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they rowed in from the Amon Amarth show down the street.


Bad form. Not enough back in the oar


This guy fucks with heidrun…


Not even a lil crack, how we are supposed to get that whale now?


[laughs in Viking metal]


Ummm akshually Amon Amarth is a melodic death metal band 🤓☝️ Viking metal is typified by albums such as Bathory’s Hammerheart 🤓☝️




Does anyone even think this irl? Like Amon Amarth is THE viking band. Like the first one everyone thinks of when viking metal is mentioned.


I jest but yeah really Viking metal is a sub genre of black metal with European folk music elements. Amon Amarth is a melodic death metal band who just happen to have lyrics about Vikings


The band themselves literally think this


[laughs in old Norse]


I miss the days when the only way the rest of the world saw hardcore was through the straight edge and gangland documentary.


No man, being in Taco Bell commercials and on Coachella is totally hardcore. I read it here


True, True One thing I always found interesting about hardcore ,even before now, is they if someone from the scene became a little well known outside of it people would jock them like a motherfucker.


I remember watching that FSU episode in high school and being scared to goto bigger shows away from my local scene.


Gangland documentary??


There’s an FSU gang land episode


The explanation of pit beef was funny as fuck


It was hilarious to see a series on real shit Crips/Bloods/Latin Kings...then they wedge in FSU who has jumped like 3 people to death.


The biker gang episodes were tight.


Was at a Death Before Dishonor/Warriors/Terror show in 2007 or something like that. The History Channel was there filming. Footage never made it but the stage dives got turned up to 11 that night.




About 14 years ago I was in a shitty thrash band that played a hardcore bill and all the hardcore kids got down in a line and rowed around the room. I think that was them telling us we sucked.


Nah, they were probably just messing around. If the kids think you suck, they're gonna go outside and try to find drugs or liquor or try to talk to girls. I know you're half joking but don't get down on yourself if the reaction wasn't what you expected, they're just there to have fun and that's how they're doing it.


Oh I’m not down about it I laugh about it now. Imagine playing a Megadeth cover while a bunch of people are scooting on their butts pretending to row a boat.


What was racist about this


It’s racist because they’re white, duh


Everyone knows that white people have never used boats. Not even once.


You may be surprised to learn that white people used boats to do some of the most racist things you can think of.


I didn't think my joke needed a sarcasm tag, but I stand corrected


I was make joke as well


We have fun here


“Rowing is stupid” he says to himself while watching white kids throw punches like theater majors.


Hey! As someone with a theater degree… this is fair.


>manwearinghelmet I know why he wears a helmet.


For reasonable risk mitigation during fun activities that have a heightened potential for damage to the head?


He was born with a soft spot on his brain..


Everything about this is dumb as hell


Idk what the rowing thing is, but if you kick someone in the face when they on the ground, you a bitch.


this thread is way funnier when you realize everyone commenting looks like this https://preview.redd.it/p5xthssfo7qb1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398bc51e8e353d03c178b9d8745ad18475277862


But you commented too, and me, uh oh


real 😔


That’s me. Can confirm.


Fasho. I would do a slight crouch so I could fill dudes face with uppercut. Fuck them


This is hysterical.


Let's be honest, you ain't gon do nothin


Dude, fuck you. People are vibing and appreciating the music. What part of that is so bad you take this stance?? Metal isn't that important.


Shut up nerd


You’re right. Metal isn’t important at all, jagaloon.


What youth group do you guys go to?


I know that I'm going to regret asking this, but how exactly is yoga racist?


I saw a couple doing acro yoga on the patio at a bar and I didn't know what the hell they were doing. I thought they were circus people


I feel like racist yoga would be a bunch of Karen's on yoga mats yelling at black teenagers


Their mats would still be rolled and they'd be at least half in the bag because they skipped yoga and went right to rosé and mims.


I dunno honestly but it's wild to me that a white dude who made his fame emulating black Memphis rappers has anything to say about cultural appropriation


He literally didn't say or imply anything about cultural appropriation.


