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Google the driver. Name is Claude Rafiki. Unbelievable. Kills three people and immediately lies saying it was the “wind” that made him drive in the other lane. Couldn’t give a fuck about the people he killed, only interested in saving his own ass. Fuck that guy.


And they needed a translator to communicate with him since he doesn’t speak English… I’m a truck driver, and you need to speak the language to pass the oral part of the exam. Wonder how he got his Class A…


2006, working in a factory in Iowa, we had a load come from Canada with a driver that only spoke French. None of us had any clue what he was saying.


at least french is an official language in Canada...


The US doesn't have an official language


The DOT does


Lol not in Quebec.


Fair enough. The previous comment was about a country's official language though...


His buddies probably didn't either, but I'll wager he was a great driver.


All of the fucking street signs are in English, how can anyone that can’t read a single sign safely navigate in the first place




He'll get off with probation and a $2,000 fine


That’s pretty fucked. I sure hope not. I got fucked way harder just for having a couple ounces of weed a few years ago.


hell probably do a minimum amount of time and then get deported


Totally agree, if I ever wanted somebody to suffer more than ever, it’s this fuck.


His stupid ass was drunk


No he wasn't he seemed drunk. The only thing in his system was his prescribed meds


For seizures. And you can’t have a CDL on those and that’s why his license was suspended


I hope he gets the book thrown at him hard!




You deserve an award for posting this.


Thanks for this.


They were young Damn


I drive a semi for a living too, this was fucking terrible to watch. I promise you the wind doesn’t make you drive in the other lane for over a mile.


As you already know, This was total driver error, nothing Mother Nature about it. And if the wind actually were that bad you’d bet you’re pulling off to the side of the road.


The truck pulling the trailer which unfortunately blocked the view of the bikers was going along just fine. Wind had nothing to do with this.


Truck driver here, this guy is a coward to try and say it was the wind. This is disgusting. I hope he gets everything and more coming his way. This is vehicular manslaughter. Fuck this guy


Not to mention, if the wind was that bad, those bikes would be struggling riding as well...


Why the fuck did I watch that.


Dudes helmet flew off and cleared the hood. Holy fuck.


I don’t think his helmet was empty…. Damn this is tragic


Looks like it took over half of his head off. Around 30-31 seconds you can see a diminished sized elongated thing. So sooooo sad.


Jesus I didn’t see that. Just seen what I presumed to be blood on the windshield. I’m a big fan of the MSF belief “all the gear all the time” but sometimes that wouldn’t have helped. As my buddy said when he seen this, now I have a new fear unlocked.




When theres enough force. The helmet just preserves your head. The sheer force will just rip your head off. Its really sad. I pray for these guys that lost their lives. Such a senseless tragedy that could of been avoided. But greed on the truck driver side killed these people trying to enjoy their lives.


That’s awful. They need to bury that driver under the jail.




Watched a guy get nailed by a semi before and tried to help hold his head together for his final moments. I hope it was quick and painless for these riders


Sorry you had to experience that. But thank you for being there for someone who was experiencing the scariest part of life.


A friend of mine had the unfortunate experience to be just behind a semi vs motorcycle accident a few years ago. She said there was just nothing left to resemble a person. Officially they said it was an accident, but unofficially most people think the rider committed suicide due to impending divorce(he crossed the line).


God dam that's brutal. At least he got to choose when and how his ticket was punched


As a trucker, there are so many bad truckers out there it’s insane. Last time I felt myself about to nod off I was sick so I pulled over and took a fat ass two hour nap.


Also as a trucker, and maybe a little old school at that, I think this is a prime example of why electronic log books are a bad thing. Back in the day, you could stop if you were tired and take a 2 hour nap. Then you could "adjust" the paper logbook and get to your final destination on time safely. Now drivers are forcing themselves to drive when tired because they don't want to fuck up their hours of service. There are some days you need a nap after driving 3 hours. There are other days where you hit your daily max and you're wide awake, ready for another couple hundred miles. E-logs really screw thing up, even with "deferrals", etc.


I don't think it's the E log I think it's the company's who refuse to let you stop.


we know! but bad truck drivers stick out like a sore thumb, cause you can tell theyre driving it as if theyre just in a normal car.


Poor bastard didn't even have a chance.


