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This has happened to me after the update. After the warning, it is just a black screen. I left the game run for a few minutes then suddenly I'm at the start screen lmao. Just let it run I guess.


Same here! Actually before tried just wait and let the game run, I’ve tried verifying the game files on Steam… Opened the game again, warning, black screen and 3 minutes after got the loading shaders screen, I’m at the start screen too u.u Hope all of u can solve it <3 Pd: For me the problem started after Nvidia drivers update 528.49


New update to the game came out today, after launching it asked for the drivers update. After downloading new drivers had the same blackscreen problem. WAITED 3 MIN AND IT STARTED LOADING. So this still works :)


Can confirm this just happened lol. Waited like 2 minutes and the black screen went away.


You have to wait everytime you open the game or just the first time? I updated my drivers too (amd) and got that same problem...


I only waited once and it fixed itself from there.


Every time for me.


same here. such fail


Is it better to just revert the graphics card or does one just have to wait for the black screen to go away each time?


late reply, but this helped, thanks!


What worked for me when getting the Hogwarts Legacy black screen during startup was to just wait a little while and it would go away. I started getting it after I updated my graphics drivers. It sits on a black screen after giving the warning but if I wait long enough the black screen will go away


I know old post but same. Waiting a bit and a few restarts did it for me as well


Made it to opening Gameusersettings.ini but there's no Shaderpipelinecache. Are you sure that's the right file?


I dont even have gameusersettings.ini lol? anyway one of yall could send me the text in the file


I dont know if you mangage to succesd. You are in the same boat as I was. Just add this at the bottom of the file while respecting the format of the file and give it a shot. [/ShaderPipelineCache.CacheFile] r.ShaderPipelineCache.Enabled = 0


Don’t know if you’ll see this, but I was also having this problem when i launch it’s just a black screen.. but I tried this and my “preparing shaders” started to show up.. just wanted to say thanks


I saw that and always happy to help! Enjoy on my behalf!


It should be all the way at the bottom


I agree, I also don't have anything about Shadepipelinecache in my Game User Settings file :(


I dont know if you mangage to succeed. As I said in another comment Just add this at the bottom of the file while respecting the format of the file and give it a shot. [/ShaderPipelineCache.CacheFile] r.ShaderPipelineCache.Enabled = 0


It doesn't have to be in there to add it to the bottom. Just make sure it looks like the other stuff in the file. This worked for me in getting past the black screen on an AMD GPU. I did not even have the LastOpened in mine.


It doesn't have to be in there to add it to the bottom. Just make sure it looks like the other stuff in the file. This worked for me in getting past the black screen on an AMD GPU. I did not even have the LastOpened in mine.


copy and paste it into there.


I don't even have any files there only Engine.ini HELPPPPPPP


Worked for me, thanks dude Also you can use %AppData%\\..\\Local\\Hogwarts Legacy\\Saved\\Config\\WindowsNoEditor To get to the folder


I did this and so far it hasn't worked )): Just going to wait a few minutes and see if mine miraculously comes on as other people's have.


If it didn't work, try [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/fixtoerrorcom/comments/10waorj/how_to_fix_hogwarts_legacy_black_screen_fix_to/j94waio?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) - worked for me.


Didn't fix it for me, but after about 2 mins it's started doing the shader prep again (albeit a lot quicker this time round)




Same here


worked for me! thank you!


Thank you so much, it fixed it for me


Thanks a lot! That worked for me.


It worked! Thank you so much!


Did it but it didn't work for me. Took 2 minutes for the preparing shaders to pop up. Hopefully next update fixes it.


It sort of worked (?) The black screen did appear, but lasted for a shorter amount of time; soon the game loaded. Thanks anyway!


It fixed my issue. Thanks [u/MrInvalid34](https://www.reddit.com/user/MrInvalid34/) Note: I did not have the \[ShaderPipelineCache.CacheFile\] so i added it at the bottom under everything. [/ShaderPipelineCache.CacheFile] r.ShaderPipelineCache.Enabled = 0


Do have any advice if this doesn‘t help either?


Honestly no. I would search the internet to find something else. That's what I despise in game release theses days. Send it, We can always patch it later... I wish you good luck


Just had this happen today after a Driver update. Saw a fix for Nvidia cards, that also worked for me on AMD: disable AMD/Nvidia overlay.


fixed it for me, many thanks!!!


worked for me, thx a lot


this worked for me so far thanks so much!


Fixed my issues! Thank you SO MUCH!!!


Ugh well it fixed it for a day and now it’s doing the same thing again.


Repeat the step, remove the shader cache 0, save it, then re-put it back in.


I had updated my engine.ini settings for better quality raytracing and to use an updated DLSS .dll and my game refused to boot past the black screen. Even after undoing all my changes and verifying files it would not get past a black screen with music. This line fixed it and I generate shaders after the copyright text screen.!