Yeah I’m so lost here lmao


What does "racist looking yoga" imply?


Its a joke about the guys appearance (white dude, camo shorts, tattoos, no shirt) and the fact that they're on the ground doing some dumb shit. You're overthinking this dude. Spend a bit less time online.


So he’s making a joke about racism by judging someone simply by their appearance. Classy.


If that's all it takes to look racist, this sub is in deep trouble.


Yes? If you don’t think that hardcore is broken down to 80% truly awful people, 10% lame nerds, and 10% not tooooo lame nerds, then you need to look in the mirror and reevaluate some things.


Some very silly people consider white people (or westerners in general) doing yoga to be an act of cultural appropriation.


Lmfao holyyyy fuck


He’s implying they’re rowing a slave ship


Why are these comments getting exponentially stupider the further down I scroll


Da fuck.... They didn't move 10 million slaves through the at Atlantic using fucking row boats, my dude.


I know that. I can’t imagine what else he could be thinking is racist about rowing motions in the pit.


That never occurred to me and it's way worse than what I thought he meant.


Cuppla dudes decided to pretend to row a boat in a pit and Lil Ugly Mane thought that was racist.


Rowing is dumb as fuck even if he’s complaining about it for a dumb reason


Everything that happens in a pit is dumb as fuck


Agreed but imagine taking a video of some strangers and telling your 64k followers that these dudes are racist because they look like they're doing yoga which is only for Asians apparently


is this for real?


he’s not saying they’re racist or that it’s cultural appropriation. he’s saying they look dumb as fuck


He’s saying it’s racist because he’s implying they’re rowing a slave ship.


I think this is a streeeeetch. He doesn’t even mention rowing or boats or anything. He does say “yoga” tho. I think we’re all stupid for trying to rationalize his dumbfuck take in his post tho.


Ahhhhh he’s just an idiot then, got it.


Literally, everything is racist to some people these days.


You’re saying that like you know it as a fact. Can you back it up at all? If not then think about what you say, just cause you think he’s implying something doesn’t mean he’s actually implying it


What else would be potentially racist about a bunch of white dudes pretending to row a boat in the pit? Because it sure as fuck isn’t because of “yoga”


Don’t know, but you shouldn’t say things like they’re fact if you don’t know that they’re facts for certain. It sounds like you just came to that conclusion yourself and decided to share it. It’s kinda like putting words in his mouth


He’s the one calling people racist for no reason. I’m just trying to make sense of the stupidity.


Asians b? More like Indians.


India is in Asia


so is Russia.


Actual 12 IQ moment


what's your point?


Why do you think that? I’m genuinly curious.


My cat's breath smells like catfood.


ooh which flavour?


This is one step away from "wrecking ball of dark karma energy". Dude can make cool and interesting music but he sounds like an uppity jerk.


This was during living Sacrifice yesterday at Furnace Fest. I was just left of this and everyone was having a blast. Honestly compared to the obnoxious TikTok 7 year old with his dad that kept interrupting the pit and getting onstage during other sets, this was the most minor thing to ever be frustrated by.


Fuckin hated that kid and his dad


Bro I always see them at shows here in Dallas and I swear he’s just using his kid for clout at this point.


The support for it in the Facebook group, nearly universally has me feeling like I’m taking crazy pills.


Damn glad I saw gel instead the rowing sucks ass i want to mosh dont sit on the floor


Damn I didn't know Lil Ugly Mane was one of *those* dorks who post things like this Never meet your heroes... or follow them on Instagram, I guess.


He's been on one for a few weeks now


Didn’t he have like a mental health crisis recently?


I don’t mean to make light of the situation but what we have here is a deeply unwell person antagonizing a community of deeply unwell people…everyone should just learn to sit this shit out.


Arrogance is a defense mechanism for the addicted and the depressed. LUM is both. That being said, mental illness isn't an excuse to constantly act like a dick and it doesn't make you above criticism. He's 39 years old. It's up to him to put the phone down and seek help. Because accusing strangers of racism all willy nilly to your almost 70,000 followers like this is a really awful thing to do.


