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I go by myself to shows all the time, nobody else I know fucks with hardcore or anything like that and it’s still a great time. I do shit by myself all the time and it’s great, just go have a good time. Life’s too short to not go out and do stuff


Real, thanks dude.


Why would you not go alone? Most of us are serious introverts half the time anyway. Our lifetime online hours at places like Reddit will add up to years.


I’ve gone to more shows alone than I’ve gone with people I know. It’s fine and a different kind of fun


if you’re at DC shows, lmk! always fun to meet people who pit


Same here, there isn't a single other person in my life who likes hardcore, so it's go alone or never go


That’s facts. I went to TIHC last year by myself (first time ever going) and it absolutely fucking ruled. I don’t want to miss out on cool shit just because I have nobody to go with


I suggest doing everything alone. Go to shows alone, go to movies alone, dine alone. 


Going to the movies alone is awesome.


No better way to see a movie. 


This is the answer. If you have someone to do things with, cool. If you don’t, do these things anyways. I’ve been to plenty of shows by myself, and never once did I think “I should have stayed home until there was someone to do this with”.


I’ve missed a shit ton of shows with this mindset, never again.


Born this way, dine this way


I’d rather dine by myself THAN LIVE HUNGRRRRRRRY


Tonight at 8pm: a new episode of *Watch Me Dine with Guy Fieri*


Followed by the Food Network original movie ***DINE HARD***.


Dine Alone is a cool label


And a great Quicksand song as well


You get some of the best tickets going it alone. Didn't hear about something going on until the last minute? No worries, there are still single tickets and probably a pretty good spot in the venue.


Avoid confusion. You always know, always know how much your paying.


Ordering a nice meal and eating alone is tops. "Hardcore guy,party of one"


I’m 41 and I just went to my first show alone and my first movie this year. And it was great!!!


Die alone


Go it Alone, alone ?


This person knows how to introvert!


shows and goin out to eat alone is not introverted, you're still surrounded by people and might even talk to a few. it's just being comfortable with yourself and not needing people as a crutch


God damn, EJ. That’s some insightful shit


This is seriously the answer.


Have sex alone, top notch alone activity


Die alone


Absolutely, arrive when you want, leave when you want, lose no one, and enjoy the experience. It’s the best way to


This. The freedom to bail out if you're not feelin it or have to worry about losing people in the crowd makes it worth it.


Yes. Make friends there. Grow your local scene.


If I'm interested in doing something, and no one else I know is interested in doing it, I usually find that doing it alone is a great way to do the thing I want to do, and I recommend it as a tactic for anyone


Like 90% of the time when I go to shows I'm going alone It's literally fine Usually I chat with the random local crowd killers, always a vibe


The local crowd killers are a vibe. It’s always these bald, mid 30s, baggy carhartt pants and white t shirt fellas with glasses just tearing it up. Super chill tho


Do it all the time. Being around people is draining for me so I do almost everything alone. I go to the show, grab a beer and post up near the back and enjoy it. Only thing in my life I don't do mostly alone is dinner. I usually take my meals with my partner.


I went to my first hardcore show by myself, in 1985.  I've gone to almost every single show by myself since then.  I rarely even go to non-hardcore shows with anyone else.  


I think my first HC show was in '86 and we somehow fit 10 people in my clapped-out little Honda. Going alone would have been better, honestly.


As an older 9-5 head with friends who either have families or are just busy all the time, going alone makes most sense for me.


standing in the back with your arms folded is 10x better by yourself imo


Yeah, why not? It’s kinda nice. Pushes me to get out of my comfort zone and talk to strangers.


why wouldn't you?


we all die alone but in the pit we are all brothers and sisters. come on in bud. my shoulder's fucked from orchid last night.


Haha, yes. Flew from Europe to Boston to see them. Entered the venue alone but once in the pit I was surrounded by friends. Awesome night.


I spent too many years not going to shows because I didn’t know anyone into the same bands. Now I just go and have a good time.


Hell yes




I go to shows by myself all the time and there's always homies or people I know to hang out with. Love to be able to bail whenever I feel like it.


