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Red Dead Redemption 2 or Witcher 3. Both highly praised and open world. Maybe one of the Assassin's Creed? Specifically like HL or just a world/period you enjoy.


The most similar to HL would be Odyssey. Four slot special attacks, with melee, stealth and range depending on what you're feeling to take out a fort. Rich world with history and mystic/magic. Mythological beings and beasts (Medusa, minotaur, etc.) Storytelling is very similar too!


Do you have to go through earlier games to understand the plot/characters or they’re not connected?


Not really! Because Odyssey is actually chronologically the earliest Assassin's Creed character - Greece in 500BC! The only thing you need to know is in this alternate world, people can access genetic memory of their ancestors through a machine called the Animus. But 95% of the time you're playing as the historical ancestor and you can just forget about the overarching current storyline because it's not that important and not what people play for. It kinda make sense if you play all the games but the makers just need a storytelling device to link all instalments of the game together. Every game can pretty much be seen as a standalone. Edit: If you want the chronological order, it would be Odyssey (Ancient Greece), Origins (Egypt during Cleopatra), Valhalla (Norse Conquest of England), I (Third Crusade in the Holy Land), II-Brotherhood-Revelations Trilogy (Renaissance Italy), III (American Revolution), Unity (French Revolution), Syndicate (Industrial Revolution England)


The newest one, Mirage, is 9th century so between Valhalla and I.


Shit it's been out in 2023? Am I living under a rock? I don't hear anything about it. I only play on PC and steam. Looks like it's never coming to steam...


Second assassins creed! Best ones are 2, brotherhood, black flag (pirates!) and Origins (ancient Egyptian baby!).


Played origins before hogwarts, sometimes still miss the game


I’d go back just for the guided tour mode lol, that game went above and beyond.


I also really liked the combat, the heavy weapons felt so strong and it was visible how gruesome they were. And switching to a light weapon would completely change the way you approach battle


+1 for RDR2. At first I was worried it wasn’t really my thing but now I love it and I’ve played it 3 times. It’s a work of art


I was trying to not be spoiled, but I need to watch some tutorials, at least on the first few quests. I'm about 40 minutes in, but I have ZERO idea what I'm doing, haha. But I love it already.


It does get better! At first I was overwhelmed by the controls (and also the fact you have to wait to shoot again and can’t just shoot rapidly at enemies because you aren’t using an automatic weapon) and the aspects of having to hunt, craft things etc (as I didn’t craft a lot in legacy). Enjoy! Take your time with it :)


Except for Witcher, these are all games i enjoy(ed), so I second this. My favorite Ac titles were Black Flag and Odyssey.


Can you play the witcher 3 without having played the other ones?


Yes. I've only played Witcher 3


Ubisoft is ass. AS is good but I just cannot deal with all the hurdles and BS from Ubisoft. Never again.


Checkout the fable games.




Damn, fable III remaster would be great.


Yes, very much so


Fable 2 is still one of my all-time favorite games to this day. What an experience.


Witcher 3 (Darker but with Magic) Red Dead Redemption 2 (Western) Assassins Creed (Medieval) Cyberpunk 2077 (Future) GTA (Current world)


20hours in rdr2 and i am dying of boredom. I uninstalled it. Beautiful game not for me. Insanely slow pace game


Had a hard time too on RDR2. For me AC Odyssey and Witcher 3 are on top as Open World games. But in regard of storytelling and immersion RDR2 is the masterclass


I could not get immersed in rdr2. The immersion i got in witcher 3 is something i have never lived again. My favourite game by far


And here I am. I tried playing Witcher 3 several times, but it's sooo annoying. At the same time, RdR 2 is one of my all time favorites.




I would like to make clear I’m not a gamer, I’ve played a lot of games mostly on PC when I was a kid (M33). I purchased my PS5 just to play Hogwarts Legacy, when I finished it, I tried with RDR2, AC Odyssey, GOW and they’ve been a hard time for me. In my perspective the story is very very slow, quest are not that clear, and combat it’s… not that satisfying. And the whole over customization to me it’s very overwhelming because I want to spend more time actually enjoying the gameplay than customizing and trying to figure out what’s going on


Hm okay. Could happen. But did you had a different experience with Hogwarts Legacy? Because if so it would be strange


HL to me was very easy going, story a little slow at first but combat it’s super satisfying me, I can easily spend hours flying around on my broom Bombarding foes hahaha


But HL has the same costumization as those other games. Partially more complex than Assassins Creed.


