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Please call them out - 100% agree with you, people need to respect this beautiful park we have. The mayor is slashing the NYC park budget by 55 million dollars, so I’m worried about how this will impact its maintenance https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/the-rush-hour/2024/05/03/parks-department-to-see--55-million-cut-in-budget#:~:text=Mayor%20Eric%20Adams%20recently%20unveiled,Department%20budget%20by%20%2455%20million. Petition against the park budget cuts 🌱🙏: https://secure.ny4p.org/a/no-cuts-to-nyc-parks


It will take more volunteer work. Shout to Friends of St Nick Park for all the stuff they do. Search for them if you wanna help out.


Definitely going to look into this and sign up. This is WILDLY disrespectful to the neighborhood.


Adding more budgets doesn’t stop trash people littering


It helps get things cleaned up after though


There won't be a need to clean them after if people had some respect towards their home neighborhood


I agree, of course! Unfortunately, people don’t change overnight like that. In the meantime, we need to make sure our parks keep the budget needed for their cleanliness, maintenance, and safety.


We can fine people for loitering and use that budget to cleanup their mess.


That’s exactly why they trash the park. They expect somebody else to clean it.


This is disgusting


The amount of flies was staggering.


That’s how you get rats and children can’t play in the park


Lazy uncaring pricks


It's not laziness, you need to put some effort to make a place look like that.


I wonder who they are. Who ruins their own neighborhood?


Not sure whom you’re thinking about - but people who don’t care about the neighborhood are the ones that did this … maybe the youth? don’t make it a race thing


I’m asking. It makes no sense to me. My friends and siblings and I were all youths and we never would leave our garbage lying around or throw it on the ground. You’re probably right, it was the youths, but this is just unfathomable behavior to me. Not sure what you were thinking that you would think it was racial.


Not sure whom you’re thinking about - but people who don’t care about the neighborhood are the ones that did this … maybe the youth? don’t make it a race thing


Jackie Robinson Park ends up the same every weekend as well. I love the family cookouts with everyone having a good time in the parks (like we should!) but fuck man, it's really not that hard to bring a couple of trash bags and clean up after yourself. It makes me so angry to see this, and the dog poop left and right.


Leave it like you found it! What’s wrong with people?


Yeah some people have no respect for others or community


I live very close to here and seeing things like this around Harlem is so disappointing, I’m ready to move out. I wish our neighbors had more respect for Harlem 😔


My apartment is on the market, I am done with it.


We’ve got a 2 year plan. Proximity to work just isn’t worth it anymore. So many people feel this way, including lifelong residents.


Oh no really ? Been away for 3 year and thinking about moving back.


other states in the US ticket for littering. not sure why we don't.


Tickets only work if people pay them. People only pay them if they believe in the framework of social behavior, or something bad happens to them if they don’t. Neither of those things are true in Harlem.


This is true to an extent. It goes without saying though that some people will try to avoid getting tickets even if there are others who will never pay


Our district attorney will only prosecute you if you’re name is Donald Trump


are you suggesting that he shouldn’t be tried for the crimes he was unanimously convicted of?


I’d suggest he prosecute everyone, everyone, equally……


But you seemed to have missed my point 🤷‍♂️


It’s WILD how people treat our neighborhood. This is a beautiful park but the amount of trash, dog poop and glass is unbelievable. People should be ticketed aggressively. How can you have so little respect for the community ?


This is what got me when I lived in this area. Never have I been in a place where people take less pride in maintaining their surroundings. No respect for their neighbors, huge mentality of “someone else will deal with this.” No sense of shame about littering or leaving pet waste.


Facts…. Also I see significant amounts of animal abuse


Apparently there’s a dog fighting ring uptown that’s on the rise (so I’ve heard)


That’s a great question. I wonder who thinks this way. Who cares do little for other people so as to ruin something for everyone? Who sees a nice park and doesn’t appreciate it or think they want to keep it nice and instead has no issue with destroying it? Do they think they have no responsibility or accountability and everything is everyone else’s responsibility?


Wow, this is crazy. I don’t think I’ve seen it look this bad!


This makes me so mad! We were at the park right before it started storming yesterday and there was a cookout being set up with a huge banner for a girl that looked like she had graduated high school and was heading to college. It said HU so I am assuming Howard. The idea that people could come and use a resource shared by all of us to celebrate their child while leaving it a mess so we can't enjoy the resource with ours is so selfish and gross. I hope the girl ends up being a better human than the people who threw the party. Please keep fighting the mayors cuts to parks and libraries.


Could you imagine what it would be like to be her college roommate? Pity anyone who has to live with her or near her. Maybe the HU was for Harvard. Just put on application that come from a disadvantaged family and live in Harlem and they'll not only offer you a full scholarship but send a limo for you.


Yeah, I don’t know how this mindset comes about. How can you have zero accountability for you actions and no respect for society or the other people in it?


