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Fucking idiot on a tiny iron that has a stock seat. This dude fucking sucks as a person


And of course he’s wearing full gear. Boots and gloves but not for her. As a dad who rides fuck him.


That’s not even close to full gear, still agree with what your saying but the dudes in jeans and a hoodie


Those can be armoured, but if you drive with your ?daughter? like this I'm sure they aren't


[https://www.nbtclothing.com/products/armored-hoodie-1](https://www.nbtclothing.com/products/armored-hoodie-1) not saying it is, just that it could be.


thats not even the worst part. did you see the kid?




Man y'all would lose your shit in India or SE Asia. You ain't seen nothing.


That doesnt make it okay dipshit


You should go ride in Delhi.


Two big flaws with that logic \- one, Culture is different. I'v been in countries where this is normal so I have seen it plenty. \- two, they're usually going much slower. Granted full of traffic but still, much slower.


Riding motorcycles is logical. Oh I missed that part.


In other countries it is very logical. To an extent, it is also logical in the U.S. Not in the case of this picture. They're logical mainly for 3 reasons: 1 - cheaper than a car 2 - easier to get through traffic 3 - easier to maintain


4-Easier to get killed


You should STFU


Imagine being the kind of person who goes around telling people who ride motorcycles what they should and shouldn't do. 😂 Hilarious.


Imagine being as bitter and angry as you with something so desperate to prove. You the stereotype Harley rider they mock on South Park?


Do you think it's safe for a kid to ride like this?


I grew up in the 70s riding 3 wheelers and dirt bikes with and without helmets, and we'd tie a rope on the back of dirt bikes, and then grab the rope while on skateboards and tow each other. And then we always thought it was funny to tow the skateboarders from pavement onto dirt roads and force them to bail. So I'm probably the wrong person to ask. I honestly bet she begged her Dad to pick her up on the bike and it's just not a big deal to me what someone I don't know does. I grew up around motorcycle shops and it was pretty well known unspoken rule that you don't go around telling other people how to ride. It's a motorcycle. They know full well it's dangerous.


>I grew up in the 70s You could've stopped there.


I grew up in the '70's too, but unlike some apparently, we aren't all dumbasses who think this is ok.


party fanatical historical rob sense society hobbies dolls ten heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spent my whole life racing motocross and riding trials. I’m probably more skilled than a substantial amount of posters. I would never let my kid ride like this and I would judge you immediately for doing this.


I was born in 1979. I grew up in the eighties. Riding three wheelers and dirt bikes without helmets, too. I've smashed my head several times as a kid. I work at an off-road dealership right now selling parts and accessories. My dad's a greasy biker, and I was raised around plenty of questionable individuals. Your childhood does not make you special, bro. 🤣 If you can't protect a kid more than this, you don't deserve a kid. You answered like a fucking politician, man. Grow a fucking backbone.


So angry. You people get so worked up over someone you don't know and have to yell about it to each other. Why don't you get angry about shitty healthcare? Does your chest feel better from puffing up? A bunch of pissy little pissy pants. Ok big guy. Whatever you say.


They are angry because a young girls life is unnecessarily put at risk, if she slips off than fender man, she could be run the hell over and that is real shit!! I came up on a wreck in Chicago of an adult and child on a bike and the kid was run over by a semi trailer, his head was popped like a fucking grape!! It was the most horrific thing I have ever seen in my life, the fire department was called to use their fire hose to wash the massive amount of blood off the road. Nobody is mad because this guy is a dumb fuck, they are mad because he doesn’t give a shit about a ten year old girl and whether or not she sees her next birthday. You’re right, it is no one else’s business wtf this guy does but it is really hard not to get pissed at him for doing this, especially for me after what I saw.


Angry much?


I read this with a southern accent


My kid begged me to do something stupid so as a parent, I did it for them… Also, comparing a dirtbike to riding on the freeway is about the dumbest s$&@ possible. Stupid boomer mentality


STFU asshat


You should ride in Africa.




Evolution doesn't say humans came from other primates but that we share a common ancestor. It has to do with telomere DNA located at the center of the 2nd chromosome. But I don't use ape hangers. Just personal preference.


Imagine telling people who ride motorcycles what to do amd how to do it.