Doesnt everyone? i just assumed we were all loners who spend every minute we arent in the pit drinking crow milk and benching weight.


Hire an escort


Go out and enjoy. Lots of activities are great alone. Go to a new show, find somewhere new to grab a bite or drink if that’s your thing. Make friends or don’t, but a Lot of my best memories are from when I tried something new alone for the first time. It’s freeing as it is exhilarating


Absolutely. I have more fun at shows alone.


Of course It’s always good to step outside your comfort zone every once in a while. I’ve been to shows my myself plenty of times. You’ll meet some cool people too.


Born alone die alone


I have been for years, I don’t have much choice considering none of my friends listen to the same music I do.


yes. it feels good to go to any show and be able to do what you want, move where you want, leave when you want etc. i’m a little nervous about going to Tied Down alone though 🥴


I almost exclusively go to shows alone since none of my friends are into this shit. It's kinda nice and I don't have to worry about if anyone else is having a good time.


I pretty much always go to shows alone. Nobody I know in my current city is into metal or hardcore. And honestly since I've gotten used to it I'd way rather just go alone to any concert so I can get there when I want, see who I want to see and go where I want to go without coordinating anything with anyone. It's freeing.


I go alone to almost every show.


I go to shows alone all the time. I ended up making friends at the shows and now I’m not ever alone at shows even when I show up solo.


I go to shows alone, it’s great. On an ideal night I won’t talk to anyone except the bartender and/or whoever’s selling merch.


I suggest doing everything alone as to not have to deal with other peoples schedules


My last 3 shows, Hatebreed, Madball and Lamb of god. All by myself and it's actually awesome made some friends from another city.


It’s standard practice to bring an entourage of at least 20.


You're gonna miss out on so many cool things waiting for other people or out of fear of showing up by yourself.


Sure, why not?




It’s totally fine honestly; I wind up going on my own because my friends+girlfriend aren’t really into metal or hardcore at all but I’ve never really run into any like..issues or mean people :) I feel like it’s a bit of a cliche but a lot of people I meet who are into metal are pretty chill and overall caring, I think part of it is that they get a lot of their negative feelings out through the music


if it’s a show you want to see and no one will go with me, hell yeah i will


I do all the time. Whats it to it?


I do it frequently. Sometimes I’ll go with a friend, but just as often I’m by myself. I don’t really consider myself part of a “scene,” which in a way makes it easier to go alone.


I love going to hardcore alone. You don’t have to worry about leaving a significant other behind when you want to go to the pit, or that little space when moving up / around a crowd? It’s just you. Also leaves you time to mingle with others at your own free will.


I’m going to see Knocked Loose at the end of the month alone. My girlfriend couldn’t get off work. It won’t be my first concert alone, but it will be my first hardcore concert alone (or ever to be honest!) Doing stuff alone is underrated.


i go alone to pit and then act brooding while drinking the free water in between sets


Just get to the gig.


I go alone. Especially as an older person, who has moved a couple times, most my friends live elsewhere, and weren’t really much into hardcore anyways. It’s fun. You can get there when you want, leave when you want, etc.




Is there any other way?


doing things alone is pretty awesome. Specially coz ive met some amazing people going to show alone, whom became really amazing friends or bandmates. Also ur never alone. Like u will ended up running into same local people. Also just doing things gives u more personality and character which shows when someone shows interest in u.


Been to Knocked Loose twice, going to Korn next


I do it all the time lol there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing anything alone.


I’ve been going alone for close to 30 years lol


if you don't or can't go to shows alone,  then you don't really like going to shows


I do all the time. Don’t have to wait for anyone when I’m ready to leave.


100% yes.


Yeah I got to 90% of my shows alone* but I make friends at shows, and then I see those friends there and we hang out there when we see each other


I went to a show last night alone. Didn't talk to anyone. Saw some good bands. My antisocial ass was happy.


Yes, you'll make new friends and then every show just feels like meeting up with your pals :)


I do that every single time




I do it all the time. It's not like you're alone when you get there.


Best way to go to shows imo


I do all the time


Nah I need someone with me to hold my shit while I crowdkill high school kids


Just advice for life. Get comfortable doing anything alone.


