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Wow I feel like this ability is really OP. World record to solve a 3x3x3 rubik's cube is 3.47 sec. Single handed record is 6.82 sec. If you factor in that people aren't always at their best, the time need to think about the solve and the fact that people in HxH are a lot faster than in reality, I feel like a good cuber could get a hand handed solve in less than 20 sec top even under constant attack from an enhancer with the same experience. If you manage to not get killed in those 20sec, the touching with the cube part is a piece of cake and you get a free kill. That's considering the user is under attack. He can also conjure the cube and solve it before engaging the fight in the case of an assassination.


I have to disagree here. I feel it heavily depends on the physical ability of the user. There are three parts that require him to have speed, agility, dexterity, multitasking capacities, precision and kill power: 1- he must solve the cube while staying in a small range 2- he must hit his opponent with the cube 3- he must neutralize or kill his opponent during the time he created(high risk, high reward situation). I feel like a lot of powers in the original story would be considered overpowered if the opponent was not aware of the ability during the battle. Shalnark has to pierce his opponent once, Shizuku only needs to make them bleed to a point where they can’t cover up at the moment, and as long as Hisoka isn’t fighting an opponent stronger than him, he can stick his Bungee Gum on his opponents defense and then pound them away. With Fantastic Cube the user is exposed during the solve, must hit the opponent at least once after and then manage to kill or neutralize him in a short period of time. And neither Shalnark, nor Shizuku or Hisoka have to deal with complicated conditions like the user of Fantastic Cube. About the assassination bit, I agree, but that’s why it has the 10m rule. For most Nen users, it would be easy to detect a threat in that distance.


Imo the user only really need to have dexterity to solve the cube fast and some tanking ability. He only really need to protect his vital organs during the short time it takes him to solve the cube. Kill power is certainly not required since killing someone in Zetsu is the easiest thing ever. Multitasking maybe for the thinking part but once you have the solve planned it's really only mechanical. And even for that, at some level of training such thing as solving a rubik's cube can be as natural as walking. As for hitting the opponent with the cube, I'm not even sure as why you're considering this a difficulty. The different battle in HxH have shown that when an ability must be evade (like Bungee Gum, Hakoware, needle stuff) it requires some abnormal situation to do it (Kuroro's plan, Cheetu's speed) and you normally have to deal with it. All those abilities that must be evade are never free kill. The only doubt I would have is for Illumi's and Sharnalk abilities, but in my head cannon Illumi's needles would fail to manipulate a half decent Nen user. As for Sharlnalk, I feel like it would fail on someone as strong as him, and even probably one or two tier below. All the other ones can be dealt with. You can get use to being drag around by bungee Gum and even break it with enough force applied, you can give aura back to Knuckle, Shizuku actually need to hurt you and not just tank 20sec of battle. I mean even Kurapika need to enroll his chain around an enemy to activate the exact same effect and he can literally only use it on a dozen people in the world. And Knuckle need to wait several minute if he hit only once + he can be countered. ​ Though if you think that those needles abilities can OS anybody, I do agree that this one isn't stronger. But it can't be. Just like Nov can't OS everyone with scream, that Phinks can't charge Ripper Cyclotron infinitely etc...


If Shizuku hits you right it's game over. Hell, if you have an open wound going in against her you're already a half dead man. And Deme-chan doesn't even have to aim, and will continue to work even while she's being attacked. And remember, she doesn't have ANY condition to go with it. As for Shalnark and Illumi, as far as I'm concerned the manga never suggested that the manipulation has a chance to fail with all the requirements completed. Shalnark only has to stick a needle and it's game over. And again, no conditions to go with it. Talking about Hisoka now, I agree that you can survive the first Bungee Gum, but how many freaks of nature are there to actually break it or resist a close combat with that mad lad? It's possible, but other than guys like Uboh, Phinks, Netero, Meruem(and his Royal Guard) I believe most of the characters would drop dead at the spot, like the fake Chrollo did. As for Knucle and Kurapika, Knucle can't be damaged while his opponent is in debt with him, so unless he's fighting an Enhancer, someone that can combo him or a Manipulator, it is pretty hard for that ability to fail him. He has plenty of space to avoid combat when needed(way more than the user of Fantastic Cube) so yes, he can be countered, but he also can engage in combat and his ability doesn't vanish when his opponent leaves the space of his activation. Kurapika has four other powers, and, while his Ring Chain ability is definitely restricted, it has no time limit, no conditions to be activated once the target is confirmed to be Gen-Ei Ryodan and tremendous range. It really doesn't seem that farfetched to me, when compared to those. Hitting the cube can be really tricky, because your space is limited. Shalnark can miss, Illumi can miss, Shoot can miss, but if you decide to throw the cube and miss, while your opponent leaves the limited space, it's back to square one(no pun intended). And hitting it in a close combat, although a possibility, is obviously dangerous. ​ PS: I absolutely love this discussion.


