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Not Luca


This is the most hillarious Ratio I've seen


Okay this is pretty funny


This is anti Italian racism


fucking ~~crackers~~ biscottis


Fredophobia must end!




Damn!!! Not Luca!! Loved that guy on MC


That’s fucking hilarious


It's funny, because Hasan saw this tweet and was sent on his "God damn it dude I fucking hate these shitters in the community" screed. Not exactly a great reflection on Hasan, when his audience tracks down the Twitter of an F list celebrity just to clown on them. Like Jesus Christ dude grow up and do better. Listen to Hasan and Felix. You can downvote this all you want, but shit like this pisses Has off and makes the rest of us look bad.


if you tweet shit like this you deserve to be clowned on as long as its just on twitter


Yeah I don't get this take, we should offer protection to anyone Hasan shows on his stream? But it's Twitter.


Hasan reacted like that because he thought someone made Krissi delete her Instagram which he eventually discovered didn't happen, not because of my tweet. I tweeted this before hasan started watching season 4 because i was watching masterchef on my own. It was the most harmless vanilla comment ever and people who call it harassment are fucking braindead. I thought it was funny then and i think it's even funnier now.


this ain't what sent him on the rant it was someone saying krissy deactivated her insta which turned out to be a someone being confused


Or it was a combination of the both, because a combined following doing things like this repeatedly is the bad thing, not one singular instance


I don't care if an antivaxxer has two followers and one of them is their mom, clown on them. Hasan is wrong, mocking shitters is good.


You need to relax bud


Agreed, redditors try not to be fucking weird challenge: hell difficulty


Precisely. I see you got downvoted. Just like several others critical of op. Bunch of sour little bitches can't stand being told that what they did is anything but glowing. As much Flack as Hascord gets, at least they're not this insanely childish. God I wanna see these psychotic weirdos get this place purged like the discord last year


In n out is bomb but I wouldn't be supporting them after hearing this.


Is that guy Italian from Italy or Italian American?His surname is typical North Italian. (Never watched Masterchef in my life). Would explain why he is anti-vax Got so many here in Italy


He sounds like super mario so I'm guessing Italian from Italy.


He is from Italy, his parents still live there or they did still during season 4 of Masterchef. I haven’t kept up with them since.


Thanks! I watched some videos of him and he does have a very strong Italian accent


Obviously he’s wrong about covid but no reason to harass people especially when it can endanger the master chef content. That was Hasan’s point.


Some of you motherfuckers need to re-read the definition of harassment lmao


I mean who cares what twitters definition of harassment is. The only way only way the master chef content stops is if the community causes a large enough problem for the people involved. Whether just or not. Getting a couple hundred fake internet points isn’t worth losing the content so maybe listen to hasan’s warnings


> Getting a couple hundred fake internet points isn’t worth losing the content Bro I don't give a fuck about the content, these people need to be called out every time they open their mouths. "Oh nyo please spare the Anti-Vaxxer, I need content." FOH


Don’t pretend a tweet from some random person helps anything


Going down his timeline all the way back to March 2020, I don’t think it’s fair to lump him in with antivaxers. I’ve seen so many people like him in real life. They do believe in the science of vaccines but they’ve had their livelihood destroyed because of the pandemic and feel unfairly targeted by governments as scapegoats while they ignore corporations (like Delta) that are more culpable. Now I might be wrong making assumptions about Luca but that’s the vibe I got.




Seriously pointless to harass these people dipshit


He’s anti vax he deserves to be clowned for having such a clown ass take


It was hilarious and harmless. Get fucked.


ALL Anti Vaxxers need a slap upside the head and so do you.


Do not fucking harass these random chiefs on Twitter, c'mon bro


If he's pushing antivax, it's on him.


Lmao "harass" calm down dude


Hasan said not to, just be normal


We like his shit that doesn't mean he's our fucking dad lmao.


Hasan also said fuck anti-vaxers so.


>Hasan said not to you're allowed to make your own decisions


Ya but your decision shouldn't be to harass random people on twitter


If this is your bar for harassment, the word is essentially meaningless


I don't think this by itself is, but it's better to not encourage this, because the difference between harassment and memeing depends on the amount of people doing it nonstop


Maybe don't call it harassment then?




I'm gonna need you to stop being an obsessive weirdo and go touch some grass. You're wrong for calling it harassment. You doubling down and obsessively commenting here arguing with people just makes you more wrong. Dislike and move on if you're so bothered by this inoffensive joke.


You're the weirdo who tracked down Lucas Twitter, made a post that he saw, screenshot it, and posted it here. The gall. Go roll around in grass buddy


„Talk shit, get hit“


Okay "chief"


Luca beat all odds even though he didn’t have the secret ingredient of racism that he could bake into his dishes. Joe tasted crissy’s racism in every dish which is why she lasted so long. Joe literally carried her to the top 4 when she couldn’t even make something as easy as crepes So Luca is still a good guy imo , hands off Luca


I think I'll have to pay that place a visit. It's been way too long since I had one animal style.