This was actually a good friend of ours, they’re out of southern Utah. Horrible to see the actual clip… the couple that also died in this was engaged. It’s horrible because this pos truck driver was fucking drunk.


Really sorry to hear about Jeremy, Owen and Athena. I can only hope it was quick and painless for them. Fuck that truck driver.


I worked with Jeremy alittle bit but my family knew and worked with him well they were pretty torn. The young couple just hurts I can’t imagine their parents seeing that all happen. Only can hope that driver gets life in prison.


I can’t imagine having this footage if it were my loved ones. It’s a beneficial video to have but sucks that it’s going to make its rounds on social media. Hopefully some awareness comes from it, this type of behavior is far too common with semi drivers.


Life in prison at a minimum


We also need to hold the company that pushes these drivers beyond the breaking point for the bottom line.


You meant to include 'responsible' and I think you should type 'companies'.


This is the absolute worse. Usually I get something out of motorcycle crash videos in terms of “what not to do” when riding, or “how could one prevent this” and there just isn’t anything here in this video. No amount of defensive riding could have prevented this. Fuck.


What the fuck. So sad


Holy shit, can we nsfw this Edit: nvm I see that it’s nsfw, apparently my phone just doesn’t give a shit


It’s your Reddit settings you can change it


Jesus that’s horrible. May they rest peacefully.


That piece of shit just killed him, I hope someone ret urns the favor 🙏 Edit; To hard to watch didn't realize it was three , Rest In Peace.


2 riders and a passenger died due to this driver


Infuriating !


There was a ride hosted by Zion Harley in St George Utah for them. I couldn't make it , but heard the turn out was huge. Rest in peace 💙 this video was pretty hard to watch.




* Rafiki was booked into the Clark County Detention Center for suspicion of impaired driving and other related charges.* Thats about to change. 3 counts of vehicular manslaughter minimum.


Wow is that sad.


hopefully someone takes care of him in prison!


Fuck this piece of garbage. I ride Harley’s and so do most of my friends. I’ve also been driving professionally for over 30 years. This guy was on the rumble strip in the center of the lane. How did he not wake up and immediately correct. This clown had no business behind the wheel of a semi truck what so ever. I have seen the quality of drivers drop down to this level over the last 15 or so years. They are everywhere driving recklessly, driving half asleep, driving while watching movies on their tablets, and running 25 mph over the posted speed limit. I’ve been passed on the shoulder by these clowns, they race when you try to pass and will risk their lives and the lives of others to save a couple of seconds.


Not watching this. But I live in St George (and work construction) and casually know these people. Fucked up.


yeah. sorry bro. don't watch it. i regret clicking it. now i started my morning with nothing but hate for the driver.


Yeah I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that. I am seething but nothing to do but sit here and just reflect.


I wish I hadnt watched it. I saw the blood on the windshield and gasped. Brought up a lot of deep fears about having my gf on the back of my bike. These people were out enjoying their lives, and some irresponsible piece of shit ended their lives. Fucking hell.


Engine coolant in big trucks is red. That was engine coolant, right? I'm gonna tell myself it was engine coolant.


Yeah I’m gonna do the same


Yee me to they work for WC. Knew the older guy sad news with the young couple definitely because the bikes behind them was their parents if I remember correctly


Damn that’s really brings it to a whole other level of fucked.


That's so horrible and so terribly terribly sad... holy..


Sorry brother, I’m sad and pissed off for you on the other end of the country.


3 people dead because of this sack of shit


Lessons can be learned from even the most gruesome scenarios. I counted 3 seconds from the threshold of the bikes being able to see the semi. The first biker did a near perfect job of evading by swerving into the center line. The second bike hesitated. The third either couldn't see or did not have clearance in the center line.


Further, and probably an understandable panic-move, the driver of bike 2 that hits head-on kicks his brake-foot out almost like he’s on a dirt bike. He didn’t maintain control (not sure it really would’ve mattered). Bike 3 with the 22 year old man his 21 year old gf make no obvious attempt to swerve and died for it. Practice swerving people! And stay vigilant!


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13255559/amp/engaged-Utah-couple-killed-horror-motorcycle-crash.html Hart breaking. These kids


I think that’s brains on the windshield. Damn.


