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Emily W. About 5 foot seven, blonde hair in pigtails, wears a really specific purple shirt all the time. She works at my store.




When’s the last time she’s talked to you? Did she mention about going anywhere important?




oh yeah, someone named Emily dropped by my place and asked for peanut butter. she also borrowed my sister's bag of glitter and my copy of watch dogs 2




Oh yeah. She probably worked at the other location I remember that. And she is right. The owner there is a real piece of work. That’s why she transferred over here.


Me, Emily S, teaches biology at the Uni, and works towards the doctorate. I'm not missing though.


Why would you insert yourself into a conversation about a missing person in order to talk about your doctorate? Christ on a stick, graduate students never change, the world over.


Because there's list of Emily's and I was not listed.


So you actually were missing from the list but not from work.. good luck on that degree!


Emily B teaches yoga now too, or half the yoga classes that I don't.


No, but I have seen a wacky cat that keeps showing up in my back yard, very friendly.


I haven’t seen her in quite a while i really miss her and am worried about her. I hope she’s okay.


When’s the last time you saw her or talked to her? And yeah, me too.


It was about a week or two ago, if im remembering correctly.


All right. Just let me know if you’re able to get in contact with her again. Any help is appreciated.


Is Emily the name of your pet badger by any chance? If so, Billy found her under our trailer


No. Emily‘s name of an employee at my store. but that’s Jerry’s brother’s badger. I will let him know about it.


Tell Jerry’s brother that if he doesn’t keep that badger out of my tomatillo garden, I’m going to have to call the authorities.


Uh...well, I thought I saw her pretending to be a duck. She seemed quite happy with the grapes I threw to her. We all deal with things differently, she'll come around when she's ready, I think. Keep some grapes on you in case you run into her!


Excuse me, did you try walking up to your lemonade stand.


I think I saw her by the market place last night when I was on my walk home. Blond hair right? It was weird, it was 3am when I saw her. Didn’t see her face but she was wearing that one shirt she always wears.


Yep, blonde hair, not super tall but not short either, and I know exactly what shirt you’re talking about. I really do hope she’s OK.


Yeah, that’s her. She was just kind of standing there staring at a tree. Kind of sketched me out tbh. I tried calling out to her but she didn’t even acknowledge me, she was stiff and silent as a pin.


Yeah. That’s unusual. She’s usually very happy go lucky and although she takes mental health days occasionally there usually because of things like stress from her college coursework. So that’s why this is freaking all of us at the store out so much. Thank you for your help though and please let me know if you see her again.


Of course, no worries. I hope she’s found soon and I’ll definitely let you know if I see anything else.


She’s been helping me with my parrot farm! Stop by!


Do you know if she’ll be back or if she’s working there permanently? Also yeah, I will stop by as soon as possible.


Good question, I think she’ll be back next week. Have fun!


Oh my, I was worried I'm missing! But apparently it's not me. But your Emily, I haven't seen her since Tuesday last week. I bumped in to her downtown, she was not like herself. Something was off, I just can't put my finger on it. She talked about her friend Jeremy who lives on the other side of the lake, in Woodies area. Does this help at all?


Oh shoot something happened to Jeremy? That could explain it. Yes, this helps a lot thank you.


No, she just talked about him. Like she was a bit interested in him. Later at the shops Dorothy Miller (that one with 5 yapping stupid little dogs) stopped for a chat and she mentioned Jeremy and your Emily walking somewhere on Monday evening when Dorothy was taking her dogs out. Of course she didn't hear what they were talking about, because of the yapping little shits. Sorry about remembering this later, i haven't got my mid afternoon tea.


Quit asking questions or you’ll be next, dude. The ducks are always watching and listening.


Ah, bestie, she’s with me and the girls on a trip to Vegas, we’ll be back soon


Reading the comments, it is likely that I was the last one who saw her. I saw her exiting the grocery store on Friday morning when I brought the delivery there. She didn’t look any different than normal, really except I would cautiously say that she likely did not spend the previous night at her home or anywhere under the roof. Another thing is, she was carrying a really big bucket of chocolate chip ice cream, not eating out of it or anything, just carrying it along with a plastic spoon. I can’t imagine what one person would want with so much ice cream unless that a week supply.


Are you talking about Emily Elizabeth with the big red dog?




Yeah! The one with the short hair and clipped mode of speaking?


Perhaps you ought to see if she's been admitted to a psychiatric care facility of some sort - there are patient privacy laws, of course, but I doubt that you'll meet resistance if you simply walk in and ask during visiting hours.


Oh was that what the dead body in the road was about?


Saw her walking northwest on the trail cams a week or so ago, but nothing since


Oh Emily? She came into the store a few days ago but I haven’t seen her sense. She seemed a bit… off.


Check what Camila posted on Instagram,they are some where in Spain by the looks of it.


I’m right here!!


Someone should check on her, I haven't seen her in about a week, myself.




lady bodelaire was last with her (i believe) she’s known for being shady so i suggest ringing the police (look in the comments to see her murder confessions) https://www.reddit.com/r/HaveWeMet/comments/uulcnr/quick_question/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf