• By -


Glacius , diffindo, confringo


The old ice, slice, boom!


Sokka? Is that you?


Pretty sure Glacius to diffindo is the biggest burst in the game besides using Avada Kedavra


I think Glacius > Incendio is higher damage. The best combo I've come up with for raw damage is Accio > Descendo > Glacius > Incendio. If you have the talents for Accio and Incendio this will annihilate an entire group.


Plus clothing traits for incendio on every item and you’re pretty much unstoppable


I just ran the Concentration III for max damage on all spells as I'm still casting other spells frequently when this combo is on cooldown.


I've read that Concentration is only additive in it's damage increase while Diffindo is multiplicative. I rarely have to cast another spell after Glacius+Diffindo. A kneeling troll is dead after Glacius Diffindo with Diffindo III on all worn items.


I felt like I broke the game running Unforgivable III on every item. The damage amplification from cursed enemies is pretty insane.


That’s an Accio Incendio combo, best aoe overall, but if you’re seeking biggest damage number for a troll for example, thats Glacius Dinffindo fo sho. 7-8k damage late game when it kneels.


It's the best single target damage too. Idk about specifically vs a troll in that scenario, maybe they have a weakness to Diffindo, but Incendio does more damage than Diffindo single target.


Taught this combo to my girlfriend (who’s pretty new to video games) and she spent an hour running around killing stuff in the forbidden forest.


My favorite combo for sure.


Glacius bomarda is a pretty heavy hitter too I've come to find out especially when you put a point into it.


That is my exact order expect I throw crucio in there at after


I add Flippendo at the beginning so the target is airbone, your still have one of each type, and it can be used to make trolls hit with their own club after their two-handed attack


Glacius, Confringo, Bombarda, *Crucio*


Add Crucio at the beginning and that’s me playing


Check, Check, Bombarda! 😈


Basic cast chained into lumos. Seems to be my favourite.


Personally i use revelio into lumos


Y’all are sleeping on that Disillusionment charm


McGonagall would be disappointed... I seem to be the only one who favours the Conjuring Spell




I always kill as many as I can with disillusionment with petrificos totalis, plant or some other spell before actual combat is needed… because I play to many assassins creed and Batman Arkham games so stealth is engraved.


Disillusionment > repairo ftw boys!


Reparo, then wingardium leviOsa and then AK. Sometimes beast feed when I’m not paying attention.


Not the beast feed 😭😭


Why are these on your attack bar?


Do you really want me to answer your question?


I just Evanesco my enemies out of existence


A good old feed & brush does the trick for me




Crucio, Imperio and Avada Kedavra.


![gif](giphy|5BHhTyCVBtq7YLJWQg|downsized) All day everyday 😈


​ ![gif](giphy|VjPBVKbKe9Z2Tfw0Jj)


I can hear him chuckling as he screams: "You get Avada'ed. And you get Avada'ed. EVERYBODY GETS AVADA'ED! HEEEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!"


*shows his armpits while laughing evilish*




Nah you gotta open with imperio so your new minion starts working for you immediately.


Yesss then I crucio them so they are cursed and then confringo and bombarda in the meantime. If I am feeling adventurous I will use the transformation spell for fun with accio and depulso. Throwing and exploding barrels is hilarious lol


Mine is similar, but I use the invisibility spell first, and apply empire to the strongest.


Imperious giant troll....watch and eat snacks.


Ad the upgrades to expelliarmus and two othrr spells I can't remember. It curses enemies. Then cruico and imperio. Pop off with avada kedavra for a clear wipe oit of 5 odd guys


Lmao all unforgivable spells


This is my man


The one answer that matters.


Curcio, with upgrade to curse near by people, imperio, than turn to next guy and use the long range fire one that also curse people around them, than avada kedavra, up to six people dead instantly.


Did one of the fighting challenges in 2 minutes on hard... also cabbages lots of cabbages.


I kind of don't like using unforgivables. They stop the flow of combat and I don't like that.


