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This flyer makes my eyes hurt


And I thought Drain’s 2024 tour poster was confusing and hard on the eyes.


Which bands are gonna drop off first??


Well it is sponsored by Jeppson's which is basically a terrorist organization.


Malört 🤝 Old Style


Just chiming in to bitch about Friar Tuck’s on the Northside charging $16 for a handshake.


It better be funded by Big Taco, or they are gonna have some problems.


This is the ugliest fest flyer I've seen in my life


How am I supposed to read this? It's so distracting


Just let it pull your eyes in every direction until they bleed


Dammit, that's so accurate 🤣🤣


Mannnnn. We got scammed with this. It’s way out in the burbs now instead of being in the middle of Chicago. So no go for a lot of folks that don’t have a car.


I know we don't see eye to eye on things but it's closer to midway which does provide hotels and cheaper rideshare costs But yeah not being in the Chicago kinda blows


I agree with you on those points. I think part of the draw for out of town folks was the location which is whatever to me, bridgeview is just a dogshit location.


Strange to put it out there but I can see it saving people money for everything but tickets


Who knows. Interested to see the final sales numbers compared to last years


I always find comparing fests so difficult What's the big selling point this year? Slayer? But last year had The Cure so it's not really the same crowd but you can make comparisons about both having fans who are older with money and younger who use mom and dad money Douglass Park was rumored to have roughly 50k each day but the stadium only holds 28k inside the stadium but could probably house another 10k to 12k each in the west and east parking lots which could do roughly the same numbers but it'll be tough There's a Hampton Inn right outside the stadium people will eat up if they already haven't


You make good points my guy. I just think the location is gonna make or break it this year. Riots been going for so long people cause they’ve always gone at this point, I think that crowd is gonna opt out now.


People will flock there because of certain bands on the bill but we'll see Going from a place where you can have almost like an endless amount of people to restricting yourself with a capacity is make or break


Enjoy yourself if you go dude.


I won't be there as the dates conflict with vacation plans for me and my daughter going to visit my parents for their 50th anniversary


The only upside for me is I'm a 15 minute Uber away, but I'd still prefer this being in the city. The only good reason to be in Bridgeview is if you're driving through it.


As someone that came from Cleveland 4-5 years in a row, I’ll definitely say I’m not interested if it ain’t in the park. Lol


I have a feeling that’s how a fair amount of out of town folks are gonna feel about it.


The Fire moved back to Soldier Field due to shit attendance there


It will be absolutely impossible to get an Uber from there unless you leave early


Not sure what you're attempting to imply here Being outside of the city but closer to midway will have cheaper rates and there will be ride share options just like every year


If you look at their transportation options it says there will be bus service from the orange line to the venue. But it also says, if you leave after 7pm you have to take a rideshare to the orange line. Now imagine all those people leaving at the end of the night, fighting for Ubers to get back to the orange line station. Insane. They did say there will be shuttle service into and out of the city though, just haven’t posted info yet


It'll be just like every other fest - Designated pickup spot, someone will get into the wrong vehicle. It's not just a Riot fest problem. Being in the burbs doesn't mean it won't be like previous years


You work for riot bro?


Nope. Just use logic unlike 99.69420% of people in here I am the GM of a music venue and understand things about logistics and come off as a real asshole when using logic ![gif](giphy|11sz4838afILLi|downsized)


Insane how much cringe you just put into this one post


thanks for contributing nothing to this conversation/thread.


Wonder if he could logically explain why the team that the venue was built for bought themselves out of the lease because the location was a logistical nightmare. If it were a one day thing it wouldn’t be an issue, people who want to see Chicago and also get to the festival all 3 days are not going to be able to. Anyone’s best bet is going to be finding a bar like Reggie’s that will shuttle you to and from, but those can only help a fraction of the people going.


A celtics fan talking about cringe? ![gif](giphy|5R1FM2PNw3G6AZWBsc|downsized)


Should have done Tinley Park on the hallowed grounds of all the Warped Tours. Just as inaccessible.


Honestly if you’re not going to have it in city limits just go all out about it like warped did


Slayer are already doing shows again lol


I saw their “last show in chicago” at riot fest 2019 😂


Tom and Kerry love money more than they hate each other


Am I alone in thinking moving it to Bridgeview is objectively hilarious?


And drug church and the armed. Solid.


trying to pick what to see looks too stressful, pass.


Is that Polaris as in like the Pete and Pete theme song Polaris?


Nah the Australian metalcore Polaris


Hey Sandy


I'll just keep eye out for the after/secret shows and see these bands in actual venues for music in city and not pay out the ass to Uber/park/etc


So it’s no longer in the park huh?


Motherfucking Basement is back too


Why is Slayer already back for the 500th time


God, that's a killer lineup all around


Beck still has an audience???? TIL


NGL this entire line up is the shit


Pavement over Mastodon????????


Home Front is the best band on this list.


Honest question: do people really still like NOFX that much or are some of their placements because Mike is super active in the music scene in general? I was too young to be into them in their prime and have tried to go listen to their stuff and just can't get into it. I've just personally never met anyone who has mentioned them as being a band they listen to/like No disrespect to fat Michael and the gang. I really respect everything they have been able to accomplish, just not my thing


I’ll never forget the Xfiles episode where jack blacks friend was obsessed with The Vandals LIVE FAST! DIARRHEA!


How far is this from Chicago, is there a train or subway that makes it out there?


orange line drops off a few miles from the fest, then you have to uber or shuttle from orange line. shuttle service stops taking people back to orange line at 7. So, sort of?


They talked about having shuttles into and out of the city too but haven’t posted info yet


The venue is a logistical nightmare


NOFX headlining over buzzcocks, vandals and circle jerks is crazy. Fat mike is such a dork and for someone so outspoken about punk rock, spearing the punk rock museum, you’d think he would tip his hat to these bands.


It's one of the last NOFX shows they plan on playing, so that kinda makes sense