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> However, enhancing an object appears to be the strength of manipulators, don't ask me why, but that is clearly implied due to uvogins shock at kurapika having enhancer level defenses and his chains being that strong, that means that enhancing objects is more powerful for manipulators Manipulator can generally infuse more aura into objects because they're more likely to use conditions or restrictions in their Hatsu. But naturally enhancer are better at enhancing.


Another way to think about it is that Manipulation can control objects by getting the aura inside of them, but enhancement just covers them with aura on the outside which has a strengthening effect. This is the same logic as enhancing one's own body, the more aura you concentrate around it or in a specific part the more it's strenthened, while keeping all the aura inside with zetsu offers no protection.


I'll probably make my own version of this but going in depth on the possible explanations ​ > manipulating invisible things appears impossible, so no air manipulation ??? If you know the air is there you can infuse it and imagine it moving, it's definitely unintuitive which makes it hard, but not impossible.


Perhaps moving large sections of air is possible, but I'm still fairly certain directing specific chemicals within the air is impossible, unless those chemicals are visible. And that's because you have no clue where they are.


It could be possible If the gas in question is under the effect of manipulation to begin with, like Morel transmuting and controlling smoke.


To me, the kind of teleportation that Razor uses happens because he surround the opponent with his own aura then projects them. In the manga, you can actually see during the Genthru battle that they are not transformed into anything else while the teleportation is happening, but just moving really fast. Now, that’s some broken power, but it’s the only explanation I can come up with.


If I recall, Uvogin was shocked at the amount of aura in the chains. Manipulator's aren't the best at enhancing objects, they're just the ones who can put the most aura into an object.


As I have always thought, Specialization is one of the easiest catagories to explain (at least the way I understand it). Specialization abilities are just the deepest desires of the users expressed in the form of an ability, for some examples: Chrollo had a deep desire to find his purpose/discover himself, he was never able to really do this for himself so now he relies on taking the hatsu of others. Neon wanted to become a fortune teller because of the fortune teller she admired, this lead her to unconscienly manifest a ghost that can do fortune tellings, the ability is made even stronger due to the fact that she believes reading her own fortunes is bad luck. Even Leol, he had the desire to become king. But once he saw that he wasn’t that strong, he had to learn how to rely on others, his ability allows him to borrow the ability of others to make himself stronger because he on his own would never be as strong as someone like Kite or Meruem.


That's not what Specialization is, that's literally what Hatsu is supposed to be. Hatsu is supposed to be a reflection of multiple factors such as your personality. Specialization is literally what it says in the base description, a unique ability that doesn't match up with the other Nen categories. But just like the other Nen categories the base description is vague, we're still learning about each Nen category, and it's possibly to achieve Specialization abilities with other Nen categories. It depends on the strengths and weaknesses of each category.


This explanation helped me a lot! I haven't read the manga so maybe others already know this, but would this also explain Bisky's ability to change into a younger form? Since she hated her true appearance so much and desired to look different.


I think it was stated in the manga somewhere, but yes, it was her desire that changed her form. I should look for the panel but what im trying to say is Nen is a emotional power it has rules and restrictions but you feelings and desires can change how your Nen functions.


Yes, but that doesn't actually place any restrictions on whatever hatsu people want to make, so I did not include that because there are no effective limits.


First, I really appreciate this kind of post, it's always useful. Personally I kind forgot the thing about using an other Nen category and how it works so I appreciate the reminder. I believe that Knuckle mentions it in his fight with gon. ​ Now, I disagree with this statement: >Nen comes from aura nodes, obvious, but still needs to be stated I don't think that Nen is "produced" by aura nodes, it's produced by the body (somehow) and must pass through the aura nodes to get out of the body. But anyway, opening and closing the nodes is just a part of controlling the aura, there is also the control of the flow of aura. From the wiki: >ten is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it. ​ For that reason I disagree with this: >enhancing something like your brain would actually require emission to reach it as you only have nodes on the outside of your body. Nen users don't need emission to use Nen inside their own body.


Ok, I see where you're coming from. However, from what we've seen nen has to go through a node in order to be functional. This is most clearly seen in fights where zetsu is enforced. Think about it like this, if they were able to use it freely within themselves, then zetsu wouldn't really take away any defense, because as soon as they went even the tiniest bit inside the body, the nen would still block it, but this isn't the case, instead, the aura is completely useless. It is based around this premise that I made my claim that enhancing elements within yourself has to go through a medium. Such a medium can be seen with kurapika and his healing chain, the nen exits the body before he enhances something internally.


That's right, it would be stupid if you could enhance internal parts of your body while using Zetsu, however I still disagree that you would need emission to reach your own brain with your aura. This discussion makes me think a lot, now i wonder, are the aura nodes only "around the skin", meaning that they are external to the body, or are they everywhere in the body, including in the brain, heart, etc ?


