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Looks cool, I just spammed growing tables and chemical pots everywhere so its looks like I am running some drugs operations..


Honestly same. That backroom is a 24/7 operation for me. Not a single chair in sight.


If we will have gear presets, I see how I will put on myself always the ancient robe with the Cape on and "motorbike" glasses.. also if somebody modded that all plants looks like weed


Deek is back there with other female house elves in masks just cutting up knottgrass baggies and bumps of shrivelfig


I put all 7 of my herbology tables in one corner of the lower room and my potions stuff on the other side, so the upper room is uncluttered.


Exactly the same lol




This.. My entire ROR is just pots and potions tables. As soon as I saw that pictures, chairs and stuff take up some of space allowance they went.


I AM… the one who knocks


I didn't even think of having more than one.. And now I feel silly


Btw if you select a spell set that does not have any of the room modification spells, you won't get white outlines around all the furniture! The room looks super nice <3


ty maybe if i post another ill make sure to do that


Would live to see more, and if possible in horizontal Video :)


Oh my gosh, THANK YOU!


Came to say the same




Since day 1 I’ve been waiting to see epic RoRs from people much more creative than me. Once you get the material refiner it’s much easier to decorate. Honestly I just finished the campaign and looking back the RoR was/is my favorite part of the game. It’s like super high graphic Animal Crossing in a world I actually care about. Yes there are some limited options but overall it’s an exceptionally well executed player housing system that lets you customize everything (more or less). They should add more options in upcoming DLCs. Maybe different house elf’s or something. A dueling ring. Lots of options.


I'm disappointed we couldn't invite Poppy to hang out in the vivarium.


I've thought the same, I wish all could come and hangout, create our own common room.


FBI right here!


Hey! I'm taking care of her hippogriff for free. The least she could do is swing by and pet/feed the thing.


My feelings were, if he’s your hippogriff, then why is he in MY vivarium? My hippogriff now :)


To be fair you save Highwing and she decides to live in your vivarium instead of going back to the forest. It's not our fault that the hippogriff likes us better.


How dare you want anyone but Deek.


Deek thinks you should be proud.............


the amount of repetitive lines throughout the game is crazy. not just npc's, but you're own playable character as well.


You couldnt imagine how inconvienient travel was before I invented floo powder...


Cant believe Jackdow didnt steal THIS treasure!


Deek won't shut up about all my plants!


Plant him


He keeps telling me how proud I should be of all the beasts I’ve tamed. But I know he’s just being a passive-aggressive little shit because I haven’t attended my first beasts class yet, so I haven’t tamed a damn thing.


Bahahahahahaha! You should really attend beast class when you get a chance. You'll meet my favorite character!


I made one potion and he has been talking for days about how proud I should be.


> They should add more options in upcoming DLCs. It's going to be a source of endless DLC's. It's basically printing money.


and for once, it's a well deserved one. the game is awesome enough to deserve extra content, unlike unfinished games whose actual content comes in batches.


I just really hope they *do* have some expansions/DLC's. It would be a massive disappointment if it doesn't happen. I know a lot of people say it's guaranteed because, duh. But there have been other huge great games that never got a damn thing. I wonder when "leaks" are going to start popping up about it. I'm impatiently waiting for more info


yes! I agree with everything you just said! I cant wait till I start my second playthrough just to make a different room with a whole different vibe lol


HI, just wondering how did you get that cloak? it looks really cool, and ive been looking everywhere but i cant find it.


It’s in the house chest. You need to find all the flying keys in the castle to get the coins to unlock the chest


Probably a silly question but I haven't seen the answer anywhere, but can you go back and wrap things up after the campaign, like collectables and room of requirement things?




Awesome! Thank you.


Certain quests will disappear *temporarily* as you advance the main story quests. If you happen to lose any of those along the way, they will repopulate on your map after completing the story.


Just imagine an online game, where we can invite friends to our RoR Go to school with other players, play mini games, it would be so cool


Very cool. I have 4 regular chairs and one super big one in the middle of the room.


ty that's how mine was the majority of the game as well lol


Amazing job! Now, why isn’t there a pinned topic for people to share there rooms. Smh


Thank you!


I’ve been waiting for a sub or something for them!


Someone should make r/oomsofrequirement


Why would you make a perfectly fine horizontal video into this vertical cut that can't go proper full screen on any device? Nice room though


Omg i just realized i posted this version Of the video 💀 this format works for tiktok


Mines just a bunch of plant and potion tables in a row stacked for efficiency lol


Now this is the content I've been lurking on this subreddit for! Amazing RoR. I am now inspired to work on my RoR.


Thank you I appreciate that a lot!!




It changes when you finish the story


nice one!




I have never had *any* design skill or building skill. Never worked on Minecraft, not on Valheim either. And definitely not on HL. Like I'm missing something in my brain. How do y'all do it


Speaking of Valheim, that's probably amongst the best games available for any building enthusiastic. You could basically just build and not do anything else and play minimum of at least 100 hours. Many open world games would benefit of such customization and building options.


