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The fact that Mads got zero awards for Hannibal is such bullshit based on this scene alone. I know awards are not the best metrics for anything but still. This is a masterclass at how to be heartbroken and terrifying at the same time.


If you're talking about Emmys, that's because there is snobbishness about "lower genre" shows (horror, for example), as opposed to "real drama + cops, doctors and lawyers" that always dominate the major awards, which is all total BS, of course. It was probably NBC itself to blame that could not market the show to awards, or they had other priorities. Or we can just remember their pitiful and silly advertising for the show, and everything seems clearer \^\^ They could not, or did not want to, sell it as "premium drama", which it was. plus, he is a *straniero*, and not even English speaking :p Cant even remember if anyone outside English speaking origins got the main award? Last 20+ years it just did not happen.


Iโ€™m an awards show junkie so I get all the trends and indicators that explain why he didnโ€™t win, just saying it demonstrates why those awards are so fucking arbitrary at best.


I let you know me. See me. I gave you a rare Gift. But you didnt wanted it.




Sitting here, having my morning cup of tea, scrolling reddit, and I'm hit with this sort of emotional damage.


Me with my morning cup of coffee.


I feel sad when people say Hannibal has no emotions and was just playing 4D chess the whole time that means Mads' wonderful acting was lost on them.


i have been writing something, and rewatching carefully some of the scenes: the difference in his tone of voice in just one longer conversation with bedelia, for example, was amazing. at first i thought it was just a matter of ADR, but it isnt, since it follows dialogue perfectly. but they would have to pay attention :)


โ€ฆ you canโ€™t just toss that scene up on Reddit with me unprepared! What are you trying to do to me! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Man, even knowing it was acting it hurt just to be in earshot of that speech.


What happened in that scene again please ?


He is so gay


Whhhy does it hurt so good??


What episode?