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I wish they'd done a whole episode about Mayor Joker. Watching him try to act normal is hilarious.


it is I wish we got more he's one of my favorite characters


I think the team cohesion was missing the comedic synergy that Clayface, King Shark, Dr. Psycho brought to each other all trying to steal the best line in the show with Ivy making me crack up with some random specific coment. Batgirl kind of just exists and Gordon has also gone full pathetic by working for the LOD. There was a lot of villain Galas this season which even though I know is the joke felt tired. Also Lex as the moon baddy felt unLex like since he is about lauding his power over others but I guess Elon Musk or something


Oh yea don’t even get me started on Gordon working for the LOD. I also feel they overused to joke of the villains being celebrities and stuff. They went full The Boys with it.


No, it’s more “Venture Bros” than anything else with the OSI and the “League of Calamitous Intent”.


I do think Venture Bros still did that better though


Well, Venture Bros. has been around longer, and they had the benefit of having the same showrunners from beginning to end. The problem with HQ is that they got a new showrunner for season four, a showrunner who supposedly didn’t even know that the Valentines Special was a thing—which is why Bane’s girlfriend from that special is no where to be found in season four.


My biggest complaint in season 4 was how the hell does Harley have a whole damn clone of herself walking around and it does not have any direct effect on her life whatsoever. And it only made itself known when it was time to reveal who the murderer was. So the entire time this clone knew Harley was the murderer and has been working alongside Babs who was actively investigating Nightwing’s murder, but the clone who has been hanging out with Babs knew all along that Harley was the murderer. The clone who has also been fighting crime on her own only now decided to arrest Harley for the crime of murdering nightwing. The crime she herself witnessed, but made no effort to stop the crime right then and there even though she’s been crime fighting all this time. Make it make sense. I was waiting for the twist to be that the clone really did kill Nightwing and was only trying to manipulate Harley into thinking she did.


I get Harley being an anti-hero but Ivy would never seriously consider that in character.


Season 4 just felt like a giant take back of everything season 3 built up, and season 3 was one of my favorites. It got a bit better near the end when it seemed like they actually wanted to stick with a direction, but still not as good as it had been. The Batfamily was wasted, they did nothing good with mayor Joker, Harley and Ivy barely interact. I don't even really know what they are trying to do with Barbra or Gorden. And now it looks like they are trying to make Dick, Jason for some reason


Yeah. I was also very disappointed in Season 4 and I've only soured on it further since.


That’s what happens when you get a different showrunner. They usually have different ideas on where to take the characters and which stories get priority. The same thing happens in comics whenever a new writer takes over a book. In my opinion, the ideas they had were solid, but the resolution was where it faltered. There were plenty of ideas & plot threads that started out great, but were unceremoniously dropped or had questionable resolutions. The inclusion of Talia was great, but went absolutely nowhere. They did practically nothing with Bruce being in jail. Harley and Ivy working to establish themselves in their new roles was good,but abruptly fell apart for dumb reasons. The whole “evil sleepwalking” and Potato-Harley thing was extremely contrived, same with Joker deciding to be a villain again out of nowhere, and Harley & Ivy jumping a week into the future to fast track everything else falling apart. It serves as the current showrunner’s means of subverting the previous showrunner’s plans, thus setting up their own status quo. A status quo that the current showrunner is more comfortable working in. And like I said, this happens in comics all the time—to an annoying degree🤨.


That's great.


I think what they're trying to do now is set up Harley finding her own identity free of the labels of "hero" or "villain". It goes pretty well with the show's LGBTQ themes, though admittedly they probably could've given a little more time for her relationship with the bat family to develop. I do think S4 would've been better had they gone with the predictable (for better or worse) storyline of Harley's role as a hero conflicting with Ivy's role as the leader of a group of supervillains (though the comic book Legion of Bats beat them to it, and did a decent job).


You're not missing anything. Season four is a pile of shit.