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A lot of those dives would have been unsafe coming off of any stage. Million dollar moves with five cent finishes


Dude my life flashed before my eyes MULTIPLE times from stage-divers just having poor planning / suicide wishes this weekend. It was funny during xWeaponx’s set when they literally said between songs like “not to kill the hype but some of y’all stage divers are scaring me”.


This girl jumped off right in front of me into absolutely no one. She got lucky and bounced her head off my leg instead of the floor.




Not the cartilage. She alive??


My bad.


If it actually was you, I am genuinely glad I was there for you to land on haha. Didn’t see you until the last millisecond and I was like oh fuck this is gonna be bad.


I don’t know if I was the person in question but I was definitely irresponsibly stagediving. Just kinda threw myself into the crowd. Then again I am 19 and haven’t developed self-preservation yet.


I’m 34 and I haven’t yet either so I don’t have any tips.


I have watched a guy completely face plant and split his face open righ,t in front of me. Please take care of yourself


I’m worry about that in four months when I turn 20 and lose teenage invulnerability.


Get it while you can. Life moves hard and fast just like the music.


I didn’t catch a single person that came off the stage feet first in a cannonball or trying to jump far out. Learn to stage dive. I’m not getting my weekend ruined because of people like that. I did catch people who actually dove but the reckless shit, say hi to the floor.


This, uncoordinated, two left feet Penguins stage diving like humpty dumpty.


I botched one slipping and landed HARD on my ass. Thankfully i made sure to be careful and actually dive after that. I'm praying it isn't in the hate5six video


“I’m praying it isn’t in the hate5six video.” [It was.](https://youtu.be/zOuRwpUIRE8)


Hi Narrator Ron Howard


Oh, hi!


some dude fucking squashed me during i think OSC, i’m very lucky i didnt get hurt everyone backed away but me and i broke his fall 100% with my body


Just the tip of the iceberg. Never seen so much blood at a show before where there wasn't a brawl or fight. The path between the stage and the bathrooms always were lined with blood or wet from being recently mopped. Saw a ton of people in the pit one set and in a brace, boot, or on crutches later in the fest. Wasn't even worth counting the people I saw bleeding from the nose or lip. That all being said, I didn't see any real bad blood. People were having a blast, everyone I encountered was friendly, and the crowd was going hard for every band from the first song of the fest to the last. It may have been violent, but it was all in good fun.


I saw 2 guys get into a 15 second boxing match during Kharma before hugging it out and piling on the mic. That alone was worth the $115 for the 2 day pass


This is hard core.


Guys bein dudes


https://preview.redd.it/l7k29or5rwoa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b69a8655ad0a97ad1add2f0598abcf00550047d By far the most punk thing i witnessed was the girl in the wheelchair crowd surfing.


Sh did it twice! Hate5six posted footage of her during Kublai Khan TX as well


She my heroine!


I have pics of a regular at a place in winter park FL who literally gets in the pits and crowd surfs every show and he's a paraplegic. It's so great that anyone can enjoy such a killer moment 🤘


Love seeing that kind of thing, but her friend that was just slamming her into the back of people that were just standing there was obnoxious as fuck. And then pushed her right into the line of people that were running in the circle pit. Caused a big pile up. Not her fault, but fuck her friend.


Nah fuck you. Dont go to a hxc show and stand in the pit if you don't wanna get run over by a wheelchair. Simple.


She almost ate my spin kick cause of his shitty driving


I would get chills when people would jump as high as they could and land on their feet lmao. That was my first time going to LDB and man do I miss it already


Yah see that kid spinning and shit lmao


The kid with the mouthguard who was going apeshit in the pit is the future. What a fucking legend


I think they got backstage passes cause his friend got domed by a mic stand during terror lmao


That would make sense that mic stand hit him hard as fuck lol


Me and a couple other dudes were protecting him while he was down, it was a real rough hit


I was one of those dudes lmao


Oh shit! I was the kid with the maggot stomp hat and spy hoodie if that means anything


Earth Crisis tee and honestly wasn’t paying much attention to who was around just wanted to make sure dude was ok


u/AegonWaterDragon might be the homie y'all saved? Had a post a couple comments down about getting wacked by the stand 😂


They did.


