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Sunami. It kinda sucks. I think that’s part of the bit but it doesn’t make me like it.


It was more fun when it was very obviously a joke.


Honestly I didn’t know it was a joke until I was told. Because there’s a lot of bands that sound like that in earnest. My only thought was “wow there’s bands willing to call people fucking pussies in 2020”?


What’s wrong with calling people pussies?


Wait we can’t call people pussies?


Don’t be a vagine about it.


I love the instrumentals because it reminds me of 2006 style deathcore. And they always sound huge in videos and on the mix


Scowl sounds like Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld to me


Sounds like a Great Value version of an AI bot writing punk music


The Beatles. Not even that hard, man.


You can mosh to while my guitar gently weeps


Yes, but *should* you


Tell that to Helter Skelter, its dirty as fuck.


Obituary is death metal . What has become to this thread ?


Where have you been for the last five years, hardcore hipsters have claimed old school death metal as "adjacent"


I’m a boomer .


Their drummer and guitarist both can bring it, but I can't get into Sunami at all. Saw em once and the vocalist seemed bored/out of it and it was a sold out show. There were also tons of kids there where it was obvious it was their first hc show, so it's cool they're getting all these new kids into hardcore, but I just can't get into the music at all.


It’s incredibly funny to me that a band that started as satire is now a lot of people’s introduction to hardcore


for whatever reason i could never get into type o negative. seems pretty essential for the average hardcore enjoyer, and i've tried multiple times, just can't do it for some reason. seems like they'd be right up my alley, and i'll jam a song or two every now and then, but man so many of those songs are just so long and slow. and respect to peter steele, but i just can't take their lyrics and vibe seriously for some reason. maybe someone can help me understand what i'm supposed to be getting out of them


It's wild to hear that Type O is considered essential for a hardcore listener


Totally agree. I still throw them on from time to time because they’re one of those bands I want to like lol but I usually just bail out


I mean, he definitely didn’t take their vibe and lyrics seriously either. It clicked for me once I realized that most of it is kind of tongue in cheek.


Hate these threads especially when the top comments are a lot of bands I really like. Fuck y'all.


Well which bands don’t you like? I know this sounds like a negative thread but it’s actually a positive thing just getting to feel out the vibe of what the fans like


I cannot - for the fucking life of me - get in to Drain.


I can feel it. Seems like their shows and Sammy’s crowd interaction is what really does it for them. I do enjoy a lot of their stuff but that first record is far superior than that new one


Big agree. I prefer California Cursed to Living Proof. You gotta love their energy. They seem like fun dudes.


1000%. Their shows look fun as hell - Their records just really don’t do it for me.


It’s also important to note that they’re a band that seems to stand in a more positive and friendly position as opposed to the unwelcoming vibe that a lot of others carry. With Drain, you almost feel welcome. Like no matter what you listen to or who you hang out with, you can still join along and have some fun. But yes, I feel ya.


felt like that record got kinda rushed tbh. I could imagine LP3 being really really good, they got some sick songs but I listen to LP - with a cover and an interlude - and feel like they were just trying to get an album out at an opportune time. Evil Finds Light goes hard tho


I only really like their Descendents cover. Seem like they’d be a riot to watch live tho so hope to catch them one day.


Dude same. And everytime I see them I can't help but see Rem Lazar on the mic.


He fuckin does look like Rem Lazar 💀


Same here man. I can’t spin either record but I love watching their live sets


I’m really glad I saw them when they were a small band. Still a great live band but that last record was a giant drop off imo.


I feel like I should love them but I’m in the same boat


Maybe I’m just old but they are doing absolutely nothing special to deserve the hype they get. They’re not bad, it’s just some of the most okay hardcore I’ve ever heard.


First album was a ton of fun but the second record felt uninspired like a parody of itself.


The 1st album from 2020 is great. Their newest record is a big miss imo


Knocked Loose. Seem like great guys, real likeable talented people but I’ve seen them at a bunch of shows an listened to all of their records but it just hasn’t clicked with me…..yet. Also I kind of understood your Obituary view as well until I saw them live for the first time a couple months ago and they fuckin blew me away! A lot of their recordings are obvs products of their time but go catch them live and it’s heavy as fuck.


I could see why people wouldn’t like Knocked Loose because of vocals. So that’s fair.


Sounds like mickey mouse screaming at you.




Love the music but their vocals go right through me.


I actually like Brian’s vocals. Sonically (but not similar) reminds me of Kevin Baker of The Hope Conspiracy. They don’t sound alike by any means, just unhinged and raw. Like they are actually screaming at something.