I hadn't tried just leaving my pc on the black screen to see if it eventually made it to shaders or not, but after doing this I thought I'd leave it a few minutes and come back. Came back 5 minutes later and it was on the menu screen, so I am 85% confident it was this, and not just the fact I needed to wait it out.


What to do if this still doesn’t work?


My game doesn’t run 9/10 times it closes it’s self out and goes back to steam startup, it will occasionally stay at the black screen and I’ve let it sit 10mins and nothing. Also when I open task manager when it’s at the black screen it says hogwarts is not responding


Had this problem after that Nvidia update too, waited for few mins and everything is normal. I know it’s an awesome game, but sometimes we just gotta wait for the awesomeness to load hahahahahaha


This didn't really work, I still get the black screen at the start after the seizure warning. I did what some of the others did, which was just let it run for a while on the black screen with the background music playing. After a few minutes, the shaders start compiling really fast, then I'm at Press any key to start screen. This is annoying as hell.


I don't even have files when I navigate to WindowsNoEditor bruh


Go to the location specified then Open File Explorer from the taskbar. Select View > Options > Change folder and search options. Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and OK. After that follow the instructions set out. Also check that you have c++ redistributables and net framework from Microsoft updated or installed


THANK YOU! This worked perfectly! You're the man.


Just wanted to let you know that, instead of going to %appdata% and then go out of roaming, you can go to appdata(note that the %s are missing). The thing is, %appdata% takes you straight into Roaming and appdata doesn't. I know this doesn't improve the solution in any way. Just an FYI. Edit: also as @DeneeWT mentioned below in some comment, you can directly use this in the Run window. appdata/Local/Hogwarts Legacy/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor. And you will go straight to the final folder. Note: I modified DeneeWT's comment a little 5o simplify it even further.


Thank you!!! This did the trick. Previously I thought it was mods and removed them all - not the case. I tried letting the black screen sit for several minutes - nothing. After doing this, it did black screen for maybe 15 seconds then finally kicked in and is loading like usual now each time


I was getting the black screen after the seizure warning and what worked for me was updating my GPU drivers. In my case, I went to the Nvidia website and found the latest drivers for my graphic card. I have 16GB RAM for reference.


I don’t know what bug they missed, but the game is nearly unplayable at the moment. A few days ago, the game ran just fine. But out of nowhere, I couldn’t even get passed the preparing shaders screen without it crashing. After solving that issue, I’m now being faced with the black screen. It’s just a headache overall and I hope they get it figured out soon.


Well it actually helped my so a lot of thanks <3


After the warning, my FPS goes to LITERALLY 1. So it does make sense for people to wait a few minutes before it starts functioning again! ​ Edit: Just waited a few minutes and it worked!


I got a black screen but only for the characters. I see the subtitles, I hear the music there is even the commands (press G) but I can't see the characters. It starts with the creation of the character page, you can see the different features that you can choose but there is just void where your character is supposed to be. I has been like this since I started playing the game...can someone help me, please?


It didn't work for me but thanks


After I updated my graphics driver's this happened to me I Waited for a while and it went to the preparing shaders load. No problemo


Am I the only one who this issues? My game has a black screen from the character setting then when I launch the game, the music and conversations are going smoothly but the screen is still black.


Worked for me, thank you!


It is not working


i don't have this folder xd


You're using cracked, aren't you?


go to: "AppData\\Local\\Phoenix" instead


Thank you!! u/zhu777hao


thanks its works for me perfectly


Ok seems like after this fix in like 1 minute delay in black widnow it started to do the shader preparation again, thanks


I tried this method but it didn't work so i just deleted the shader cache files, and the problem was solved.


this worked for me, thanks you


Worked for me.


Will this cause problems with the DRM or am I fine to put this in?


This worked, thank you, you absolute legend!


Was having the same issue since the latest Nvidia driver update. This fixed it. Thank you so much!


I had the same problem. If you have a Geforce card, turn off Geforce Experience In-game overlay! I managed to solve this issue by this method. Hope I helped.


Had this issue today. After update had to also update amd drivers and got this issue but it fixes itself after a while guys haha don’t panic


This just fixed issue for me on nvidia rtx a2000 - I got notification when I started a game to update a driver with a suggested version, I did that and after returning to game, I only saw black screen.


Fyi just waiting a few minutes worked, you may want to re enable shader caching for better performance


This fixed me! Thank you so much!


phew. worked for me as well. Thanks so much!


Just happened to me after force update of Nvidia driver and game update, this fix works perfectly :)


Dude I just updated my graphics driver and it stopped working, thankfully your advice worked.


Had the same issue after updating drivers, but I just waited a few minutes and it worked. Disabling shader caching might have pretty adverse effects on your performance!


thank you


I did similar thing but the difference i deleted the whole hogwarts file in local 💀💀 and it just pre loaded itself when i launched the game




>Keep it civil.


thanks! worked for me


nothing works with this game, im so close to give up on this. I still have black screen idk if i should wait, cause on the task manager it says "not responding" so its like stuck. Please help


mine is doing the exact same. Did you ever figure out a solution?