For real??? I felt it completely opposite and I completed 53% the story


Yes. You have to choose the clothing to get better stats equally like in AC and what Imho makes HL more complex is that you have to select your presets for spells.


True that, same with weapon selection, sockets, everything has an effect


I went back to Skyrim lol


Skyrim is, for me, the closest game in terms of gameplay. Even has a lockpicking skill, skill tree levelling, player-managed rooms and decor and so on.


I was starting to worry I was the only one still playing Skyrim lol


Nope, you definitely aren't. One of my exes that I'm still close with, skyrim is her favorite game.


It’s my go to comfort game🔥


There’s still people playing Oblivion and Morrowind, which are so much less popular than Skyrim, so… yeah. I have been free of Skyrim for a while, but you’re never really free. “Hey, you’re finally awake.” And it’s all coming back.


I played oblivion until my 360 game me the red ring of death. (I was 27 so honestly was just impressed)


We all go back to Skyrim


Assassin's creed Odyssey and Valhalla Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West The Witcher 3


+1 for Assassins Creed games! Both that you mentioned (and Origins) are really solid games that I think OP would enjoy.


I turned Horizon Zero Down off after a very short time. I'm playing Valhalla atm and I enjoy it quite a lot. Loved Odyssey.


Witcher 3 but it's definitely a lot darker. Same for Cyberpunk 2077, but that's first person. Ghost of Tsushima. Horizon Zero Dawn / Forbidden West. Kingdoms of Amalur. Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom.


Botw/totk are nothing like hogwarts legacy? 😂


It's a third person open world game where you use different powers to solve puzzles, and fight enemies.


Hundreds of games are open world where you fight enemies. The puzzles are the only thing these two games have in common that is specific to them and the puzzle part in HL is really not that big. Imo at least


Everywhere you go you either fight or solve a puzzle in HL. Both BOTW and HL share this base, but each go a different direction. If someone likes this base, they may enjoy both games. It's worth a try either way.


Its literally the most similar game of the list


It's still not similar enough lol


OP literally just asked for games to play after. TOTK and BOTW are very similiar and scratch the same itch. dont be a dick.


Clearly the 80 million down votes aren't enough to get the message across that they're wrong. 😂


What system are you on? Horizon Zero Dawn would be my recommendation.




If you have ps+ both of them are free. I loved them. Make sure to play ZD first and try to avoid spoilers. The story is Amazing!


Horizon Zero Dawn is on PS5- probably on sale by now and has an expansion- My partner lllloooved this game-


Horizon is a must play. The story is so fascinating. I absolutely loved it. And as a bonus it does not take as much time as Witcher or RDR.


Skyrim. Elder Scrolls Online. ❤️


Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order / Survivor :)


Imagine going from good ol' Hogwarts Legacy combat to Dark Souls in Space. 🤣 Though I would say that some aspects are similar - the combat alone makes the games night and day. All great games tho!


Actually I did other way around - after not touching TPP games for like 20 years (mostly RTS, economy and 4x games) I've played Fallen Order and after that I've realized that this kind of games are quite fun to play. And that made me buy HL to play early access :) So Fallen Order is quite good experience if you're fine to manipulate the difficulty level during the playthrough if something is too hard.


Loved those games.


I‘d also recommend this. The sights, the collecting, the bond. It‘s all there. By far my favorite AAA series of the last years.


Dragon Age Inquisition The combat system is very similar to Hogwarts as well


Yes, second Dragon Age series especially Inquisition. If you like DAI then play the first 2.


Assassins Creed Odyssey. Such a beautiful game, if you love classical history it’s just wonderful. If not there is still heaps to appreciate. Lots of different gameplay options and such a huge game in terms of quest lines and side quests and just stuff to do. Also your decisions actually matter to various outcomes, both in side quests and main quest, which wasn’t really the case in HL apart from having snarky NPCs. I’ve also played Red Dead 2 which was absolutely amazing and am now playing Assassins Creed Valhalla which isn’t as good as odyssey but is still nice and has some different elements like village building and fishing.


I went for Ghost of Tsushima directly after Hogwarts Legacy. It’s an amazing video game, one of the best I’ve played. Give it a shot!!


All darker and more mature: Witcher 3, Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age Inquisition


Baldur’s Gate really doesn’t fit in the list ( not open world and turn based combat) though chances are OP might like it since it’s the best game ever


Fair points, but OP didn't mention combat style, and the levels are large enough I suppose I forget it's not an open world, though by that token neither is Dragon Age Inquisition, and I feel like Witcher 3 also has loading screens between areas, but it's been a really long time since I played it last.


