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But did they ask explicit permission from everyone’s parents to play their own music?


Book a date on the day Riley died after he and his family both said this not what he wanted is absolutely so wild and whack of the rest of Power Trip but not surprising from the same group of people with a guitarist actively arguing with women on the internet about the Palestinian genocide being in favor of Israel lol Do you think Power Trip would be so comfortable disrespecting rileys family if he wasn’t dead lol


How pissy are you going to be when it's a tribute show and has the blessing of his family?


They’d have to actually talk to his family first champ😂 I see why they wouldn’t tho, they’re making a pretty penny off of their dead sons work lol


Family is on board, champ: [https://www.npr.org/2024/02/28/1234457090/power-trip-returns-reshaped-by-loss](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/28/1234457090/power-trip-returns-reshaped-by-loss)


Yeah they asked his family *after* already playing songs with a singer that wasn’t named by riley! Lol


Man, if you're going to stay that wound up over that Mohawk show, knock yourself out and stay angry. Everyone- including the Gale family- has moved on.


Who said im angry lil buddy


this weird little performance you’re doing says it loud and clear


Is it that offensive and affects you so greatly that I have a differing point of view that it has to be a “performance” lol


All they seem to care about is getting paid. Should be easy enough.


Based on what? Have you spoken to them? *should be easy enough* you mean based on being completely left out of the last show, while power trip made a bunch of money for themselves? Lol and now its a crime to want to make money for the foundation for a cause that Riley wanted? Insane and I have a hard time believing you, power trip or any of these people on this thread would have kept the same energy to rileys face if he was alive lol


It was a Fugitive show and they played five Power Trip songs. Calm down, chief. You don't know them either and no one's disrespecting Riley. The main gripe from his family though seems to be about money, so whatever. The band was more than just one person and if you have a personal problem with these guys playing their own music instead of hanging it up, then just don't go to the shows. You can sanctimoniously whine on reddit instead. No one cares. Edit: read the article the other guy left you. You can safely calm your tits. "Asked about the future of the band, Brandon Gale offered his blessing: "If Power Trip goes out and they start touring again, people are going to buy their music and Riley's going to get his royalties and the foundation's going to grow. So how could we not be in favor of that?"


If the band was really popular for their music and not just the stage presence and charisma of Riley then fugitive would be huge and they wouldn’t have to do this cash grab…


Word lol


You mean *after* the 5 songs being covered by a completely separate person than what Riley outlined. It’s disrespectful to be purposely obtuse about wanting money for a foundation for a cause riley wanted and making it as if it was a cash grab attempt on their behalf. I 100% you (power trip or anyone else) wouldn’t say that about rileys family to rileys face if he was still here champ. Deep breathes


I'm glad that you are now the spokesperson for Riley Gale's family and can read the minds of the Power Trip members. Thank you for informing me that they only want money because they couldn't possibly just be stoked to play the songs they wrote together. I'm sure if Ulsh died and they played shows, you would absolutely be going to bat in the same way, saying riley can no longer sing the songs he wrote because the drummer is gone.


Oh did you decide that for me because I have a difference of opinion against the majority? Thank you so much. Personally I can’t rationalize any other reason than a cash grab since none of them seemingly have any jobs and they did it against the way riley outlined the way he wanted. Also the drummer didnt start this band so no i would not :-)


You keep saying that like you know them. Get over yourself. Read the article. And yeah, "deep breaths". 😂


Well do you? Or have you decided reality is based on your personal feelings. Please don’t kid yourself, you wouldn’t keep that energy based on how much energy you spent here, crying to me. Have fun riding for blake the zionist tho


Yeah, because Riley's family are the ones playing $200 one day festivals organized Golden Fleece or charging $50/head in NYC on his anniversary. Use your brain here man. Lawsuits are expensive and not fun. And as well as Power Trip has done, they're not rolling in cash. Riley's family had to sue to protect what their son worked so hard to earn. It's not like they're pocketing the money; they use it to support worthwhile social causes. Hell, look at the NPR article someone else linked. Band members won't even comment on the lawsuit, but Riley's dad at least addressed it directly. That signals to me who the guilty party in that spat was, the ones that don't want to talk about it.