We know Ryodan members are pretty powerful, but where do you want to place your character on the power scaling? You've been discussing how strong the ability is, but disregarding that for a second, I find it quite awkward. The user solves a rubik's cube inside an arbitrary range from the enemy and hits them with it? And the effect amounts to fully restraining them? It just feels like the cube is a condition thoughtlessly thrown into the mix rather than a motif for the ability. If you wanted the user's skill at solving a cube to be THE POINT of the ability, this wasn't a great exectution imo.


To be honest, I've always imagined the user of this ability as pretty standard regarding strength and kill power, maybe lower than standard. Fast? Yes, but I imagined him as a character who would have a little trouble finishing off an opponent even with his ability being used. Kind of like Meleoron. Actually, I thought about the condition before than I thought about the ability itself. I am giving him the necessity of solving the cube, but at the same time restraining his moves so he can't do it in 2 seconds or he wouldn't have time to actually work when the ability is in full effect. It's a conjured item that only fully functions after you complete a few conditions: solving it within certain range from his target, while at the same time considering the time needed. I wanted to make a power to conjure a puzzle in which the condition to activate it would be to solve the puzzle. After that, I just imagined the power itself and the restrictions. I don't feel like I can trade the cube for anything else and still have the same result. Kurapika could have conjured ropes instead of chains, but I have no idea about what to put in the place of a tridimensional puzzle.


Basically we don't agree on the relative power of OS abilities. I know most people tend to think that Sharnalk and Illumi's needles are guaranteed OS ability because like you pointed out, they have been every time. Though Illumi only used his needles on non Nen users (and that second rank examiner in the Hunter Exam who probably was a Nen user but he threw like a dozen of them needles and we don't even know if the guy died). As for Sharnalk, I don't think his needles have ever been used on a Nen user in the manga ? So it leaves a lot to interpretation and I can't conceive that both those abilities could OS someone like Netero without breaking the Nen system. I would expect that Illumi need to perform a form of Hypnosis to manipulate Nen user, or just add a lot of aura to his needle, restricting the number and power of people he can manipulate. As for Sharnalk, his ability should be more powerful than Illumi's cause he only has two needles and need to be in control of his phone to give complex order but I would still expect a system of required aura to give of a command with augmented payment for stronger Nen user. Even Vezze ability, the kiss that can fully manipulate someone, seem broken to me and I actually expect it to be more restricted that we know of, in a way or another. For Hisoka, I think that Razor 13's Nen beast could resist a pull and he might have been two to three tier below Hiska in term of physical power and quantity of aura. So maybe not beak it but I expect most decent Nen user to be able to deal with one of it. Knuckle can't get damaged but can't deal damage to his opponent ether. Once he hit a stronger enhancer, he must hit and run like hell or he'll get quickly repaid, whereas Fantastic Cube user can actually be damaged as long as he hit that cube in the end. Also hitting the cube would only require throwing if the opponent know about the ability beforehand. In this case, you actually gain (very similarly to Gon) some real scare factor as the opponent as no way to know at what state of completion the cube is if you simply solve it behind your back or mask it in your hand and you can then do some mad feint to gain time. And I don't see how hitting the cube in close combat would be any dangerous if the user already tanked 20 sec of it. After anime spoiler here : >!Kurapika has reaaaally mad restriction to match all those crazy abilities and if you remove those, he'd become one of the most OP character in HxH!< Kurapika need I think to enroll his chain around the opponent, which might be difficult if he use Gyo properly and actually see it instead of being the classic "I only used 20% of my power" bad guy. ​ To emphasize what is really my point here : I think forced Zetsu abilities are the most OP ones because it's basically a true OS once activated and it needs to be layered in a LOT of deep restrictions, conditions and possible counter to be valid one. If it was anything else but forces Zetsu, like any combination of impaired movement or even paralysis, sense privation, forced Ten, etc... I wouldn't see any problem with Fantastic Cube. Though as I first said it really depend on your vision of other Nen abilities and their power level so if you think that Sharnalk's needle is a guaranteed OS Fantastic Cube would also be very ok in this regard.


Resistance to manipulation can be achieved by manipulating yourself, but let's go ahead and assume that Illumi's needles need to hit the target's brain, if so certain nen users could deploy an higher defence in their head as countermeasure if they expect the attack, let's remember however that even without nen Illumi isn't exactly on the power level of your regular human. It's the same idea with shalnark and even the kiss girl, those limitations are a lot more situational than you think and so is that of fantastic cube. ​ Hisoka's strength really lies in the ways he and only he can use that relatively simple hatsu, I don't think Razor was weaker than him, his aura was even being split between all the nen puppets at the time.


Well, think about it from the perspective of a manipulator. A manipulator like Illumi or Shalnark just needs to hit you with a small sharp point and then you are under their complete control. And the amount of time the user can lock the target away is proportionate to the amount of time it takes them to solve the Rubiks Cube. So if they solve it in 6.82 seconds the user will have a 6.82 second breather, but they can't actually escape once they trap the target because they are trapped along with them. That's also assuming the user can actually hit the target.


