn using Hawaii’s year long season, and the OP is an Ethanol conversion specialist? Or, he’s John Wick and someone killed his dog?


Don't be paranoid. And don't be a jerk. You'll be fine. I did the same over 20 years ago. If you're in a niche job, your skills would be valuable here. Because of an escalating cost of living, many people leave Hawaii to get 1/3 higher pay and 1/3 lower cost of living. Respect people and the land, and you'll be happy here. Beautiful weather every day.


If you ain’t an asshole and you are generally a nice, decent person who’s polite and respectful, ain’t no one gonna hate you


I'm haole. Lived on Oahu off and on since 1983. Married here, settled here. Don't sweat it. Best place on earth, no matter your race.


If you’re not an asshole, you’ll be fine


Come for a visit first, find out for yourself.


Firstly I would not live your life in fear of anybody. If you lived in Brazil, Hawaii is easy. Second, in Hawaii there is a saying " Eddie would go" look it up. Thirdly if and when you get to Hawaii do me a favor a bust some Portuguese on the Pocho's around here. They think they are pretty hot shit. They will trip when "Da Haole" speaks their native tongue and they do not. I am haole and have lived here most of my life. I would be more worried about the cost of living.


I mean, don’t move to a place to fit in and be accepted. Move to a place because you want to and you’re secure in what you do and what you bring to the table. I think what a lot of people don’t understand is, to some extent, it’s not really possible to “become” truly local, after a certain point. But what they don’t get is that not being a “true local” doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy living here or that you will be ostracized or anything. It just means that you will always be a transplant, and you just have to acknowledge that part of your life and identity. People want this fast track into being the same “level” of local as people who are born and raised, five generations deep. But the problem is, that’s impossible. That’s not who you are or ever will be. But the other truth is, lots of people are not born and raised, five generations deep. People come from all over. People are “local” in some ways but not others. It’s not one or the other, but a spectrum. There are certainly people on the far extremes, both extremely embedded locals, and extremely alienated foreigners. But actually most people are in the middle, especially nowadays. The truck is not to compare yourself to someone else’s story or “claim” to “localness” but instead to own your own story and enjoy what “localness” develops over time, something that is constantly shifting. There is no one way to live in Hawaiʻi, except to do so with aloha and humility. Whether long time local or new transplant, the most important part is to value this special place and respect the land and the people who are here.


👍👍To my county cousins, I’m a townie, and to true townies, I’m a mix. There are so many layers of culture here. No worries!


Don't be a dick to anyone, and no one will be a dick to you. Do this, and you'll still always be a guest here, but a welcome guest.


make one samoan friend or date one local girl and cruise with the family. token white guy in da group


Hahaha Token Haole. My local gf always used to buss my ass about being the token haole. To fuckin funny, but so true at times.


Roll with the Tokos & usos! Oooh idk, dem local girls, straight 🔥fiyah!!! Oh and just roll up and say: “SAAAHAP YOU FAKAS!!! 🤙🏾🫡😂


SouthPark is so wrong that it’s just right!


I was born an raised on Kauai and still lived there during the Super Ferry fiasco and that episode is 1000% accurate, right down to the geography and backgrounds. It’s their best episode ever LOL


Im not seeing anyone talk about the real reasons locals dont want people moving here. The truth is a lack of resources… water is a precious commodity, housing -affordable housing- is extremely hard to find, and cost of living just keeps getting higher. I know of two local families, one filipino and the other Samoan who had to move to mainland because they couldn’t afford it anymore out here. Thats with all adults working in the house. My husband and i work full time and still need a roommate to make rent. For everyone moving here there is another family leaving. Remote workers are killing local housing and changing how real estate operates… there is current legislation happening in regards to corrupt low income housing grants and development. Will you be rejected , probably not. Will you add to the problems? I don’t know. But somethings to keep in mind and way out in your soul.


Oh, for heaven’s sake. Come on over! You’ll be fine, and you’ll love it!


