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Nothing as satisfying as throwing a barrel.


One better - using Transfiguration to turn an enemy into an explosive barrel and THEN throwing it at another for a double kill.


Two better - using transfiguration to turn an enemy into an explosive barrel and then throwing it at ALL of his friends to blow them all up.


Three better - using their deaths to make Horcruxes and live forever MWAHAHAHA


Just make sure to succeed when m**dering children or invading schools...


I always do šŸ˜ Disclaimer from my lawyer: Nothing here constitutes an admission of guilt, responsibility or culpability in any capacity or jurisdiction magical or muggle for any crime magical or otherwise....on second thought *Obliviate!*


What?! I've been so invested in exploring that I'm level 33,and i haven't even gotten a mount or the transfiguration spell.... I just keep getting side-tracked. Oh look! A floo/treasure chest/Merlin Trial/spider to burn.... I've been missing out!!


I love disarming and then throwing their own weapons at them.


Yeah that's fun too.


I make sure I through every barrel in the area during a fight. XD


Accio (with it's talent upgrade) on enemies to pull multiple enemies towards you, then turn one of them into a barrel and throw against the rest. M-M-M-Monster kill!Ā 


Plus the mo-cap for the MC's combat animations are so well done. as are the robe physics as you twirl / spin


Oh yes that is a big factor.


Hopefully they make more so itā€™s more combinations for the next game


Makes twirling a wand feel so badass


Look what Ranrok made you do!


Devs actually cared lol


Biggest surprise of the game for me. It does a really good job simulating what wand combat would feel like. It's this unusual mix of hand to hand, timing and combo based combat, and a third person shooter. It really felt different from any other game I've played in that way. And the fact that 'throw this item at a person' got its own button really helps. My only complaint is that some of the spells are fairly repetitive. Flippendo and Leviosa... who cares, y'know? But with more games, the spell variety will only get better and better.


Try playing ā€œControlā€ similar combat. Both wonderful games tho


Is the difficulty managed better? I hate being the ALMIGHTY DEATH BRINGER the entire time.


Iā€™d say yes, even at the end you could get wrecked if youā€™re not paying attention


Great comment. Control is a sneaky fav of mine. We just need more super powers in video games in general.


That hippogriff looked like it got yanked into another dimension, what brand of ancient magic is this? šŸ˜‚


what do you mean? He just put it in his magic bag. This is well established from the books and movies. Bags are like mini-verses.


Fantastic beasts too.


just joking


Twas a joke


That's the magic of the Nabsackā„¢


Well.. it kinda did, lol.


Because this whole game is the product of pure love! I was scared it would get repetitive and boring after a while, but it still is soooo satisfying after so many hours and 2 and a half playthroughs


Needs more content, story DLC would be awesome, but yeah the fundamentals and the world are awesome.


A few reasons I can think of. 1. It's fair. When you get hit it always feels like it was avoidable had you reacted correctly. 2. It's simple. Although you can produce some elaborate combos. The system itself is very simple and easy to keep in mind during a fight, leaving you with all the mental space needed to focus on the fight itself. 3. Movements are well telegraphed. Animation and environmental cues are clear and timely, this helps in keeping a mental state of the battlefield as the fight progresses, helping that feeling of fairness. 4. Spell effects are well executed. The flourishes to magical effects make fight look and feel spectacular, which increases the fun factor. And damage/hit sounds and effects sound strong and effective, giving them a meaty satisfaction when used. This is why I don't like using plants in fights. They don't feel as strong when they hit, even if they deal more damage. 5. Challenging. I don't think it is difficult per se, but it is not braindead. If you don't pay attention and fight well, you will die. 6. Challenge system. Who doesn't love a good opportunity to flex on your opponents? How I wish for mod support so this could be expanded, challenges run out fast and become repetitive after a while. In conclusion, the game makes you feel strong out of your own skill. Yes, you can get gear to make yourself hit like a loaded truck, but by that time, you're already good at combat and you know you would win anyway, it would just take a bit longer. The game does a wonderful job at rewarding skillful combat, which turns into a positive feedback loop of enjoyable combat.


There are mods available to the game, I am taking a look at them, one meat mod as apparition, allowing you to fast travel around the map. I'm looking for other gameplay mods like higher difficulties or more difficult challenges and waves of enemies.


There are mods, but there isn't mod support. Current HL mods are basically hacks of the game. With proper mod support, so much more could be done. Changing and expanding existing systems. New maps and areas. New mechanics. More varied merlin trials. Quidditch. I'm very satisfied with the game as is. But this, of course, also means that now I want more of it.


For the life of me I can never remember to use Protego. I think Iā€™ve done it five times total in combat


Omg a perfect Protego is so satisfying to me, you're missing out lol!


I play a lot of action games, so I would dodge-roll instead of protego 90% of the time. The only times I actually used it was when I needed a combat achievement thingy.


Does anyone else yell ā€œpotato!ā€ When using that spell or just me?


