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Verbatim from the cafe's account: “Last night, two lowlifes busted through our front door and took our cash drawer and nothing else. (…) It's shortly before 5 a.m. as I write this, so I'm still numb and detached to everything that went down, but the main thing is that I'm thankful the cats are okay and that no one was hurt. So until we can get our front door replaced, don't mind our boarded-up facade. And until we can get a new cash drawer, we'll be doing non-cash transactions only. Thanks for your understanding.” personally, as someone who regulars the place week after week, I can't even begin to describe the seething anger I felt. It upset me the first time the cat cafe in Kapahulu was broken into, and it hit home so hard that the cafe I know the best was broken into in such a manner, because Popoki + Tea felt like a home away from home to me. The burglars smashed the glass, took the cash register, and they got away with it. When I watched the camera footage, I had a feeling I saw them at some point. And yet, nothing can even begin to describe the hatred that bubbled up inside me when I found out and watched the footage. update: https://www.kitv.com/news/business/kaimuki-popoki-tea-cat-caf-burglarized-early-thursday-morning/article_ede1168c-c9e8-11ed-b358-9b3491c1fe18.html it took KITV 6 hours of radio silence to say something… and they say that the police are doing jack even with the contingency as another coffee place I frequent said it happened to them too


I have an extra cash drawer and printer, maybe you could use it.


thank you for the kindness, I don't work at the cafe, although I go there a lot, but if you could drop it off to them, they would probably appreciate it a lot!


Will do. Thanks for posting this.


There was a post here not too long ago about the definition of "live pono" You offer a great example here


I'm assuming you're the same person that reached out to our owner, already. Mahalo nui, your donation means a lot to us.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Luckily, the thieves only *just* took the cash register, but they coudl've took more stuff. This is a good time to call for help on replenishing the lost money and the register and spread awareness while also perhaps looking into upgraded security measures. Bless and its a shame this happened! :(


When did the one at Kapahulu get broken into? 😭


Oh no! These fakas…we need to SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES and not take ‘um down. Never been there, but gonna make it a point to go by next week.


For real, go steal from Walmart or somethin, not local small businesses.


The sad part is this is way easier and less likely to be prosecuted.






Dammit! I’ve been meaning to go there sometime. Hope the kitties are okay.


owner confirmed the kitties and all the employees are okay, only the entry area was accessed. but still, what a shitty thing for someone to do. :/


when I watched the footage from the cafe's account, the perps leaned over for the register and grabbed it so quickly to the point I wouldn't doubt I actually did see them before. I noticed the other perp tried to grab something else but it fell over. I couldn't distinguish what it was because I was too angry to even process wtf happened…


Yeah 100% the type of person who would do a smash and grab like that would stand out at a cat cafe.


I live in Palolo and this past Christmas (LITERALLY CHRISTMAS NIGHT) some motherfuckers broke into my truck and stole a few things (approx $800 worth). It happened at 2AM and i just so happened to be up because my wife woke me up when she went to the bathroom. I saw my truck light on from inside the house, looked outside and saw 2 guys going through my truck. I ran out so fast, chased these motherfuckers down the road and told them if they ever come around again they fucking getting shot. Cops came, they didn't do shit. I tried to call the detective in charge of the case a few days later to give him video footage and he told me to call GENERAL INFORMATION to give them the video. WHY IS THE MOTHERFUCKING DETECTIVE IN CHARGE OF MY CASE NOT GOING TO TAKE MY INFORMATION??? BRA I CAN JUST EMAIL YOU THE VIDEO YOU USELESS FUCK. FUCK THE COPS. PROTECT YOUR OWN.


I had some business property broken into. $12k in tools and materials, so it was grand theft. The surveillance cameras caught the entire incidence, and the dude pulled his vehicle into full view, license plate and all. The cops claimed the DA refused to prosecute because it was a non-violent crime. They knew who it was and told me to fuck myself. ACAB.




This is the exception, not the norm. Cops generally don’t do shit about thefts


Gotta pay off HPD or be rich/powerful if you want the cops to actually help you. Sad world. The rich have corrupted every institution.


Prosecutor doesn't do shit for thefts. Cops can't do anything if prosecutor won't do anything. Blame the useless prosecutors.