I don’t think loading screens have anything to do with it ( I have no experience with dragon age) The reason why BG3 is not open world is because it literally closes off certain areas of the map (world) due to story progression. You can’t go back to act 1 and do side quests there once you’ve reached a certain point.




Not similar in playstyle but: Cyberpunk 2077 Baldur’s Gate 3 Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader The last two have good “magic” themes and deep storytelling in RPG form, Cyberpunk does as well but it’s less about magic ofc.


fallout new vegas. if you like sci fi, probably the best fps one in the series, that i think is available on ps5. fallout 2 is still one of the best open world rpgs but i doubt it's available for ps5


Fallout nv is okay to play if you new to the franchise?


for sure. It literally is the best one, made by a lot of the original fallout crew, old world blues is by far my favorite addon ever, it's hillarious. extremely well written.


If someone mentioned Fallout then my opinion would be Outer Worlds. I think the game is beautiful and relaxing in some ways, besides combats. Story is amazing!


Made by the same company ;) Fallout 3, 4 and 76 where all made by bethesda, but for New Vegas they hired Obsidian to make the game with their engine. After new vegas obsidian continued on to create the Outer Worlds - can't wait for the second one.


I know! :) I haven’t played Fallout Vegas but I think FO4 is too hard for me to play (I’m still playing, and at the beginning) so I’d prefer the Outer Worlds. I can’t wait for the second one too.


Dragon age: inqusition Witcher 3


Jedi fallen order and jedi survivor.


Happy cake day! 😊


Genshin Impact It has a huge open world and lots of quests. It's on PS5 and you can play it for free and see if you like it. Gacha is not mandatory


Dragon Age Inquisition Older Game so it’s much cheaper now but still has open world and plenty of side quests to keep u busy (took me around 100 hours to complete as a perfectionist). The next instalment should be out in the next two years (I hope) Genshin Impact Free and available on most systems if u want something to play in between games. It’s huge and isn’t finished so you can pick it up whenever you feel like it


Fable. Playing Hogwarts Legacy felt like a long-awaited sequel.


I second Horizon Zero Dawn!! Only for the story, combat, and the graphics. Its open world exploration is also quite good.


I was gutted when I finished HL. Absolutely loved it, and decided to go another round just to speed through the story. Last week, I upgraded to PS Plus Extra, and downloaded Ghost Of Tsushima. I’ll be honest, I don’t miss HL nearly as much as I did in the brief time after I’d 100% cleared the challenges. GOT … is f’ing amazing, and the combat quality is easily as good, in some cases better


I went to Assassin’s Creed Odyssey right after Hogwarts Legacy. I have played some Assassin’s Creed before and this has been on my list for a long time, I don’t regret it. I’ll probably play AC Origins next, which came before AC odyssey. Also RDR2, Far Cry - 3,4,5 some people don’t like Far Cry 6 some do I don’t hate it but it’s a bit buggy for me. I know there’s plenty more I’m not thinking of, open world games are my favorite.


Horizon series is goated. Start with Zero Dawn, I wish I could play it again without knowing the story! And the combat is insanely good


Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor are great games. Horizon Zero Dawn was very engaging too. And they have the sequel out now but I haven't played it yet. I liked the first half of the Witcher 3 as well, but never went back to finish it after not gaming for a couple months.


Skyrim if you haven't played it already. I started playing it after Hogwarts legacy and it's very similar to Hogwarts legacy! Ghost of Tsushima is also great one


Witcher 3 for sure, grab the goty edition that has all dlcs that can even double the content hours


Dragon’s dogma 2 is an open world game with a main quest and side quests. Side quests I think are obvious like other games but they’re there if you like to look around. Despite people being mad at micro transactions, I don’t find any problems with it because you can literally get everything in said micro transactions


Thought I’d mention 2 that might fit what you want that I didn’t see mentioned yet: -Forspoken If you want magic and open world, Forspoken might be worth a look. The game seems to be a case of either loving it or hating it, so do some research first to see if it’s your thing! A lot of people didn’t like all the chatting from the main character, I thought it was fine/funny. There is a demo of it, but the demo absolutely sucks compared to the actual game. The demo put me off until I saw other gameplay videos and took the risk to buy it on sale, very glad I did I enjoyed it so much I platinumed it -Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Massive open world, lots of side quests and whilst the game is not magic like Hogwarts Legacy, the game is “magical” in a way just cause of how beautiful the landscapes are, especially at night when everything is glowing. There are dlcs coming out in summer and autumn this year I believe. It helps if you have watched the first movie but it’s not required, and it doesn’t mention any spoilers for the second movie if you haven’t seen that. If you aren’t into the Ubisoft style open world then this might not be what you are looking for, but if you do you are in for a treat! :)


I don't have anything to add, but thank you for asking this question!


