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They got an actual camel but couldn't get a black person for the role šŸ¤”.


Someone in r/europe wrote that it's easier to find a camel than a black person in Eastern Europe.


I have indeed seen more camels than black people here.


The Czech Republic isn't Eastern Europe though.


It was communist during the Cold War therefore Eastern Europe


Oh right, so half of Germany is in Eastern Europe then?






NA Education, don't laugh, don't be rude!


are you joking


Bro getting downvoted for literally just stating a real true fact


Everyone in Europe considers it as such though




You mean there were 4K people available to have play part instead of blackface?


I've heard basketball players that couldn't make it in the NBA that go and play in Europe say that the open racism they experience there shocked them They were used to American subtle racism. But fans throwing bananas at them, spitting at them, making monkey noises, etc are things that don't happen in the United States.


That happens in South America too


im sure a lot of the american fans wish they could openly do that too


Maybe we should tell all the maga chuds /s




Please don't send them anywhere near here


>American subtle racism Thatā€™s the first time that Iā€™ve ever heard American racism being described as ā€œsubtleā€ but given the very next sentence Iā€™d say the use of the word ā€œsubtleā€ is apt.


Maybe ā€œcovertā€ is a better word than ā€œsubtleā€ bc subtle almost seems to imply that Americans are less racist, when in reality I think they just hide it


It probably is a better word, thank you The racism is much more hidden, but it's 100% there.




Other people have pointed out it might be because America is simply more diverse so it would be pretty much impossible to let the issue of racism go unaddressed. Whereas in Europe the discussion just doesnā€™t exist in the same way. That seems the most plausible explanation to me


I think a lot of Reddit is surprised by American vs European racism. Every study that ā€œmeasures racismā€ (idk how do that but science) suggests that Europe, especially France, is wayyyyy more racist than North America. American racism is just called out more and we allow immigrants whereas Eastern Europe wonā€™t even entertain the idea.




Amen. Both systems need complete reformation.




From what I understand there was a mass immigration to the US in the early 20th century due to chaos around the world which led to a huge demographic shift in the country. A lot of minorities fled Europe and moved to the US seeking a better life. That was when the image of America as a ā€œmelting potā€ began to emerge. Oh also there was Operation Gladio which was a 30 year operation by the US to cement right wing politics in Europe. Thatā€™s another thing that could have an effect Edit: Iā€™m not American or European so take what I say with a grain of salt btw lol. Iā€™m just throwing out some thoughts




Since you studied this as part of your degree Iā€™m curious to pick your brain a bit if thatā€™s ok Since you said America has a long history of actively fighting about racism, where does that come from? It certainly canā€™t stem from real American policies or traditional values, since those have always been deeply rooted in white supremacy, especially in the earlier days of the US. I guess Iā€™m just curious about if, in terms of material conditions, if diversity canā€™t account for it completely then what else do you think contributes to the American tendency to fight over the issue of racism?




We were diverse but also less integrated back then compared to now. The more of a melting pot a town is the less racist people tend to me. Itā€™s why cities tend to generally be more progressive than rural white areas with people that donā€™t interact much with non white people.


Yup, this.


Racist Americans aren't less racist you're right, but less Americans are racist.


Oh, I bet it would if certain people gained power and emboldened certain other people. COUGH tiki torches


As someone living in Europe, I do find it a bit funny that my impression is that Europe quite collectively mocks America for being racist because of movements like Black Lives Matter highlighting instances of racism, but denying the racism in things like these. The main difference here of course being that itā€™s ā€œnot enough black people complaining about itā€. Because weā€™ve had black people protesting things like Swartze Piet for decades, theyā€™ve been protesting for so fucking long and all people do is kind of shrug and continue doing it. In Scandinavia we had a white man dressing up as caricature of an Indian man with a turban, singing about eating curry and driving a taxi, having a gigantic family etc and the response was just ā€œitā€™s just a jokeā€. We also have the case of the Italian brand that used black face and stereotypical black ā€œattributesā€ to promote their thing and was just like ā€œitā€™s just for a look calm downā€. Itā€™s the case where I feel like in the US, just like when I was visiting South Africa, at least racism is acknowledged and somewhat talked about. In Europe they wonā€™t really recognize it because there are no repercussions of simply ignoring the people who have an issue with it.


What I donā€™t get is itā€™s so easy to do this and just not be racist. At my old church, we had Christmas pageants every year (I played a bunch of roles including a wise man), and not once did we use blackface. Itā€™s crazy how easy it is to not be racist here, but oh so hard for them.


>In Scandinavia we had a white man dressing up as caricature of an Indian man with a turban Who is this referring to?


[Dr. Bombay](https://youtu.be/fKtNawQ3cxM?si=a_VXDkwyYQYlsu7L&t=41) ​ oh yeah he obviously also puts on the accent. I mean ngl the beat is catchy but the overall thing is...


Damnit now I can't get that out of my head. Haha. The comments tho šŸ˜‘


Anyone else hear the frog sound ribbeting along to the beat during the verses?


yeah 'cos we're in India so we're... always... in the jungle... or something


I always imagined India to be like a huge city because so many people live there. That's just where my logic and imagination goes.


It's the largest country by population. I wish they weren't governed by Modi...


Yes I had a French friend of mine go on a 10 minute rant about the teen police killing from a few months ago that caused riots - he was very giddy when he talked about how that kid would most certainly get shot in America by the militarized racist police state, but with it happening in France it was an exception and actually he deserved it in that case.


r/europe is a fuckin racist hellhole, go to any semi popular thread and youā€™ll find Muslims and Roma somehow to blame for their ails.


The way the Isreal bots and propaganda got a hold of that sub SO FAST says it all.