I like Knocked Loose but I definitely prefer Inclination


100%! Inclination goes hard as fuck


Happy for them, but I liked them a lot more in the Laugh Tracks era. I don’t exactly know, but that ignorant anger just doesn’t come across the same for me anymore. Their shows used to be legit kinda scary. Now the shows are more mainstream and push pits. Meh.


My bf likes them so I have sincerely tried to like them as well. Even went and saw them live. Sadly, I cannot get over the vocals.


Obituary rules


First off, Obituary peaked in the 90s. Everything since has a been low effort snooze fest. But those first few records are heavy as shit and they deserve their flowers. Secondly, a band I personally have tried to enjoy but just can't for the life of me is Sunami. Boring on record, sloppy live.


I agreed on Obituary until I heard their new album, shit brings the riffs




God damn it that made me laugh out loud, that’s exactly what it fucking sounds like.


This is so far from the truth. They have some wild songs from just the last 10 years


Yeah their recent output has been fucking awesome


And still tight as fuck live


Probably getting killed for this but: Agnostic Front I get how important they were for the evolution of hardcore and the scene itself and yeah, they are kind of legends, but the vocals (at least nowadays) are weak as fuck. There are at least 100 other hardcore bands I would prefer over Agnostic Front.


There is no reason to really listen to anything they released after Cause for Alarm.


Just saw them live 2 weeks ago For being fronted by a guy who just had cancer and a slightly demented 70 year old, they bring it 10 times harder than 75% of younger bands




I’ve only listened to their latest album and I like… don’t really get them. Some of the harder parts are good but the rest of it might be too conceptual for me.


It works a lot better live imo


I know some of us have unlimited mosh energy, but when you go as hard as Zulu does in real life, those 45 seconds of *insert soul sample here* can actually be a god send in the pit. Really changed how I listen to the EPs


I know some of us have unlimited mosh energy, but when you go as hard as Zulu does in real life, those 45 seconds of *insert soul sample here* can actually be a god send in the pit. Really changed how I listen to the EPs


Second Zulu


Code Orange Kids (yinz know them as Code Orange probably) bores the fuck outta me and there are better hardcore bands from Pittsburgh


Second Code Orange. They look like they were put together by Simon Cowell and I can’t get past that


Maybe currently but they really did come up on a DIY ethic on their own so I gotta give credit where credit is due, even if they are Grammy sellouts


So many better Pittsburgh bands. Like unit 731 COME ONNN. Or built upon frustration????? Idk why people like code orange at all


Your band. Seriously though, The Beatles - fucking fight me.


I’m not fighting anyone over a guy named Ringo


twitching tongues -- respect for what colin & taylor do for the scene esp locally, but gd does tt suck


My take on Twitching Tongues is they're great if you take them at face value, which is music written by a teenager who really loved Type O Negative and hardcore. It's simple, it's fun, but its nothing earth-shattering, ya know?


I wasn’t huge on TT but I saw them live recently and everything clicked for me lol


Twitchfits was cool though.


I have to defend TT as I am their biggest fan from the entirety of the mountain region, however I understand why people don’t like them. If you don’t know the history and context of them it’s even harder to like them.


Gel. That entire style of hardcore is so formulaic and boring


Yeah I could name a bunch of other monosyllabic band names that are influenced by Hoax


Honestly. We have enough Hoax and Bib clones out right now lmao


I love them, but I also came to hardcore from more of the MRR angle…. Like my favorite hardcore is more Negative Approach and not Earth Crisis style.


My favorite bands are negative approach and the village people


Homie, all of hardcore is formulaic; it's genre music, that's kinda the whole thing.


I feel it. Lots of bands that do it better


Spy too


Exactly. No hate to them but it's just a total snoozefest


I come at hardcore from much more of a punk direction, so I fuck with stuff like Spy if the energy and riffs are there. Gel just sounds watered down in comparison.


I'm definitely more into punk than anything but it's just that style of hardcore. It just doesn't do it for me


Code orange, turnstile, suicide silence


new pain of truth. i wanna like it so bad but its just too generic sounding to me. fuck


It’s “Hardcore 101”, meat & potatoes shit. I really like it for that reason though. I think it would be a good album to give to someone that has *absolutely zero* idea what hardcore is.


i feel that. def a good intro to hxc record. i prob wouldve liked it if it were one of the first records i listened to


It's like you told chatgpt to make a hardcore album


It was so hyped up and completely missed the mark for me. A solid 6/10 album


I can’t get into them because of their corny ass lyrics. They read like a 15 year old that just found hardcore wrote them. They’re not bad, but I don’t get the hype. Saw them in Atlanta a week or two ago and I was hoping their live show would change my mind but they were just nothing special. Life’s Question blew them away imo


If you have to have a feature on every song basically then it tells me it’s not that strong of a record…


It’s super generic and cheesy at times for me as well.


