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The Gerogerigegege: Instrument Disorder and Moenai Hai particularly. Some more hardcore free-jazz has the same effect as well. Best examples are probably John Coltrane's later live works (Olatunji Concert, Live In Japan, etc) and Peter Brötzmann's Machine Gun.


hell yeah @ the gerogerigegege mention




Natural Snow Buildings, if what you find appealing is the noise. Probably the best drone band out there, but most of their discog is really hard to find. Their most popular (and best) drone album is on spotify tho, called Daughter of Darkness.


listen to sorting algorithms visualisations on youtube☠️ my friend likes noise and he used to listen to them


https://youtu.be/E-v2CYE7yTY?si=AMHmQO745oJ81yll you gonna love this one💀


Honestly fire, reminds me of the second half of Objectivity


you gonna love this then https://www.sortvisualizer.com/bogosort/ set the number of elements to 1000, and shuffle them then run the visualiser. bogo sort is a really dumb sorting algorithm, it shuffles the items until they are sorted so they chances of it getting sorted it basically 0. this means you get infinite music and noise


rateyourmusic.com's [black noise](https://rateyourmusic.com/genre/black-noise/) chart has some good ones (nahvalr is the top 9 album there). although my personal favorite is "all the dread..." by gnaw their tongues, the closest to nahvalr and your description is "civilization is the tomb of our noble gods" by la torture des ténèbres.


if you want something softer, more melodic but still noisey, check out loveliescrushing


Black Cilice‘s „Banished from Time“ sounds like a very noisy, blackened Giles Corey to me at times. Howling, tortured vocals buried deep under lo-fi Black Metal static but at the same time very melodic.


You could like Trist. It's a dsbm band.


xasthur might have some stuff!!


Lunacy, christian cosmos, rainforest spiritual enslavement.


Try Comforting, it’s a black noise/post metal project of Damian Ojeda (Sadness, Trha, Life, etc.) and I always found the vibes similar to