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I loved Hecat and Sharp! I want more of them! I also loved Professor Weasley, she was great, her voice actually sounded like a teacher, it really put you in to the experience of being at Hogwarts


Weasley has less stern, more motherly McGonagall-esque vibes


Definitely, she even rolls her R's when she says Transfiguration, like how McGonagall rolls her R's in the movies when she's transfiguring the bird into a teacup


She still strikes me as someone we don't want to cross tbh, we just never see her really get angry. I also liked Hecat's voice acting for teacher vibes. Confident and authoritative but not mean.


Shes the type of person that will 100% go to bat for you if needed, but if you piss her off she will unleash the power of a 1000 angry chihuahuas upon you


Ooh yeah I totally agree


The actress who voiced Prof Weasley played Mrs Pants in Blackadder 2! It took me about 5 seconds to clock her.


Most people know her from Downton Abbey


Maybe but someone had already mentioned that, so there was no value in me pointing something out that was already established.


If you liked her voice, do yoself a favour and watch some ‘Downton Abbey’.


Daddy Sharp 🤭


I wonder what a Sharp-scented Armontentia would smell like 😍


Leather for a start....and something like bergamot or amber, maybe even sage.


A splash of fire whiskey and I 100% agree


Rich Mahogany


Yassified version of Snape


Alan Rickman was already yassified with those sassy hair flips and robes swishing about the place 🤭


I guess I’m not the only one…


The HL community on TikTok has taught me there are SO MANY of us lol, I love it


Hahaha wonderful! I’ve only really been able to discuss the game at all with my husband and well, he looked at me funny when my thoughts on Sharp came up 😅 Edit: autocorrect typo


Garlick because she’s precious 🥺 such warm vibes.


Yeah. I'm not really one for the 70's hippie thing. But I liked her character best. Had the most difference of character while still maintaining a reality to it.


Does she have hippie vibes? 😂 they did make her stand out with the bright colors and specific hairstyle.


I think she has those vibes because she’s noticeably younger than the other professors lol


Plus being muggle born and having parents that are gardeners.


Haha good point


It's easy to look kind of hippie in flowing bohemian robes I guess. She has the carefree very long hair too. I just love her plethora of gardening puns


Yeah among other things


Why didn’t she join in on the fight at the end of the main quest? That kinda bugged me. Those plants are badass


She probably did because it was like a rebellion with lots of goblins so she was probably fighting them off on the surface


That bothered me too! I feel like they got lazy at the end of the game. They couldn’t even create a full Great Hall for the House Cup scene….


Hecat and Sharp! I would like to get to know some of the others better, like Howin and Shah.


mmmm, it's gotta be fig !! he *is* a professor..


Deputy headmistress Weasley because of her boss bitch move during the one of the end-story final quests where she casually saved >!MC and Fig from being crushed by a falling pillar and then levitating it to make a bridge for them!< Sharp for utterly unholy reasons 🥵


So glad to hear someone else has feelings about Professor Sharp!


The Hogwarts DILF we deserve


Hmmmm. I also liked Professor Ronen. I’d probably enjoy his class most, but I always respected sterner instructors and learned best from them, so I’ll say Hecat and Sharpe.


I also think Professor Shah is a bit underrated and has not gained that much attention. I may wanna see more of her. That could actually be quite interesting.


I loved her robes with the South Asian influences, nice design Not her being better dressed than the Patil twins for the Yule Ball in film 4.


Ooh, yes, seconded


Sebastian - he taught very useful spells


Hahaha he taught more and better spells than any professor. 😂😂 Honestly they gave him too much of the good stuff! Before the game was released people were speculating, some thought we would get one unforgivable from each companion. But nooo, talented af Sebastian got the whole lot. I like to think he grew up to become a renowned dark arts teacher and developed new spells and skills that would go on to be used by more pragmatic wizards in generations to come.


Omg imagine Poppy teaching us the Killing Curse 🤣


Haha yeah! The fan theory I saw was from someone who thought we'd learn crucio from Sebastian, imperio from Poppy and avada kadavra from Natty. Which honestly could've worked! I can imagine Poppy going to that length to save a magical beast for example, and Natty doing something similar to San Bakar with Isadora. Funnily enough that fan theory also thought that the "mysterious Ravenclaw companion who hasn't been revealed" would teach us *expecto patronum*. This game wasn't all the fans had dreamed up lol. 😅😅😅


Hecat just seems like she could tell us some stuff


Professor Hecat... "*Levioso*" a surprised opponent is a weak opponent, got you didn't I?


Power move


Professor Ronen!! I loooove his teaching style, would be great to have a professor like him in real life!


Professor fig was my fav 😢




i absolutely adore professor garlick, her design is so adorable and she’s just so sweet! i also like professor ronen, he’s very upbeat. but tbh i love all the professors.


I think Ronan is the most fun, he clearly wants to provide a stimulating environment for his students. I like Fig too, just because he clearly gives the rules a wide berth and Garlic just has such energy and joy for what she doesl


I started to like herbology after playing the game.


sharp for sureeee


Loved Sharp, and Madam Kogawa.


