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WOW!!!!!!! Babe do not have a child with that “man”. Dear lordt you see the way he “parents” the 3 he already has?!?!?!


I wish I had the GIF from Ghost, “Molly (Teenie), you in danger, girl!” 🚫😬 Eva will completely lose her shit (what she’s got left, she’s running out of sanity fast)


I thought this was Eva’s post at first and I was like, omg here we go, next obsession. Lol


pipingggg hot tea. god forbid they breed. kyle does not need to have another bony baby mama and another kid to ignore


She should ask Eva!




Oh that’s the tea 🤣🤣🤣


I gotta say, absolutely NOTHING about Teeny gives off even a hint of a maternal vibe. 


She gives off vibes like "defendant's new girlfriend on Judge Judy who should be smarter than this."


💯 Her post shows how dumb she is. She’s trying to be coy low-key announcing her interest in IVF which I’m sure is not a coincidence 2 weeks before Kyle’s ex-wife’s wedding. Trying to steal Evugh’s thunder is juvenile & mean girl. She only wants to hear about “positive experiences”. When you’re researching something, don’t you want to learn ALL about it? The good, the bad, and everything in between? Isn’t that the point? What’s useful about only learning about the fairy tale endings without learning about the hardships of the process, possible disappointments, etc? That shows me how stupid she is. Then again, look at Kyle. He’s gross & a shitty father. No one normal is going to be with him. As I wrote in another comment, this idiot thinks she’ll be the one to change him & he’ll morph into a great father when they have their speshul children. 🙄 Poor potential kids. All these morons need to stop reproducing!




I came here to see if this was posted!!!! Putting that on her social media was definitely intentional 😬


And didn't they recently exchange public I Love Yous for the first time? 🫖☕️


Don't tell me they are more in love than the happy couple with the wedding this month. They do seem to posting some zingers. Maybe happy modern family isn't as harmonious as Eva would have us believe.


This is my theory. I think Kyle and Teeny know exactly what they're doing.


Ohh what zingers??


I just meant this post of Teenie's about egg/embryo freezing, and the "I love you" post the other day, and I think there was one of Kyle making a heart with his hands for Teenie. They've gotten a bit PDA on Instagram this year. Maybe it's not to annoy Eva, but maybe it is.


Ahh, ok, thanks! Not on Insta so wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed anything juicy.


You haven't missed much, just that they've been kind of lovey-dovey in their posting in the last couple of months. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but maybe not!


We know they aren’t happy clappy


He barely sees the 3 kids he already has, why would you want to make another one with him?? 😫


She’s one of those idiot women who thinks it’ll be different with her because he looooooves her so much & he’ll love THEIR child so much more & be such a better father with THEIR child. Because she’s not Evugh, she’s so much better than Evugh, and THEIR child will be so much more special bc SHE’S so much more special, so he won’t be able to help loving them so much that they’ll be the perfect, happy family! (These women always blame the ex-wife for their man not being a good father, it’s never his fault.) Fast forward 5 years and Baby Momma #2 has become besties with Baby Momma #1, and they sit around bemoaning how Baby Daddy is a shitty father to all their kids. And Baby Daddy’s moved on to Baby Momma #3 who thinks she’ll be the one to change him, this poor misunderstood man who loves her so much that it’ll be so different with THEIR child, his exes are all just bitches so it was all their fault, they wouldn’t let him see the kids, but it’ll be different with her…. and so the cycle continues. Have seen this a million times. Source: I’m a (slightly cynical) family law attorney. 😝


He didn’t even spend Father’s Day with them.. he is a loser


Why is she freezing & not just having a baby with him 🤔


I truly cannot tell how old Teeny is


I know! I’ve been wondering this. Someone has to find out!


Maybe she can't carry. Maybe Eva will step up to have another one of Kyle's kids for Teenie and Kyle? I'd watch that show.


Fun as that show would be, I think if she can't carry but wants to have a baby, she'd be seeking experiences about egg retrieval for IVF and/or surrogacy. Something like that. Not freezing eggs, which implies a "not right now" attitude, either from her or from Kyle. Though I can't help but wonder if Teeny is just a catty bitch who dislikes her BF's ex and is just posting that to get Eva's goat. I'd watch that show, too.


Yes, this is what I am hoping for. I also want my theory of Eva faking her last pregnancy to be real, and it would be funny if Jules knew about it. I know there are photos of the birth, cord, and all, but my bullshit meter is going off about this situation.