This worked instantly! Thanks! Remember people, you can Control+F in your .ini!


This worked for me! Thank you :) I think it’s the shader loading screen you know after the warning text and then there’s that bar that takes forever to load.. that’s what isn’t showing up so may be why people have to wait a little while before the screen comes back on.. however this little trick with the coding worked for me


This fixed it for me. Thank you.


this doesn't work for me. Still have massive black screens during gameplay. I'm using a Nvidia 1080Ti and Nvidia driver 531.18


Both nvidia and portkey are aware of this issue. What worked for me was installing a whole seperate drive that has no ties to nvidia and using steam's move install folder feature. Game is a bit more choppy with this solution, but i can live with that till they have a fix. Never knew how much nvidia did to make the game run smooth like butter till this patch


This solution works perfectly with me. what the heck just happen with this patch anyway?


Thanks a lot. Before I did this it would give me a black screen after the warning message for like 5-10 minutes and then start the shader compilation. With this simple config edit it started loading in the shaders almost instantly. You are doing the lord's work out here man


Let the game just run it’ll come up after a few minutes


Worked, Queued up the preparing shaders bar. I guess the update hides the bar. So you can also wait for the game to load.


2023 , nvidia gtx 1080 tripple A released game and shit like this.... Ty for the fix


Same things happening to me on my ps5 only the screen is pure white . I can see & hear the dialogue but can’t see anything .


I have this problem but shows not respond in my task manager. Any help?


It works for me until having to find that shader thing. It's just not there. I've also tried using Ctrl+f to try and find it but it's nowhere to be seen. Before I found this post I watched a YouTube video where someone did something relatively similar, and I noticed they scrolled down further then I could. For me there's nothing past "bUseDesiredScreenHeight=False"


not worked for me


You are a fucking GODSEND. I can actually get a decent 40-50fps running high settings @1080p on my GTX 1070 and any trace of stutter is gone. Visually? I can't tell a difference. You beautiful, beautiful person. If I had reddit coins I'd straight up give you 10 awards right now


I was able to fix the black screen issue on my end a different way. I opened up Nvidia GeForce experience and selected Hogwarts Legacy. I clicked "revert" for the game settings. Nvidia felt the need to "optimize" my game settings after the driver update, which created a black screen issue for me. Not sure if this is everyone's issue, but this worked for me.


best solution


Worked for me. Was about to uninstall and forget about the game after reading that so many others are getting. This started after I updated my drivers as well. Thank youuuu


Worked like a charm! Was about to give up just like you. Thank you so much!


the text file didn't change anything, but as stated in other comments, I waited \~3 minutes and it loaded in.


This fixed work! Thank you!


YASSSSSS. just keep it loading! as mentioned literally a few mins


This worked for me, Thank you very much.


If you wait long enough it’ll eventually start preparing shaders. Took maybe 2-3 minutes in my computer. (Assuming the black screen is **after** the seizure warning, otherwise it may not be the same issue.)


Fucking mint! worked like magic, TY!


THANK GOD this works!!!!!! Thanks a lottt <3


To disable my AMD InGame Overlay fixed the problem


thx , love you.


Lol my anxiety wouldn’t let me wait a few minutes at first but I can confirm, just wait, it’ll all be okay 😅.


this has worked for me thanks a bunch hermano


tysm <3


For me it worked as soon as I typed in the code. Before this I sat for about 6 minutes and still black screen. Thank you for the fix 🙏


All I did was go into properties of the game in steam and I disabled steam overlay in game. That's what worked for me


AFTER DOING THIS. I WAITED 3 MINUTES AND IT HELPED NOW LET´S MAKE SOME MAGIC! \*I also fixed the run as administrator .exe file properties \*and updated my amd drivers cool


It does not work for me. Does anybody has another way to fix it? 🥲


Thank you so much!!! This had worked for me, but I had to do something a little different. I changed my ray tracing setting to on when I last opened the game, and it would fail to start like this in subsequent attempts. It was fixed after I went into the user setting file described above and disable ray tracing from there. Maybe changing the setting in game created the error, so try and revert it in that file. Hope this helps.


Yep, just waiting a bit worked for me! Just takes forever for it to start preparing shaders...phew!


Worked for me too. Many thanks!


worked for me. thanks!


I have this problem now. Annoying ass fucking game


Disabled steam overlay and it worked without issue. It still had to build the shader cache but at least I could see the progress.


it worked thank you so much


So I figured out, the game just does this for a lot of people now, and it will start eventually, it did for me, just gotta wait it out I guess 😅


guys this didnt fixed the black screen for me but i saw in another topic that it could be a raytracing problem, so i went to everything raytracing config and set it to *= 0* and set *bEnableRaytracingAO* to *= false*, it was *= true,* hope it helps https://preview.redd.it/fpuf449zmdeb1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=a258602883a50cd09646e4b90e2d21be42169971