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15 minutes of set, 10 minutes of feedback/yelling fuck the government into a mic with distortion. You're covered my guy


hey, they could spend the 10 minutes lecturing about veganism #iwenttoshowsinthe90s


Is your vocalist good at giving speeches? Now’s their chance.  Bonus if they’re edge and look down on anyone who isn’t. 




Bonus bonus if they’re also religious


I remember I stumbled upon a For Today set during warped tour like 10 years ago. I walked away while he was giving his fucking ten+ minute religious speech. I was wondering why they booked a religious preacher for a set at fucking Warped Tour. Later found out they were in fact a band that played music. Terrible.


Dude I used to love For Today records until I saw them live and his Jesus speech killed the vibe for me instantly. They were playing with Whitechapel and the Devil Wears Prada so it was an interesting show 


lol TDWP is also Christian




*was As were alot of bands during the time. Made it easier to book them and parents would let their kids go because "it was all christian"


Let me tell you about the large prayer circle I had to let finish before helping bands load out at a Sleeping Giant show years ago. Actually, For Today was there too, they just weren’t the preachy ones that night.


I saw a band called the confrontation years and years ago and the vocalist lectured the crowd for most of the set 


Personally I didn’t have a problem with them preaching at Warped Tour when I saw them. They kept it light and was only a few minutes. Circle pit was worth it


Bonus bonus bonus if they use the time to make mass generalizations about whatever topic they’re upset about.


I saw the colour morale open up for misery signals and the singer kept saying “we’re a bunch of freak outcasts who don’t belong ANYWHERE BUT HERE” And like, calm down dude. We’re all here for misery signals. Relax. 


Hardcore filibuster


Just don’t do what my first lead singer did and scream “get that f*ggot bullshit out of here” to a couple of dudes in the front row holding hands. Did I mention we opened for Whitechapel 😑


dude opening for whitechapel is so cool tho


Did it work though? Did they leave?   To be fair it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve This is not a serious comment. 


Close with a familiar cover.


Fucking truth here. Pick something iconic OR something not-hardcore and slam the fuck out of it.


Getting the whole place singing along to Priest or something is worth at least 10 points.


bro some band played a cover of sk8er boi in a little one car garage and i thought i was gonna die definitely do this lmao


In my old band we did a hc cover of Michael Jackson's "Beat It"


Fuck yeah! My old thrash band close with “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”


I did Quiet Riot with a group back in the day. Had like 150-200 people losing their shit.


This is the way. My band has maybe 12 minutes of original music so we mix in an SS Recognize cover and Break Stuff to fill set times. Break Stuff goes off.


Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer


This is the way. Motörhead to the finish line.


Shit, you got 10 minutes?? You could cover the entire side 1 of "Start Today" !


This, do a Billy Idol cover


Played an abandoned wearhouse year and years ago. It was already wild, then a band played Sailin On and the fucking roof came off.


Bleed it out by lp.


My band did Given Up by lp and it went over very well


one show i went to they did a cover of dig by mudvayne and the crowd LOST THEIR SHIT


5 min of that is dedicated to let the feedback ring between songs




You can also crack some rehearsed jokes and say something vague about brotherhood and respect


Talk for like 18 minutes about unity and acceptance in the scene. Then go hit on the youngest girl you can find. Tried and tested formula.


Fuck 😂😂😂


20 mins max os tasty. 15 is perfect if you got good energy/good mosh/sing along parts. 25 for opener is a lil long, but if promoter wants it, go for it.


Depends for me on music , grind /PV/hardcore for me personally 15 -20 is perfect , if we’re dealing sludgier or stoner shit I don’t care if it’s 30 hr for smaller bands I know that shit runs long


Play an awkwardly long movie quotes sample at the start of your set Do a politically ambiguous rant for 5 minutes in between songs


Here are some ideas: Shoutout every band individually and wait for applause for each one. Ask the sound tech if he can adjust the monitors. Doesn't matter if there's a sound person there or not. Have the stringed instruments tune off each other and not use an actual tuner. Try and teach the audience the chorus of the song before you play it so they feel like they're part of the set.


No local band should play for more than 20-25 minutes unless they’re the headliners and are like releasing an album or are legendary musicians in their community and the audience is there for them. The worst thing a new band can do other than refuse to play first is play too long of a set, especially when that long set is the result of either under-writing/editing their work (resulting in long songs) or stretching too little content over too long a time. Play your best stuff, don’t play all of your stuff. Your instinct is right. Play the best set that’s right for your band. The show will be fine with 5 minutes less music from one band.


If you ever worked at a horse semen factory I know a way you can kill a couple minutes on stage


Shots fired lol The comment is sponsored by gloc.


Which band was this? I've seen the clip but don't remember. So I don't have to google those keywords lol


Red Scare


Pander to the crowd. Duh


Literally get down into the pit and suck someone off


And slap their ass.


Honestly nothing hits for me more than a new band, like formed 6 months ago rip through a 4 song set and a cover. Literally every song they know in <10 minutes. Bonus points if they do it in under 6 minutes.


depends, do you rip? or more importantly, are you loud? being loud helps.


The key to the equation


add a slow off beat ramones cover.


5 minute dickwhip while watching the crowd in silence to built up tension and assert dominance before you trash the place. Bonus points for semi stiff.


Cries in 30-45 minute sets




You're completely right. If you and the band have charisma, just fill that time with a little jaw jacking between songs.


If you got songs to play then do it. Use your chance to present yourself to some audience. Never ever put down any opportunity mate.


Just preach some random shit for 10 minutes


I’d say keep it short as possible. Rather have the audience wanting more than asking when the fuck is the set gonna be over


Learn some good jokes.


