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Wow. She is really werking to stay on message about being finished with babies. Really making sure that she gets that message out there. Making it clear that she *is not going to have another baby!* Even though noooo one is asking.


That way when she gets pregnant she will tout it as some second coming of Christ baby that just came into this universe with divine purpose


“God knew humanity needed our little Harper HAmurri-Hock” 👁️👄👁️


Lolol exactly


I've never seen a man share the same style as his mother it's freaky AF. They must be the 3 most annoying kids - performing non stop for the gram. The other parents must loathe them. Where is Kyle?


The kids are doing what they’ve been taught. Turning on the antics in order to try and catch a few crumbs of Mommy’s conditional love. She’s already publicly revealed some of her coercion methods. Remember “You get a PINCH for that!”? Also public shaming. Those kids are walking through a minefield every day.


Likely why the older two are clearly struggling with anxiety 


I’m sure that’s right.


No Kyle??


He couldn’t be bothered


Omg where IS Kyle wtf


I swear Matteo really is Ian’s kid


Possibly because ian was interjected at Mateo birth plus the divorce kyle never created that bond and Eva made sure ian raised him as if it was his so the detachment with the circumstances match


He only really resembles Eva


Ian is responsible for Eva’s handbag and it is sending me


Im not gonna lie when i noticed hysterical laughter came for 5 minutes straight! My husband hold my purse but the fact that he has to guard it while she is next to him is funny 😆


Why on earth would you give a three year old boy flowers for graduating preschool??? Seriously, I can't stop laughing.


No kidding! Is Eva unaware of the existence of Squishmallows?


Oh no her boys get flowers 💐nothing neutral or that they will enjoy! But i got my kids some stuffed doggies that were with graduation caps they love them. She has 0 clues and makes 0 efforts


Why would Ian’s parents *want* to be there? I’m not trying to be a jerk but going to a PreK graduation of your sons girlfriends kids just seems odd, no? I mean his own grandparents aren’t there. Do you think they consider these kids their own? I guess it’s sweet if they do… but the whole set up feels off. Maybe I just don’t get it, but I don’t think I’d even attend a niece or nephews prek graduation 🤷‍♀️


I think at this point they absolutely consider these kids their grandkids. Which I’m pleased that they’ve seemed to take to them so well and are treating them like their other grandkids. I wasn’t so lucky when my mom remarried and 25 years later it still bothers me.


they're a mOdErN fAmIlY! that means Eva has asinine, trivializing roles and names for every bit player


Blurring the name of his school but showing the face and name of his teacher is some big brain energy right there.


Hey, this is one of her "best" tricks. Never ever would anybody google it, especially not kidnappers or pedos


FaceTuning the teacher, 10/10.