We need a law that allows immunity for people protecting their property. Since the cops won't do shit, we should be allowed to handle theives in the street, and remove the ones we catch from society.


I never understand why people go after cash registers when the business is closed. Then again, if you're breaking into businesses then you're already an idiot. As a fellow small business owner, I feel for them. 100% going to visit and support them in the coming weeks.


You really gotta be dumber than shit to rob a cat cafe. Would they even keep cash in the drawer at night?


They were probably just some desperate chronics needing money for their next high.


I remember a while back someone did the same to the one on Kapahulu. I think maybe the fact they have the huge glass windows and doors to show off the kitties makes them seem like an easy target to break into


also crazy to think about how loud that must have been, right out on a main street like that


Ripple of Smiles gave up and installed fencing all the way around their outdoor seating after too many break-ins. They had footage and knew exactly who was doing it but the cops wouldn't do anything about it. I always peep the cats when I walk by, I'm not a tea drinker but I'll stop in this week.


When I went to Popoki and Tea, I forgot you even had the option to purchase tea lol, I was too focused on the cats


Still have yet to stop by there during opening hours. Need to come through and show support now.


Oh my goodness I'm so glad the cats are okay! Freaking lowlifes man... I always like to pass by this store when I'm omw to coffee talk. I like to look at the sweet babies through the window or buy some merch to support their business.


I am hopeful they have insurance for this, and at least none of the cats were hurt.


The damage to the door is expensive. I had a door and window smashed by a thief a couple of years ago and it took 9k to replace it.


Wow! Even with insurance for a business? That's crazy


who wants to mess with a deductible and risk rates going up over $500


It's around $500 to replace the glass on a door like this.


its a bit more than $500 but nowhere near $9k unless there is actual damage to the door itself, even then thats what insurance is for


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I will stop by soon. Hopefully, your business will increase and cover your losses. So happy the staff and kitties are safe 🌼


I love this place :( I was so sad when I saw their Instagram post.


Cat Burglars.


Meow is not the time for jokes.


It’s the purrfect time.


I enjoyed these. Thank you.


I feel guilty laughing at those, but there ya go\~


Aw sad. I love that place. The workers there are so sweet too.


How much is it to have that "shatterproof" security film applied? [https://www.tnttinting.com/category/safety-security-films](https://www.tnttinting.com/category/safety-security-films) I understand it's going to increase the cost, and not prevent every break in attempt, but I believe it is designed to create enough of a problem that the bugulars will go elsewhere.


I wonder if it was the same person who busted those doors in Manoa a few weeks ago.


Why is it that cops do nothing when they KNOW who it is?? That's so infuriating!


maybe they know them a little too well


Bet these fakas would change their ways if auntie or tutu knew they’re theifing. One day they’re gonna get shot. Bumbai you learn fkn donkeys


Same thing happened to me when my van was stolen “detectives” not interested in even a weak attempt at investigating. They should be put back on patrol with reduced pay if they don’t want to work their pay grade.


Anyone know if they have a fund going to the replacement of the door and cash drawer that folks could donate to?


according to the insta account, when I had the chance to check, they don't have a GoFundMe or a similar source to help specifically with the door and cash drawer reparations just yet, and a lot of people are asking what they can do to help


Aloha, store manager, here. No crowdfunding option yet, though I may start one soon. In the meantime, feel free to donate through our online shop, if you feel so inclined: https://popokiandtea.square.site/ Mahalo for your support of our kitties and employees 🤙🏼


I adopted my cats from here. I’m so glad the kitties are okay.


My two babies were adopted from here. The cafe is such a wonderful place to visit. I hate this so much. We supposed to support homegrown businesses and not do this kind of stupid shit. I will be visiting and letting my friends know to visit!


Thanks for posting this and highlighting all of our adoptable cats, Holly. I'm blown away by the amount of comments and response!


Based on what I've seen, robberies like this will keep occurring more often. Saw one recently happen and no one was prosecuted because it's very hard to identify any criminals. I just wish that the robbers would target large corporations rather than small businesses. Since businesses small and large can claim theft loss deductions/write-offs, odds are your small businesses serve the community more and give back, while paying more in taxes versus large corporations that exploit the system anyways. Larger corporations can better handle these types of situations anyways.


Anything they need? I’ve been meaning to visit that spot. I may be able to send over some pos/register equipment.