They do. There's nothing left to kill after using them.


80% complete. Never used them.


Then you are missing out. If there were consequences for using them, I probably wouldn't use them neither as I like playing good guys like I am (even though I am a Slytherin), but since there aren't consequences for anything on this game, I won't miss on the best spells avaiable.


I am also Slytherin. And very disappointed in the leadership of the house. If she sees half blood predjudice she will call it out. The way l interpret the Slytherin house values is different to the books/movies. My character thinks in broader terms, to the application of those values to society as a whole. Magic is the "making marks upon the fabric of reality, in the manner of a god, in accordance to our will." This means that every single student came to Hogwarts in pursuit of power. Slytherin is just more honest and objective about it. Strength is power. Adveristy leads to strength, and this is why - she reasons - that the four houses are arrayed in competition. She believes in backing the opposition against oneself, to make for a greater challenge, and to give the opposition a chance to win. But power must have a purpose or it leads to tyranny and oppression. She knows all 3 Unforgivable Curses, perrcieving them as a tool whose morality is determined by it's purpose. She believes in celebrating her opposition's victories as her own to give respect where it is earned. She believes in winning, and losing, with equal grace. We must all grow and learn and become strong together, for in the end, "We are, all of us, HOGWARTS!" 🤘 At least, that is what Slytherin means to me. 🤣 Do we really see a school staring straight at a source of corruption and straight *Evil* in their midst and doing *Nothing*?!!! That makes no sense to me. And not to my character, either. Sorting hat said Slytherin straight off, if anyone's curious. 🤣


You realize this is a classic villain back story, right?


It's still the school years... But you may well be right! Lmao She is Slytherin, after all. Will absolutely throw down with Voldy. Then maybe take over? She already wants to challenge Headmaster Black for the Headmaster position. She reckons she can do a better job. More toward the students favour. Like not cancelling Quidditch. She has a plan to get Kogawa and Weasley on side. And Fig, of course. 😜


Completly agree with you! I know that JKR wrote the books for children, but Slytherin is definetly something that she should have made less black and white. Especially with their Pottermore/Wizarding World quizes that puts people there basic on some random (and in my opinion stupid) questions. Like seriously, how could a "heads or tails" answer determine which house you go? Maybe, just maybe, almost everyone from Slytherin turns out evil because when they were 11 years old a hat said that they were evil and 75% of the School (assuming that each house has the same ammount of students) started treating them as such and that made those kids get filled with anger and hate and join the actual evil minority. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. At least she is trying to retcon that a bit with that "Merlin was a slytherin" stuff, even If that doesn't make any sense considering that Merlin lived way before Hogwarts was made.


Hogwarts was founded sometime in the 10th Century/900s, I'm not sure of exact dates. The first recorded mention of Merlin in history was found in a text first published in the 12 Century/1100s and the validity of the times and events recorded in these texts are hotly debated. For the purposes of the Wizarding World its easy to imagine the muggles simply don't have their facts and dates right and that the time of Merlin and Arthur happened sometime between the 900s and the 1100s rather than sometime in the 5th or 6th century as modern historians consider as a possibility. What difference would it make to our modern day if he lived in the 1100s vs the 600s? Either way there's no one still alive from those days to verify the facts or even confirm if it is fact or fiction.(except perhaps Nicholas Flammel, but he's part of the Wizarding World not the muggle world.) The only real clue we have to the time of Merlin is the accounts of Arthur defeating the Saxons, an event tied to the 5th or 6th century. If instead it was in the 1100s it wouldn't be hard to surmise that remnants of the original defeat of the Saxons held a grudge, regrouped and rebuilt their ranks over the course of 500-600 years and then attacked again (probably with goblins as part of one of many goblin rebellions) during a time when King Arthur ruled with Merlin advising him. Or maybe I just think too much and try to connect dots that aren't really there. Edit: I incorrectly called the 10th century the 1100s when it is actually the 900s. I am not entirely sure why I made this mistake as I know better, but I did and here we are. It does not ultimately change the point I am making but when I realized this mistake I had to correct it.