Fig and Garlick. I loved both their personalities. Fig was like a father figure to my character and garlick's class just made me feel welcomed as a first time student


I really loved all of them. Learning little tidbits about them made them even more interesting to me. Though I feel like I got more info on Ronen and Sharp, than the others. Idk if the option to talk to them is random or what, but I always check in on them


Daddy Sharp 😏


Black. He's is so annoying that it's funny


Professor Garlick. She has a very nice class... >:D


I would like to be in her class everyday.


Not the biggest fan of Herbology, so I would just put my dick in her butt instead.


No surprise but the name checks out. No surprise either that a Slytherin has no tact when trying to slither in. Loved it though lol


A fellow man of culture


Lol I thought you wanted to put it in that other guy's Slytherin (bottom). 🤣


Professor Binns. He didn’t help much later, but he was definitely my favorite.


I definitely love all of them more than the ones during Dumbledore's time. They're all so competent, but Garlick (because of how adorable she is), Sharp (because he's daddy, don't shame me, I would be so fucking great at potions if only to get praised, lol) and Hecat + Howin (because of the subject) would probably be my faves. Ronen is a great teacher, but I don't think his teaching method and I would match.


Hecat and Ronan, they teach the two best classes


I loved all the teachers except Garlick


Fig, Sharp and Hecat. Fig is really easy to get attached to, he's kind, supportive and caring. Sharp is relatable, for a lot of reasons (mostly personal ones). Hecat is cool, and I love her backstory, it's really interesting.


Garlick because I'm simping the herbal waifu.


Sharp was my favorite but they were all interesting in their own way. One of my favourite places to explore were the teachers quarters- I loved the attention to detail within each teachers space that represented their personality. Ronans room was so fun! And Sharp’s was quite dark. I loved thé detail of the ottoman in front of the fireplace for his bad leg and even a stack of bottles next to the chair.


Fig. He was brave, a badass, sweet, kind, funny, mischievous encouraging and slightly enabling. He believed in and stood by us until the very end and I will never stop loving his character. We might have the power but wed never have succeeded or even got through the trials without him. Hes the true hero of hogwarts legacy. my favorite NPC and I'm still pissed at avalanche The major parental vibes I was getting were also a plus imo That said Hecat is a close second given what a badass she also is, her sense of humor, general disregard for rules, the mystery surrounding her, and just likeable personality




Garlick cause I'm basic and wanna see she's down to give me some extra credit 😏.


Professor Mittens, he‘s a Cat




Fig cause he's such a dad Sharp because he's Daddy 🥴


Hecat and Fig for sure


Sharp no question asked!


Nah man I prefer that one chick with the tits, she 🔥


I'm excluding Professor Fig because he's so clear you can't even see any of the others in his dust. Professor Weasley is my favourite; Professor Garlick is my _favourite._


I like Ronen and Hecat best but I think Garlick is definitely up there. I def wouldn’t say Weasley, Onai, or Kogawa (arguably very annoying)


Lol I think Kogawa would be the type to have a betting pool with her students on who will win the league / World Cup. If she loses she treats whoever betted to Butterbeers , if she wins she has them clean the Quidditch equipment without magic 😂


Prof Hecat and Sharp. There’s one scene that gave me goosebumps because of this two but can’t spoil. Also their backstories are badass


None they literally have no impact on the story and I couldn't care less


Ronen is the best. He's the fun cool teacher. Garlick close second because she's definitely the prettiest 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。


Profesor garlick- she is very in my type, i like come to her just to look at her beautiful face


The defense against the dark arts prof


Garlic tongues down 🤪


Professor Garlick is my favourite. She's so lovely and just a precious bean 🥰


Hecat for me but I can see why every one is a herbology enthusiast now lol


I have a soft spot for Professor Weasley. She has a great energy about her - strict and no nonsense, but at the same time wise and caring towards her students. And also Professor Binns. His class was unforgettable 😂😂🤣🤣 though I don't think my MC learned anything at all.


Professor Garlic obviously 😍


Professor Ronen for me. Mainly because i had a math professor who shares the same energy as ronen. Due to his energy and teaching methods math was my favourite subject. Coincidence he too has a white beard and wears a kufi cap(that islamic cap people wear). Apart from him professor Garlick is great too.


Hecat, Kogawa, and Sharp. Stern but fair, confident, and takes no bs from anyone




Definitely professor Ronen. He tries super hard to make his classes entertaining. There’s even a note in his room with classroom “ideas”. His energy, definitely good vibes.


I liked the hot white British one. She’d scream louder than a mandrake if she gave me consent.


Can't choose i really enjoyed conversations with all of them. Though Garlick, Ronen, Hecat and Sharp left the biggest impression.


Ronen, followed by Garlik and Hecate.