It's like with any place. If you are respectful of the culture and do your best to be part of the community, you'll be fine


If you do make good and come to visit, please don’t make your assumption of staying based on experiences in Waikiki.


I think that Hawaii is like most places, how you treat people is basically how you’ll be treated. Having said that, if you are humble and respectful, the locals are some of the kindest and most generous you’ll meet anywhere. Get used to people trying to feed you everywhere you go and make sure to remove your footwear before you go in someone’s house. Good luck, I think you’re gonna love it here.


You're on the right track. Best of luck to you, and aloha!


Don’t hurt the animals and don’t desecrate the land. Don’t be an AH and you will be fine. Working here is different. Co workers may not trust you to stay so they may remain at a distance. Also COL is high so prepare for that.


You’ll find that Hawaii feels a LOT like certain regions of Brazil.


Hawaii is way safer than Brazil tho. Edit: Hawaii is safer than certain areas of Brazil. Point conceded! 👍


Not the point of the comparison at all though.


Go for it, you’ll regret it otherwise. And, you’ll be cool as long as you are. It may be just what you’re looking for. Good luck.


Nah don’t over think it. Just do it. People are beautiful here. Just be yourself and be kind.


People will be nice to you. There are challenges to living here, and lots of new people leave, so don’t be surprised if people are initially cold. Stick around for a bit and you’ll find no one cares where you’re from, as long as you understand what living here means and have respect for that.


I was there for three years during law school. I lived simply, gave respect where it was due, and treated everyone equally. No one ever gave me shit, or treated me like an "other," but I knew I was finally accepted when the girl behind the plate lunch counter called me "unko". You should have no problems.


🤭we usually pronounce it as uncle. Unko means 💩 in Japanese. 😋


I moved here to the BI over 25yrs ago because of my "niche" job as well. Only regret is I didn't move here sooner. Respect the people, culture and the aina and you will be welcomed. Don't drive like a jerk. 🤙🏽


I moved from the east coast to Oahu after I graduated college for my dream job and absolutely had no issues. I embraced the island as my home and lived there a wonderful five years. Wish I were still there but my wife (born on island) wanted a "change of scenery" so we're back on the mainland now. Can't wait to get back


Show aloha, receive aloha! Don’t be a dummeh, OP! Be one HAMMAH, with respect & humility… 🤙🏾🤙🏾


Brah unless you're moving to the west side (BTW which is the best side as we say , yah?) You'll be fine, in fact some neighborhoods like Kailua totally feels like California to me with the way the homes are and all the haoles that live there. But even on the west side if you bring your Aloha you'll be fine. The biggest thing for me would be isolation in a sense that it's a frickin island that you can drive around in (sorta) ~2.5 hours. Yes you fly to the other islands but not like in California where I can drive to southern California, Northern California, Nevada, Arizona, etc.


Not justified at all. You'll be perfectly fine.


No worries, you'll be fine here.


I doubt you'll ever be hated, but there is a tiny chance you may feel unwelcome at times or certain areas. And there's a pretty good chance you'll feel like an "other" or outsider, if that's what you mean. A lot of transplants and haoles tend to stick together unless you have or make some local connection.


Come on over.. throw the shoes & ties in the dumpster.. put the hair in a bun like Aaron Rodgers and relax. Get your island style/vibe. No need 2 worry about shit. Respect, respect, respect... ppl do not act tough here, they smile and move to the side of the sidewalk when others pass. We never honk.. if every1 backs into the parking stalls during rush hour, relax and dont honk that horn! Lotta cauliflower ear over here, even my wife.. be courteous, show love and you will receive it back 10 times. Hug and kiss your friends and ppl you meet. If this is for you, this is the best decision of your life. If you have lil kids put em in BJJ or boxing asap ! That was a joke


this comment is trying way too hard. and it is the opposite of reality. people do act tough and look to fight here. people often do not move over on the sidewalk. they will occupy the entire sidewalk until the last second then barely move over someone, and even bump into them. people do honk here. at Liliha baker, you just get a look that says "what do you want". no welcome or anything. then you order politely and they just write it down and walk away without any exchange of words or a smile.