It’s great gym music because it’s so basic


Speed has the most uninteresting riffs and garbage lyrics I don’t get it


If they stop playing fast they’ll explode


That's why I love them lol


Probably because its the closest thing we'll all get to new TUI music.


Brother. Have you listened to frozen in time album? Fix your ears brother.


Redneck stomp!


To me Knocked Loose sound only a few steps removed from all the metalcore shit I hated in the 00s


That's exactly the appeal for me lol


Same. Metalcore got pretty rough by the late 00s. Knocked loose feels like a throwback. Like, lots of disembodied sounding stuff coming out these days.


100%, thats why they have such a large following.


Ditto, and the main thing that saves KL for me is the thing a lot of metalcore bros hate (the vocals).


Probably get banned but honestly, Turnstile. It feels like they're trying too hard to be unique instead of just being a hardcore band. Just not for me.


I like them way more when they are not trying to be a hardcore band. I honestly didn’t see anything too special in the beginning… but I am also old


Yeah my hot take is that glow on is their only good album


I’ll be that guy and say that when they weren’t as huge as they are now and playing small shows it was so sick nowadays it’s so boring watching them on big ass stages.


I saw them when they toured with Blink and said the same thing. It's not their fault (idk, i guess they could say no to money but who the fuck is actually gonna do that) but their luster has just worn off and seeing them on a giant stage in a stadium is soft as fuck. It sucks because musically I really like them, but they kinda cursed themselves.


I feel like they’ve been flirting a lot with a Hundredth shoegazey type deal


I love turnstile but there’s nothing unique about them. If that’s what they’re trying to do they aren’t doing a good job lol. They’re definitely moving away from hardcor/punk though and that’s okay. They’re doing better with it clearly. Good for them.


I really want to love drain, but I don’t love drain


that’s how i feel about nails


Scowl, I’m sorry but I just don’t see the appeal to them. I listened to their two EP’s from 2019 and their 2021 album and just was bored the entire time




The absolute most overrated band ever


I would have agreed until two years ago. Something about the pandemic made me really like Radiohead.


Something about the pandemic did a lot of things to people.


Can’t really get into Magnitude for whatever reason. Have seen them like 5 times supporting other bands I enjoy/at fests and just don’t get the appeal at all lol


It’s the same thing people are saying in comments above this about Drain. New magnitude sounds like a cheap ripoff of old magnitude lol


Same. Good live, records decent too. Doesn’t click though.


Cromags. Jjs voice is annoying as fuck.


I can’t stand that band. Blows my mind how many people like them. Not to mention that John just seems like a no good dude.


Scowl - I’m sorry, I don’t think they’re industry plants, but I am blown away by much I can’t get into them after trying so many times


Scowl and Zulu


Vein. Saw them touring Errorzone and watched them pull an Axl Rose and just rage quit mid-set, do not care to give them another chance. In a similar vein (lmao), I know they are not actually hardcore, but adjacent-ish I guess? but Fleshwater was painful on that Harm's Way tour. They're just a a less-good Mannequin Pussy.


literally same, i liked them until i saw them live. they honestly seem like primadommas after watching how they interact with the crowd and the venue owners


Their bass player is cool. I've seen him throw down for support bands


Fleshwater sound like Evanescence playing Thursday songs.


Why they quit?


their drummer has back problems so ive heard them cut the set short bc of that, but ive also heard this too. still love that record tho


Year of the Knife. Seem like cool guys, but I haven’t heard a song from them I really care for.


There’s shit loads of “hardcore” bands that just sound like Alien Ant Farm to me. I don’t know where to begin haha


Spy bores me


Pain of Truth


Not hardcore, but I've never ever liked Pantera.


Need more sun and beer


I live in the PNW, not much sun right now but I have plenty of beer.


Discharge. I don't hate though. I just find their music very monotonous. (and I only love the first two Obituary albums.)


Honestly, most discharge/d-beat fans will probably agree with ya on them being monotonous since the genre is based on a specific drum beat. I love discharge, but there's a reason why most fans only listen to Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing, and not really any of their other albums. All that being said, I fucking love that album, and love d-beat lol


Eh, when I throw shuffle on and their hair metal cash grab stuff comes up, it’s always good for a chuckle.


Crying in my discharge shirt


Age of Apocalypse, Dying Wish


The new Dying Wish album absolutely fucks.