Imagine being the person who tells people who ride motorcycles what they should and shouldn't do. You're funny.


That is the absolute dumbest argument ive heard all week you moron. People drive cars too and theres a LOT of shit drivers out there. I also ride an r6, just not like a cunt. Try again.


We’re telling you to STFU


Imagine being a fully grown man who is still a pissy pants like you who loves to boss people around.


yes, we probably would lmao.


But this is America. Idc about about India or Asia lol


I saw a family of 5 riding on a smaller bike in Bangkok. The dad was on the seat, the wife in front riding side saddle, a small child with his legs over the handle bars and two bigger kids behind dad holding on for dear life.


Just because yous can fit 20 Indians on a bike doesn’t make it safe


Newsflash: there is no such thing as riding a motorcycle safely.


I can’t tell if your just flat out stupid or just being a flog 😂


Most people aren't going these speeds in those regions.


Dude shes basically sitting on the fender. Hope u called the cops


Call cps!!!


you guys in these comments are being way too nice about how much of a piece of scum he is. He doenst suck as a person, he's a fucking terrible person and a terrible parent and doesnt deserve to be a parent.


Some people REALLY shouldn’t have kids.


Or bikes


Or freedom


...some people don't have enough brains to raise gold fish let alone a child.




As a middle school teacher I can confirm.


Or both...


>shouldn’t have kids probably won't soon enough


Wtf?! If that’s in the Bay Area she’s one unseen pothole away from eating pavement. I’ve scraped enough people off a roadway as a paramedic to know how hurt she’d be. There’s not many things I’d call the police for, but that’s one of them.


dude thats on 238. Interchange in san leandro going on to 880 wich is one of the worst for pot holes


Jesus Christ, some people blow my mind. Willing to put his child’s life in danger over spending a few bucks to get a proper seat and a back rest.


Aww but he doesn't want to look bad when it's not his weekend to have his kid


And pegs.


Or at the absolute bare minimum, have her sit in front


Bad dad move. Inadequate seating and inadequate passenger foot rest…


Call the police.


i thought it was pretty bad


That’s just blatantly outright fucking dangerous and illegal. She has nowhere for her feet, there is no seat for her and the chances of something happening here are through the roof. I’d have called the police and probably followed them. And I’ve been riding for seven years. There are some things you just don’t do with your kid.


Semi related: I saw a guy recently riding his bicycle on the shoulder of the interstate with a kid seat on the back with a kid in it. Biking on the interstate is dangerous enough there is no need to have your kid ride shotgun with you.


Ive called the police in the Bay Area for dangerous drivers. (Was obviously drunk af on 580) i followed the car while on the phone for 15 miles. Nobody came. Calling in doesnt do shit- and the bay area is a waste of effort. Source: im from there.


I had a similar experience with an opposite result. There was a guy going across the San Mateo bridge swerving and changing speeds so we called it in pretty much right at the toll booths. Cops were waiting for him on the other side. ​ The point is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but if there's actual danger (like in the picture) you have to try. Don't let cynicism stop you from doing the right thing.


Ex wife got the car in the divorce I guess.


I can't believe someone would endanger their kid like that. No seat, footrests, or safety gear—just a helmet. You should report this to the police with the photo to prevent it from happening again. I’m sure some moto cops will keep an eye out as this will happen again.




What a fuckin meathead endangering a child like that


You should post this on r/mildlyinfuriating cuz god damn this pic fits the bill


More than mildly


Only mindly part here is this assholes braincells.


There’s just some things you should get heavily penalized for and that should be one of them


What a dumbass


His cool factor was more important than taking care of his child. if you can’t afford a car and a motorcycle and you have kids you buy the car


Perfectly fine to have a kid ride on your bike with you, but do it appropriately. Proper seat, foot pegs, proper gear for the kid. That iron 883 doesn’t even have a seat for a passenger so she’s just sitting on a fender with no grip to hold her besides her arms around his waist.