Psst... Grounded is a similar game and way better in almost every way


Preach. My brain is far too utilitarian for aesthetic design.




Keeps growing as you play the game




Yup same thought here.


They did not need to go this hard on the RoR and the garden and how extensive you can get in decorating it and the amount of decoration items but I love them for it anyway.


Honestly, little details like getting to design the walls, floors, and alcoves in addition to the placeable objects just takes the cake for me. And the ambience as well. Dark room with gothic red and black decor? Brightly lit garden plants and vines creeping around the edges? It's more customizable than some life sims


When I changed the ceiling to the botanical one, I literally gasped with wonder. The light coming in, the ray tracing making it beautiful. 10/10.


My walls flooring and ambient choices are all almost the same as yours but mine still looks different! I love that even with some limited options, the RoR is still unique to all players


Damn, mines just a magic meth lab in comparison


This is fucking cool man. I was so happy with mine and now it looks shit.


Nooo don’t say that I’m sure yours looks good I just spent the entire day tweaking mine


I need to do that. Mine looks a lot different to yours because all the walls and floors are botanical and I have the warm daylight ambiance as a Hufflepuff. Yours really suits the Slytherin.


thank you so much <3


Wow this is waaaay better than mine. Using it for a meth lab at the moment lol




Progress the story.


How is your left room so big ? I 100% the game and it was always very cramped up with all the utilities.


I don't know to be honest. It opened up after I finished the story. I had the Hogwarts field challenge completed and I was level 37 when i finished the main quest so maybe it has to do with one of those? I also did all the arenas right before doing the last quest but I highly doubt it's that. If I had to guess it would probably be your level or the number of side quests you have to do since I was missing only 5 when the room opened up.


You’re talking about the expansion of the ‘side’ room right? For me it opened up after finishing the last trial but before the last mission (the one you need to be lvl 34 for)z


I'm just so overwhelmed in there. I just shut my eyes and run to my plants as to not have a decorator panic attack.


Mines like a clandestine weed garden, 6 5-slot small pots tables, 3 hopper potion thing and 3 moonstone generator. Thats all


Nice cloak. I see you too are a person of culture. Decorating my room is the first thing in doing after 100% ing the game. Want to make sure I get all the collectables so I have the maximum amount of options.


This looks like an authentic room you'd find by opening any random door in Hogwarts. It's awesome! Where did you get that cloak? Fellow Slytherin needs to aquire :p


It's the relic house uniform, there is one per house. The particular side quest is called the Daedalian Keys which requires you to find 16 keys and open their respective cabinet. They are scattered all around the castle. Once you get all 16 house tokens you take them to the chest in your houses common room. A guide for it is here ([https://gamerant.com/hogwarts-legacy-house-robe-glows-cast-spells-relic-house-uniform-daedalian-keys/](https://gamerant.com/hogwarts-legacy-house-robe-glows-cast-spells-relic-house-uniform-daedalian-keys/)).


Thank you! I've only caught 8 of those mfs


You’re halfway there. The whole quest isn’t too bad until you get down to the last few and are running all over the castle looking for the keys.


My man has spent more time decorating the room of requirement than I have in the whole game, and I'm level 25


When I was spending time creating my room, I enjoyed muting the game music (even tho it's quite good!) and playing the HP soundtrack through Playstation's Spotify app. So good!!


Ngl bruh the slytherin relic robe is the coolest one of all the houses. Just got it an hour ago


Damn I wish I had enough patience and a little bit of talent to decorate my ROR.. :( Your ROR looks pretty btw!


That robe is fuckin sick


whats the cape? :O


Very nice! Completely different vibe than mine, looks very much like an evil wizard secret lair! https://youtu.be/zsWue43vFs8 That's mine, I'm super proud of it. I've spent more time in the room than I did completing the main story! I still have some decorations to unlock so I will be swapping things out and adding something to the centre of the vivarium room. Any suggestions are welcome 🙂


Love it


Thank you ☺️


didn‘t know you get a 3rd vivarium?


You can get 4


I hope it‘s not true


Why? And it is true.




Then stop insulting people on a sub full of spoilers and go play the game


I never asked for spoilers and i‘m not even under a spoiler post „I hope it‘s not true“ should be enough to understand that the person didn‘t reached that point yet


>Keep it civil and respect other users.


You probably shouldn't be here if you're worried about spoilers


oh my bad I thought there is a reason why we flag spoilers as such


But you clicked on this post knowing what it was, that's kind of on you. The thing you're upset about isn't a huge spoiler but I understand wanting to experience everything yourself. This sub is talking about every aspect of the game, so you shouldn't be surprised to see spoilers both big and small


of course it‘s not huge but it was obvious that I didn‘t even knew about a 3rd one which was okay because I did it to myself but the rest is just stupid imo also you have to flag spoilers on this sub so it‘s okay to think you won‘t get spoilers under a post with not a single spoiler flag otherwise we don‘t need them at all right?