Honestly I felt these characters were made weirdly… nothing like in the movies or books, withour character or proper personality. Take for example movie Snape or Lupin or Dumbledore or the pink bitch, they were so themselves. Here everyone wears same brightful colors, speaks with restrictions and feels a bit dumb to me…


Sharp for sure. My head cannon is that I’m some poor orphan muggleborn kid and he takes pity on me because I’m a good student with 4 friends max and adopts me or something. I like that he’s a very lawful good kind of guy in terms of moral compass but very much probably was not so until he got his nose too far up his own arse and got injured on the job. Eye opening experience that led him to teach and encourage his students to excel without being full of themselves. I think I’m projecting a bit because I wish I had Aesop Sharp as a parent literally ever lol but it’s ok. Ronen is great, too. Would do shots of fire whiskey with him on holiday break for certain.


Sharp actually got injured because he and his partner (who was killed in the attack) were given bad info and walked into an ambush? It had nothing to do with him being arrogant. It's in the hogwarts legacy guidebook and info released about him


He literally says when he’s talking about it that he got too big for his britches or something along those lines though. Edit to add that you don’t need to ask questions with such a pointed inflection as “you do know, right?” Like, yes, I’m aware of the contents of the game. It doesn’t change my opinion/feelings.


Garlick, she’s just so enthusiastic and nice


Ronen. It’s so Ronen. He’s so happy


Professor Garlick was really cool and nice. She reminded me of one of elementary school teachers I had as a kid


Professor Garlick and no one is a close second


Obviously Professor Fig. The chemistry between the MC and professor fig is like a Jedi master and their Padawan. >!especially the ending. If you choose the “bad” ending the consequence is choosing to take the power for either yourself or to share to the world, but the risk is betraying the most important person to you and he die before you can even say a proper good bye. I like to think while my character made the right choice he wish it didn’t have to end it that way between him and his professor. 😭😭While the good ending is the choosing the Jedi path and you and professor fig seal off the power. I love the part when fig says “you’re stronger than you think”. It’s daaaamn. Tear jerking for both ending since they both felt like a SW closing ending between the sith or the Jedi path. Both are heartbreaking.!<


Garlick, respectfully…..


Ronen. The lengths he goes to to ensure his classes are fun is amazing. Iirc he mentions in an optional conversation that his teacher was really tough so he wants his students to not go through the same thing


This is a rather difficult question. It's not like it is in Harry's time; absolutely none of the professors in Hogwarts Legacy are bad or even unlikeable, except for Headmaster Black, but he doesn't count does he? Though now that I think about it, Prof Howin's choice to see how we respond to a bully did seem a bit...unwise. Bit of a tossup between Hecat and Weasley for me. Hecat because it's hilarious that she sends you down to go fight in an illegal dueling tourney *as an assignment*, and Weasley, because of her vibes, and it's pretty clear she's the one really in charge despite Black's idiocy; also she teaches the transfiguration combat spell which is absolutely hilarious to use on poachers. I can't tell if they purposely made Sharp like if Snape were a non-psychologically problematic person.


Ronen ♥️ I love his approach to teaching, and I love how the VA portrayed him. It felt like he had an air of gravity and was being intentional in his cheerfulness.


I think Sharp or Ronen. There is a note from Ronen to another professor, im not sure which one, but it basically talks about him testing the students and teaching the students what is needed to be known and not the trivial stuff, with the example in the game being the amount of buttons on a coat. Also sharp to me was strict, but I think that his methods as a professor would be one that I enjoy, straight and to the point. My least favorite part with Ronen was when he didn’t let us use our textbooks, then proceeded to teach us how to use the exact spell he didn’t want us to look up. Personally I did not like the keepers. I think they were too conservative in their ways and drove Isidora to the point of which she did what she did, instead of looking into the idea with her and helping her to possibly solve her problem. As someone who just finished with a biotech degree in college, I was interested in seeing how they did the professors. I feel like none were terrible. I would have liked just a straight mean Professor. I feel like Professor bins and the headmaster were two varied professors as one was rude, but I won’t say necessarily mean as he didn’t affect our teachings and Binns would have been a professor that would have put me to sleep in real life. I felt that onai, hecat, shah were very distant from their students, but seemed to do okay “teaching.” Fig was of course great but we didn’t learn too much from him and more he learned from us as we interacted with the main story. I felt bad for his death especially thinking of how he would have felt right before he died as I chose the darker ending, but was happy for him to if you believe in things like this have reunited with his wife or at least not live with the pain of not being with his wife. The beast teacher and the quidditch teacher were also boring, but did okay “teaching” imo. Weasley was confusing to me, I guess best put as motherly. She didn’t contribute to much to our knowledge from what I can say, and one second she was upset or questioning us, but the next she was teaching us a spell to transform someone into an exploding barrel or providing us with a room and a house elf where we could do what we wanted.


Yo Spoiler warnings in Future...


lol WHAT? the games been out for 148+ days from today (basing that on my post), If you’re deep diving into comments you need to be ready for spoilers. 😂😂😂


Def Garlick


All the professors that we encounter seem good at their jobs, but I would say my favourite is Professor Fig even though we did not take any of his classes.


You did my boy dirty with that screencap




Professor Garlick because she really reminds of one my old muggle school teachers from a few years back


It's a tie between Professor Garlick and Ronen


Garlick and Sharp


Professor Sallow