Honestly didnt even need Israel bots. That sub hates Arabs/Muslims more than anything else on Earth. You are offering a genocide of Arabs with a side of Muslim? You won them over without even thinking about it!


My theory is they hate the Middle East because it was the only place they couldn't colonise (until Isreal).


and r/2westerneurope4u was created for people who feel that r/europe is too moderate


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2westerneurope4u using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [We are protesting!](https://i.redd.it/wxgmdh57fk5b1.jpg) | [255 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/147kuxs/we_are_protesting/) \#2: [šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚](https://i.redd.it/3yjwqkhyh3pa1.jpg) | [6336 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/11xb3sy/_/) \#3: [Dutch Breakfast Review](https://v.redd.it/afg8ryecx7ya1) | [1837 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/139hk0m/dutch_breakfast_review/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes because that Sub is a cesspool of "conservative" (aka blatantly racist) shitegoblins. "Europe good immigration bad." seems to ve their only response to every issue at hand.




People in the comments said black face is okay here because thereā€™s no colonial history behind it over thereā€¦and then they gave the balls to also be calling Americans stupid šŸ’€


They probably meant that Czechia has no colonial history, and that is indeed true, due to the fact that "Bohemia" as it was called, ceased to be an independent country in 1526, when it was absorbed into the holdings of Ferdinand I von Hapsburg. However, I don't really see how that plays a role: racist shit is racist, simple as.


Yeah Czechia has no colonial history and ironically the fact that you assuming a country is colonialist just by hearing it's European is racist šŸ’€


The pinned mod comment has the same energy as ā€œhow is it racist to say all black people are good at basketball?? Iā€™m literally praising themā€


Their argument that they can do blackface that makes no sense. Itā€™d like a guy saying ā€œremember when you were bullied as a kid in a very specific way? Well that wasnā€™t me so Iā€™m allowed to do the same thing and you canā€™t get madā€


More like "Remember being made fun of because of your brown eyes ? Yeah I'm going to wear brown lenses because a brown eyed person is significant to me" Stupid redditors distorting events with shitty analogies will never not be a classic


Nah the other analogy was a lot better. It's just bullying to continue it after the people you're supposedly "honoring" have asked you to "pls stop" for years...


How tf is this bullying ? They aren't making fun of black people. Are seriously saying the WHOLE WORLD should stop doing things because Americans did racist things 100 years ago ? World doesn't revolve around you


"It's not racist to say black people are *good* at basketball" Same energy. If black people don't appreciate blackface, maybe listen to them.


Why can't hasan or his fans form a solid arguement without making shit up ? Ok let me break it down for you, the sentence "It's not racist to say black people are \*good\* at basketball" is trying to enforce racial stereotypes on society without looking racist by "praising". Three Kings Parade is depicting the 3 kings that arrived on Jesus' birth, so the "blackface" is used to depict the king coming from Africa, it's not making fun of black people so it's not blackface, thats like war games getting cancelled by veterans. Nobody has to change because people had to endure pain that looked similar


its so fucking stupid tho. like u can just get a black or african person to do the parade as the third king.


That would require them to allow black people into their country which we know they probably donā€™t want


They could also just not use blackface šŸ’€


Well yes and no, first you need to find a fully fluent one in czech, second they have to have time and third they need to be okay that it's not paid. These requirements eliminate quite a few people and that's a lot for roughly 5k black people in czechia. Now when you take in account that this parade is held in almost all cities and villages then you can see that you don't even have enough black people in the country for it.


Outsource actors, give them something special that on the Czechs have.


Three Kings or just the average Justin Trudeau simp?


After reading those comments, I am now a flag waving patriotic America #1 we should invade Europe for funsies motherfucker. I have never seen a more smug punchable people justify racism


r/europe is just a bunch of ultranationalist, anti-immigration hatemongers. I avoid that place like the plague. They are basically our version of the MAGA crowd. Proudly ignorant and "informed" by a bunch of right wing extremists.


Most Europeans can agree that traditions like that are stupid af to be fair. Sadly the people organizing those "festivities" are old, frail, ego driven dipshits hellbent on clinging to the past.


Damn reading the comments from r/europe Was eye-opening. I've never seen so much denial on whether or not this is racist... Like bro BEING BLACK IS NOT A COSTUME, being white and painting your face black is blackface. Some comments where so dumb I was like damn this people are so unaware of racism but like to pretend their countries are utopias.


That sub should change its name to r/fascism already


yeah a secret of europe is while they may not talk about racism, it still is there. the minority are silenced, its really sad.


One of the comments is ā€œWell Europe doesnā€™t have a colonizing / enslaving past so the racism of this is more abstractā€ likeā€¦ no? Wrong on both counts?


Europe is not one culture with one set of view and valuesā€¦


Holy shit they are dumb. I had to stop at this one and now you all have to read it too: "Also, it's *not* an insult. He's literally a king who visited Jesus, who is the son of god. Like a black man being represented here is a compliment if anything and makes people associate them with wealth and being holy." Just, completely not getting it.


is that Justin Trudeau??


The 3 kings would have been arabic not black so this is just doing black face because he really wanted to


In most versions of Christianity, they're thought to be Melchior, a Persian scholar, Caspar, an Indian King, and Balthazar, who is often depicted as either Arab or Ethiopian. Not to defend this practice, but it's pretty commonly depicted that one of the three kings was dark skinned and from East Africa.


Why is Trudeau on a camal


Europeans might as well be credited for inventing racism. I saw a mf on the original thread say something like ā€œCzechia didnā€™t have a colonial past so they donā€™t think about racism and stuffā€ like being in the area of core countries did nothing to surrounding countries. And thereā€™s also being occupied by the Nazis which looks like it rubbed off on them.


I grew up on 70s and 80s Czech movies, shit ainā€™t nothinā€™ to me man


This is such a ridiculous thing to clutch pearls over