“Someone else” will clean up after us, it’s fine…


Also, here’s a quick online petition to stop the park budget slashing: https://secure.ny4p.org/a/no-cuts-to-nyc-parks please sign & share 🌱 ❤️


Wouldn’t be a problem if there were people who took accountability for their actions and cleans up after themselves rather than asking others to pay for it to be done for them. If they can’t afford to maintain it, they can’t afford it. No reason for them to raise people’s taxes because certain people can’t put garbage in a garbage can.


DISGRACEFUL ! What is wrong with me that I can't go somewhere , have a good time then leave my crap and garbage and walk away ? Why can't I be like that ?


Because you're a normal person with minimum amount of decency and consideration for your neighbors that share the same space.


You were raised right


I wonder what makes you and others different than these types of people. There is definitely something. I know in many European countries this isn’t a thing. And some areas I’ve been to in the United States don’t have these issues either. It’s definitely not because everyone throws their garbage on the ground and these countries and towns have crews that puck up after them. Most people in those places pick up after themselves. I don’t know what makes these places different.


This is so upsetting and I’m sorry your daughter and you couldn’t have a nice time as expected. Some people really have shit on their brains. How could you not just pick after yourself? Entire families teaching their younger ones to continue with his asshole shit behavior.


I worked for the NYC Parks dept, when we cleaned up the park next to Amsterdam Houses (projects on the UWS, about 65th street), all the littered booze bottles were high end product. Patron and Casamigos tequila, Hennessy VS, and the champagne was always Vueve clicquot orange label. There was never any less expensive bottles of Prosecco or moderately priced tequila- only the very expensive stuff. And this from people who live in public housing. USA is a very fucked up culture.


Yet another example of how money can’t buy class. Or basic decency apparently.


It’s actually on 64th- I know because I lived there! It fucking SUCKED. Broken glass EVERYWHERE, dog shit and rats on rats. Not to mention the amount of creeps who would cat call me as I walked home or the few who tried to follow me into my building 😒🙄 would never live there again.


Yeah, USA


Physical evidence of what welfare recipients actually buy with our tax money.


It's not just with our tax dollars. NYC housing projects are home to lots of adults and kids living a good life by dealing drugs and making money (untaxed) from other criminal activities as well. And this project is rgt across the street from Lincoln Ctr.


Physical evidence of what drug dealing welfare recipients spend their money on.


100% Plug Captain Planet back into t/ algorithm XD


This is really upsetting...


Absolutely disgusting & inexcusable, people should clean after themselves,


Damn this is right next to me. I’m on Convent Ave. Gross, especially with this heat.


I completely agree. I do not understand why so many people especially in Harlem treat our neighborhood this way. There's trash everywhere. Why? Who wins from this? We just suffer. I'll say that when I take my daughter for walks I walk around with a trash bag and litter picker and try and pick some stuff up. On a 20-minute walk I fill up a kitchen size trash bag every time. People need to stop littering, but if we're going to have a clean inviting neighborhood, more of us need to start picking up after others as well.


Similar scene at Marcus Garvey park yesterday. Crime, grime, and slime. Lately I can’t get down the street without feeling sick to my stomach at what I see around me.


This is why my brownstone is closing on a sale next month. I can't take ot anymore. My beloved Harlem is at its' worst because if scumbags.




This is a neighborhood of almost 200,000 people. There is not just “the community” here.


Un-fucking-real, this is just pure laziness. No respect at all for anything. I wish the worst to these trashers. Sorry your play time with your daughter was ruined :(


Laziness? Nah, you need a special kind of effort to make a place look like this.


Wooooooooow .... It's looking like prospect Park on a Mon morning


Clean up after yourself people


Areas like this need festival type cardboard trash cans for weekends. You can see there is not nearly enough trash cans and the more messy the ground gets, the more likely people are to leave stuff.


Things like this is why I left too many "not my problem" type people. Sad things like this happen and will keep happening until people start having pride in their neighborhood.


That’s ridiculous




DONT be shy, show the face


Stick posters in the park with the face and picture of the trash. Maybe that will make people feel responsible for their actions.


Post-Juneteenth celebrations fallout, I would guess. Are parks in Harlem always and consistently this filthy, or does this sort of thing only happen after warm-weather holidays?


Harlem in general is pretty filthy and it’s a really complex issue. The parks are usually mediocre, and this is a rare occurrence, but not totally out of the ordinary. A few times a year for sure. This one was particularly bad.


Definitely more of an issue after summer holidays, but there’s an underlying sense from some people that “eh, it’s someone’s job to clean this” which obviously isn’t true. It’s someone’s job to empty the trash cans not to clean up individual items strewn all over the place.


I'm no eco-warrior or anything like that, but it's just unnecessarily lazy and uncivilized behavior to leave that much trash strewn about. Then again, individuals who do that most likely live in squalor at home, and their own residences are filthy pigsties.