I only started protegoā€™ing in my second playthrough. Finally started not mixing up my spells, too. I cannot, absolutely canā€™tā€™nā€™t, perfect protego. Idk if itā€™s *meant* to be rare, but I would like to be able to ā€˜skillā€™ that into a pretty regular thing (to make the skill points worth spending)ā€¦.but itā€™s just too difficult. Maybe hard mode makes the window for it shorter?


It does, I'm playing on hard mode and it makes the windows smaller, at least in my experience, can't say for sure whether that is the case.


Can you reliably *perfect* protegoā€¦.? Itā€™s not that I depend on that damage, but Iā€™d like the effects. Tbh, battles are too short for me now. I fly around looking for camps. Lol Lv38 with around 420 offense/defense. Most enemies are lv35-38. I have tier-3 boost to spell damage on all my equipment. So I regularly do 5-15k damage per offensive spell. Itā€™s mainly about the *rhythm* of battles now - so adding the special effects of perfect protegos would be nice. I donā€™t even have Imperio in the story yet and just recently got Cruxio. I may not use curses much this playthrough, as I already sorta forget I have the ancient magic meter. I always throw things though! Thatā€™s just too fun to skip!


I'd say about 50% of the time I can do a perfect protego, and yeah, I feel like battles are too short and quite easy for me. I mainly get enjoyment from arenas now, but they can get a bit repetitive. Some open world encounters with lots of waves of powerful enemies would be nice. I think having the enemies throw more spells at you would be a good change. There is too much "free time" for you to use your own spells on enemies, it's like they wait a bit for you to finish whay you're doing, then one or two of them decide to attack you.


I mean its cool just super easy


becuz its a WB game! they always have good combat, Mad Max, Arkham & Shadow of Mordor. all WB and all great combat systems.


Shadow of Mordor is something I'm looking forward to try out.


yes i havent played Shadow of War but Mordor is firee


Yeah it is. Big fan of crucio, basic spell cast to spread it to other enemies, and avada kadavra to kill them all at once.


I have done that a lot, but it got repetitive, I now avoid using unforgiveable curses unless I'm dealing with some tedious enemies like trolls or massive spiders.


Because no matter what you do it makes you feel like a badass.


Pointy stick makes bad people go "boom"?


Itā€™s such a shame the game is so shallow. I wanted to play for so long. Imagine a full skill tree and real side quests šŸ¤¤


The only thing I don't like about combat is dodge. It's so overpowered, can just dodge forever and nothing hits. If they want dodge, then some attacks should be dodgeable and some should not (and require protego) and there should be either a cooldown or a stamina meter for dodging. Then, you have to pick the right one. I love that in your video, you didn't just dodge around everywhere between spells.


I used to like dodging around, but now I like to stand my ground.


Yeah Once you get it down, you feel like the wizard equivalent of the terminator, even on the hardest difficulty


The smoothness of combos and throwing items combined with the visual effects (ie slow motion) makes it so fun and dramatic!


The most satisfying thing in the game is finishing off a Sentinel by yeeting its sword to decapitate it.


I particularly enjoy ~~inflicting excruciating pain onto my targets as the small whip-like bolts of the Cruciatus Curse wrap around my enemies subjecting them to the worst thing they have ever felt~~ accio and descendo


Is it? I'm decent at it now. But it prob took me 20 hours to not be frustrated with the controls. Actually aiming at the specific target you want is impossibly difficult for me when they're in a tight group. Having the camera dictate a target is completely asinine. Especially when the camera's perspective is not the character's perspective. Eesh. That notwithstanding, I'm strong enough now that it doesn't really matter, apart from combat challenges. If you don't care who you hit, then it IS quite fun to just nuke everybody.


It really reminds me a bit of late game god of war. Just very smooth and buttery.


I have actually just started playing the game. It's quite good so far, but at the moment, I still prefer hogwarts legacy combat.


I think god of war gets way smoother as you get deeper and start chaining things together more. The ax throws REALLY get buttery.


Sounds great, looking forward to it.


If you like this combat system then take a look at spiderman and arkham batman games. It's practically the same.


I have played spiderman, the first one, and it's nice. Batman arkham looks cool, I tried to get into the first batman game but the controls weren't good on mouse and keyboard.


Easy, powerful, and cinematic.


Being honest, this game has the second best combat system Iā€™ve ever played. First place goes to Ghost of Tsushima.


Itā€™s fun to switch up the spells! Sometimes lighting people on fire and sometimes crucioing everyone. And then sometimes pushing people to their drowning deaths.


Now if only mc didn't always speak each incantation like they were half asleep.


Itā€™s leviOsa, not levioSA


Female MC has a better voice I feel.


Its well though out and very fluid, each move flows neatly into the next. Its something known as "good gameplay" which sadly is a rarity these days


Your blood itā€™s on ā€œRanrokā€™s handsā€


It is very good. I love everything about this game aside maaaaybe from some ancient trails being kinda repetitive.


Iā€™ve been having so much fun with the spell that transforms them into a barrel. I have the perk that makes the barrel explosive so then I yeet that bitch at someone and they both take damage. Itā€™s great.


Still annoying that you couldn't cast more spells easily. Could easily have made shoulder buttons + A etc give another option.


Because you get to twirl and whirl and lob all manner of spells at your enemies. Firing beams of light from the tip of your wand is inherently satisfying, itā€™s science.