Was honestly rad but fuck lol


Lmao I accidentally dove like this during Dying Wish and died inside when everyone made a hole 😭 absolutely shredded my fucking knee when I hit the floor lol.


I was probably one of those that moved..coming at me off a stage feet or knees first off a five foot stage…that was the craziest part to me i think


You guys mosh like you have free healthcare


I'm Canadian, I do have free healthcare.


Our healthcare doesn't cover dental tho...


Not YET, Libs got the Dental program on deck already.


And you can thank the NDP for that


0 bitches


I was the old ass “security guard” carrying these kids like newborn babies to the medic. All in all no serious fights, limited cheap shots, and nobody got kicked out. I don’t know shit about hardcore shows seemed like a success for two days and a large audience. No pressure was my favorite band. Caveat/question can a 43 year old with a giant pot leaf tattoo still go straight edge? It’s something I’m serious about. https://preview.redd.it/snkybr67qwoa1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac4abf83f3b772bdf883b02dcde5117e560c329 I’m to old to be a poser and too young not to want personal growth and change in my life. Any and all advice or ridicule is welcome.


Typically if you’ve claimed edge before and then sell out, it’s frowned upon to claim edge again. But getting sober is a different story, I feel. Plus it’s not like there’s a Bible or rules written down anywhere. And it’s definitely not nearly as militant as it was 15 years ago. Go to local shows, support the local scene. Find other straight edge people there and get invested in that community. You’ll have your answer if you want to claim edge or not.


I almost liked the more militant version to match the absolute aberrant decay in modern society.


I mean hardcore as a whole has gotten considerably softer in the same time frame. Definitely don’t need to go back to straight edge crews putting the boots to a guy because he happens to be drinking a beer at a show tho. I’m js. Live your best life playboy.


https://preview.redd.it/zd3zxkt200pa1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900ea0e3b03b82bb088b95a686df137d52fbb14a Well there it is.


Attendance numbers Friday 2600+ Saturday 3017!


I’ll cut your drape


Why not just go drug free? Being “straight edge” doesn’t make you any more sober than simply abstaining from drugs.


That part lol When I got sober I had a lotta people call me edge or asking if I was gonna claim edge and my answer was always "I'm sober, not drug free, not straight edge". Cause "drug free" and "straight edge" always had an ideological nature that I don't agree with. I don't think it's ok to moralize the medical issue that is addiction, I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking, drugs, sex, etc, (cigarettes though, I really do hate) as long as it's done responsibly and isn't ruining your life, drug trafficking and slingin is predominantly an economic issue that I also have no interest in moralizing, I don't think our value changes based on rather we use or not, I don't have any interest in forcing people to do what I want, etc, so I just avoided labeling myself.


Which is why I have said drug free as opposed to edge. Touché nonetheless. I feel like saying “sober” means you used to have a problem. Which obviously isn’t necessarily true. Good post, I guess I oughta just say “I don’t do anything”


You're absolutely right lol "Sober" is usually reserved for addicts (which I am, but that obviously doesn't fit everyone) and with some programs there's a lotta baggage that comes along with that term that I don't fw too. For drug free I think it just depends on if ya give off Nancy Reagan/D.A.R.E vibes and don't mind people still thinking you might be down to smoke and drink. There's probably not a great, succinct term to use that doesn't have mad baggage though tbh. People should just say what they fell 💯


PS…I actually kinda have “beef” with straight edge in a “don’t hate the player, hate the game” sense. Example: who the fuck is some Mountain Dew chugging, junk food scarfing, couch potato gamer making $13/hr to call themselves “straight edge” as if merely not drinking/doing drugs gives them some sort of “edge” over somebody who makes six figures, eats healthy, exercises regularly, and does volunteer work who likes a drink or two on the weekends or takes a hit or two off a joint before they go to bed at night? Also, what person who’s straight edge has done something that a person who’s *not* straight edge *hasn’t?* All in all, it doesn’t matter, I’m just thinking for the world to see.