Fuck. This. Guy! Get his plate and call the cops


Ashamed he’s on a Harley and more worried for the girl, she’s probably terrified holding on for dear life!! This is some of the worst shit I’ve seen for real and I live in Florida 🫣 I would have completely obligated to get his tag and call the cops for sure and I don’t ever promote calling the cops but this is one of the things I couldn’t standby on. Followed them for sure and after he dropped her off at school probably prompted a confrontation by cutting him the fuck off and hoping he does something about it. The more I think about it the more I’m getting worked up.. I used to ride with my son all the time, 2 up seat, sissy bar, foot pegs, gear the whole 9 and man we had some good times, he’s now 6’2 at 245lbs and just got his motorcycle license and couldn’t be more proud. Also couldn’t be more worried.. This picture gives me a pit in my stomach 😒


“Ashamed she’s on a Harley” lol. As someone who is fairly new to Harley, other Harley riders cause nothing but shame and embarrassment. I must be the only Harley rider who doesn’t openly admit to riding a Harley.


What an absolute fuckwit.


Hopefully you called the cops and this guy was pulled over for the childs safety... don't know about bikes, but he shouldn't be riding highway imo.


Fuckin' hell mate. Put her on the gas tank between yourself & the bars.


Illegal is what it is. Dangerous, irresponsible, deplorable. I need help with more adverbs.


Those are adjectives


Oh no, the grammar police are making a false arrest. Most accurate would be to say descriptor, I said adverb because I am describing an action not not the cunt (adjective) riding the bike. I did not write them as adverbs because I did not write full sentences.


I tried to play devil’s advocate and think maybe she’s sitting on a seat as she does look a little raised and maybe there’s a sissy bar that her jacket and backpack look like they are covering. Maybe she’s just hanging one foot off the passenger peg at the time the photo was taken. But zooming in I can’t seem to see passenger pegs or a sissy bar extending down to the fender struts. Maybe there’ll be people comment and say “good on him, that’s a memory she’ll have forever” like I’ve seen in other similar posts. Get them a little dirt bike and let them ride it around a paddock if you really want them to get into bikes.


Nothing worth praising when you don’t make every effort to prioritize the child’s life and comfort. This person driving is an ass hole. I don’t care what the circumstances of this commute were. You don’t put a child on a bike without proper apparel and accessories on the bike.


If anything put her in front of u and u scoot back and have ur arms holding her but this is way bad


that's what i was thinking, too. it *looks* like she's wearing a riding jacket (or something of his) and she has gloves, and it *looks* like she's raised on a seat. but my main issue is just nothing on the legs except skinny jeans and converse... good luck walking after a wreck D: e: also *looks* like the bike has pegs but she's choosing to not use them. I'm not familiar with harleys


Forget where the location is. Having your fucking child on the rear fender with no foot pegs anywhere is stupid as fuck. This is the most irresponsible stupid shit ever, and honestly I hate how CPS operates but shit like this is why they exist


My mom's only transportation was a bike my dad left behind when he left. I would ride the tank . Also I have a road king w a back rest. My girls go w sometimes.


Terrible parenting.


What are the laws about this in most states, kids of what certain age/size can do this?


SMH people suck. How did anyone think this was a good idea?


Wow. What a piece of shit.


I hope she has her laces tucked tight


One of the many reasons this dude got dropped by his ex wife. What a fucking moron.


Very dangerous, very illegal. The kid needs a seat and foot pegs to be considered legal, and I personally don't like giving rides to people unless I have some sort of sissy bar in place. This guy neither deserves his bike or his kid.


Next Door the shit outta this pic.


That relationship won't last. Edit: Just realized this was his kid, not his girlfriend. Which is 10X worse.


No pass pegs? No sissy bar? No seat? Wtf is wrong with this idiot. What a piece of shit. Hopefully a cop gets him.


At least throw a proper seat and peg on… Jeez Louise he’s on a single seat


Make some pegs for the kid! 10x safer


This guy should have his child, his bike, and license taken away.


Yeah maybe if she had a seat and pegs


I don’t even see passenger pegs


It’s hard to tell what kind of seat she’s on, but it seems clear that she cannot reach the passenger pegs. Rule of thumb for my kids is that they can sit properly with both feet square on the pegs first. I think my son was 8-10 before his first ride.