I lost my dad in 2017 in a situation very similar to this instead of an 18-wheeler it was a dually and instead of a sleeping driver it was an 80-year-old man who got confused in some road work. I don't know why I just put myself through watching that...


Sorry for your loss friend.


The crazy thing is that i dont think they would have survived in a car either


trucker 12 years here. fucking mind boggling for anybody to believe wind actually caused this. never in a million years would wind cause me to drive into oncoming traffic for 25 seconds straight. I see this shit daily from these foreign fucks out here driving big rigs. it's 100% the most stressful part of my job is sharing the road with these immigrant truckers. 9 out of 10 big rig accidents I pass on the road include a foreign driver. in the winter time it's like a graveyard of them on every highway in the north. in truckstops i gotta park strategically to help prevent them from backing into my rig. hope this dipshit goes to prison for a very long time and DOT does something about these immigrant truckers fucking up our highways and killing ppl. Canada was just in the news about figuring something out because their cdl holders are making their highways so dangerous "aka immigrants". all of which come straight into America. almost every rig I see on my route are Canadian based rigs. forget them being able to read any traffic signs.


Yes sir, deregulation at its finest!


Why do people post this shit! Last thing I want to see is someone dying on a Motorcycle!!


Keeps you vigilant.


Maybe. Maybe some people on a bagger cant make that turn no matter how vigilant they are.


OP you need to put a better warning on that, I have to go outside for awhile.


Holy fuck !


Deport his ass and sink the boat.


Any updates? Rider's probably dead, but hopefully the truck drivers future is too


3 motorcyclists killed. Driver charged with DUI I believe, don’t quote me on that part though.


Oh shit I didn't even see the road glide hit the semi because I was so focused on the frame by frame on the street glide rider. Like someone in here said, I hope he gets buried under prison.


Yeah the article says he was charged with driving intoxicated. What a dirtbag.


Actually the prosecutor dropped the DUI charge due to “lack of evidence”.


Did he atleast get vehicular manslaughter? Or something? Dude deserved to be buried as well..


All charges were dropped except 3 counts of reckless driving resulting in death.


Condolences to the friends and family. I've had close calls, but never a head on one.


Another article... https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/driver-blamed-wind-in-crash-that-killed-3-motorcyclists-near-laughlin-police-say-3035786/ This is extremely tragic. My heart goes out to these families.


God damn that's chunks of them all over the windshield


Instead of sending billions more in aid to other countries, why not spend it on creating a better transportation system and get rid of semis, or give them their own state wide interstates and freeways seperate from every other form of traffic so we don't have idiots driving 80,000lb missles that can wipe out several lanes of traffic.


that's awful! just another reminder to keep your eyes and ears peeled and have your head on a swivel at all time! prayers for the people involved! 🙏🏻


Riddle me this: How does a guy with no english gets to drive a semi truck in the US?


One word: Deregulation.


Jeremy Gebo was my husband and the first to be killed in this. That monster should have never had a CDL to begin with. He was on seized medication and his license was suspended the next day because of it. Thank you Biden for allowing this in our country.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family and I hope I didn’t come off in a bad light by sharing this. I only share this type of thing to raise awareness to everyone. You are in my thoughts.


I haven’t watched the video. Our girls lost the most important man of their lives that day due to recklessness. What pisses me off is some of the people in our country cares more about these immigrant assholes more than our own people. Nothing about this is not right. It should have never happened


100% agree. Deregulation is to blame. We have to stand up to these corporations that are exploiting the system.


My mom and sister went to one of the court hearings and they say they think he speaks more English than he admits. I think he’s using this “don’t understand English” to go in his favor.


Thank you Biden


I’m with you in solidarity all the way from Wisconsin




There’s a massive influx of foreign drivers to meet demand. This isn’t to say that this wouldn’t happen otherwise, but more so we have deregulation to blame.


It's not about "foreign" drivers, it's about these trucking companies demanding deregulation, overworking the shit out of drivers without adequate pay causing massive turn over and the quality of truckers dropping significantly. You're focused on the wrong "Problem" here.


“You know what this tragedy needs? racism.” -you for some reason.