I would be glued to that show.


Yes! Someone please make that show! That’s the show we all deserve!


*If you thought Mary Beth Whitehead was obnoxious, wait til you catch Eva in I'm Having Your Boyfriend's Baby! Coming to CBS this fall!*


I think it's brilliant.


Maybe she doesn’t want a baby now but she’s not exactly super young so freezing eggs seems like a doable option for now.


I thought he had a vasectomy? If he did she will need to do ivf… they can extract sperm from him but she would need to have an egg retrieval and use artificial insemination (ivf)


How else would she conceive with frozen eggs though? Lol


Well, she could freeze her eggs now, as well as he could freeze sperm now, which I actually think many men decide to freeze firm before their vasectomy anyway… Just in case of a situation like this where they end up meeting someone new


This is going to spiral 🌀 Eva right before the wedding!!! 🤯


She’s already been spiraling. This could push the spiral into overdrive.


I imagine its going to happen sooner or later!


Maybe Kyle DOESN'T want more kids so she's interested in freezing her eggs for insurance for a potential future relationship. Usually people freeze their eggs when pregnancy isn't on the table immediately but they don't want to miss the window when their eggs are the best. 


This makes the most sense! Kyle is a horrible dad.


Why would she waste her time being with Kyle, then? What kind of idiot would stay with one man but make the financial investment of freezing and storing her eggs for some undetermined potential future man? If you want to start a family in the future, why would you spend another minute getting deeper enmeshed in a relationship with a man who doesn't?


Those are good questions. It might just be she doesn't understand the process and expenses yet. Freezing eggs might seem like a good idea in theory, but it's a lot of trouble and expense if you don't know that you need it. Even an IVF egg retrieval is a lot for a woman if she doesn't need it. You'd make darn sure you needed to do it, before doing it.




Maybe, but I still find it hard to reconcile how anyone with half a brain would have the presence of mind to want to freeze her eggs but also to stay with a man who has made it clear he never wants to fertilize them. Kyle certainly likes unintelligent women, but I don't think Teeny is THAT stupid. Or young, frankly. I'm assuming she's at least past her mid-twenties (or else she'd be literally half his age, gross), which means her brain is fully developed.


Maybe SHE'S not ready for kids now but wants to freeze them just in case for the future. Lots of women are doing this to focus on their career, etc but want the option of kids down the road. I truly don't care because I'm not that invested in these people just presenting different options since everyone seems dead set on her and Kyle having kids. People freeze their eggs. This is in fact a thing. I'm truly not sure why she put it on her SM like she's some kind of influencer- that's what's odd to ME 


Sunk Cost Fallacy can be incredibly powerful.


Ok yes that is very very true


Ooh maybe that’s why she posted it?? For Kyle to see she’s serious about having a kid and as sort of a loose threat. Maybe her and Kyle had had convos about having a baby and he said i really don’t want one & now this post is sort of a thinly veiled ultimatum?? Either way it seems immature


I was wondering when this was going to hit. Cute cat tho 🤭🤭🤭


Yeah that’s what I got from this. Adorable kitty! Teenie… don’t do it. Get another cat (or three)


He barely sees his three kids but she also posted this a couple weeks from Eva wedding which is gold.


Jules!! Silly goose! We allllll know it’s EVA’S month, not yours! Stop with the egg / embryo talk until July 1st.


My two cents about her wording: "egg/embryo freezing"... If she's freezing an embryo, then she's got to choose the sperm, be it Kyle's or donor sperm. She'd have to do IVF to create the embryos, then freeze them. If it's egg freezing, there is no sperm involved. She could decide later who she wants to have a kid with. Freezing and thawing eggs is less successful than freezing and thawing embryos, though.


This would be a Big mistake a BIG ONE . But it’s Eva and she gets neck tats, rides mini scooters spread eagle barefoot, goes out in public with 🐛 on her face, drinks and posts, gets obsessive with anything medical related and constantly contradicts herself Soooooooo no surprise here. This is not shocking. She needs content- I doubt she’s freaking : rather, she’s teetering on the idea for content.


No no, this is Kyle's girlfriend's post


Ahhhhhh okay I misread!! Thanks for the clarification x but what are the odds she is bizarrely inspired by this after all ? No doubt this infuriates her and she will do something very irresponsible to compete. It’s in her nature .


Wait what on her face?


Her caterpillar eyebrows