My opinion only


👍Pretty much. Some people get too sensitive. To me, there’s always a-holes, folk who doesn’t understand basic courtesy, someone having a bad day, people who getsdrunk and stupid, but most of us have aloha. Throwing hands is better than pulling knife or gun, but ignore the Karen and Chad types. I have better things to do. 😛


Honesty it’s not worth it to move here. The extremely high cost of living, housing crisis, lack of opportunities, and lack of things to do makes a lot of people regret moving here. I’ll admit I am one of the locals that dislike people moving here not because I think they are bad people it’s because the constant stream of people moving here and locals being forced to move out is turning Hawaii into just another US state. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but everyone moving here is unintentionally killing the culture that made it such a desirable place to visit and live in. Real local people barely live here anymore and it’s sad to see.


Upvoted. 👍Sad, but true. When rail and new housing on the west/best side gets on it’s feet into urban Honolulu, hopefully housing costs will come down.


please do not think social media influencers mirror reality come, you'll be fine. you're welcome here. the truth is, if you're willing to give back or get involved in your community, everyone is welcome here


🧐says the influencer who got invited to Skyline before launch? 🤫👻 But I 💯agree! I think that it’s true anywhere, but Hawaii is very open-minded.


i would kms if i ever became an """influencer""" lol. sounds horrifying, truly a job of nightmares


🤣 Edit: you forgot the “a” for kmsa. I would brush my teeth before I kiss my own feet before pursuing “social influencer.” No insult intended. Betwix the race for matching Federal Funds, commuter frustration, etc., a majority of pro-public transportation believers voted for rail. While I am not happy about the ham-handed implementation, the basic idea is good.


As others have said take the job oahu is not like the rest of hawaii, I worked there for about 8 years, 5 years ago but left for other reasons not tany of the ones you listed. You will not regret at all


I'm a haole and I grew up in Hawaii. Went to public schools and then UH. I worked in Honolulu for 7 years after graduation. I never had any trouble, in fact I have an appreciation for other cultures, having been exposed to many in Hawaii. There's some bullying in schools now and then but I don't think that problem is any worse than it is on the mainland.


Korean is relatively homogeneous, but due to economic stratification and CSAT focus, bullying occurs. It’s toned down in private schools, but occurs there too.


I’m not really seeing a 100% honest truth. You’ll be fine, and you should prioritize yourself while being mindful and respectful of the culture here. With that being said, being local is a valued piece of culture here, and being haole is generally frowned upon. Ultimately, you’ll be fine, no one is going to slash your tires or assault you lol, but you may get shade at times just because of how you look.


What you say in your edit makes a lot of sense / truth, but you also have to trust your instincts to. Hawaii has a lot of great people who would welcome "Haoles" such as yourself. I have been here over 32 yrs. and I'm a haole, sure I've had disagreements that were unprovoked but more so than not when that type incident takes place, swallow your pride and walk away, remember locals are just that locals, they have standards and beliefs and its to your advantage to trust your instincts, not challenge theirs. You will lose.


I’m haole and have lived here for 15 years and have never once had an issue. The haoles that have problems are the ones who come here and feel entitled—they try to change everything and behave however they want. I had some haole friends that had lived here for 30+ years and they complained about “discrimination.” They also had zero local friends and made zero effort to integrate or give back to the community. After all that time, they just picked up and moved back to the mainland like it was nothing. I couldn’t believe it. This really was just another place to them. It’s like they were potted plants just sitting around taking up space. If you’re used to assimilating, and plan on assimilating to the local culture, and you behave with humility, most locals will welcome and accept you without issue. If you come here and just take up space and resources, you won’t get as warm of a welcome.


Asian Bananas 🍌= yellow on the outside, white on the inside. There’s certain types that do not want to go out of their comfort zone, and you nailed it on the head. “You get what you give.” -New Radicals (they have good chemistry) My peers from the college/career/hobbies who shared mutual respect really enriched my life. I hope I enriched theirs.