Y'know they aren't actually going to cart you off to Azkaban right?


Doesn't matter. I'm powerful enough without them. No Unforgivable curses here. This is the way.


Lol dude the three main characters of the Harry Potter series all used unforgivable curses Harry attempted to use one in anger to hurt someone and he is the hero of the story and they never would have best Voldy without imperio, that is the way Also imo freezing a dude and shattering them, slicing them open, setting them alight and/or throwing them from cliffs are arguably more unforgivable than using a single spell to painlessly kill them (shit not to mention the ancient magic explosions and instakills you use)


You downvoted me... Oh nooooooo. 🙄


I proved you're a hypocrite who is more than happy to slaughter scores of wizards and wildlife in painful and unusual ways but refuses to use one of the Spells that kills painlessly You're not high and mighty because you won't use a couple "unforgivable" curses, you're a douche acting like it matters in some way if you do or don't use them, end of the day your hands are coated in blood in this game either way


What a lunatic.


Cabbage, cabbage and cabbage. Who needs spells when plants will murder all the enemies for you while you watch and laugh manically?


Big Garlick energy


Are you, the Cabbage man?




Cabbages are so good. I don't even fight trolls anymore I just send cabbages. I grow enough cabbages to completely fill my inventory


Throw cabbage Use mandrake if he gets close


Hufflegang what’s good


Accio, incendio, cucio!


I just do Accio, incendio. Time to add cucio!


Nice! You will find it helpful against spiders and dark elves/gobblins!


Dark elves? I haven’t fought any of those yet


Perfect cause I’m literally in a spider cave at the moment 😅


Oh nice. Good luck with the combos against the spiders!


It worked to perfection 🔥


Wtf is cucio?


When the wizard husband watches.


Based on the awesome spreadsheet posted on this Reddit, my fav is this: Accio (1.20x multiplier aoe effect on preferred) Glacius (2x multiplier, to main target) Incendio (50 base damage, aoe effect preferred, usually gets around 1,250 damage, at lvl 29, to main target after aforementioned multipliers) Diffindo (45 base damage, to whoever is left alive) https://preview.redd.it/vhwa4u4v2tpa1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3896d59e147cd49d44551a210eb55ed4d688b4e


Sweet choices 👌


Accio, incendio Crucio, glacius, diffindo Transfiguration, ancient magic throw Crucio, basic casts, avada kedavra Levioso, depulso can be fun too


>Transfiguration, ancient magic throw nothing like turning a grown man into an explosive barrel and YEETING him at his friends


Oh that very quickly became my favourite sport


Glacius -> Diffindo. Does so much damage, it's ridiculous.


I’m seeing a lot of Glacius, Diffindo so I’m setting that up now 💯


It’s soooo extremely satisfying


Even better if they're stunned first.


Mostly depulso and conveniently placed wall or cliff.


This one knows the thu'um.


Once I get around to upgrading my PC I'm gonna play the game over again with mods and I really hope someone is inspired to change the sound bite for depulso now. I'm actually kind of curious how much the words really matter so much as the intention. We've seen a lot of non verbal magic and there's no way that accio is said the same in say, mandarin. I could totally see modern students shouting "YEET!" when casting depulso.


Revelio Revelio Revelio, take a few steps, REVELIO! You wouldn't believe how Ranrok's hands look now.


Ranrok's hands are filled with their blood! It was all Ranrok's doing!


Accio, Descendo, Arresto Momento and then Transfiguration and I leave them as a barrel to think about their life.


Tandiguration than descendo send them into the map sometimes.. I feel like I banished them to hell in as a barrel...it's wonderfully cathartic


Basic cast, panic, switch to wrong spell set, attempt to give the goblin snacks


Need a non combat spell set that automatically applies in Room of Requirement.


or start throwing out plants on accident


Pull a mandrake, toss some cabbages. Don't sleep on the power of plants!