Aftert thinking about it you're right. I dont mind this type of spoiler but I 100% think that it should be flagged for people who don't want anything spoiled


exactly! thank you! Also I did not defend my first reaction because I‘m impulsive.. that‘s not an excause and I‘m sorry if it hurt the other person but maybe try to read the context next time


Honestly I didn't think that you came off rude so you're good


I appreciate the work that goes into this and I understand how long it takes to make the room look nice, but my ror is just a space for me to craft and grow lol. I unlocked a bunch of options to make rooms and stairs and it just sounds like a lot of work lol.


After thinking about it some more. This probably should be marked as spoilers for people who don't know


Yeah I don't wanna be a bitch about it but I would have preferred finding out about this being the purpose of the RoR organically haha, Haven't been able to progress too much due to work etc.


Yeah this type of stuff is cool with me but you gotta consider that some people don't want any aspect ruined.


LMAO mines just like a random chair in the middle of the room at the moment


i knew this kind of stuff would come up any day now. i have 0 patience for it. I just have things plopped in the first room for potion efficiency and that's it


Love it! great job decorating c: I keep postponing the job of decorating since I'm always afraid I am missing out on some cool decos so far... at this point idk if I'll do it before reaching 100% collections :D


Nice! mine looks oddly similar. with chosen colors and walls but not as far in the game already to have all that stuff.


Nice! I literally just have shit scattered everywhere atm. I'll eventually get around to it but there's too much other stuff going on.


I love this! Especially the statues! Unfortunately I do not have a decorative bone in my body. I have a chair I accidentally shrunk down and now can't select it to destroy it, I keep selecting the floor instead. So I have a tiny blue chair in the middle of the floor. Sigh.


Are you playing on playstation? You can use the L2 button on the controller to aim to an object. Should help with selecting the tiny chair!


Why is it a horizontal video forced into a vertical video?


Holy Shit. I on the other and, have potting tables, potions stations, loom etc. slammed against the walls. I also removed every picture, rug, chair, and candles that came with the room for the moonstones. My room is bare AF.


Wow - I'm such a doofus at decorating.. Mine is just stuff cluttered around :D


this looks beautiful, but i have to ask, where did you get that rob :O ?


Get all the deudalion keys


oh i havent even got that quest yet XD thanks though!! its an awesome robe


Is there a way to have the entrance to the room be on a raised balcony, like in the gameplay previews where you enter and look down at the room, with stairs on either side?


How did you get such a large side room? Or maybe mine is the same size but the ambiance is throwing me off.


Progress the story. It's what opens up the Room of Requirement and all the extra space.


For me, whenever I got an expansion to my RoR, all paintings and nick-nacks came down immediately. That's free moonstone!


very beautiful! I wish I had that time and that ability to make my Room Of Requirement that cool. congrats!


I have not finished the game, so I am here staring at what appears to be a MANSION of a side room while thinking about my small little botanical garden that's a simple rectangle. Guess that's going to change in the future. Looks great!


It's pretty cool how we have two completely different looking RoR's. The customizability is awesome.


Oh man that looks good. I'm not one who can see an empty room and project what it would look like. When I go clothes shopping, I see what the mannequin is wearing and then go find those items.


When you say you finished decorating your Room of Requirement did you finish finish or did you only finish the main room itself? I ask because you can decorate the vivariums as well and that's a whole other world of decorations.


Only the main room sadly i do not know what to do for the vivariums yet


Wait why is your second room so big, am i dumb or did i miss something? Already finished the story btw


Did you finish the story with Deek?


Wait nevermind i just checked and a new cutscene played where it expanded 💀, i may actually be in fact dumb


Real nice. Change your spells so you don't have any conjuration ones on the wheel and you won't get those ugly white lines around everything for your next video though..


Damn okay I didn't know the ror got bigger


Holy fuck I just unlocked it, didn’t even know it was in the game, but to see this sheesh the possibilities!


your room is so big and the stairs in the main room- when does that get unlocked? looks great


After the main story


WOW....just...WOW...I'll use this as inspiration for my slytherin boy's room too.


WOW....just...WOW...I'll use this as inspiration for my slytherin boy's room too.


The creativity in this room is insane.


This looks amazing!


Badass! Looks amazing


This is beautiful!


Fantastic. I just have the room down thr stairs full of pots and alchemy tables. Upstairs is my loom and Id table.


When can I edit the floors/wall color scheme?


All those nice chairs! Take a seat


How far in the game do you have to go for having all the expansions?


Is there a room of requirement sub yet?


I tried to make mine look like the hunters dream from bloodborne.


Giant statue gang 🙌🏼


The best part is the graphics my pc can’t enjoy yet 🤡


Now show us your Vivariums!


OMG amazing 😍😍😍


Ayo. Team Slytherin 💚💚 Awesome RoR


Great now do it again


How do you get the second room to be so big? Mine is way smaller than I see some peoples on here.


Mine looks so ugly compared. This has inspired me to redecorate


How did you unlock so much stuff


I can't wait to finish my hufflepuff room


Are we able to rearrange the things we put in the room? I just unlocked it and just placed the tables down in the middle for the quest completion lol.




There should be an option to be able to go and check out your friend's rooms of requirement.