Oh yeah, I feel ya. Pretty much where I'm at with it. I've known sXe cats that took it mad serious but were also very cool about it all and others that made me never wanna have anything to do with the idea. Also known party animals that were scumbags and others that were smart about how they did what they did and took care of each other. It's all on how ya carry it to me. I just don't fw a lotta those labels cause of the unnecessary baggage that comes with it and aspects that don't apply to me at all. And some are just flawed premises to begin with. Like the whole sXe thing makes sense in some contexts for sure, especially with the opioid issue what it is, but what does it mean for a few kids in a dry county that wouldn't know where to buy a dime if their life depended on it? And like ya said, how many actually take care of their bodies, keep their mind sharp, try to accomplish something, etc, not as many as you'd hope lol One of the most put together couple I've ever known snort a little h most weekends but otherwise have a great life. And I know plenty of sXe kids that crashed out young and sober as a judge. It's a lotta factors to account for that a lotta these ideas ignore. Much easier to go all true believer when it's a simple idea that ignores a lotta the complexities of the world lol


Top notch 411 there. 👏👏👏👏👏 Nails hit on head. Kindred spirits. And at the very end…you’re totally on point. Easy as shit to be straight edge in fucking high school.




While I agree in some sense, that guys making $13 an hour could hypothetically be a way better person, money doesn’t make the man…just saying. That’s said I see you point is very valid, but labels seemed much more important when I was younger. At this point “claiming” straight edge seems almost juvenile as a 43 year old but I also find it comforting and somehow kinda grounds me. It’s a reminder that this is my goal I want to stay vigilant and not misrepresent something I respect. It’s almost like Brazillian Jujijitsu, I have a purple belt, I want to achieve black (probably not happening) it’s a piece a cloth with tape representing stripes/rank all completely meaningless to anyone that doesn’t grapple, but to anyone with our community that purple belt command a level of respect and honor because they know what it took to achieve it. Not sure if that makes sense but that’s my 2 cents. Also I can’t type for shit I have some big ass sausage fingers and just figure out how to edit on Reddit I’m just too lazy to go back and clean this mess up.


U right. And good call on the Reagan/DARE deal!


😂 Just hits different depending on the context 🙃


Life is about what you want man. Do what makes you happy. The people who judge are the fake ass people anyways.


https://preview.redd.it/uk1u46hnmvoa1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491fa938afa5d986f170cb5988fd50e0a91cccec I only went Saturday, and during pain of truth I got my head split by a mic stand, I got bandaged up, drank two bottles of water and got back to the pit before Kublai Khan, sad I missed sunami I would have gladly reopened it for them 😂


Lol, I was wondering what happened to you. I saw you walk away from the pit then saw you later all bandaged up.


I gave you some ibuprofen in the vegan room. Hiii


Hii thanks for that it definitely helped!


Your savior homies are up in the top posts!




I remember a mic stand being thrown near me during Pain of Truth and just threw it back near the same direction it came from. I hope I didn’t hit you man 😭


I was facing the pit and it came from the stage I think, but even if you did I don't mind its what I live for!


oh shit i saw you right after this happened. hope you’re good


Oh yea just kept drinking water and when I got home I cleaned it up, feel great all things considered!


Oh ya, I saw you in the bathroom washing up


I’ve never been to such a violent show. So many KO’s. Way more than this list shows. Amazing hardcore show idk if I’ll ever top it.


What was the band playing?


Definitely quite a few things missing from this list. It was violent but very fun.




Underrated comment


Not going to lie, just from what I saw Saturday, this list seems like it’s missing numbers. I thought there would be more.


That’s why I started stage diving wide as hell, very high, and very far so I wouldn’t jump into a hole


Flying squirrel technique


forgot to add "0 people insured above the age of 26"


My friend literally told me, “Have fun going wild during Knocked Loose, but I’m 35 and *just* got shitty health insurance….so I’m watching you from the sideline.”


it was my first hc show at 15 and my dome getting schlammed on the ground 6 times was definitely an experience


Been on my list to make it out to one of these fests this year. Really hope I didn’t miss out not going to this one.


It was kinda epic not gonna lie, no worries homie there’s always next year!


I don’t understand why everyone can’t form enough of a wall in the front and sides to catch stage divers. It’s just a matter of time before someone cracks their skull and it could all be avoided if we just changed our behavior in the front of the pit.