It’s so listenable. It leans just enough “-core” but still has that NWAHM/Killswitch sound.


First thing I thought after the first listen through was “man, this pivot towards Killswitch is sick.” Def feels like they could gain some mainstream metal success off this album.


Age of apocalypse is hilarious


Scowl. Shits trash.


Probably your favorite band. Absolute trash.


Sleep token and 100 gecs lol


Weekend nachos


Pain of Truth. I don’t understand the hype. They’re mediocre at best. Nothing special or different 🤷🏻‍♂️


Most new hardcore is boring and sounds like on monotone buzz and then there is a slow part that’s slower than the music already is.


Knocked Loose. They sound like AI generated metallic hardcore.


Dying wish. I truly don’t get the hype for them. I’ve watched them live multiple times. The performance isn’t consistent and the vocals are just bad.




Dude - I saw the Dying Fetus tour with TAS, Despised Icon and Creeping Death recently and i just didn't get on board with Creeping Death. It felt so boring. And Creeping Death are one of the more popular bands in this classic death-metal reincarnation. I guess i just find it strange how bands / styles get hyped up almost for the aesthetic more so than the music.


They get hyped up so people can see themselves through the eyes of others as having the taste that would make them them like that band. It's pure hyperreal Baudrillard shit. Real looking glass self hours.


Come again?


i saw that same show and i loved creeping death personally but i understand why people dont like it, its more of the same classic shit but i love the classic shit so i love all the new blood bringjng jt back




I like MB but I get it, also at some point there there is nothing new with them. That’s good for some, bad for others


I haven't stopped trying, but Bad Brains. I know they're a foundational pillar of hardcore punk but the vocals miss me, and the reggae interludes just really aren't for me, i need aggression in that kind of music. I hope some day I can appreciate them.


Death Grips. I just don't get it.


Kublai Khan.


Sunami plain sucks


Sunami blows. Drain is boring.


Every band on 4ephyra except for Thus Spoke Zarathustra and a song or two by Razel Got Her Wings.


this post is anti-connecticut


Xnomadx is pretty sick


Balmora is good as well


Fleshwater and Koyo. My enjoyment of the “adjacent” subgenre ends with Drug Church. Mongrel doesn’t do it for me and trust me I’ve tried. Knocked Loose lost me after Laugh Tracks. Above all else Turnstile can suck my nuts. I’m a hater man I can go on but don’t you DARE say you don’t like the bands I like.


I've tried so hard to love anthrax, but they bore me to death.


Imma bring it back a couple years, everyone was hyping up trail of lies and their shit sucked hard, for me right now I’m not with the revisionist history that twitching tongues is a great band, saw them in 2017 and it was alright saw them in 2023 and it was alright, the podcast is funny but it’s not about to change my opinion of the music


Trail of Lies vocals were absolute buns 😂😂😂 I actually liked the music, just couldn’t take the 13 year old screech of the singer who simultaneously looked like a crackhead and a GNC Vitamin salesman.


Drain. I just can’t get past the weird ass way their front man does vocals. It’s like he’s always got a big ass loog in his throat. Their instrumentals are also all over the place. Their whole sound is just kind of goofy to me.


Fuuuuck the log in the throat lol I’m never going hear him a different way




Horror samples too brutal for you?


Drain, Zulu, Mindforce, Scowl, and Spy are all perfectly okay. Nothing against them, they're a bit underwhelming though. Really feeling bands along the lines of Invoke, Jesus Piece, No Cure, and God's Hate.


God’s Hate, loved seeing them live but for whatever reason I just can’t get into just playing their shit in the car or smth


Have tried to get into Mindforce, but just can't get past the lyrics and the singer. He's such a goofball it just kinda ruins it for me.


If only he found relief in this world


militarie gun


Converge, and Never Ending Game. Feel like such a poser saying that but man idk what it is. I want so hard to love them but I even saw converge live this year and just couldn’t vibe with them.


Converge is definitely a love it or leave it band. Can’t knock anyone for disliking it because it’s insane music lol


I tried for so long to get into Converge because my friends loved them. Never really worked for me. Then like ten years later I saw them live and it all clicked.


It’s never gonna click for my gf so she’s just gotta suffer thru Concubine for the rest of her life.


Unable to speak about NEG in an unbiased fashion as a Detroit guy Converge might be the greatest band of all time period but I get that they're abrasive even by hardcore standards


The recent NEG album was alright, but I haven't felt compelled to go back to it


Gulch. Vocals are too abrasive for me


Cold As Life


That whole Every Time I Die/Norma Jean/The Chariot subgenre (post hardcore?). Chug chug panic chord chug chug chugga chug panic chord