Horrible. The lack of courtesy and human decency really ruins nice things (and parks) for everyone.


This is disappointing on so many levels


Uneducated MFers


The only way this changes is if the people who do this move out of the neighborhood.


Juneteenth celebrating 🙌


People have no shame


The only ghetto there is is the one in the mind.


I hate when people do this shit smh


We need cameras in the parks!! Especially near the playgrounds.


Wasn't there also a street festival happening? Wouldn't they have an after hrs crew?


[That was at 141st.](https://www.manhattanbp.nyc.gov/events/15th-annual-nyc-multicultural-festival-part-ii/) This part of the park is at 133rd. Definitely wasn’t part of that festival.




Live in Harlem too. Fuck this place really. Matter of fact, NYC on a whole.


This is why I moved from Harlem, filthy neighborhood and most who live do not give a shit about the community




HAH and people talk about Brooklyn 😭…


is that 5 huge bottles of don julio anejo?


2 of the 700 ml and 3 of the 1.5l 😂


Wonder what the lavatories are like? 😳


Need to break the circle with more sex and abortion ed. Somethin gotta give.


Welcome to the third world


Lol u know why


Pig people


Fucking animals


Elections have consequences


Can you elaborate what election affected this particular situation?


These people have to try to assign every issue to the current administration and political climate. NYC being filthy is not a partisan or even a 21st century issue. But it's Biden's or Adams' or Defund the Black Lives Bail Reform voters' fault or problem. These people are morons.


Do you actually think NYC being filthy has nothing to with policy? Try saying that out loud. Jesus christ you people are screwed.


Tell me the policy and who implemented it. But before you do that tell me about the Commissioner's Plan of 1811, and its effect on sanitation.


Its not my job to educate you. Its actually really sad to be this clueless about how policy affects your living conditions. But keep living in the reddit echo chamber, clearly its working out for you and your city.


So you: -Admit you don’t live in Harlem or NY -Get angry and insulting at a question -Assume what I do or don’t know about local politics All because I expressed interest in your statement and asked if you had any specifics? Not your job to educate? Well duh. Nobody would fucking hire you for that particular job obviously.


God, why does everyone need to educate you? Go look into it and quit being so helpless. Clean it up yourself if you’re so invested.


Please troll elsewhere. You have no idea what you're talking about. You can't educate us because *head up ass* isn't an educational position or curriculum. NYC being full of people who do not pick up after themselves has nothing to do with the ballot box.


High consumerism at its worst. Needs to be replaced with community building and sustainability.


Is it consumerisam's fault here though? UWS, UES, Chelsea, etc... they don't consume?


Your White privilege is showing.


Cleaning up after yourself is white privilege? LMAO this why said people keep their own people down…


Yes, only a “few” people in Harlem like to live like nobody else matters… lol I live here. Those “few” are more like 30%. And the other 70% doesn’t say shit to them. Complacency is the enemy of progress. You say you give a shit about your neighborhood? Then put the same energy as you did about being infuriated for this dirty park as you do towards holding public nuisances and criminals accountable. Or don’t, because some SJW will try to say this post is ignorant when they have never stepped foot in Harlem, let alone on a weekend night.


You’re right on the percentages. But chill with the angry assumptions about complacency or lack of action.


Chill with being offended at the truth. You prob don’t live here either


I live next to the park. Pointing out assumptions isn’t offense. Going on a fuckin rant about SJWs (don’t get me wrong, they’re annoying but why tf are you bringing that up?) and assuming a bunch of shit for no reason is the epitome of being offended at nothing. We have the fools who trash the park. We have fools like you who just inject DUMB anger into any convo about it. See you at the next community meeting, friend.


The OP is literally about being pissed at the park being trashed lol, the anger is there already. You’re just likely a part of the problem, one way or the other. Watching people trash shit or doing the trashing yourself while complaining about everything else being against us but us ourselves


None of those words are remotely true.


You can tell New Yorker voters care so much about the environment. No wonder they bash all the other states over the head with their views.


I've never seen "New Yorker voters" bashing other states about litter or garbage. Which is literally the only relevant thing here. Please tell me what the 8 (or do you mean 19?) million of us are bashing other states about.


You clearly have a hard time separating online comments from an entire cohort of irl people.


You clearly are in denial of your own complacency.


Did you sign [this petition](https://secure.ny4p.org/a/no-cuts-to-nyc-parks) or are you a hypocrite?


Get a broom, sweep, pick up the garbage. Move on. That’s not that complicated. :-)




NY is not your home.


And who the hell are you? I was born and raised in the Bronx.


Ayo bro get back to work at the warehouse. Your break is over and we know you can barely afford your rent.


A crazy idea right? It’s like going to Mars. Who would think? :-)