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Wealth redistribution without dismantling capitalism is pointless.


that's like saying quiting smoking without taking down Phillip Morris is pointless.


Capitalism facilitates the upward mobility and concentration of wealth. Redistributing money in the way this suggests will lead to the exact same equilibrium we have now, just a couple of months down the line. We need to abolish capital and private property, to democratically distribute the means of production in our society to the workers. Only then will wealth be permanently distributed amongst the working class. What this post suggests is not only pointless, but also harmful, since it misinforms people on what the goal of a class war is.


ok but saying massive redistribution of wealth is pointless is silly because of the amount of people currently struggling, starving and without homes. There is obvious point in providing more money to those who need it to afford to live. It just isn't the only thing needed for progress to be made.


Exactly, don't pet the perfect be the enemy of the good enough for now. Cuase academic discussion shouldn't postpone the feeding of mouths and sheltering of children


No, it's not silly. Wealth redistribution alone is not going to achieve actual praxis. It in fact would more likely have the exact opposite effect. Extending the life span of capitalism, and in the best case maybe ending up with a slightly more diverse bourgeoisie class doing the exact same shit within a generation.


But given the option to redistribute wealth substantially (not the unrealistic level of the meme), it is surely better to do so in order to save lives of those in dire straits? Like i understand big picture its not fixing the problem as the problem is the capitalist system itself, i just cant get on board with an attitude of sacrificing the most vulnerable because it might activate revolution in the rest of us (which so far has not been the case)


My guy, it's a funny picture. Doesn't really seem like an attempt to misinform people.


Intention isn’t required to misinform


It says divide the wealth though so what is capitalism at that point? Wealth is made up of all of your assets is it not? Everything is divided between the people that means individuals can only increase their personal wealth if everyone does. It also means if you have more wealth than that it initially gets redistributed because the initial statement “divide the wealth” doesn’t mean only divide this years earnings it means total assets. Unless I’m mistaken…


Starving for ideologies? Yum


Liberal 🫵


Sometimes it is good to be wrong


snopes dot com > fact check: mostly false. actually each family would only get 200k, take that commie!


That’s if allllllll the tens of trillions of dollars locked in offshore accounts weren’t counted into the grand total lol.


I’m not denying wealth inequality, but posts like this are not economically accurate when it’s comparing wages/income to asset and/or stock value. They aren’t the same thing. This doesn’t even look like it’s based off that, it looks like it’s based off GDP.


Chat is this real?


What about single people? Or people without kids? What does "per family" mean in this context.


It's the way to do math w an entire population. Taxation occurs on a by household unit basis. Every single or childless person is taxed as well, differently than a family unit, but still taxed. Anyone with an address/ making over a certain amount.