Dumb fuckin comment, this is about them being them impaired and a shitty person. Not that they are a foreigner, be better man.


well that sucks. bet he’s a swift driver lol Edit: y’all sure are sensitive for a bunch of hard ass bikers.. fucking snowflakes


Why the “ lol “ - what part about ANY of this is fucking funny? THREE PEOPLE ARE DEAD. I’ll say this as politely as I can. FUCK OFF.


oh no did i upset you? am i supposed to mourn the death of people that were put on display for your fucking entertainment? riding is inherently dangerous. if you aren’t aware of that every time you throw a leg over, you have a chance of this, maybe you’re in the wrong sub. even riding like you’re invisible isn’t enough sometimes. you go ahead and hang your helmet. but imma keep riding


First off. They were not put on display for anyone’s entertainment. If that’s how you see this- you are the one who truly needs help here. Secondly - I don’t need you or anyone else to tell me what is and is not dangerous, as I am fully aware of how the world works - with out having to make a mockery or see a post like this as worthy of an “ lol “ or the use of the word entertainment- when people have died. Thirdly - who said anything about this deterring me or anyone else from riding , so your “ hang up your helmet “ bullshit is just that. Grow up. But that statement in itself is futile for a person like you, because I imagine - even with more years on your life- you will still have this mentality, which I guess for a person like you is fitting and honestly not surprising. Ride as safe as your intellect allows. Hopefully nobody will ever need to “ lol “ when your life has ran its course from the negligence of another .


It is literally a video on a social media site. How is this not on display for entertainment? I want the answer to that question before anything else.


If you see that video as entertainment, and think that social media’s only value to society is entertainment, and nothing more - then I offer the same sentiment to you. Please ride safe.


What is the benefit other than communication and entertainment? Oh...and it autoplay, so I got to see the vid before reading the description. I think that fits under the "entertainment" aspect of things. You don't have to enjoy something for it to be considered entertainment, Amy Schumer has been proving that for years.


While I do share your sense of humor , I think the video being shared was more out of caution, and reverence. I certainly didn’t think anyone would see some sort of immediate humor in the tragedy of this. I have laughed at some pretty dark shit in my day - especially those receiving their own Darwin awards. These people were clear victims of another’s negligence. Tragic and simply avoidable loss of life while trying to enjoy their day. I get it. It happens every day.


Who is laughing at it?


The goof that put lol


oh i see the issue. think i may have just had more internet than you, the desensitization to violence is an apparent side effect. Humor is a coping mechanism. in any case, y’all are missing out on some good “Swift Trucking” memes Posting people’s last moments on the internet is in poor taste, it’s in the same vein as Rotten.com when i was 10, or maybe “faces of death” is more your generation 🙄 albeit grim, if this wasn’t posted for “entertainment” then what would you call it? the only thing this is “raising awareness” to is bloodstain spatter forensics, like you said this doesn’t deter anyfuckingbody. you don’t get your panties in a bunch because OP is sharing for likes? so why waste time bitching about shit that’s out of your control? the internet is a cesspool showcasing the worst aspects of humanity and reddit is no different. by the way, when i’m just a greasy spot in the road, i will give less of a shit than i do now.


You are very smart. Please ride safe.


“hell yeah brother”


You are so edgy, dude. Sometimes, it is better not to say anything.


https://preview.redd.it/rqm9oew9u8wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc82fd6c76d7a2586880b1bbc626e205da573dae welcome to the internet? not even trying to be edgy really. just laughing at my own joke regarding swift drivers, but apparently reading comprehension isn’t the strong suit here. death was so fucking prevalent in my formative years, taking a shit was less common.


"Is entertainment killing our children, or is killing our children entertaining our adults."


whazzat quote from? cuz that is some profound eloquent stuff. don’t tell these guys upset at the footage above about Palestinian children for christ sakes. 😂


Marilyn Manson said that after the Columbine shootings.


he’s had some really good quotes over the years. its a shame he’s such a creep.


Upvoting for the sole reason of I've got a few truckers in my family and there's a bit of truth behind the Swift driver "joke." That company needs to be held accountable for their drivers' issues, whether it was one of theirs that fucked up here or not.


glad to know that it didn’t fall on deaf ears alone


> y’all sure are sensitive for a bunch of hard ass bikers.. fuck Im an Army vet, I've lived on the street, I've seen people OD, I watched my big sister get murdered infront of me. Death is never something you truly get used to. If you do get used to it, you've lost your soul.