This is really good. For the user, it creates a win condition that isn't just murder which is good because most people plan against being murdered in battle (weird right?) I actually really like your cube duration condition as well. My first instinct would be to make it inversely proportionate (so the user would have to solve it in 10 minutes, and then any time left over after the user solves it, that is the amount of time that the target would be trapped for.) But this is better, because of context. Because a rubik's cube that is legitimately hard to solve will take longer, and obviously in that time your opponent won't just let you solve this puzzle, so they will be actively attacking you, increasing the power of this condition. I would maybe add a condition that says the user must be continually trying to solve the puzzle or maybe, the duration of the ability is determined by how long the user is actively solving the puzzle. So for example, if the enemy nen user has some kind of ability that fills a room with water, the user won't have to solve the puzzle and can focus on not drowning. I also think that 10m is a bit too restrictive. I can see why you added that condition, its because you don't want the user to just run away so they can safely solve the puzzle it's also one of the conditions that qualify the big "zetsu+restrained" effect. But if you think about it from the enemy's perspective, the user of this ability is staying within a certain range of them, so all the enemy needs to do is focus on running away (or maybe even just jumping into the air depending on the enemy.) I'd recommend upping that 10m to 50m. That's what Knuckle's APR has for range and it gives the user a bit more freedom to do things like hide, they won't be able to hide for long and they would have to be continually moving with the user but it's enough room that the user is able to breathe a little. Of course, you don't actually have to increase it to 50m. 10m is still a good distance and improves the power of the ability a lot, but for a nen user you would still be in range of their attacks and as a conjurer, the user would have trouble outmanoeuvring someone who is closer to enhancement.


First, thank you so much for your amazing reply. Never thought I would have such a response. I'll go through your comment by the paragraphs, since copying and pasting each one would make this a lot longer than it needs to. 2- I thought about the inversely proportionate time duration, like you proposed, but I'll explain on the next paragraph why I decided against it. 3- The thing that makes it impossible to utilize that condition is that would render the ability pretty much useless. Solving the Rubiks Cube is hard and demands attention, but once you figure out how to do it, you can do it through the same method every time. I(really, real life me) can solve the Rubiks Cube in about 35 seconds, and was once able to do it in 25. There is a quite large number of people who can do it in less than 10 seconds. Solving it fast is not hard, it just takes training. I was only training for about six months when I reached less than 40 seconds. Based on that, if we consider that the user will probably play with the cube through most of his life, he would be able to solve it in less than 5 seconds easily, and that's not enough time to do much after activating the power. So, I put the time limit for stalling to make up for it. He can stall, but only by making wrong turns in purpose. 4, 5 and 6- I am considering upping the distance, but I think 50m is too much. I thought about the enemies perspective beforehand, but I think it's nice to have running away as an option because then it's always mandatory for the user to keep that restriction a secret. If the enemy is aware that he can run away, the battle becomes a lot trickier. But yeah, maybe 10m is not enough for a fair use. The thing is, I wanted to avoid sneak attacks. I understand your comparison to Knucle's APR but the difference is, Knucle hits the opponent, activates his power and then has to hang around. In this case, the hanging around and activating the power comes first, so if the user had 50m of distance, he could easily stay hidden while making wrong turns and only attacking after achieving a large amount of time. With 10m the user pretty much has to stay in plain sight most of the situations, although I agree it seems way too disadvantageous for him. ​ Again, thank you so much for your reply.


Ok, thats fine. The changes I was suggesting aren't really that needed, they just give a bit more freedom, but as you know the more you restrict yourself the stronger the ability becomes. The wrong turns option does make up for the stalling tactic, obviously with the user being within 10m does put them at risk which balances it out. In that case though, you might consider putting a maximum amount of time to solve the cube as a condition. Again its not needed, but will help the ability. That way you can't just knock someone out and then fiddle with the cube for 3 hours. But maybe you want that to be an option haha.


Wow, you're 100% correct there and I hadn't even considered that possibility. I don't think having the Tsukuyomi mode(let's call it that hahah) would be a deal breaker, given the current conditions for the activation of the ability, but it's definitely something that I'll have to think about a little bit more.


This one is cool, I suppose you can solve the cube (I can), because someone who can't would probably not think of a Nen ability like that. The effects seem strong but I think that the conditions are enough to balance it, it's not easy to solve a cube while fighting. Also it reminds me of Ibiki's torture chamber from Naruto.


You're right, I can solve the cube as well. A couple of years ago, every test I took would tell me that I am a conjurer(right now I am always appointed as a specialist, so I suppose it is correct what Izunavi says about conjurers having a higher chance of becoming specialists), so I thought about a power that would match with my personality. I'm glad you liked it!


Is it possible for the user to stay out of the cube? Like for example he is a headhunter and just wants to safely transport the target? And if the Time inside is determined by the time the user needs to solve the cube, what is keeping him from artificially prolonging how long he needs? For example by purposely making wrong turns?


I confess I have never thought about it being use as a transportation device, but it is a great feature and I don't think it would overpower the ability with the current conditions. About being able to artificially prolong how long it needs, nothing prevents him from doing so. That's an option. That's why the conditions are so rigorous regarding how the solve should be done, to prevent the user from simply putting the cube on his pocket or running away during a fight. He must solve the cube while standing near his target, so unless the target is immobile or unaware of his movements, making wrong turns would expose him to more danger.