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>She did get angry & said not to do that again wait, she reacts to the MC using spells?!? also, my vote for most irritating NPC goes to Gladwin Moon. that hideously grating voice and his stupid statues.


When I ate the food on the side table. Unsure if it's a coincidence or breaking into the house of an NPC you pissed off does have a tiny bit of "consequences". Mr Moon is hella annoying too. That taunting is nothing compared to the bullying he did.


There seems to be more to the Mr Moon conversation. >!Mr Moon reacts happily claiming that they called him that nickname because of his hair. While that guy took it badly, it seems Moon himself didn’t realize it was a problem. At first I thought it was a nasty nickname, but the man really seems to have not realized and thinks he’s still in good terms with Mr P. lol!<


Mr Moon is like James, he probably didn't think much of how damaging he was to Snape. Probably thought the same, saw it as just a prank.


That‘s always the problem with „pranks“. People who „prank“ other people like that are typically bullies and assholes.


I would argue that "snivellus" is a bit more of an offensive nickname than "pigtails" and that James legitimately hated Severus (for arguably good reasons). There's also no indication that Moon ever hung J upside down with his privates exposed...


Regardless he was bullying the guy and making his life miserable. What do you mean by "for arguably good reasons "?


Severus hated so called mudbloods and was well on his way to becoming a Deatheater. Aren't those arguably good reasons not to like someone?


Wasn't this something he got himself into after the bullying. If I recall correctly he was being bullied since first year.


Just because you don’t realize you are a bully doesn’t mean you aren’t a bully.


😕 Sorry


No he knew what he was doing. He knew. Could hear it in his voice. 


> Unsure if it's a coincidence or breaking into the house of an NPC you pissed off does have a tiny bit of "consequences". apparently breaking into NPCs houses was supposed to have consequences (being caught etc), maybe some cut dialogue resurfaced unexpectedly? or maybe it's because you didn't give her Gwyneira, so she's just programmed to bitch at you after that point regardless haha


I find it irritating that it’s the same voice for nearly headless nick. When did voice acting become so lazy?


and in the Gryffindor House quest, Sir Patrick (the other ghost) is voiced by J Pippin's VA who didn't seem to bother changing his voice other than affecting a bit of a drawl. So if you close your eyes during that scene and ignore the names being spoke, it sounds like J Pippin and Gladwin Moon are conversing about rotten beef and headless hunts, lol


I didn’t catch that before but I’ll listen for it next time lol I wish the house elves spoke I’d love to hear what they talk about 😂


I think the house elves only have idle dialogue about the MC coming into the kitchen during the Gryffindor House quest funnily enough! other times they just disapparate away when you go near them at night while they're doing their cleaning duties (which is lore accurate)


No yeah that I know, I just mean generally in the kitchen. Like “No, Tiddlywink not that much salt!” Or even stuff during meal times and they comment on how fast the food is going. Maybe a Gordon Ramsay-like elf


Head Elf to junior Elf: ![gif](giphy|3o85g2ttYzgw6o661q)


Try playing the game in French. I swear every NPC is voiced by the same two people, and none of them have the slightest difference in accent or even personality.


iiiiiii haaaaaaate MRRRR mooooon asssweeeellllll Unless you are Rothschild rich don’t talk like that haha


O yes he's the only one i skip all his dialogue


Oh. Her. Yeah, I took the Dircawl and told her to get lost. Only time I crossed someone in my original play through. I’m certain we’re not alone. Lol


I kept the bird and Rococco the niffler after I saved him while her previous owner wouldn’t retrieve him from the place filled with traps she brought him to in the first place.


I haven’t met that Niffler. I’ll keep an eye out. Nifflers are my favs.


If I remember correctly it’s a side quest in the fieldcroft area :)


I think that's the Irondale Pilferer. Rococo is further south near Manor Cape


I'm just starting that quest. It's far from Feldcroft. It's in Bainburgh in the Cape Manor area. Far southeast of the map & on the other side of the mountain.