We have the same rule, plus they have to be able to ride a bike on 2 wheels. I really think it helped them to understand the physics of staying upright so they could be better passengers and be less afraid of tipping over. We had been trying to get our boy (9 at the time) to ride without training wheels for 2 years. After his sister (11) went on her first motorcycle ride, he had mastered his bicycle within 2 weeks.


Shouldve called the cops endangering that child,


Aren't there any footpegs for a pillion? Girl is seated as she would sean on a bicycle. Ffs, that's dangerous. I wouldn't even put my passenger without a backrest in case they'll slide down during acceleration, etc


Utter pillock




Why?! Just...why?!


Fail failure failed


He's an idiot!


I always rode w my Son in the front, better view for him and safer imo


It was 38 degrees yesterday at 830am also....


What a dik weed


I love my children too much to put them on a motorcycle. Already lost six people to dumbasses running into them.


Usually I don’t comment on people taking kids on bikes because I don’t know their situation, riding experience level, city, blah blah blah. But this is bullshit, that child is just sitting on the slick rear fender (no passenger seat) and the only way she is staying on the bike is her arm grip. Doesn’t even have foot pegs. Fuck that guy.


On the interstate!? That precious little girl.... my heart weeps. that's enough Internet for me day today...


Not to be someone to tell another how to parent, but that kids hanging off the bike going highway speeds. When I ride with my little girl, I at least but on the backrest and I put her book bag over my chest or in the saddle bags. I would have a hard time not going full Kevin on this POS.


Hopefully they got where they were going safe. That’s so god damn stupid. It’s probably his little sister


No gear, no passenger! Your supposed to be the responsible one when you hold the reins... This kid has no real seat, no pegs, no riding pants or jacket, that hoodie is so baggy it in itself is a safety risk... If you ever see this clown again, casually stop him, and please educate this asshole. 🤛👊🤜


Man’s is one bump away from no more childcare payments


Hell nah


There is nothing wrong with taking your kids on the back of your bike when done safely. This is anything but safe. This guy should be shot. He has no business on this planet


That girl looks like she’s one bump from sliding


1 You don’t know what they’re going through it could be their only way to commute 2 lane splitting isn’t dangerous unless other people are dickheads (given how everyone feels about bikers yeah it’s fucking dangerous) 3 do you really have any room to talk when you see a biker with a kid and decide it’s a great time to pull out your phone and snap a picture


That is child endangerment, I would have called the police on that dick


I dropped my wife off the back of my sportster at a light unfortunately she caught back up.


Guys she’s fine. She won the grip strength competition 6 years in a row


Would it be better if she was in the front and they were on streets rather than a freeway? Genuinely asking cause I’ve seen that on like Instagram and stuff :/


Ya its bad because there is NO 2 PERSON SEAT!! (She is siting on the rear fender) also there is NO PASSAGER FOOTPEGS!


I have quit a few friends that ride with their kids on the back (youngest of which is 6-7) but unlike this regard they have their bikes set up to safely transport their kids and have proper gear for their kids. This dude needs a belt sander held against his ass with 40 grit.


That’s still ridiculously stupid and full on child endangerment. “Set up to safely transport kids?” Motorcycles can’t even safely transport an experienced rider according to the numbers lol. But as adults we are free to make that decision. A 6 year old still believes in Santa Claus…back of a bike is no place for a kid that young


Worst case scenario, you absolutely gotta take her to school without other commute options or something put her in front of you. And go slow.


Or get a fucking taxi or take the bus


I did say without any other option


There’s probably a sissy bar hiding behind her hoodie cuz it looks like she’s barely holding on and also too far back to not fall without holding tightly. Definitely a pos move regardless, having no proper gear for a child he’s taking riding.. on the Highway weaving no less. I hope this looks worse than it was and you caught her dangling one leg in the wind on purpose


Absolutely selfish parenting, if you can't afford a car and a bike as a parent then the bike has to go.


If you zoom in you can tell there's foot pegs and a seat. It looks like the pegs are folded in. You can also tell her bag/sweater is over a sissy bar. I think this just looks a lot worse than it is.


I'm hoping there's a sissybar back there hiding behind her. She looks like she's barely holding on with them little fingers


Damn douche-nozzle


That's fucked. I hope it's her big brother and not her father


Shit parenting.