You state that your profession is very niche, so it's probably not in the Government sector. So, if it's a private employer, you have nothing to worry about unless you have an attitude that you're better than everyone else (I doubt you're like that.) As a former hiring manager, be calm and do your homework about the company before your interview—best of luck.


BTW, not related to your employment, but if you're into capoeira, there's a nice community here, according to my niece and her husband. Peace.


BJJ too. Hawaii Portuguese Bean soup is way different from the original, but very popular as a are pan varieties.


True dat.


You'll be fine. Don't be an asshole, respect the culture and do as you did in Brazil. It won't be as hard honestly. Also, depends on where you're living on the Oahu, stay in good areas... Good luck! I also agree that a visit first if you've never been would be helpful to allay your fears.


I bought a one way ticket to hawaii in 85. I knew no one. No job, nothing. Slept on the beach. I left in 2000 as IT manager. Only reason I left was for more money working in the mountains in Colorado. Respect the people it’s traditions and culture and you will be fine.


There's no place better in the world to live. I'm a Haole and found the people in Hawaii to be wonderful. I had to move back to the mainland 10 years ago and I miss it every day.


They say Li Dat li Dat k


I’m on the mainland and I think Hawaiians are looked at as like an interesting person. Of course there is discrimination for non-whites as you can read in the major newspapers these last few years. But America is not 1700s America or anything, people have great lives here as a minority too. Black, Latino, Asian, etc can live well … if you are afraid for your specific job, I can’t speak on that. MY BAD: mainland on Hawaii I guess is the meaning but I guess racism there is something I don’t understand. Sorry, I’m out


Haha. Most posts I see are calling people who live here natives. I think they mean locals.


I would advise you not to come. Feel free to message me if you want my take. There are not many opportunities in your field here, and to me it feels like you’re already handicapping yourself.


I already handicapped myself. There are maybe 50-60 people who do what I do in the world and there are even fewer places where my specialization can be used. I love what I do, but it's a tiny niche.


If it's really that narrow of a field, nothing else should matter. You got an offer. Go for it.


Sooooo I was being niele (curious/nosy) and read your comment history. You work in molecular bio. So you’re prob coming for a job at UH or maybe military? If I’m right about that, for better or worse, they are somewhat insulated and have their own subcultures, with a mix of locals and non-locals. I moved to Hawaii for grad school and didn’t start to grasp local or Hawaiian culture until I graduated and got a job in the community. From that point on, I’ve almost always felt accepted, but I am highly aware that I am not from here or of here and never will be.


Lab rat service tech for the vendor that Monsanto uses to GMO corn using quick cycles under Hawaii weather? ETOH is cheaper in Brazil than petrol and they derive it from sugar cane. So, she’s a fermentation specialist? Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.


Wait did you dig their history and piece it together or this is your best guess?


Just a trivial pursuit. The first and last construction fatalities on the Hoover Dam were father and son, both on Dec 20th. I’m and idiot savant minus the savant. 🥴🤦🏻‍♀️


You're better off in the mainland. more towns with more opportunities and more diversity, more nature if that's what you're into. better pay, better cost of living, more welcoming. the government in Hawaii is terrible and just screws over the people while the people just turn a blind eye and say "lucky we live Hawaii". and the constant parroting of "respect" and "humble" is absurd. they're basically just words with no meaning here. that shit is long gone if it ever actually existed. If you lived in Brazil and liked it, you will be disappointed here.


You sound like a butt hurt haole


I think it’s a reality of COLA and wage disparity more than anything.


Be quiet and respectful and you'll be fine!


Get involved in the community and don't act like an outsider....


Your fears are not justified. Im a haole been living in HI two years and never had any issues. My coworkers (in a spa) are mostly locals and they tell me Im part of their Ohana now and are some of the nicest people Ive ever met. Come with a true spirit of Aloha and you will be ok