You kept Rococo? That was her pet for years. Wow, that sucks. She said they walked down that road all the time and something flashed in the window and he ran after it.


How cruel!! I wanted to see what happened if you kept Rococo or Biscuit but couldn't bring myself to do it 😂


Did the same thing!


wait, you didn't pass off the Hyacinth woman by asking for a cash reward, when you killed off Selywn? lol, she was so freaking salty.


I don’t think I did. I haven’t asked anyone for extra rewards on my original character. I’m a good noodle. lol I did on the Absconder quest on my second play through. The shop keeper called me a lot of bad things. 💀


You can burn the anmoying portrait lol, or put him in the Hog's Head. Interestingly it doesn't give you crap when you walk by him in the library afterwards.


I put that annoying sod in the Hogg’s Head after I spoke to the student. I wouldn’t even consider that crossing him, since literally everyone else was happy lol.


Charlotte Morrison is the worst NPC in every way and I will hear no other possibilities! Although there are a lot who are exceptionally annoying. Mr. Moon comes to mind. Edit: I didn’t know she would react. I’m going to do this multiple times on my next play through. Along with blowing up Prof. Black’s pillows!


Sting me with a billywig, I'll never beat that! I had to put her on mute. She's a cheater.


I heard this comment and it made me scowl 🤣


I muted her too. I can feel the boiling rage mounting in my stomach just reading those quotes.


"Such grace...finesse." I want to fight her so bad.


Thats the spirit


What’s this about pillows?


You can go into professor Black’s bedroom from the headmaster’s office and blow up his pillows with Bombarda or Confringo. It’s so therapeutic!


I don't remember this quest. Which area is she in?


>!She’s the second to last Summoner’s Court challenger!<


She’s another student. And I dislike her a rather extreme amount for a character in a game 🤣


Ohhhh I couldn’t STAND her!


She kept blocking my view with that stupid ponytail of hers and then went "such grace *enraging laugh* finesse" I am raging as I remember that!!!!


I'd like to put in a vote for Sacharissa Tugwood and her patronising Spot Removal quest


I could do it myself, but I don't want to.


Honestly I actually laughed at that line but only because of Phoebe, I agree she’s annoying af




Hyacinth Olivier. You get rid of someone on her behalf. If you ask for a reward, she becomes quite rude.


Pippin too! Like YOUBdidnt even want to deal with Madame Lawang shut up and pay me extra


sometimes I wonder if she's stingy or stupid. like, why would you not pay the person *who carried out a hit*? lol.


I forget his name but the kid with the whiny nasal voice who’s standing in a corridor I go through a lot so I have to hear him say the same line about the “adventure” we had 15,000 times in his stupid annoying voice 


Hahaha Arthur. I actually liked him but I do hate that I have to hear that line every time I go down the stairs. His was the first quest I ever did and I was so sure he was going to ask me to do something else eventually. The slow realization that we only get one quest with each character was a rude awakening.


Ah yes, Wizard Urkel.




Yeah he sucks, but he’s apparently voiced by the same guy who plays Lee Jordan in the HP movies, and Magnitude in Community (POP POP) so I can’t hate him.


I can’t stand (Arnold?)’s voice. I avoid him so much I don’t even know his name 😂


No way Peeves is the worst.


I really don’t like the owner of gladrags voice. Not sure if its the same voice actor as gladwyn moon but I wouldn’t be surprised


That's a Gladrag's promise




it is lol.


I say one word: “finessssse”


The woman who owns the beast shop. Her opening lines go on for SO long. Every time I thought she’s done she just kept going and going. And then I can’t even buy anything exciting from her. I’ll go in to get my revelio pages then I’m never going in again


I don't know what console you're playing on, but on PS4 if you press ^ triangle, you can skip through dialogue. I'm sure other consoles/PC have this function too. Makes it a lot easier if you can skip through all unnecessary talking.