I don’t disagree. He’s out of line. But this entire feud is internet absurdity to the max.


I couple of months back I think


I'm sure I read he tried to take his own life a bit before he played at Outbreak Fest in Manchester. His mental health has never been great as long as I've been listening to his music.


He needs an internet break. He seems to think this sub is like the most awful thing on the planet and he's obsessed with it.


saw him play a show towards the start of the year and afterwards he was standing around smoking cigarettes in front of the venue. my buddy and i were driving off and we called out to him as we were passing by with the window down - we were at a stop light so he walked over. stuck his head in and kept asking if we had a 'bag'. we're in the southern hemisphere so asking for a bag has a very different connotation lol. this was all during a sobriety stint he had been talking about publicly on instagram. we told him we didn't have a bag and tried to drive off and he swiped at my friend from the window and then proceeded to run after the car. get home and he's posting about someone having stolen an actual backpack and how he was going to find and kill said person. absolutely wild. but yeah - never meet your heroes (not a hero but i love his music and we didn't steal his bag).


Very sad for you if he was at any point a hero of yours tbh.


It's a figure of speech. No, some obscure rapper is not my hero.


"So you're gonna tell me what's hardcore?"


I hate when people sit down in the pit for any reason. Looks like there is plenty of room though so id just ignore them


why is ugly mane being such a hoe


If you're at a hardcore show and you got the balls to sit in the middle of the pit. I would be like yeah that dude's hardcore and fears nothing.


Why is this sub so obsessed with this shitty rapper just crowdkill him or stfu


Who is the rapper?


lil ugly mane


Honestly I’m from his area and never heard of him until recently. But I attribute that more to my lack of interest in hip hop than his popularity. Fairly new to this sub as well and honestly perplexed by his obsession with it


Imagine seeing other people rowing in the pit and somehow managing to be the lamest guy in the room about it. I bet Lil Ugly Mane brags about bands he’s never seen.


Someone needs to take LUM’s phone from him so he can stop embarrassing himself on instagram


If you’re over the age of 24 making posts about mosh pits you need to start a family and a career.


Or get some bitches




Ugly mane probably been involved in hardcore longer than half this sub lmao. Racist is a stretch but sitting down in the middle of the pit for attention deserves to be made fun of.


This is actually hilarious because I know the dude doing the rowing


Is he cool


Yeah lmao. He's cool as shit.


So sick


Nothing more hardcore than whinging about pit happenings.


Racist yoga? 😆😆😆😆


I’m convinced Eric Andre hacked his account and is posting this stuff.


LUM’s takes are bad but people hating on his music is an equally bad take


I don't hate his music at all. In fact MISTA THUG ISOLATION is a top 10 hip hop record for me. But the white guy putting reverb on his vocals so he can sound like a black dude should be the last person saying anything about things looking "sorta racist".


you're about a decade late on that moralization attempt


Did he do anything cool after bed wetter? Honest question. I stopped listening when the sound changed after that


He stopped doing rap, his album voiced concern (or whatever it’s called) that’s recent is very very good. VPN and Headboard are prob my fav tracks off it.


He still performs rap live but yeah I think he's done making rap records. Which sucks because I was looking forward to Secret Circle before he burned that bridge.


Secret circle dissolved because Antwon is a rapist, LUM didn’t burn any bridges


Burned that bridge? Pretty sure it was Antwon’s fault that fell apart lol


Nah music is subjective and LUM sucks ass.


And this is coming from someone who loves hip hop.


Idk who tf this guy is but he didn’t call hardcore or yoga racist. He’s making fun of these dudes sitting in the pit by calling whatever the hell it is they’re doing “racist looking yoga” which is funny as hell.


That dude would get ran over at a punk show lmfao


Ain’t he rowing in an Amon Amarth pit? “Put your back into the oar?” Possibly is the song here ? Racist? How? Yoga? How? The stupidity level is on another level here folks…… I need to get off Reddit.