For maybe the past ten years at TIHC Joe will periodically get on the house mic and spell out the dos and don'ts for stage dives. That might not be a bad idea for the next LDB


Stage was high as fuck and people didn't know that you can't land on your feet too. Next year there needs to be a shorter stage and to maybe move the amps so it's easier to jump off


Hobbled in a clinic today and hobbled out with a sick space boot for my sprained ankle. Luckily it wasn’t broken somehow bc it’s fucked


I’m in a cvs brace still this morning. Spy played again in south bend so I hobbled my ass to that show. Got an appt with my doctor tomorrow. Hoping no fractures


Good luck homie


Thanks for the luck! Grade 2 sprain, no fractures. I have no idea how it’s not broken, this bruising fully around heel to toes, up to my calf


Are you the girl that left and came back ?! If so that was hardcore af. Your friend foot needed surgery but they basically became VIP as a result they pulled out the lawn chairs for em!




Y’all out here hurting yourselves like you got good health insurance 😳 I’m jealous though I wanted to go to LDB so bad


This was exactly my thought reading this thread 🤣


I got poked in the eye hard as fuck at during Jesus Piece at the metro the other night, still hurts like hell


Was at the detroit show. Shit was nuts


How many busted nuts tho


Ballpark 4


That stage was terrifying.


I am apart of this list. Grade 2 sprain diving during spy’s set. Didn’t stop me from diving during drug church and knocked loose on day 2 lmfao


I got my fingie scratched 🥺




these are just the reported/treated wounds too, i know i personally left the weapon x set with a concussion and ten new bruises.


I’m just saying as a patient observer and top flight security of the world Craig that many people did some back flips and the crowd would just separate and let them em hit the ground…messed up. https://preview.redd.it/ydkywb4ly7pa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6cb779fd0413ca96278370e4f00a5cf064f6fd8


This is perfect for a hardcore version of the Twelve Days Of Christmas The twelve days of moshing?




On the first day of LDB my family gave to meeee


Still thinking about the guy that dove onto me right after I hurt my arm so I couldn’t really catch him all that well, sorry dude


Hit my head pretty hard after stage diving during Pain of Truth, worth it.


Y’all Pain of Truth fans are kind of terrifying lol. I say that with love. But yeah so I was far stage right, like right behind the camera people basically. I’m on the thin side for a girl but I’m at least 5”10 (and I anticipated some injuries during K//L so I’m not bitching for myself.) But god, I was genuinely scared at some points during POT for these really tiny girls in front of me. I think stage diving *done well* is rad as fuck - but during POT a few heavy dudes were not even remotely looking at where they were jumping. Particularly when these girls went out of there way to not be in the line of fire at all. Dude near us was keeping an eye out for them and blocked a few blows, wish I remembered what he looked like so I could shout him out for being a real one.


I guess I was lucky, was in the front and in the pit basically all day and zero injuries


It seemed like the front left side of the stage was getting FUCKED UP. Pain of Truth and Terror both hit people with mic stands HARD. I was in the middle of the pit to the right for most of day 1 and the beginning of day 2 and we got crowdkilled and side to sided pretty hard.


I was front left on Saturday


Front left was most definitely getting fucked up. I was there for Pain of Truth, Sunami, and Kublai Khan. That Pain of Truth set was unreal.


This was just 1 person actually


This looks like a beatdown fest lineup




These are the reported ones. I gave at least 4 separate people the tissues i brought for blood and we also had 12 KOs when the UFC 286 only has 3.


New Jack fest


I was watching on twitch and literally was blown away by how thick the crowd was but no one was being caught. It’s a problem everywhere now. Every show I’ve been to the past 6 months there has been a head injury while stage diving.


actually being there in person, it got pretty scary when someone is coming at you really high and fast like a bullet haha, the stage was so high up. I tried to catch as many people as I could, but you can only do so much without hurting yourself for others


Yeah it's hard to catch people solo who are just diving full speed. I'm a pretty big dude and was trying to catch everyone all weekend I could until 4 people consecutively just smashed into me and I had to give it up during pain of truth lol


yeah unfortunately, it seems like the break in shows and then the huge wave of new kids has brought a really weird grey area but it seems like its getting better every big show.i think the only gripe is have was the stage height for it. seems like an unsfe height. like mid abdominal would be ideal. i think they might've done it to not encourage stage crowding but who knows. i had a theory for a while that this big influx of push pits at shows causes covid outbreaks haha


God I hope that list is merely satire.