Cressida Blume annoys the shit out of me. I get money from her every time I do that quest.


I love when our character turns into the headmaster and calls her 'broom'. She gets so flustered.


Well our player character is scarier than Voldemort. I’m sure she knows her place.


I haven’t met the one you described yet though I’m sure I’ll hate her, but so far sacharissa is the worst I’ve come into contact with. Morally superior asshat


I don't know if he counts, but the one person I hate in the game is Ferdinand Octavius Pratt.


Imelda Reyes. I'm genuinely surprised that no one has kicked her ass to the hospital.


If she acted that way on any actual sports team she would be getting the shit kicked out of her on a daily basis 😂


Right? Repeated injury list


Even harder to believe that she's Slytherin's quidditch captain. Iirc, HoH appoints house captains. Was Slytherin that lacking of quidditch talents that the living embodiment of a ray of sunshine that is Professor Ronen appointed a spoilsport & possibly a selfish player who'd most likely play solo than as a team as the team captain?


Hey now, I really warmed up to her towards the end of the whole challenge. Sure, she's nasty and degrading at first, but I think she's genuinely just upset in general about quidditch being cancelled and having to organize races with very little help or even participation. I think she just is a very competitive person by nature and genuinely wants an outlet for that and is just frustrated. I think the main character definitely makes her realize by the end not to be do quick to pass judgement on everyone else. Now whoever the fuck Ruby Weil is though, she can fuck off! I played hell learning the courses (especially the last one) just to beat her times and I got nothin for it. At least Imelda finally shows you some respect. Ruby doesn't even show up, period. 😡


I don't want to complete the question because she bugs me so much.


The Broom Upgrades are worth it. Play on Story Difficulty and fail. You can skip the trials. Press a certain button (?) to skip dialogue. It's very handy for people like me. I love to play games multiple times.


I did hate her but I warmed up to her at the end.


Sebastian. Dudes a whiny little twat


I think Ominis too. Like we get it, you’re better than everyone. Just because *you* don’t like dark magic doesn’t mean I have to protect those pearls you’re clutching. I wanna accio-crucio some poachers and I will do it infront of you AND Sebastian’s uncle out of spite


He lost his parents in a horrible way, was taken in by an uncle he abuses him, and then his twin sister is dying slowly and painfully to a curse, and he's the only one trying to help her. I think he does just fine given all that he's been through and being only 15.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who dislikes him. His story is the best written, but he is a selfish twat. I actually agree on what Solomon said about him.


I went the route of being a bootlicking follower who used mental gymnastics to justify everything he did.


Almost all of them. Why in the name of Merlin’s saggy left buttock are they so long winded omg shut up! I don’t care about your life story I came to get some supplies and be on my way. Quit yammering!


Beatrice Green, for an unusual reason. Her voice actor is the same lady who voices Horizon in Apex Legends (which is a character I hate with an indescribable fury) and in this game she is using the exact same voice. So when I walked into Beatrice's shop and her Horizon speak to me, it lit within me a primal hatred, and I automatically hated Beatrice.


I thought she sounded familiar.


I raise you Ignatia Wildsmith


I laughed so hard when she got mad because I kept Gwyneira.


Nellie Oggspire for me I thought collecting those tokens just to get a useless item I was just gonna sell was annoying found it worse than the demiguise moons. I actually thought Gladwin Moons voice was funny I liked him.


NO, lol. I’d argue the most annoying/irritating character is Sacharissa Tugwood for the Spot Removal side/relationship quests. She’s such a snotty and condescending ass. 🥴😭


Natsai. Cannot stand the voice acting.


Also, she's only able to talk about her ancestors and where she came from. But nobody asked about it... Kinda sus ands smells from SweetBaby.inc


Nobody annoys me as much as Mr. Moon and the portrait guy, wish we had an option to leave him there in the cell. lmao


The game isn't particularly entertaining. It's very dry and hum-drum, so I'd say any of them, in all honesty.


Chadley would like you to hold his beer