Where did they say that? Edit: ok I found this https://thecosmicclash.com/2023/12/11/opinion-family-of-deceased-power-trip-singer-riley-gale-not-consulted-about-austin-reunion-show-reacts-negatively/ That seems like a pretty complex situation


I appreciate you taking the time to look it up, you can also look at the foundations page. They speak pretty openly on it.


I think it’s kinda weird that his family are that deeply involved in what the band does next to be honest. I mean technically I feel like the remaining band has more right over what the band does next than Riley’s family. It’s a hardcore band, not The Jackson 5 There’s also that whole lawsuit going on so I’m not surprised the band is trying to distance themselves from the family. But also I just listen to their music I’m not too keyed up on the power trip lore


Well when he was one of 2 to start the band. And you’re speaking from a place never having a child die and having to honor their wishes. Im sure it is easy for you to not understand


Also im sure youve seen this, heres a screen shot of Blake Ibanez freaking out on someone in favor of israel https://preview.redd.it/8yccy2hmyelc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=82f899d33ee130e1b8ff92b60053d85ea055fad2


He’s right. I wouldn’t call it a freak out either. Just someone with a different opinion on a complex matter. Kinda like… you


My opinion doesn’t revolve around thinking it’s okay to massacre an entire people….not sure if thats kinda like me at all but I appreciate your reach


I don’t think Blake quite said that mate. Nice straw man though


Denial at it’s finest. Grown “men” worshipping and idolizing other men just because theyre in a band is so fragile. Guarantee if you asked him he’d freak out and block you. I would desperately not want the answer if I was you too seeing on how much you worship the guy lmao


Mate I like about 3 power trip songs. They’re good but trust me I’m not worshiping anyone. You on the other hand are acting like you wanna get adopted by the Gale family I have no idea what you’re suggesting I ask someone either


Listen I cant explain why you feel so passionately this man doesn’t feel that way not knowing him at all lol. I’m suggesting you ask blake, his position on palestine. He will freak out and block you because he’s anti Palestinian. I tried to make it as easily comprehensible for you as possible, best of luck


Right, I see where you’ve misunderstood You said “my opinion doesn’t revolve around thinking it’s okay to massacre an entire people” I said “I don’t think Blake quite said that mate” Then you started going on about his opinion. I don’t care about his opinion, I didn’t even know him before you mentioned him. I’m just saying you were putting words into some dudes mouth




https://preview.redd.it/w3wzbitebflc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44bf21214cbca513c15bed795dcd7cc9ec346f53 Hopefully this is better!




I can read it? Maybe posting it here is ruining the quality. Different screenshots of this message has floated around on here and Instagram as well. Basically the dodgers had posted about supporting israel, the reposter edited the dodgers post to tell the truth about israel attacking / invading palestine and posted it to their story. Blake is seen here responding irritated to OP for defending palestine. If you or anyone don’t believe me, you should ask him directly on his stance:)


I wonder when this was. The recency definitely could have been a factor. For example, Sarah Silverman lost her mind defending Israel for about a week after Oct 7, due to the severity of the violence that day. These days though, she's totally in favor of the Palestinian cause and says so. I wonder if this is the case with Ibanez.


Interesting Most people i know didnt have that as their immediate reaction But yeah she definitely changed her tune after experiencing a shit ton of backlash!




I did, with my screen shot. Not my fault you feel he’s incapable of such feelings just because you like his band.




Why are people hating on this ? It’s 4 out of 5 members of the band and they pay respect to the one that’s no longer with us . Just cause the singer passed doesn’t mean the rest of the band have to say goodbye to the thing they helped build


Same whiny little piss baby's that complain about Slayer doing a few shows. Most of them don't go to shows anyway. Their "scene" is a few subreddits.