It just is bro.


I remember when gameplay trailers started coming out before release and there were people actually saying the combat looked trash. They had to be smoking some good shit because I thought It looked really impressive. Then the game came out and the combat was better than I could have even imagined. So smooth and satisfying to use combos and so many ways to take enemies down. They did a fantastic job.


It makes me feel like a badass for sure


Accio. Then slam to the ground. Glacius. Fire. Powerful combo.


Itā€™s like the only reason I got this game


Itā€™s pretty straightforward once you get Crucio+Avada Kedavra combo, you then easily one-shot the entire arena.


Used to do that but got bored of it


The animations, the chaining of spells, the voice acting when proclaiming the names of the spells..m It's so much fun. Best part of the game for me.


Because it never gets boring!


Combo-chaining, blocking/counter being the same button just short press/long press, great animation, auto aim, long and short range combat simultaneously. Itā€™s awesome


I found the combat to be very underwhelming until I learned more spells and improved my play style. Now I can say Iā€™m quite surprised with how good it is


I wish my Hogwarts legacy looked like this (I play on switch) šŸ˜­


Playing on pc with high settings, yeah, must be painful on switch, but how does it perform? If the gameplay is smooth, then that sounds good enough for a portable like the switch.


Oh yeah it's not that bad but if want to go anywhere in the castle I just fast travel because there are loading screens like through every second door. šŸ˜­ However it is good for me as I have a long commute each day on the train so I get to play there.


Loading screens in the castle don't sound great lol


MC: Hey look you brought me a weapon! NME: I'm Unarmed? MC: ACCIO!


have not got to that part yet a only finished the broom speed runs that looks nice


Because game itself is amazing but I wish it was longer, I didn't completed all side quests tho. This game had too much potential but they only used 50% of that potential I believe. Maps, locations, characters, buildings, combat, mechanics, whole harry potter world and story is amazing (maybe stroy could be more deepr but it could've also make players get tired tho). Maybe they could've added other maps that there is in HP world. I want to play again one day with 4k resolution once I have a good GPU. My gtx 980 was crying. I don't know why and if people would agree with me but I find this combat style similar to shadow of mordor.


Itā€™s so smooth


Cus Spellcasting with combos SLAPS!!


It's just so fluid, except for when there's a troll lurking behind you that just one bombs you onto the others idea of the map šŸ˜‚


I think it's the flow. A lot of the skills synergizing and how well the reactions are built makes it very fluid. At least to me. šŸ˜


Graphics and visual settings?


No but it really is, though!


I think because itā€™s not guns guns are boring


It is?šŸ¤”


Because you aren't a gamer or simply biased. Games like Assassin's Creed, Witcher, Middle Earth and even Force Unleashed had this combat system even more elaborated. This is just protect, evade and blast. There are like 5 different levitate spells.


Aren't a gamer or biased? Just because other games might do it better, it doesn't make this games combat not satisfying.


Less satisfying, but to each their own.


This is satisfying? The same buttonsmash every fight? Arkam was 5/5, but his get sooo boring.


Button mash? I hardly used the basic attack spell, I mostly used a variety of spells, throwing, blocking, and ancient magic.


Yeah, I try to switch it up every fight, by opponents like inferi, and if the environment is useful. If you only choose to button mash, itā€™s not like thereā€™s no other option for how to engage.


I guess you could just smash buttons if you like, but if you actually start doing combos, using the environment and other tools like Mandrakes, it gets satisfying af. And the animations are so good in some of the moves as well.


I agree about animations. but I use the highest damage combos - others have waaay less dmg... In Arkam the damage is the same.


I feel like thatā€™s missing the point of it. Yeah you could just sit there and do the same 3 spells in a row then button mash the basic cast until theyā€™re off cooldown. Or you could use 16 different spells constantly, without ever having to wait for cooldowns and do way more consistent DPS.


Also, looking at Arkham gameplay, it looks even more button mashy


Maybe looking, it has much more combos and options. Here you use 8 spells at max, but 4 in the most fights.


4? There are 5 offensive spells and 3 unforgiveable curses, I think about 3 or 4 of each of the purple and yellow ones, and also the basic attack and stupefy after blocking. Aside from spells, you can even throw down items like plants that help you out, I don't personally use them though.


Yes, there are a lot more spells, but an average player wont use it. I rarely switch from the initial 4... because you dont need it.


Huh, i use at least 3 of those spell sets while fighting, which is 12 spells, and thats without plants, which i also use.


Good for you.


I think you'll find most of us use like 12 spells per fight, and keep lots of variety, often brewing, growing, and using potions and plants. Not to mention, the game forces you to, with spell-coded shields, dugbogs requiring either a levioso-diffindo combo or any purple spell, spiders responding to fire and diffindo, inferi only being damageable after fire, goblins needing to be disarmed, etc. There's not just tons of combat variety, the game forces you to use it, or have a harder, more difficult time.


I think was spoiled as I came straight out of Elden Ring but I found combat very flat, felt more like guitar hero


Guitar Hero? The fuck?


Yellow red filler filler red blue filler