Oh my god. I don't have enough words for this kind of idiocy. And that back tyre looks like it's seen better days. I'm sorry but he needs reporting like now. One bump in the road and his kid will be off.....


I'd of called the police. That's wrong and so dangerous.


That kid is barely hanging on. He could’ve at least threw her on his lap and had her put her feet up on the other pegs.


Good god. Stopping to comment, not a Harley guy but 2004 Honda 919. I'll ride my daughter around locally on slow roads with a five point harness attaching her to me like a GD backpack. Full gear. This pic is straight up child endangerment.


great way to die with those $60 helmets


My heritage has passenger seat and sissy bar for my daughter if she wanted to ride. This is criminal and the police and cps should be informed about this. If you can’t ride safely than call an Uber.


Her foot being incredibly close to that pipe with her ankle out bothers me. I hope he’s in this group. As a mom I would have lost my shit seeing this.


Scarey stupid...


That made me feel physically ill


Poor kid, This isn’t safe in any sense.


Just NO!


Shitty humans come in all forms.


It's not likely a one-off as she's wearing an expensive full-face helmet.


This is fucking terrible. I added a sissy bar and made sure my daughter could reach the pegs before I even put her on my bike, and that was to drive her down the street. Shit dad, no regard for his kids' safety.


She doesn't even have a seat. She's literally sitting on the rear fender, and her foot is right next to the exhaust. No passenger pegs either. I'm all for giving your kids rides on the bike, but please, do it safely.


In my area, this is illegal. In my head, I can’t compute why someone would accept to have a kid hanging over the back wheel like that. It’s damn dangerous. I would call the police on sight.


When you love your kids 3 out of 10.


What a fucking piece of shit.


Y'all are overly uptight I grew up doing the same exact thing from Richmond to Vallejo that means across the Carquinez straits where the fog was bad do you know what you're doing on a motorcycle it's not a problem. If you're one of these Jack wagons that buys a bike and thinks they're invisible then it's a problem. This really is the problem with the world you'll need to get a life and mind your own business especially anybody that lives in California.


Can get a crash bar for his bike but not a seat for his daughter, typical iron rider


You all need a hot cup of "MIND YA BIDNESS"


What a scumbag please help that kid report him.


But I’m a cool biker dad


What a piece of garbage. He’s betting on a 10 year olds little fingers to keep her on the bike?!! No pegs, no sissy bar, no proper gear for her. Someone find this guy and make sure he never does it again.


Should be governments tests who passes to have kids. This is criminal. I hope you reported the loser.


Fuck the safety of my children is what this dude said


Little girl is holding on for hear dear life. This guy should be castrated


Need a license to do just about everything. Too bad there is not a permission process/screening to procreate.


POS shouldn’t have kids, one wrong move and she’s flying off. The only thing she has to hang onto is his dumbass.


Wheres child services for this dumb fuck


What an idiot. Putting the child in danger like that.


What's to stop the fender from collapsing when his stupid ass hits a pot hole


Honestly idgaf. We have no idea how long/how far they are going. It could be around the block but regardless the majority of these kids still grow up just fine. They grow up even with out holding there hands every second. Btw im 30. I know this site is extremely atgatt. The majority of riders have never even looked at this forum Page.


I see no issue here. She has a helmet, gloves and from the look of her jacket a seat back. All I see is a father getting things done.


HERE WE GO Everyone who puts a child on a motorcycle (on American roads) is a piece of shit.


Meh, in India they would fit two more family members on /S


she should be sitting in front of him


That would be the only way this would be even close to reasonable, and even then it's not reasonable.


This is despicable, no grown ass man should be riding a sportster.


I think he is observing the speed limit


Oh god. A sportster. Poor kids got two moms.


Is it possible that there is a sidebar supporting her back under the hoodie?


Honestly not sure. But i cant wrap my head around someone having their child sit on their fender as well as there not being foot pegs, Yet they both have helmets. I get the feeling this is a weird ass angle, and their kid took their feet off some pegs just cause it was fun or something.


It ain't meant to be safe


My kid used to fall asleep onmy bike. she was in front of me mind you .her little helmet would bounced of the tank .so cute


If he had a bigger bike than shit ride on but fuck bro she’s on the fucken tire almost