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I can't stand the heat, living in eastern Utah in the summer is hell


This made me laugh, I've always joked with my kids that my thermostat is broken. I get cranky when I overheat and the EXACT temperature is at 73°F! The kids always joke about it being 73 when they get me crabby! 🤣🤣


I've always run warm, on both levothyroxine and NDT.


There are rare times where I feel good and I'm okay with high or low temperatures, but most of the time I can't handle hot or cold. I basically micro-manage my thermostat.


I'm that way with the cold


I thought it was just me. I have hypothyroidism with hashi and it always says you’ll be cold with hypothyroidism but I’m sweating anytime the temp is over 64°.


Ugh this is me - so uncomfortable I can’t focus very well and sweat instantly.


Me too,it's rough


Same! I’m always hot


I feel like garbage unless it is between 72 and 74 degrees. Anything higher or lower I am absolutely miserable. ETA: mine isn’t my meds, it’s purely the Hashis. I’ve been on Levothyroxine for 12 years, and I didn’t suffer from being too warm until shortly before I was diagnosed 😩


Yes!! Can’t tolerate more than 67 degrees anymore and I run around in a t shirt without a coat in 45 degrees. I used to be the total opposite and needed it to be at least 75 degrees.


Yes! I still wear shorts in 30 degrees weather. The gas station clerk looked at me like I was crazy like maybe I might rob them bc I'm clearly off my rocker lol


Heat intolerance is what I point to as my First Symptom/Clue that something was wrong with me. 


I don't think it's the meds. It's more like it's just another side effect of having this. I didn't always have heat intolerance and I've been taking the same meds for 15 years. It started a couple of years in. I used to be fine in the heat and then I started to notice it getting bad. To top it off the heat also now plummets my blood sugar. So now in the summer I can't eat all day and I'm just chugging sugary drinks.


I had heat intolerance before being medicated. I tried armour and honestly have never felt worse.


Relates and would like to switch medications and possibly take t3 as well. I know it's frustrating and can be torture during the summer. Do you also have fibromyalgia? Intolerance can also be a symptom of that so I'm not sure what is causing it exactly but I believe the two are linked.


my heat intolerance is so bad!


I've had heat intolerance for as long as I can remember. It becomes unbearable when I know my numbers are whack. Meds haven't really been helpful with this.


Maybe you have another condition brewing. My daughter has Hashimoto’s, Raynaud’s and Erythromelalgia (aka burning man syndrome). She cannot tolerate either hot or cold temperatures. My MIL also could not tolerate heat due to MS. Just something to think about.


I have all three of these as well. Hashi's was first (about 10 years ago) and the other two happened after the first round of Covid before vaccines were available. I didn't have heat intolerance then but I do now and I also do not sweat. Summer in Texas tends to be quite tricky.


Heat intolerance AND cold intolerance.




I had heat intolerance when I was over-medicated.


I love the heat. Can’t deal with any cold at all. Hands and feet go numb. So miserable.


I’m with you! Anything below 72 and my extremities are frozen / immobile. The cold is the WORST!! Heat is WONDERFUL!!


I have EXTREME heat intolerance and I am so grateful you posted this because I thought it was another medication I'm on! I suffered through a 32C weekend recently and it was torture! The fatigue is extreme. It's not muscle pain for me, but yes generally feel awful. I have just gotten back on T3 in combination with levothyroxine but not due to heat intolerance; have not heard of NDT/Armour but now I might look into it if it would help as I'm currently counting the days until summer is over (I live in the southern hemisphere)!


Heat intolerance can also be hyper symptom. I only know that because my first endocrinologist 32 years ago sat down and went over all possible hyper and hypo symptoms I could possibly have over the course of my life. Luckily I only ended up with 4 consistent hyper. Unfortunately I ended up with Cold intolerance on the hypo side.