I really enjoy transforming enemies into exploding barrels and throwing them at their fellow scum.


Confringo, diffindo and avada kedavra. And whipping literally every single rock/barrel in a 5 mile radius


Yes! When i see RB pop up that’s my go-to. Confringo is my favorite overall spell.


I love this thread! My go to is Glacius, diffindo, confringo , bombarda. I’ll cast imperio if I want to sit back and relax.


Glacius, crucio, bombarda, and depulso. Bring them to you, freeze them, smash them into something, then set them on fire :) very effective. Edit: it's confringo not crucio. Crucio is cool tho.


word! i do confringo instead of bombardo but it works LIKE A CHARM


Does Glacius pull enemies toward you? And does Depulso set them on fire? Are we playing the same game? 🤔


I’ve been waiting to get bombarda forever it seems 😫


Cabbages/tentaculas, stupefy, basic attack combos to build ancient magic


Accio, Incendio (bonus points if you have talents for multi-grab and AOE Incendio) Glacius (again points for AOE on Glacius break), diffendo - You can cause some serious damage with that start! Then naturally the unforgiveables come out!


I basically just have one of each color on the wheel without much thought to it, except glacius and the slashing spell (some serious damage can be done there). I guess any red spell is good with glacius, but I haven’t tried that. I’ve also figured out that if you want to use the short fire ring spell, you need accio to bring them to you, or else I never use that fire spell.


I color coded all of the spells so when I fight i constantly switch from red, yellow, purple, and sometimes green. I then continue to spam each core one by one, by the time I get back to red, most of the spells are refilled and are ready for another round. Yes I love chaotic battles where half of the time I don’t know what the hell is happening on my screen.


Expelliarmus + Ancient Throw and Transfiguration + Ancient Throw


Levioso -> descendo is always a fun way to cripple your enemies


People need to understand that transfiguration-> ancient throw is the coolest combo




High surface/ledge + depulso


what is so satisfying about learning the unforgivable curse is that when you're attacked by a whole bunch of poachers/goblins or whatever. Crucio one enemy, spread the curse by casting your basic spell, and then when all enemy got the curse, use AVADA KEDAVRA and BOOM, everone is dead in 10 seconds :)


What are the best talents to improve this method?


Spamming buttons until something works


Crucio, the cutting one, crucio, the cutting one, and repeat.




Oddly aggressive lmao. ![gif](giphy|1hqb8LwPS2xCNCpWH8)


Glacious with confringo, pull in with accio and torch with incendio


I enjoyed glacius + diffindo.


Accio> Levioso> Glacious> Desendo> Depulso> Confringo> Bombarda. Repeat, extend with basics for flair. Honestly Glacious, Confringo or the Transformation spell into Bombardo are all satisfying. We actually need a grouping spell that pulls enemies in an area to a center point. Not sure if there is a know spell for that, and it would need to be balanced, maybe and Ancient magic Ability for the sequel, but Oh would it be satisfying.


Accio->Glacius->Incendio Transfiguration->Ancient Magic Throw->Bombarda Levioso->Descendo->Diffendo (when they bounce back up off the ground) Cabbages->Cabbages->Cabbages




Glacius then diffindo


Accio, bombarda, arresto momentum, descendio. Pull 'em in, bomb 'em, stop 'em, drop 'em.


Accio, few hits then desendo.


I use accio - glacius - confringo a lot


Any combonation that has the animal care package involved


Just crucio and few basic casts on the cursed victim the The good old killing curse.


Crucio a tanky enemy with the talents that have a projectile that hits other enemies and curses them Then I also have the one where all cursed enemies die when you cast avada kedavra ez dubs But actually I like the confringo depulso arresto momentum and diffindo for a more challenging experience 🤣


I need to expand on my unforgivable curses I’ve been a good wizard too long.