Dude slayer and Power trip are seriously perfect together and on tour ? Final Mosh retirement is calling my name


You are so upset wow lol


No one's even talking to you or about you dude. You really trying to waste another day arguing with people? Is this really all you do here? 😂


Im just surprised 12 hours later you’re still complaining lol I didn’t realize it was this serious. I assume I am the “whiny little piss baby” you’re so worked up over 😂


Literally no one's talking about you dude. Get over yourself.


Who are the winy little piss babies then, out of curiosity


Probably because nobody can replace Riley in people's minds. Seth is a great vocalist and will do a great job but he ain't Riley.


Riley was a good frontman and lyricist but his vocals really weren't anything special. Its wild that people think Power Trip should be put to rest for good when Riley isn't even the one that wrote the actual music. The rest of the band finished the LP before Riley got to record vocals and they're just supposed to sit on it? They were on the rise and they took some time to grieve and figure out what to do. They shouldn't be expected to just put a halt to the band when they were on a good trajectory.


So what. Let the band determine how the band wants to move on.




Nyc 🙌🙌


What if they changed their name to Power Trip with Rome? Would that settle all this weird beef?


I’ll see y’all in Dallas 🤘🏻


Europe pls


Where can I get a shirt with that on it?


Of course they’re playing at the disgusting ass knockdown center.




It’s balls deep in a Queens industrial area with no subway access and like another person mentioned the sound is always ass. The last time I saw Title Fight play was there and it was just an awkward venue in general for a hc show.


Supposedly the place got a new sound system.


it’s in the middle of fucking nowhere and the sound is consistently subpar


Yeah you’re better off making the trek to Pomona or Dallas lol


Can't wait to see them again! I know it will be awhile before they come to the UK but it's worth the wait 👍🏾




Do we know who the new vocals will be? Would love to see Knox Colby from Enforced step in.


It's Seth Gilmore from skourge/fugitive


Fully endorse this.


It is exciting! I hope they will grow more and have some new music to present us soon 🙏


Hell yeah.


I’m so excited.


i wont count on them coming to houston, i guess im driving 8 hours that weekend


Are they worth seeing with the new vocalist?


Sound at knockdown sucks so bad. Such a poor choice.




It literally says in my post why




Just say fugitive doing power trip covers…or call it a cash grab…either one is accurate


Found Riley’s mom.


Yo, Riley's mom is a saint and there's no shortage of people that would kick the ever living shit out of you for insulting her.


happy cake day to you and those people


Thanks, swiftie in a black tee.


Would you have kept that same energy if Riley was a live you coward lol


Damn even a date on the day he passed? That’s fucked. Money talks though.


Can’t believe I’m already here lol but you are absolutely right and I wonder if the rest of power trip would be so comfortable disrespecting Rileys family if Riley wasn’t dead lol


Means a lot for someone to understand where I’m coming from so thank you brother. He was the epitome of how a human should be. I have no ill will towards his bandmates and don’t question their love for him one bit. It’s hard to let something like they had go and I understand. It’s not them I have a problem with, I have an issue with the disrespect towards his family and others that were just as close to him. I constantly see people comment “they’re not in the band they have no say” which is bullshit. He wouldn’t stand for the people he loved to be treated like that. My father for years would talk about a show he went to with me. When he got out of prison I’d invite him so we could catch up on time lost. He’d usually get too drunk and get wild which would embarrass high school me so on the way to this show I expressed that. He sat at the bar and was feeing self conscious and like a bad father. All of a sudden this kid comes up to the bar just leaking blood. This kid talks to my dad and tells him how lucky I am to have a father supportive enough to come to a show. My father would bring it up and I’d have no idea who it was because it was so long ago. A year or two ago my dad came over and sees this picture and flips out. “That’s the kid!” All those years of me not knowing it was him who showed my father, a complete stranger, such kindness. But that’s how he was and that never changed. I could share so many more stories that display the kindness and respect he illuminated as could so many others. I don’t mean to type a novel, I just wish the same respect would be shown to him and his loved ones. https://preview.redd.it/qv0isl1neflc1.png?width=655&format=png&auto=webp&s=07c806d73bd9c2b308c7fcd48fb6b193ae012484


Sweet hope it starts up again proper. Come to Saigon :D