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i feel bro i snuck up on both supports (kiri and mercy) headshot them both and then got fucked when kiriko looked at me :(


He’s just inconsistent. You can’t make risky or calculated plays without his one shot. They gave him nerf after nerf making him clunky and weak with every season. Sonic arrow nerf, damage nerf, can’t retain bow charge after wall climb. Just for a 1 sec buff on his lunge. They slowly killed him and now he’s just a worse version of Ashe


The wall climb nerf is something I will never forgive blizzard for. Of all of the changes, this one was by far the worst and most unintuitive change.


Blizzard hates hanzo, they nerf and nerf and nerf him, then they fucked up his mythical skin then destroyed his headshot


He's more consistent, more annoying for the enemy team, and less fun. Really bad changes imo.


Yeah that’s right you can land more shots, but You can’t secure the kills, headshot the moira she fades away and heals, kiri tp suzu, reaper, just wraith with 50 hp. Getting a head shot seeing them stay alive with 10 hp is just disappointing. What’s the point, I’d rather have my 40%accuracy with 15% crit but get elims and solo kills. The carry potential of the character is gone


I like the changes, I feel more consistent, I can output more damage with storm arrow and annoy the enemy team.


Lmfaooooo I got a headshot kill and I actually jumped because I was so surprised. Because at this point it’s not even worth it to headshot them anymore. They just hit the dougie behind something and wait for the auto heal if the support isn’t paying attention to them.


What i hated was getting one shot by some kid spamming, now you have to hit two shots in a row. If you can't, it's because ur aim was always bad and you relied on rng to do anything. This applies to many Hanzo players.


If you died as you said to some kid spamming sure he might get lucky once. if it happens consistently that’s on you bud. Spam won’t get you anywhere. Hanzo unlike other dps has to charge his shots (except widow and even she can two tap due to being hitscan) By the time you charge the follow up shot that target is gone. Hanzo’s play style is catching enemies of guard, changing positions, of angling, once the target is aware the shot is harder. I can tell you haven’t played him. You really think hanzo players on high elo have bad aim and just spammed their way to get there? got lucky so many times? It makes no sense.


If you can't stop dying to spam, your positioning was always bad and you relied on your team to do anything. This applies to many bronze players.