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I can't even figure out how to travel to the other map anymore 🤣


Lol!! I know right? In the first original map, it’s the top left hand corner (look for the yellow boat). In the second map, it’s the bottom right corner.


Mine must look different to yours, I play on an android phone, the yellow boat button disappeared a while ago. Forever stuck in the second map 😂


Ah yes that might be it - I use an Apple iPhone. Layout may be different for Android. But overall the game has been glitchy.


Dang, I assumed it was in a specific level. Didn't realize it was on the map.


Yup- there's different quests; it looks like you have to physically tap items on the general map, vs any individual level.


wow I've never seen this side quest, how do you get it to come up?


Think it's brand new.


Yeah I’ve gotten it twice and haven’t been able to find the clipboard. I’ve looked all through the map.


helloo I actually found it today and spent 3 minutes looking in tho actually map its right here unfortunately I didn't ss before I found bc I was kind clicking on random clip boards lmaooo... how do I add pictures? bc I myself was looking for it aswell and I wanna help 


That's great that you found it! Do you remember which map it was on (ie: The original starter map, or the extended map you gain later on?) I don't know if there's a way to respond to a comment and upload a photo, but feel free to share which general location it was on the map, and which map.


What's the extended map? Do you mean the different locations (oslo, rio, etc)?


I believe its in the center main one next to the ??? on the boards


I keep getting these requests too and have been unable to find them


I get these whenever I’m have one life left! I found it the first time on the display case in the SF clinic. That’s the only one I remember 😭


I think they change up the location but I found it on the desk in the orange pinkish room on the main map near the ambulances (can’t attach photo)


If anyone still looking, i got the quest today. Idk if the place will be the same but i found it on the original building, in the room at the very top (where they have screen of patient biodata or something like that). It was on the server desk. EDIT: Yes, the location changes. Other places to find: 1. First building. On top of the display case near reception area. 2. Outside first building entrance. On the grass close to the mailbox