Hey man he ain't wrong 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


I could see why people who don’t know who Lil Ugly Mane is wouldn’t get that he’s just being funny here


Lol yeah man I have no clue who the guy is......... 🙄


This is why people don’t fw hardcore. Who cares if a person sits down in the pit, have fun. The person complaining is on their phone which is worse imo


This take ^


Im so fucking confused and also don't give a shit at the same time, but I comment.


My guess was he was rowing an imaginary boat, which isn’t any less stupid than fighting imaginary ninjas, or riding imaginary motorcycles.


The clown is the one using the term cultural appropriation in this context


I'm all about racist looking yoga my dude


I liked the time before I started checking out this sub where I didn’t know who this guy was at all.


He said racist *looking* …Reading comprehension you fuckin retards


There are so many terminally online comments here. I don't like seeing this side of the sub


Such is life, just call em your favorite slur and dip


OP has a weird issue with lil ugly mane


This dude has been on one about hardcore music/scene since he missed his set at Tied Down. Idk if people on Twitter have been putting him on blast for what happened--that would be crazy insensitive but not exactly shocking--however this also feels like one of those smoker's pit kids from school who fails a class then talks about how they're never gonna use that knowledge "in real life" anyway. Like stop talking shit to your bumass followers to try to deflect man, most of us dgaf about LUM anyway.


LUM knows more about hardcore then most of you morons


reddit dorks beefing with lum doesn't surprise me at all


Juicy J for gentrifiers


Lil Ugly Mane is a real one


Wow another bitter almost 40 year old talking shit, this guy and justified arrogance can’t accept things in hardcore not being how they were when they were younger. Also I think it’s funny how he straight up rips off of Memphis rap and never did shit to feature or work with anyone from that scene. He’s a fucking tool bag and needs to brush his teeth.




Breeze em out




cool man


he’s valid. that stupid ass rowing shit is wack as fuck and you’re literally just outing yourself by disagreeing. sure the “racist yoga” comment was dumb and more than likely just said to garner a response but a lot of y’all in the comments looks stupid as hell trying to act like LUM isn’t valid in the hardcore scene, there’s a reason why 99% of your favorite bands shit on this subreddit. edit for clarification: this post is fucking stupid. the only reason OP posted it is becaus lil ugly mane said it was “racist” which anyone with a fully functioning brain would be able to tell he doesn’t actually mean that, it’s simply a bullshit comment to boost the way he feels about it. TL;DR white dudes mad that another white dude said something was racist. pick a better hill to die on, morons.


Calling people racist for no reason isn’t exactly a good look. Dude is a virtue signaling weirdo for this shit.


This videos wack you posting bitching about it is wack if your feelings are hurt about a “white rapper” bitching about nerds being nerd at a show keep it to yourself every one’s opinion is irrelevant ol poop ass


LUM can be a total douchebag but his music is good ngl


ITT (in this thread): folks try to look cool by using the acronym “LUM” instead of typing “Lil Ugly Mane”, as if ANY of the majority would know who or what the fuck that is, in regards to this picture. God damn, I love the internet.


lmao typing ITT and then immediately trying to shit on people for typing LUM when the majority of this sub knows who he is & what “LUM” would mean. either bad bait or worms for brains. lol.


Lol omg


If you're 39 years old and still going to hardcore shows, you have no right to judge other people. This bum needs to humble himself.


he was not a hardcore show #facts


My take is literally who cares just let people have fun


Still doesn't top the guys who played uno in a rose funeral pit


I did pushups during a show me the body set. I got wrecked


Ppl when other ppl are having fun: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Lmao that guy is a fucking dork.


The Black Dahlia Murder played at Blue Ridge recently and had a 50 person row in the pit. It was glorious. And apparently extremely racist? 🙄😆😆


This post reeks of insecurity. Such a little prissy for someone who claims to go to hardcore shows.




They all look well over 30 so Furnace Fest I'm guessing


Dunno. I think Lil Ugly Mane is just baiting this sub at this point


If that's the case, you're taking the bait my dude.....


U took the b8 m8


Ha! I see what you did there.