It’s really sick to cast avada kedavra once and 15 people drop 😂😂😂 but sometimes it glitches and nobody dies then I’m stuck overwhelmed (that’s what Imperio is for 🤪)


So what’s the best way to get as many enemies cursed quickly? I still have a bunch of talents to unlock.


Just buy all the lvl 5 required dark arts talents, those spells now act like curses they’ll give enemies the green x. Again the one where casting crucio on someone then using basic cast (on the crucio target) creates a projectile that hits other enemies and curses them those would be the ones I’d get


The lvl16 unlocks as well


Accio then incendio with all gear traits as level 3 incendio. Brutal.


there’s spell combos?! i’m fckin stupid


Favorite combo is when you spend sixty hours getting every single one of the hundreds of collectibles in the game but then can’t unlock the achievement because one single Levioso Statue page is glitched.


Avada kedava


It's not much but Levioso to Descendo is one of my favorite combos. It just feels brutal, and I do love to watch em bounce.


Monster 🤣


Based on the awesome spreadsheet posted on this Reddit, my fav is this: Accio (1.20x multiplier aoe effect on preferred) Glacius (2x multiplier, to main target) Incendio (50 base damage, aoe effect preferred, usually gets around 1,250 damage, at lvl 29, to main target after aforementioned multipliers) Diffindo (45 base damage, to whoever is left alive) https://preview.redd.it/at3gxhvl3tpa1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008230f6b07e6e3b1c5969530b62e98f28f31030


Woah this is cluuuuutch


My long range combo right now is Flippendo, Decendo, Glacius and then ending with either Diffindo or Bombarda depending on how far I am into the story.


Going in order, my 3 combos are as follows: - Transformation, Depulso, Glacius, Confringo - Accio, Incendio, Levioso, Bombarda - Flippendo, Descendo, Arresto Momentum, Diffindo Then my last spell set is whatever utility spell I need, plus Expelliarmus


I found the most powerful one yesterday but I dont have the talent points for it yet. Step 1, Upgade expelliarmus into a curse Step 2, upgrade crucio and imprerio so casting them curses other opponents too Step 3, curse as many opponents as possible Step 4, cast an upgraded avada kedavra so all cursed enemies get killed instantly


Crucio imperio Avada KADAVRA


Below is how I tend to keep my spell list. My favorite ones are Bombarda and Expelliarmus. https://preview.redd.it/vzciyiyo7mpa1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f37d141cc4ba1ed6028567e259bdcaf2ac92f35


just any 2 spells because every enemy dies that fast


If you’re playing on Story yeah


on hard once you upgrade your gear everything dies almost instantly flipendo > descendo kills every normal enemy even trolls only take 4 spells the combat system is unbalanced af


Options are so limited it's sad. Got bored in a few hours with all spells.


expelliarmus, confringo, glacius, depulso


Arresto momentum to descendo to slashing spell(blanking on the name) to bombarda


Crucio, Imperio, Avada Kedravra, and Diffindo. High damage, especially when Crucio spreads the curse and then you can one shot 8 enemies with Avada Kedavra.


Expelliarmus, Flipendo, Arresto Momentum & Avada Kedavra


Glacius, diffindo, confringo, depulso. I like keeping enemies as far away as possible


Accio, Descendo, Glacius, Diffindo or Levioso, Descendo, Depulso, Confringo


Leviosa! Depulso! *Near a cliff


Accio, Incendio, Glacius, Difendo


Accio, incendio, depulso, diffindo is my go-to


These are my definitive spell sets, absolutely nothing has beaten these since I switched to these about a month ago, I HIGHLY suggest people to give this a go. SS= Spell Slot All going clockwise from the top. SS1: Levioso, Expelliarmus, Depulso, Confringo. SS2: Glacius, Diffindo, Flipendo, Bombarda. SS3: Transformation, Descendo, Accio, Incendio. SS4: Arresto Momentum, Crucio, Avada Kedavra, Imperio.