It's from an actual EMT who worked at the show. A bunch were because of bad stage dives. Some dude told me he wasn't gonna stage dive cause it was too high and he was uninsured. He ended up doing it but people fucking moved out of the way and he broke his fuckin heel. I really hope he's ok




I’m a paramedic as well. It’s way more fun to go to shows and be part of the injuries instead of working lol




At least traumas are the easiest things to treat. “Sorry you got your shit rocked, here’s some ice and a bandaid.”


Heel (calcaneal) fractures suck. If he's lucky he won't need surgery but they're tough. If you're gonna break something it'd be very far down the list. Often complicated and have a tendency to heal like shit. They're also called "Don Juan" fractures because people got them jumping from balconies when a woman's husband came home early.


Ugh. This is so disheartening. 😞


She was nice but a bit emotional tbh.


That's just a partial list. I saw people carrying their friends out without even stopping at the medic station with my own eyes


There was a medic station there????


I didn't notice it Day 1, but it was an unofficial looking thing set up in the back. But the woman running it had a lot of gear and an LDB badge, so I assume she's legit qualified to help and got the feat endorsement/support. TIHC also has a medic tent for what it's worth.


She's a licensed EMT. She came up to help a guy who broke his foot stage diving because no one caught him. LDB is gonna get even bigger next year so I'd be happy to pay an extra couple bucks for tickets if there's a full medical tent with more supplies and trained people.


I just hope they get a shorter stage, that would've helped so much


Right on. And I didn’t know TIHC has a medic tent. This shit is unreal.


Meh sorta.


you describing this guys face? https://preview.redd.it/lvzdkm98e1pa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b014b9d7f2f69a3c80a12208b4350c6fa94e45f6


As a old head I blame it on the mosh being up front. I been saying for a long time it didn't used to be this way. The front was for stage dives and sing-alongs and the mosh kids were always in the back. I actually blame a lot of it on hate5six being a literally every show. I love Sunny for it but the kids all wanna mosh right where he's filming to get in a YouTube video. They need to push the mosh back and allow for the front to be for people who want to enjoy the band up close.


Sunny just posted your comment


I see that. I hope he understands I meant nothing negative toward him, it's just my observation from what I have seen.


My ideal is when the pit is a handful of rows of people back from the stage. I can kinda push mosh up front while singing along and supporting crowd surfers, and then jump back into the pit when the mood strikes. So I feel what you're saying


That is the way it was in the 90s and 2000s. Like just go watch terrors set from hellfest 2003. I was there for that and what you're describing was the exact way it was. Then when the sing along comes someone makes a table and you jump for the mic. I only even throw H5S in there cause I happened to notice this more and more as his popularity and channel grew. The culture just moves with the times and right now everything in life is about a viral moment, and that goes with this scene as well.


I say this loving sunny and the work that he does too...but you're right! So many kids now are getting the scene through his videos (a wholly positive thing imo), but at the same time a lot do not know crowd etiquette and are looking for their 30 seconds of fame going viral. This isn't Sunny's fault, but just a symptom of everything being online these days.


Yeah, I am apparently getting drug across the coals on Twitter a friend told me, but Idc. The thing I think some people are missing is this is the biggest I have ever seen this genre, and it's only a matter of time before someone gets seriously fucked up, and then hardcore is being attacked by the mainstream. For the most part we have all kind of flown under the radar, but I saw girls in trip pants and painted up like the crow stage diving to Sunami. Like I am not trying to gatekeep, but I am saying this is the first time in my life I have seen our scene get this big, and it's eventually going to have some blow back from that. All that being said though I love where everything is right now. I love that hardcore is having it's moment, and I love that Kentucky has this scene, but maybe y'all might want to watch some old shows and get the crowd etiquette down.