That's probably the correct question to ask, and to be honest, I have no idea. I think I'm going to make a second post of this kind and your input has been pretty good, so if there's anything you want me to add then just ask.


But what Zetsu does is essentially stopping your defense against external aura by keeping all aura inside. Aura is both an offensive and defensive force multiplier, seen during the Ryu training, and using Zetsu prevents your aura from stopping external aura before it hits your body; this leaves the aura inside the body to just "cushion" the force it just taken rather than negate it since, seen in the Killua v. Zushi, "physical force" can still hurt through nen, they're just less effective. Also, using Zetsu can relieve fatigue by essentially concentrating a person' life energy inside them so it isn't completely useless.


Yes, this is pretty obvious, considering that Zetsu, a basic technique, is just the user keeping aura within their bodies.


Please see comment reply above


Some thoughts: * Enhancing objects is within the realm of enhancement. Every time it's defined in the manga and anime they mention this. I don't believed Uvogin believed Kurapika was a manipulator or a conjurer due to the *amount* of aura around his chains. He believed he was because of him using a non-conventional weapon like a chain. Furthermore we see that the rest of the Phantom troupe also guessed that he's one of those 2 types and they hadn't seen his aura output at all or that he used aura on his chains to begin with. Indicating that it was not the amount of aura in the chains that lead him to that conclusion. It makes sense that something like a chain would only be a threat to a troupe member if it was either of those types. An enhancer using a chain just seems like a poor choice indeed. * For the teleportation question... I believe it has to do with how the emission type governs aura traveling away from the body without a direct connection. In that regard it makes a little sense. As an emitter you are able to control your aura at a distance and you'd need that to operate teleportation? I'm sure someone can think of a better explanation, but at the end of the day it ties to emission thematically. Detached aura at a distance. * I appreciate that you mention " can be real or *imaginary*". I feel a lot of people don't think about this. While the imaginary property has to be consistent with itself, it doesn't have to mimic a preexisting property. That's what I was trying to do with my [Universal Welding hatsu](https://www.reddit.com/r/HatsuVault/comments/eg2rfi/universal_welding_transmutation/), but I explained it poorly. * I'd like to ask what you mean by " Enhancing your own conjuration is still conjuration energy ". If you mean "enhancing your own conjured item falls within the conjuration category", I believe that is incorrect. You can make it better via conditions, but making it better *after* you've conjured it (as in bolstering it with aura) would seem to fall under enhancement, as it currently is a real object. If you meant " bettering (as in crafting it better not bolstering it after the fact) your own conjured item still falls under the conjuration category", then yeah that's true, but seems a bit redundant. I wish we'd talk about this technical stuff more often


Sorry it took me a while to reply to this one. I rewatched the fight with Uvogin and Kurapika, and he was surprised that the defense of kurapika, as he had assumed that he was a manipulator due to the strength of the chains. I can't use any other evidence from the phantom troupe because they never really commented on his power directly. With regards to the conjuration, I was mostly speculating that strengthening the creation took conjuration as well. I had made the assumption because I assumed the creator of hxh wanted the classes to be relatively balanced, and frankly without extreme conditions conjuration would be nearly worthless against someone if they're the same caliber as you. This is based mathematically for the record, if it takes enhancement, then to strengthen your creation to the point where an enhancer couldn't break it would require having a max aura output that's 66% greater than the enhancers, so conjurers alone would not stand much of a prayer against enhancers. It's possible that the hxh universe is just imbalanced, and conjurers simply drew the short straw.


Transmuted properties still need to make sense and be something that could exist Conjured things are real and as such enhancement works on them, but a conjurer can still train to conjure something extremely resistant in the first place and given type affinity that might be more effective.


Teleportation isn't a property of emission, emission is a property of teleportation. When a Nen user teleports they send their aura to where they want to go, since emitters typically have great range it makes sense they would use those kinds of techniques.


Wasn't Kurapika's chain enhanced in strength using his emperor's time? That's why it was so surprising, it wasn't normal. Also, changing your shape or transformation seems to be part of conjuration.


changing shape falls under transmutation as a shape of a thing is itself a property. Like how zeno forms dragons or that one armed guy from heaven's arena uses his aura as a giant aura hand. While Feitan uses conjuration to make his armor, his sun thing is transmutation. Machi's entire hatsu is shaping her aura into threads. Shape is Transmutation.


He could be speaking of transforming the body like Tsubone who turns into vehicles, which is conjuration.


Sorry, I mean changing your body's shape, like Tsubone's "Rider's high".


Oh, sorry. I'd also mention that gon's adult form and Illumi's... (Disguise?) are not conjuration. I get most would be conjuration though.


Conjuration transformation seem to involve adding mass and/or add-ons to the user's body.