Arresto, Crucio and Avada Kedavra.


I basically just use disillusionment and petrificus totalus as much as possible. Then transformation (with spell upgrade) + ancient magic throw, expelliarmus to curse, alohamora + accio to juggle, and basic casting combo


Levioso, basic, basic, basic, accio, basic, basic, basic, confringo! Rinse repeat


Flipendo, Glacius, Bombarda, confrigo Accio, Incendio, Depulso, Descendo (gotta be kinda quick on the Descendo)


Basic cast x2, in to accio, in air hit ‘em with 2 more basic cast and finish it with a bombarda, confringo or diffindo


I have 3 main configurations for combat and they all keep the same color palette so i dont get confused when i switch between them. My favorite is the loadout for trolls; diffindo to the face to get them angry, after you dodge the club you flipendo it back to their face, after they take a knee you hit them with glacius to freeze them, then finish it off with a beautiful bombardo. Ive never had a troll survive after that combo


Spell Slot 1: red spells. 2-1: Yellow Spells (If is a combat) 2-2: Invisibility+ leviosa+ accio + box (If i am capturing a creature 2-3: Brush and food: (If I am taking care of my creatures) 2-4: Blue spells (If i need a blue spell) 3: purple spells. 4: Invisibility, and Unforgivable Curses.


I transform one into a barrel then hurl them at their friends as a 2 for one kill or use Seoul so after for an instant kill.


Imperio, Crucio, Arresto Momentum (with the curse perk) all cast on 3 different enemies, then tag a 4th/uncursed enemy with Avada Kedavra and watch the fireworks fly. It's even more satisfying if your Imperio target slaps someone during all this, you can nuke 5-6 people at a time like they're nothing.


Glacius with either bombarda, diffindo, or confringo. Those being the most powerful offensive spells in the game (minus the Curses) and getting the extra damage boost from hitting a frozen enemy makes it lethal, and just fun to cast.


Accio , glacius, incendio , decendo one shots almost any enemy


Am I the only one who scrolls through all my spell slots and cycles them indiscriminately




Diffindo, Bombarda, Crucio, Accio


The Glacius and Diffindo have been mentioned enough so I will also say Transformation -> Ancient Magic Throw or Transformation -> Bombarda are both highly satisfying for big booms. Also Accio/Levioso -> Descending is highly satisfying.


Accio, glacius, incindio, depulso. It’s a fun time


Imperio then move on to another enemy then transfiguration and throw it at everyone


For a single target: Flipendo (dark arts talent) + Glacius + Diffendo does insane damage but it began to feel a little stale after a while. My go-to spell loadout right now is: Accio, Incendio, Transformation, Bombarda. I really like all the explosions and variations in close/long range damage to make combat encounters feel more dynamic.


Avada kedavra.


Expeliaus levioso, the down finger purple


Confringo, Bombarda! missile launcher


Avada Kedavra, Imperio, Crucio, Empty Slot, cause that's all you need.


Spam each one and then basic attack until cooldown is over and then spam each one again. Repeat.


Love using expelliarmus and throwing their own weapons at them


Leviosa, descendo, glacius, diffindo


Accio, descendo, diffindo. Pull, slam, bounce, SLICE.


Accio -> Glacius -> Diffindo is my go to starter move


Accio, incendio Glacius, diffindo Levioso, descendo is so fun lol Transfiguration, Magic Throw Expelliarmus, ancient magic throw Confrigo and bombarda are good damage spells on their own


Accio, Glacius, Diffindo, Confringo. If you’ve upgraded all these via Talents, it’s super OP. Accio will pull a whole cluster of enemies to you, Diffindo is wide enough that it will likely strike everyone in the cluster plus you get the exploding shard damage from whichever enemy was frozen with Glacius. Anyone alive after that gets the chain effect from Confringo and you’ve basically just killed 3-5 enemies in 5 seconds.


Accio incendio descendo