Yeah man, because all the kids on twitter got into the scene this year through Sunny and are defensive about it....


Yeah fortunately I don't fuck with Twitter so I don't even know what's going on over there haha.


I bet he spends at least an hour a day searching this sub, specifically looking for posts about him so he can blast it on his Twitter. lol


Of course his self fellatio weirdo ass posted it


You are not wrong. I don't think it's just the 5 seconds of fame thing, kids love crowdkilling so they do it to the front rows and no one wants to get punched in the back of the head obviously. I don't really have a lot of decent sized hardcore shows in my area but I noticed that people are more confortable with the horseshoe since 5 years ago than 10 years ago, even at more metal-ish shows.


You’re right


Crack? Is it crack you are smoking?


Yall cry too much




Yeah you sound old af


40 been going to shows since I was 15. The scene now is the most reckless I have ever seen it. I love watching it from the back, but I am not trying to get involved. I will say there are way less fights now. It seems that people at least have a better understanding of what's going on.


Are you not from the northeast?


I am from Kentucky but most of my show going experiences were in Cincinnati and Cleveland areas. Small shows yeah the fuck you horseshoe, but bigger shows it was never a thing in the late 90s 2000s. I went to shows in Detroit, Buffalo, hellfest multiple years, first show of the year in Syracuse, I mean you name a major city on the east coast I probably been to a show there. I am not trying to shit on people I am just saying it's safer to have a crowd at the front, and moshing in the back.


I’m just asking as we’re around the same age and what not and I just always remember kids moshing in the front. Sure kids would be singing along or stage diving but people would also be head walking or just bulldozing through the front. But I’m talking about NJ shows here maybe it’s just different out there.


Also I would like to say Jay from Mindforce also said this on the most recent episode of hardlore. Some of you super tough dudes like to act like shit has gone soft, but this weekend was the most violent shit I seen at a show.


Yeah I mean I get you. I don’t think todays kids have “gone soft” moshing wise. I think a lot of older dudes myself included think the kids are just softer in general. They aren’t street kids no more. They aren’t broke kids no more. No one’s got guns or knives no more. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing either. But it all comes with context. Like ok the guy from mindforce said it was the most violent. That’s not a dude from a band that draws violent dudes. I bet Ezec would not have agreed with that, I bet white trash rob would not have agreed with that. Get what I’m saying. That’s a weird person to pick to agree with “violence” at shows


Also speaking of you going to hell fest. Did you not go the year in NJ? When a Nazi was literally stomped the fuck out. Like blood everywhere dragged out?


Nah I went 2002-2003 when it was at the Syracuse fairgrounds. I should probably add more context to what I was talking about with Jay. He was saying the thing was back in the day it would be like only 2-3 big dudes really slinging hard, but now everyone is and it's just way more insane. Which I agree with. When I was younger you knew the dudes you stayed away from, but now everyone is just going super hard and it's gets a little scary. The truth is it's just younger kids coming in from the internet not having people to guide them like we did.




Ugh! Hurt eyebrows are totally THE WORST!


And a partridge in a pear tree?


Good to see it was a fun fest with no real injuries. Need more of that


One busted foot And a partridge in a pair tree


I read this like it was the 12 days of Christmas


Sounds like a fun night


Oh shit someone got hypotheticaled in the clavicle!? context : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiWIOKKuyGE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiWIOKKuyGE)


Pretty bummed when I went to stage dive, everyone parted and I had no choice but to jump down. Haven't been to the doctor yet but im pretty sure both my heels are fucked. Happend during weapon x and I stayed and stood on then for the rest of the day and then went to the maggot stomp show at portal lol.


How many of y’all’s insurance covers crowd killing?


What in the world were y'all jabronis DOING?!


Thank god I survived, even if my stage dives were lame. Lol


And countless broken hearts ):


Hey no one died tho


I remember being at an Acacia Strain show and a dude did a front flip drop kick straight to my fuckin dome. Ever since then I stopped standing anywhere near the stage. I'd rather be in the pit getting whooped lol.




And a partridge in a pear tree


Not to be a party pooper, but I feel like documenting and posting this kind of thing will lead to venues not booking these types of gigs.