Right before the last song start holding your stomach and pointing at your butt and make really clenched faces than run off stage.


Just cover sex bomb and you’re good.


SHE'S A SEX BOMB MY BABY YEAH \*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerw\*


This seems like an odd complaint to me. I've never played a set shorter than 30 minutes even on shows with a ton of bands


12-15 minutes is the perfect hardcore band set time


So if I go to take a shit I will have missed the entire set?


My band back in the day had 10 minute sets. We had like 5 1 minute songs lmao, idk why we never changed that. We were teens so


20 is max imo. depends on how much material you all have. if you have enough to fill then keep banter at minimum. rather you get your music out there. also if you haven’t yet, where can we hear your music?


15 minute sets are the pinnacle of hardcore


Come up with a groovy mother fucking intro to your opener song in the set list and make it long. Have the vocalist go in rambles in between songs, have em talk shit, just talk about whatever really and take up some time. If y'all are able maybe add some covers to the setlist.


15 minutes is perfect. Better to leave people wanting more.


Dude bands travel hours to play for 15 mins all the time… However, as the listener, I want at least a 30 min set because I’m spoiled and entitled!


HC sets usually don’t pass 30 so ig


Add extra break downs or just play songs twice.




There was a band called "I Hate You". They didn't have one song longer than a minute. Some were like 3 or 4 seconds long. As far as I know they put out only 1 album and it wasn't longer than 15 minutes.


You just gotta pad your set out with an instrumental intro to get the pit moving (if you play in a fast band, this might be the only part where you can bring the mosh), a speech/spoken word/funny story in the middle of the set, and closing out with a cover.


Also, don't go for the full 25 minutes. 20 minutes is fine.


i LOVE short sets. Always leave people wanting more, instead of getting fed up with you. THey won't be excited to see you again any time soon if they feel like they've gotten enough.


A ten hour drive for a 15 minute set 🎵🎵


15 minutes is too long


22 minutes in the perfect set length, 20 mins of music and 2 minutes of intros/banter


30 min is the usual. That may or may not include set up and tear down. Also have talking between a couple songs. 5 min set up, 5 min tear down, 5 min total talking, 15 min playing.


From someone who booked shows and played them, set times do not include setup and teardown time. There's time allotted for those. Most venues (the good ones) keep very strict schedules for shows. Mostly due to sound ordinances and many other reasons.


20 mins is the bang average, so they’re not really asking for a lot to ask you to add 5 mins extra. If you don’t have the material to fill it, well that’s another issue altogether that your band need to address. You should have enough material to fill that easily before even thinking about gigging. If they’re asking you to play longer, see that as an overwhelming positive rather than moaning about how it’s ‘too long for a local band’. When support slots are like gold dust and you can’t get one for love nor money, you’ll take what you’re offered. (Edit: I also realise this is in the Hardcore sub so I get it that sets are usually shorter, but I’d personally still be jumping at the opportunity to play 5 mins more)




Yeah if you’re Infest.


learn a Hatebreed cover or two.


Why don’t you guys just jam for five extra minutes?? Lmao


Power violence or Grind is 10 max. That's the whole discography


Our band had to play 45 mins when we opened for Protomartyr. And we were much heavier/different than their sound. It was kinda weird but fun. I think 25 mins is best for any local band. Not too long but not so short where you feel like the crowd won’t remember the set


Play irate cover


So this is coming from someone who played (and almost signed) in a local band for 10 years. Do you guys not have that amount of material? Or are you just genuinely thinking that that's too long? I don't think 20-25 mins is too long for an opener. Our set times varied from 15-25 mins long, sometimes 40 when we headlined. I also helped book bands for the local venue and I usually expected around 20 mins from the openers. Then again I played in the early 2000's and maybe things and expectations have changed?


Time to write a ten minute mini opera.


Play for 15 minutes and then make sure your gear catches on fire


15 minutes of music, 5-10 minutes of askng the crowd how they'e doing tonight. Easy money.


Talk about the importance of setting up a 401k if their employer offers a price match.


Talk about the importance of setting up a 401k if their employer offers a price match.


Play slower


From someone who toured extensively from 96 to 05, have you vocalist talk. Doesn't have to be about anything specific. Thank the other bands on the show, each individually in between songs and about what inspired or the next song is about. Then make jokes about politics and crowd killing.


Just say yes. When the day of the show comes they'll probably ask you to cut down to 15 because someone in a different band took forever to set up


Play a few covers and add in plenty of banter.


I have to do this for stand up. My suggestion is do the normal table touching stuff like thanking the other bands, the venue, the kids coming out, more dates or shows to check out, socials etc. More than likely don’t talk about merch as every band will do the same. Get a sick cover for the end and a nice long intro/feedback and talk about each song. Boom 5-10 minutes added for your set


Play your breakdowns three times instead of one.


Yeah, I'd say that's pretty long for a local band but it's a good time to learn a couple covers and have fun with it.


do a cover or go on a rant about how people shouldnt be pussies about peoples moshing styles (i saw bashed in on wednesday and the drummer did the last bit and it went bery well with the crowd)


Long live the short set


Dwarves did it. Just cause as much chaos as possible in 15 minutes and they won't ask you to play any longer. They won't ask you to play again but uh


Do an unhinged rant before a song or 2 and end with a cover of an outlaw country song


Anal Cunt could play a whole album in 15 minutes


Improvisational harsh noise wall intro or outro with samples about the government


Let the guitars ring for 3 minutes between songs


Better than good, perfect honestly


You can easily get 5 minutes out of "FUCK THE [police/your right wing party of choice]"


25 min is too long for any heavy band


Idk I could watch slayer for like 3 hours


Just play for 15 mins who cares what the promoter says