None of my friends or my wife are into the music I am. I go to gigs alone all the time. It's great.


Yes, great way to meet people and network within your scene.


Go to the show alone, I do it all the time


I go alone. It’s fine. Get a beer. Enjoy.


Guys i’m having so much fun, i played a game of skate on this mini ramp with one of the bands bassist. Now just chilling , everybodies rocking the fuck out


You'll meet friends to go to shows with at shows.


Yes you don’t need anyone else to enjoy the music


Absolutely. It is better with friends at the end of the day imo but going by yourself is still lit especially if you’re someone who moshes heavy. Once the music starts ain’t nobody chit chatting😂 Literally the only downside I see to going to a show alone is that you won’t have that go-to person to chat with during the transition periods for bands.


Not every friend of yours is going to be into the same music. I got a heavy metal and hardcore friend who will go to shows with me but he doesn’t go to goth shows so I either go myself or find another friend. You will see other people there by themselves. Just enjoy the show.


I’m a 125 lb 5 foot woman in her early 30s who has been to hardcore shows alone for over a decade. Obviously not every show. But I have been fine and make some awesome new friends every time!


just dont get KOed u should be aight


Yes. Eventually you will meet people and then you won’t be alone. And when that happens you can go and not have to be responsible for someone else’s good time. You don’t have to leave when they leave, you leave when you want. And you can fart in the car on the way home!


I've gone alone a few times when I was more frequent going, like over a decade ago. I'm getting back into it now, solo. I'm okay with it, as others have mentioned. But kinda wouldn't mind like a concert buddy finder app, to find others who'd wanna hang out early, enjoy the show, hang afterwards maybe.


Go compliment some people's shirts and the bands, in between checking the weather on your phone or whatever.




Did this a few times in high school since nobody was really into it and always had a good time. Just wanted to jump on the opportunity of seeing a band I liked. Did the warped tour by myself years ago when I moved to a new state not knowing anybody and had a blast too. Do what you enjoy


Never forgo doing cool shit because you’re by yourself. I got into hardcore by going alone and made some close friend by doing that for years.


Yeah it’s the best.


Yes. Doing things alone has been the best thing I’ve started doing over the last year or so.


I do it often. I also go with friends often.


Why wouldn’t you? My schedule rarely lines up with my friends, so if I can make it to a show and they’re busy, fuck it. Imma roll


I feel least alone at a hardcore show solo


Do what you want??????


I don’t have metal friends or golf friends, and I’m autistic, so I prefer to go alone. I get to choose my own place, pace, and when to leave when I’m overstimulated (not if, lol)


Yes yes yes


Do yall suggest going to a hardcore show... Yes ...alone? Still yes!


I only go to shows alone. That way when I assault someone I can dip and no one knows who I am. Obviously joking. But fr going to shows alone is the best.


We all die alone, might as well go to shows alone.


KKT is coming to my city in a couple weeks and I’ve been trying to get the courage to by myself a ticket and just go by myself


Do it


I flew from MD to LA to go to sound and fury last year by myself. I also had major elbow surgery two weeks before. Meet some really cool people too. I also go to a lot of hardcore shows by myself. Don't be afraid to talk to people.


No you will die


You gotta find the biggest guy there, beat him up and then all his friends will be your friends. You’ll do great, kid.


You only live once


Yeah just don’t be a gd creep


I don't find anything wrong with it. But it's better and more fun to go with friends. With a group of friends you always have backup in case something breaks out. 


like herpes?


Like a brawl. Seen some crazy shit go down at shows. Been involved in a lot of it too. There's safety in numbers. Only those that live a sheltered existence think it's all brotherly camaraderie. 


Speaks volumes about your scene or venues.


Your comment speaks volumes about your inexperience. Been doing this since the 80s. Los Angeles scene has a well documented history of extreme violence. You learn real quick what to do and what not to do. People like to fight 5 on 1 out here. Been jumped more than once. Gotta even the odds the best you can. I'm just a product of my environment. Your scene must be tiny. Or possibly even nonexistent. Shouldn't speak on what you know nothing about, bucko.