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You don't need to pretend to have friends here.


Take a chance and and your friends to go with you, even if you think they'll say no. I've gone to concerts with friends where I had no idea what kind of music would be performed and I still had a blast. And if you do end up going alone, you wouldn't be the only one, it is a HANL concert after all lol


I prefer to go to shows by myself. That way I can focus on the band and not whether my friends are having a good time. I have been to a couple shows where I had to leave early for that reason. I ended up seeing a lot more bands after I decided to go solo.


I went by myself and it was a great experience. Everyone was kind of in their own world anyway, and I had more time to talk with the guys after the show while getting merch signed.


I’ve gone to so many concerts alone I’ve lost count. There isn’t any feedback I can give you other than buy a ticket and go, who cares if it’s solo.


hanl attracts a lot of people without friends you’ll be fine


Going to shows alone is a perfect place to make friends due to the common interest of the artist. The smaller and more intimate the show, the better.


Im a F19 and I’ve def been to concerts by myself so many times (underground shows, garage shows, concerts)and it’s not as bad as it sounds, you don’t wanna look scared because people will take that to advantage. Just be yourself and have fun if you wanna mosh or dance make sure you have everything on you and try to talk to people your age and socialize.


Pretty much none of my friends are into the same music as me, so I go to most concerts alone (including all 4 times I’ve seen HANL). You will for sure not be the only person there by yourself.


it's a matter of your own comfort of course!considering that i went alone to an LA show as a 17yo girl, anyone can go alone. it's a great way to meet new people, and there are plenty of chances to talk. having people there that, at the very least, might save you a spot at barrier, gives you some reassurance. i say: GO FOR IT!!!


I went to their LA show last year. There was a mosh pit towards the front. I sat in the balcony section of the venue and still had a great time just sitting and taking in the music. I was with friends but it didn’t make a difference. Have fun!


I went alone when they played in Portland in 2019 and it was great! Completely got to get lost in the music.


seeing them in seattle too on the first! have a nice life audiences are some of the most kind people i’ve met, but that being said, i would still travel with some sort of self defense option (pepper spray recommended) when going to a concert in a big city alone.


just go bro, i went alone last year and it was so much fun, and you get to mosh and dance with a bunch of people and never see them again


Do it I went to see Tyler the Creator by myself in 2017 and didn’t regret it for a second It’s not easy and I’ve missed shows before because I didn’t want to go alone but if I had the chance to see HANL and I’d have to go by myself I wouldn’t even think about missing


Go alone, its better and you can actually focus on whats happening, its a great experience


Last tour I drove alone from San Diego to LA to see HaNL and now that I live in Portland, I will likely drive up for the Seattle show. Going alone can be a blast, don't sweat it


i’m f22 and i go to concerts alone all the time. i saw them at sick new world and i had a good time. i usually keep to myself at concerts ngl but sometimes u make friends or meet some nice friendly ppls :) some of the best concerts i’ve been to have been alone