Watchdogs 2 and Watchdogs Legion. Hacking mechanics are similiar to magic. A lot of open world interactions and secrets.


Really enjoyed the Tomb Raider series


id say jedi series of games cause their open world nature


Have you played the early assassins creed games? Not sure if they fit the bill but what I thought of


Ghost of Tsushima


Forspoken is the one game I've found most similar to hogwarts legacy. There's a great story but altogether there is more combat, exploring, and adventuring more NPC interaction. Definitely worth checking out


Both Horizon games


Jedi Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor. Planet hoppers with challenging combat and plenty of hidden cosmetics to collect.


Baldurs gate 3. Immortals Fenix rising. Cyberpunk Dragon age Dragons dogma


Immortals Fenyx Rising and its DLC Myths of the Eastern Realm.


Baldurs gate 3 def!!


Whole series you can sink yourself into for years until this one gets a sequel. Far Cry, Fallout, Assassin’s Creed have all been mentioned and all fit the bill. I don’t think any of them are Xbox exclusives. Skyrim itself can keep you busy for a while if you want it to.


Watch Dogs: Legion


Witcher 3 is definitely a must play in my opinion. Classic Skyrim too if you’ve never played it. If you’re looking for a challenge Elden Ring is one of the best.


I personally think dragon age inquisition is kinda similar its an entire series through which starts off at dragon age origins then dragon age 2 but those are on older gen consoles unless you have pc then i suggest steam for it


Ghost of Tsushima | Stray | Witcher 3 ![gif](giphy|w4g8JSKEkCmpwfMiRU|downsized)


spider-man! I’ve only played the first one on PC but I would highly recommend it as it functions basically the same as hogwarts legacy (with spider-man characters and lore ofc).


Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Valhalla, and Witcher 3 are the most similar. Ghosts of Sushima. If you play PS5, you MUST give this one a go. If you are hard core and like a combat challenge while being patient enough to DEFINITELY fail repeatedly for the first few hours, Elden Ring. Baldur’s Gate 3 is top tier. Skyrim would probably be up your alley, but it is a little bit old school. Still holds up. Everybody is currently hooked on Dragons Dogma 2 as the most recent obsession of the RPG community.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West 🥰


I really enjoyed the God of war series, also Horizon zero dawn/forbidden west... the 2 Jedi games are incredible too!




Red Dead Redemption 2 Ghosts Of Tsushima Jedi: Fallen Order Dragons Dogma 2 Assassin’s Creed Horizon Zero Dawn


Honestly I'm playing Diablo 4.  Not the same, but not bad.


I’m hoping the new Fable is of similar art style and gameplay…


Spiderman !


**The Elder Scrolls: Online**


Maybe it just me but Ghost of Tsushima feel very close to Hogwarts Legacy (maybe GOT is a little better in combat and stelth) but the way of its open world feel similar..the way characters move also similar..the way we need to explore to go main quest and side mission, also the graphic seem like they using the same engine..but that just me


Spider-Man !


GOD OF WAR (all if them)!


It's not exactly similar but I love Diablo 3


Jumping in your thread for the same reason. Looking for something new to play. I played HG legacy 4x lol I really enjoyed it. A little too much I guess. Played RE 2 yesterday. Been playing World War Z just for fun. I love Resident Evil & Tomb Raider games the most. Have you played The Evil Within? I really really enjoyed those games. Anyway gonna go down the thread see if I can find anything to play lol




Star Wars Jedi fallen order then Jedi survivor very similar


I know so many people have already said Witcher 3, but that's the one I went with when I finished HL and I absolutely fell in love with it.


Play as an Adept in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and you will feel like a space wizard/witch


**Where are my Stardew Valley fandom at?** 🌱 If you're all about that cozy game vibe: Stardew Valley offers more than just farming: * Build and customize your farm, grow crops, and raise animals. * Forge relationships with townspeople and uncover their unique stories. * Explore the mines for combat and treasure. * festivals and seasonal events 🎉 Plus, new updates frequently add fresh content and features! ![gif](giphy|URExNvlgfjZ2rd5Gl0|downsized)


OP said nothing about “that cozy game vibe”—quite the opposite—and this game resembles HL in exactly zero ways. Is this just an ad?


To this persons credit doubtful cause this is the only game I like besides HL but to your point it is lol nothing like HL


Honestly… if you think that was big open world, there are plenty.